A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 403 He is working for that person

Mafalda ordered Harry an ice cream and they all chatted while eating.

Basically, they are all curious little girls asking, mainly to verify the contents of "Hogwarts: A School History".

After finishing the ice cream, Seamus said: "Let's buy a wand first."

Mafalda shook her head and said: "No need to buy a wand, I use my grandpa's wand."

She took out an equally aged wand from an ancient crocodile leather wallet, with an elm body and a core made of the heart of a fire dragon.

Elm prefers masters who are elegant, skillful in magic, and naturally dignified. They are intricate wands capable of performing high magic in the right hands.

The heart nerve of the fire dragon can make the most powerful wands and perform the most gorgeous magic.

Mafalda said: "It's my grandpa's wand and it suits me very well."

After she finished speaking, she made a "Wingardim Leviosa" to the empty ice cream cup in front of her, and the cup floated as high as her palm.

"Amazing!" Seamus exclaimed, "This is the first time I've seen someone use this spell before enrolling in school."

Harry also nodded and sighed: "Hermione can't do this either."

Mafalda was praised by the two big men, and her face was as red as her hair with excitement. She said with some embarrassment: "This is what my father's colleagues in Falbaton Castle taught me. I am very stupid and it took me more than ten attempts to get it." success."

Seamus and Harry decided to talk about something else.

Mafalda continued: "Moss Jeff, taught me an American Muggle expulsion spell a few days ago."

After she said the incantation, she waved her wand, and the tip of the wand made a "bang" and "dah" sound.

A group of wizards who happened to be passing by on the road next to them reflexively cast magic spells such as the Iron Armor Curse on themselves in the blink of an eye and lay on the ground at the same time, causing wizards from all over the world to be surprised.

Seamus and Harry recognized it. The sound was similar to the gunshots on TV.

The group of wizards realized that this was England, and they all got up.

A young wizard followed the sound and recognized Harry, whom he had met during the Potions Championship a few months ago. He chatted with him for a few words and was relieved to find out that it was a false alarm.

Harry explained: "They are students from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the United States, coming to participate in the second decryption challenge."

Mafalda immediately said: "I know that the Decryption Challenge is organized by my father's company and Hogwarts."

"I heard that last year's firewall was quickly lifted. This year, many outstanding wizards from all over the world have come to the company. Everyone comes up with ideas together. It is said that it is very full."

"I heard Charles say that," Seamus said.

He then pointed to a store not far away and said, "Let's go to Madam Malkin's Robe Store to order a robe first. We will measure the size first and the robe will be ready after we finish shopping."

The three of them came to Madam Malkin's robe store. Mafalda, a girl, went in to measure herself. Seamus and Harry were waiting outside.

Then they went to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore.

Harry said: "Just in time, I bought the textbook too."

"I've already bought it," Seamus said, "and Charles' share."

His mother had a shop in Diagon Alley, so it was very convenient to come here to buy things.

Harry asked him: "I heard that we have added a new required course."

Seamus said with a grimace: "Yeah, luckily it's a self-study course."

"I originally thought it would be simple, but when I saw it, I realized it was not that simple. I have a headache."

Harry decided not to ask about the new course.

Although he did not receive the book list sent by the Hogwarts owl, Flourish and Blotts Bookstore had already prepared it. All the books for the required courses for each grade were packed. All he had to do was name the elective courses.

It was convenient for Mafalda. They only had compulsory courses in the first grade, so the clerk just brought a bundle of books over.

She put the books into her crocodile leather wallet, took out a long list, handed it to the waiter and said, "I want to buy these books."

Seamus and Harry stretched their heads and saw dozens or hundreds of books written densely on the list. Judging from the names, they almost covered all areas of magic learning. Some of the books had names they had only seen in Hermione's stack. Pass.

It took the clerk ten minutes to read through the list, and he said with some embarrassment: "Most of the books are available, but some books are not available in bookstores now, and some can only be found in second-hand bookstores."

Mafalda thought for a while and said, "Can I keep the money first and entrust you to help me buy all the books?"

The store clerk called the manager, who said there was no problem.

Mafalda signed a contract with the bookstore, gave a check from Gringotts, and asked the bookstore to deliver the books to Fallbottom Castle.

When she walked out of the bookstore, she said to Seamus: "Charles left a dormitory for my father in Fallbarton Castle. My father preferred to go home and gave it to me. Now I live in the castle."

Harry felt that it was not good for her parents to leave her alone in Fallbarton Castle, but there was a vague feeling that something was wrong.

When it dawned on him one day, his son had already gone to Hogwarts.

The group went to buy crucibles, scales, stationery and other things. Mafalda seemed not to be short of money and bought the most expensive ones.

Before receiving their robes, they went to the Fantastic Beasts Shop.

Turtles, mice, toads and other pets were sold here. Mafalda looked at them for a long time and finally bought a parrot that was all emerald green with only a yellow beak.

When she turned back, she found that only Seamus was there and Harry was nowhere to be seen.

Seamus said: "Harry is a bit busy."

At this time, Harry came to Knockturn Alley. He had just spent two minutes in a second-hand robe shop to buy a cloak with a hood that covered his face. The cloak exuded an unpleasant potion smell.

Not far ahead, Draco Malfoy was walking anxiously, also wearing a cloak and hood. Harry saw his face when he looked back from time to time.

Harry stooped his body and lowered his head so much that he could barely see the ground. His hands dropped weakly, pretending that he couldn't move his right leg, and moved forward step by step.

There were many weird wizards in Knockturn Alley, and Malfoy didn't recognize this person as Harry.

He came to an empty stall and tapped it rhythmically a few times with his wand. After a while, a wizard wearing a dog-head mask appeared.

Malfoy took out an envelope and said to the wizard expressionlessly: "The big shot was quite satisfied with the last business, and decided to cooperate further this time."

Just as the kobold wizard was about to take the envelope, Malfoy pulled back his hand and said, "The big shot thinks that if you show more sincerity, there will be another cooperation."

"Okay." The dog-headed wizard took the envelope, ignored a ray of light coming from the envelope into his hand, turned around and disappeared without a trace.

Malfoy also took out a portkey, activated it and disappeared into Knockturn Alley.

Their conversation is not surprising in Knockturn Alley. The people who come here are not good wizards. This is how some businesses involving gray areas are discussed. Without telling the specific business, who knows whether they are smuggling Indian flying carpets or American mushroom powder.

Harry was passing by from across the street and overheard Malfoy's conversation.

He was shocked at this moment. Malfoy's words revealed that he was working for "that big shot", and the only person related to Malfoy who could be called a big shot, and he didn't mention his name, seemed to be Voldemort.

Harry thought about Malfoy's family, where the house and his parents were missing. Black said that all the Death Eaters in Azkaban escaped from prison at the end of last year, and with today's events, it seemed that they could be connected.

He stopped staying, walked out of Knockturn Alley, went to find Black, and went back to report to Dumbledore.

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