A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 408 Employees with personality

"A thousand galleons?!"

Molly felt dizzy, and Arthur felt a stomachache.

Bill and Charlie looked at Charles in surprise, forgetting to chew and swallow the sandwich in their mouths.

The family had never touched such a huge sum of money before, and Charles invested it in Fred and George without blinking an eye.

Others already knew about this. The money was given by Charles in front of everyone after the results of the Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination were released at the end of the semester. It is said that the twin brothers took the gold coins back to the dormitory and slept on the bed for the night.

Molly asked Fred and George nervously: "You didn't threaten Smith, did you?"

Fred replied: "Mom, have you forgotten that we have been helping Charles with things?"

George also said: "We said it when we helped Ginny buy a broomstick the year before last."

When Molly thought that this was indeed the case, she was frightened in Diagon Alley.

At that time, I just saw something and didn't know how much it cost. I didn't have the intuition of a thousand galleons, so this time the impact was even greater.

At this time, Molly was very confused.

She had always wanted Fred and George to work in the Ministry of Magic. Their results in the Ordinary Wizarding Examination this year were pretty good, at least they passed, and they could go to a decent department.

Well now, Charles invested a thousand galleons in the two of them, and there was no way he could repay the money by joining the Ministry of Magic.

Trouble is entanglement, and etiquette is indispensable.

Molly complained about the two of them: "Why didn't you tell me earlier? At least ask Smith to stay for a meal."

Harry said sheepishly: "Charles has other things to do today, so I brought him here."

"He opened a branch of the Dancing Grass restaurant near the Quidditch World Cup venue. I was going to check out the layout just now."

Charles is busier than he thought.

The big tent of Dancing Grass Restaurant at the competition venue was set up.

Dobby and the others did not hide like house elves, but were busy there wearing blue overalls and special safety helmets.

Charles expanded the interior space of the tent, and Dobby and the others moved tables, chairs, tableware, and kitchen utensils inside.

Later, a spell will be cast to set up an icehouse to store ingredients.

Later, Moss Jeff and the others will come over and apply warning magic to the tent.

Charles was worried that Death Eaters were going to cause trouble that night, and said to Dobby: "If there is chaos or anything like that in the camp, the wizards can take shelter in the tents."

Dobby was startled and asked hurriedly: "Boss, are you saying someone is going to sabotage the game?"

"It could be sabotage, it could be sabotage after the game, it could be a fire in the tent camp, so be prepared," Charles said.

Dobby asked again: "Should we prepare for battle?"

Charles nodded.

Dobby asked excitedly: "If a bad wizard tries to take advantage of us, can we protect the tent by all means?"

Charles vaguely felt that something was wrong, and after thinking for a while he didn't know what the problem was, and said, "You can figure it out. I will send a group of humanoids to help when the time comes."

Charles and Dobby had talked before. They had the task of looking after the home, and there was no problem in protecting the restaurant tent.

After chatting for a while, a working elf lady caught Charles’s attention.

This eldest sister is responsible for Dobby's and the others' logistical support, and every hour she enthusiastically delivers a basket of fresh juice to the wizards in the surrounding Ministry of Magic.

Charles was silent when he saw her. She was wearing a short blond wig, a white suspender skirt and high heels, and there were earrings on her long ears. At a glance, she knew she was cos Marilyn Monroe.

A young man from the Ministry of Magic whistled to her, and she blew a kiss back, which immediately made the people around her laugh.

The elderly wizard had a straight face and looked unhappy.

Dobby said to Charles: "Norma is from the United States. Her master was very good to her. He gave her freedom before he died. Her master also asked her to wear that dress."

"Norma wandered for a while after she was freed. When Moss Jeff returned to the United States, he heard about her and brought her with him."

Charles thought that her previous owner must have been a fan of Marilyn Monroe, so that wasn't a problem.

He said to Dobby: "It seems that we can consider the United States to increase employees."

Dobby replied: "Norma brought a friend, and I asked him to find some companions in the United States. He is now training at Fallbottom Castle."

Charles nodded, that's not bad, and after a few words he went back to Farbarton Castle.

After arriving at the castle, he went to the working elf's office area. In the large conference room, the old employees were training the new employees.

Charles blinked. There were cosplays of Elvis Presley, Jimi Hendrix, Bruce Lee, "The Good, the Bad and the Bad", Elizabeth Taylor's version of Cleopatra, etc., and even E.T.'s elf, the one who cosplayed Bruce Lee on the table. There is also a pair of nunchucks, it seems that those American wizards know how to play.

There were a few working elves who had the day off outside the door, pointing at the new colleagues' attire.

Charles couldn't help but wonder, why didn't Dobby and the others cosplay the Beatles?

That's fine, because many people are blind to the working elves. Apart from Dobby wearing a suit, sunglasses, gold chain, and small gold watch, sometimes they even get the gender wrong.

When Charles returned to No. 3 Privet Drive, there were Muggle guests and the fireplace door could not be opened.

He could only go to a nearby tavern owned by a wizard and take a taxi home.

Several local dignitaries came to the house. Charles greeted them politely and went upstairs to his room.

The data of the Muggle fertilizer experiment had been sorted out, and the data analysis had been written based on it.

The real names of the fertilizers and plants were used. When the academics who were processing the data were told that the incomprehensible things like "dragon dung" were the code names of some fertilizers, and the same was true for the names of plants.

Charles wanted to test the effect of ordinary fertilizers. In the eyes of the academics, he was testing the effect of several new fertilizers such as "dragon dung".

The efficacy of plants as medicinal materials was the same. In their eyes, it was the content of certain substances in the plants.

There were many such experiments, and this practice of preventing plagiarism of results was commonplace. The academics didn't care, as long as the money was in place.

Now Charles needed to perfect these into a paper.

He came to the study, sat down in front of his computer, unpacked it, installed Word4.0 released at the end of last year, and started working.

Dumbledore came back at dark, looking frustrated.

He sat down in front of the computer, turned it on, opened the CD drive, and put the teacup away after the magic-enhanced CD tray popped out.

"Is it convenient to talk?" Dumbledore asked Charles.

Charles replied, "No problem."

Dumbledore opened "Tokimeki Memories" and said puzzledly, "Why don't the methods in it work? I taught Black today, but I messed up."

Charles was silent for a moment and said, "The national conditions in Japan and Britain are different."

He was speechless, but when he thought that Dumbledore, Lupin, Black and the old man had no experience of dating women in their twenties or thirties, he felt relieved.

Charles continued, "Why not ask Professor Sprout for advice."

Then he asked again, "Someone told me that she wants to interview Grindelwald. Ask him to contact me."

Dumbledore replied, "Yes, just a historian, no problem."

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