A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 409 New Action Plan

July 1994 is over, and the summer vacation is halfway over.

Charles was packing his luggage in the room, and Dumbledore stood at the door, looking at his newly written paper and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Moscow," Charles replied, "I have something very important to do, and I may not be able to make it back when school starts."

Dumbledore shook his head and said, "You are so busy."

During the days when Charles finished writing his paper, he attended the award ceremony of the second Decryption Challenge and the opening ceremony of the Decryption Forum, reported to the leaders of the Ministry of Magic on the preparations for the werewolf antidote test, went to St. Mungo's Hospital to learn about the preparations, had dinner with the Minister of Magic and several other senior officials, and held a high-level meeting at the company yesterday.

After reading the paper, Dumbledore said, "I think this paper can be published."

He was very serious at first, but his eyes were a little round when he saw the data analysis inside. Fortunately, the relevant charts were easy to understand, and he finally understood it.

Dumbledore hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "It's better for you to leave for a while. The conclusion of this paper has a great impact on some people. I am worried that they will do something bad."

The experimental results show that in the field of potions, Muggle fertilizers can help increase the upper limit of the blue bar of herbs and have extremely high economic value.

This is good news for people in the industry, but it is heresy for those wizard supremacists. These extremists can do anything.

So it's a good thing for Charles to leave for a while, which can save some trouble.

Charles said: "I have also considered this issue. I have mentioned it to the Minister and the Auror Office before. They will pay attention to the security of the Dancing Grass Restaurant and Farbottom Castle."

Dumbledore can run away, but he can't run away from Hogwarts Castle. Charles can't find him, but he can start with his industry.

The defense of the Dancing Grass Restaurant is set according to the standard of Voldemort eating without paying. It's not a problem if someone makes trouble, but the end may not be good, so it has to be communicated with the relevant departments.

There is even less to worry about Farbatten Castle. Those young wizards are not law-abiding people. When they hear that someone might come to cause trouble during the meeting, they are more excited than when discussing the year-end bonus.

But Dumbledore still said with some concern: "I am a little worried about your grandfather."

Charles nodded seriously and said seriously: "Then let Grandpa live in Hogwarts Castle."

The old man will be happy, after all, Professor McGonagall also lives in the castle, but it is hard to say whether Peeves and others are happy.

Dumbledore thought about it and felt a little embarrassed.

The school has school rules. It is not appropriate to let outsiders live in the castle. Hagrid has to live in the wooden house next to the forbidden forest, instead of living in the castle like Madam Pomfrey and other staff members.

Seeing the headmaster like this, Charles could only say: "Forget it, I will let Grandpa live in Farbatten Castle."

Farbatten Castle is Charles's territory, anyone can live there.

Besides, there was basically no one on the way to Hogsmeade from there. People usually walked along the directional fireplace to the Dancing Grass Restaurant, so no one would see the trouble-making wizards.

This matter was settled. Charles first went to the Owl Post Office in Diagon Alley to send the paper, and then went to the airport to start his Nobel Prize journey.

Before the holiday, he was reading a paper about graphene and accidentally saw the name of the big man in a journal. He learned that he was at Moscow University, so he contacted him through the help of Mr. Kodosdoriz's friends.

He brought a few pieces of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite, which was first produced in the UK in the 1960s. The old man bought a few pieces through his connections. In addition, there were silicon wafers coated with silicon oxide and dozens of different rolls of tape.

When Charles drank kvass, in a box in the Dancing Grass Restaurant, Bakalova, accompanied by Bill, began to conduct a formal interview with Grindelwald.

Grindelwald looked very serious, which made the two young men a little nervous.

He asked Bakalova: "Many people have asked me questions over the past few decades, and I have supported many scholars."

"I think you already know all the details. What do you want to know?"

Bakalova was a little scared, and tried to calm herself down, saying: "I want to know your thoughts."

The details of historical events have been studied by "Grindelwald scholars" for decades, but few people have studied the thoughts of the parties involved.

The researchers naturally assumed that Grindelwald's thoughts were the same as he claimed, and did not conduct further research on this.

Bakalova really couldn't find a direction for her thesis, so she tried this new field.

Grindelwald didn't say anything extra, and asked: "Do you want to know my thoughts fifty years ago, or my current views on the thoughts fifty years ago?"

Bakalova was shocked, thinking that she had picked up a treasure this time. Decades of reflection are obviously more valuable for research, which can fill a lot of papers.

She immediately said, "I want to know how you see yourself fifty years ago."

Grindelwald nodded slightly, leaned back in his chair, looked at the crystal chandelier on the ceiling, and slowly said, "I now think that I was stupid fifty years ago."

Bakalova recorded his speech with some excitement. This beginning was too exciting and would definitely make big news in the field of modern history.

Grindelwald continued, "I still think my goal is correct, but the method is stupid."

"Times have changed, and the world has changed a lot. In the face of new economic and political structures, the old rule based on violence is bound to fail."

"Let's first determine one thing, what is our purpose."

"Rule is an imprecise word. What exactly is rule and what is the purpose of rule?"

"I think the purpose of rule is that wizards can control their own destiny and have the power to obtain survival resources."

"What does rule need? Resources."

"Ancient military rule requires military resources. Whoever has stronger military power is the ruler."

"Nowadays, the times are different. Money is the resource that determines the right to rule. Whoever has more money can rule the world."

"If wizards want to rule the world, they must have huge wealth."

"Wizards must go to new fields and new horizons to get back what we have lost for hundreds of years!"


Grindelwald spoke endlessly for the next two hours. Rather than reflecting on his ideas fifty years ago, it is better to say that he was announcing a new action program.

He has now abandoned the backward idea of ​​violent rule and began to align with capitalism, adopting the model of controlling the government through capital to achieve the goal of conquering the world.

After Bakalova and Bill left, Jack appeared in the box and frowned slightly and said, "Did you cast the Imperius Curse on the little girl?" Grindelwald immediately replied, "Don't be nervous, I just hinted that she should publish what I just said."

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