A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 410 Someone wants to burn down 3 Privet Drive

When the working day arrived, Harry felt that the Weasley family suddenly became deserted.

Arthur and Percy went to work early in the morning, Fred and George went to do business, and Bill and Charlie were roped in to help. Bakalova had been writing furiously in Bill's room since she came back from interviewing Grindelwald. stop.

Now the three Harrys and Ginny had nothing to do at the Burrow.

Infected by Bakalova's diligence, Hermione planned to lead everyone to preview the next semester's courses, which scared Harry and started learning wizard chess with Ron.

At breakfast time, everyone was talking and laughing around the dining table today.

Arthur took back today's Daily Prophet from outside and looked at the headlines on the front page with some confusion.

He handed the newspaper to Harry and asked, "Harry, do you think this is Charles' home?"

Harry saw the photo in the news for the first time. It was indeed No. 3 Privet Drive, and the lawn outside the house was mowed before he came to the Burrow.

He smiled and said, "What fun thing did Charles do again?"

Hermione next to him reminded him: "Look at the title!"

"A wizard's house in Surrey is in danger of an accident, and the Minister of Magic Fudge severely condemns it."

Harry was startled and looked at the content immediately.

The news was not written by a Western reporter, it was not that scary, and the events were relatively simple.

In the early hours of last night, a wizard tried to burn down No. 3 Privet Drive, triggering the alarm. Aurors arrived and arrested him.

The news only gave a general description of the place where the crime occurred, not which street, because the focus of this report was the angry Minister of Magic Fudge.

The Quidditch World Cup is about to begin. More than 100,000 wizards from all over the world will come to the UK to watch the finals. The ongoing finals, semi-finals and third-place matches have also attracted 20,000 to 30,000 foreign spectators.

At this juncture, the house of the owner of the internationally famous Dancing Grass Restaurant was burned down. If Dancing Grass Restaurant makes any further dissatisfaction, such as closing for a few days, the pressure on the Ministry of Magic will be great. .

So the Ministry of Magic wants to declare that Britain is safe. Last night was an isolated incident and the prisoner was sent to Azkaban for breakfast to the Dementors.

Ron watched the news and asked in confusion: "Why did someone burn down Charles' house?"

Hermione frowned and said, "Could that wizard want to kidnap Mr. Smith and extort a sum of money?"

When she was in elementary school, there was a kidnapping case in her class for the purpose of extorting money. Charles was kidnapped by the kidnappers, so she quickly thought of this.

Harry said: "Maybe he wanted to kidnap Mr. Smith and force Charles to hand over something or ask some questions."

Black had just tied up Malfoy not long ago. This matter cannot be mentioned, but it can be used as a reference.

"I thought it might be revenge on Mr. Smith," Arthur said.

The Harry trio didn't understand what it meant and looked at him curiously.

Arthur continued: "Mr. Smith is a Muggle, but he has become friends with many wizards and often goes to Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade."

"I heard in the ministry that some wizards who stubbornly hold on to the blood theory are very dissatisfied with Mr. Smith's actions and think he should be sent to Azkaban."

Molly exclaimed: "Mr. Smith is a good man. The last time I saw him at the Leaky Cauldron, he chatted with me for a long time after knowing that I was Ron and Ginny's mother, and asked me what Bill and Charlie did. Do you have a job, is the salary high, have you bought a house or a car? It’s like we have been neighbors for many years.”

"Sending such a good person to Azkaban? That's terrible."

Jack has the passive skill of a middle-aged and elderly woman killer. Back then, the vice-principal Matilda Weasley took good care of him and became a little closer to the Weasley family, so Molly felt that he was like an elder in the family. .

Percy has been working at Charles' house recently and has had more contact with Jack, and he feels the same way. Then his mother said: "Mr. Smith is knowledgeable and kind. He is a rare good person."

"What are those people like? They actually want to do such a terrible thing as sending him to Azkaban."

Little did the mother and son know that the dementors in Azkaban thought the same way, and it was really terrible to send Jack here.

At this time, Charlie asked everyone: "Has anyone read Flower Hat magazine recently?"

Ron replied: "In our family, you three are the only ones who need to pick out good-looking clothes for your girlfriends. Who would read clothing magazines?"

The girls in the common room often read fashion magazines, and sometimes they would ask boys to comment if they couldn't argue. When he heard the name, he thought it was in this category.

Hermione said to him seriously: "Ron, Flower Hat is an herbology magazine founded by Professor Garrick, the former herbology professor at Hogwarts. It is in the library."

Arthur also said: "Before I went to Hogwarts, Professor Garrick came to our house as a guest. I still remember the hat full of flowers on her head."

Ron shrank his neck, stopped talking, and continued eating breakfast.

Charlie continued: "I think it has something to do with a paper that Charles just published in Flower Hat."

"We often use herbal medicine, so I pay close attention to herbal medicine. I read the latest issue of the magazine."

"Charles did an experiment and used Muggle fertilizer when growing herbs, and got good results."

Ron immediately said: "Yes, yes, this experiment was done at Hogwarts. Neville, Dean and I also helped measure the length of the leaves."

Arthur pondered for a moment and said, "Why don't we ask Mr. Smith to come to our house and take shelter."

Molly nodded first, then said worriedly, "But there are not enough rooms."

Fred said, "Why don't we squeeze in with Ron and Harry?"

George also said, "If Percy is willing to squeeze in with everyone, that's fine."

Percy was a little embarrassed because he had to work after returning.

Arthur finally said, "Then squeeze in."

"Molly, you and Harry will go to Mr. Smith's house later and ask him if he is willing."

Molly naturally had no problem.

After breakfast, she left Ron to wash the dishes, and went to 3 Privet Drive with Ginny and Hermione under the leadership of Harry.

They didn't expect that 3 Privet Drive was so lively today. Fudge and Scrimgeour came, as well as Neville's father Frank Longbottom.

Fudge was worried that there would be more wizards coming to cause trouble, so he suggested that Frank be Jack's bodyguard.

Fudge spent some time thinking about the bodyguard selection. He remembered that Neville, the son of Franken, was a classmate of Charles among the Aurors, so he was the one.

Molly invited Jack to the Burrow, and then said: "No one would have thought that you would be in our house. Although it is a bit narrow, the scenery is nice."

Jack sat on the sofa with a very serious expression, and what he was thinking in his mind was different from others.

After a long time, he said firmly: "There is no word "escape" in my dictionary."

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