A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 412 Is it necessary to continue?

In the Three Broomsticks pub, after Garrick condemned the incident, it was Jack's turn to speak next.

Now Jack's expression was the same as that of Snape who was sitting behind him, a bit frighteningly cold.

Today Fudge personally found Snape and asked him to protect someone because of the shortage of Aurors.

Fudge originally wanted to invite Flitwick, but his family went on vacation to the Aegean Sea and wanted to invite McGonagall. McGonagall and the whole family went camping somewhere, so they had to find Snape.

Snape agreed to the minister's invitation. After all, wizards also have a way of dealing with the world, and the minister wanted to give him face, but he didn't expect that the person he wanted to protect was Jack.

He had a good impression of Jack, but he felt that Jack had a strange feeling when he looked at him.

Among the wizards present were Ms. Rosmerta, the owner of the Three Broomsticks Bar, and others. They knew some information and thought that Jack was unhappy because the bodyguard was not Mag.

Today Jack has been thinking about a serious question and has come to a conclusion.

The Harry trio and Ginny heard the news on the radio and decided to come to the Three Broomsticks after some muttering.

As they entered the bar, Jack began to speak:

"Thank you everyone for your concern for me, and thank you Aurors for arriving in time and catching the gangster."

"I have a lot to say, but after thinking about it for a long time, I feel like there are some things that I feel uncomfortable saying."


"Why did what happened last night happen? Our family has nothing to do with the gangster, but he came to hurt us."

"Is my grandson Charles Smith coming to kill us just because he used Muggle fertilizer in his planting experiments?"

"I want to ask, Muggles also eat salt, doesn't he eat salt?"

"I'm thinking about the root cause of this matter. I think many people here know the answer, and that is a wall between wizards and Muggles."

"The wall has been there for many years and it served a purpose when it was built."

"But over the past few hundred years, great changes have taken place inside and outside the walls."

"For so many years, people inside the wall have not been able to see what is happening outside the wall, or they have seen it but are unwilling to believe it."

"But in life, they can't live without the outside of the wall."

"This wall has also caused many family tragedies. It has blocked parents and children, brothers and sisters, and loved ones. It has torn apart countless families."

"I have heard of such a tragedy. There was a gentleman whose father died on the Somme. It was his mother who raised him."

"One year this gentleman's mother fell ill. It was a minor ailment that was not worth mentioning to St. Mungo's Hospital, but there was nothing the Muggles could do about it at the time."

"He went all over the Ministry and everyone refused to let his mother use the potion."

"The story ends tragically. The mother struggled with the pain and finally passed away."

"The normally polite gentleman who everyone thought had a bright future was overwhelmed by grief and anger. He impulsively did some bad things, and finally died on the cold floor of Azkaban."

"Whose fault is this?"

This matter was suppressed by the Ministry of Magic. The young wizards present knew nothing about it. Only old men like Aberforth knew about it. Ms. Rosmerta recalled that she had indeed heard other drinkers mention it before. Back.

Logically speaking, Jack shouldn't know about this, but the Ministry of Magic thinks that he and Dumbledore are friends, so Dumbledore said it, and Dumbledore thinks it was the Ministry of Magic who told him.

In fact, Jack heard what the dementors said about this matter, and was planning to pass the blame to Charles, and then let Charles pass the blame to Grindelwald.

Jack understands the way wizards think very well. Sensibility is better than rationality, and sensational cases are better than reasoning.

He continued: "I know a family, there is a pair of sisters who originally loved each other, because one is a wizard and the other is a Muggle..."

Snape's heart skipped a beat. Although Jack didn't say the name, he immediately thought of who he was going to say. After all, Charles brought Petunia to his home that year.

The work still had to be completed. He glanced at the bar as usual. He saw the same eyes as the wizard sister among the crowd, and felt his heart was stabbed.

Jack continued: "The tragedy of the two sisters did not end at Hogwarts. As they came of age, the two tried to repair their relationship."

"However, wizards and Muggles on both sides of the wall have different ways of thinking. Both sides lack understanding of each other. Their husbands had conflicts when they first met, which led to the two families no longer communicating..."

At this moment, Snape saw the same face as that man around the eyes that were the same as the wizard sister's, and felt like his heart had been stabbed again.

Jack was still telling the story: "This wall separates not only wizards and Muggle relatives, but also wizards."

"There is a group of wizards who, like the gangsters who attacked my house last night, have been artificially creating rifts and divisions among wizards for many years for some ulterior reason."

"There was a girl from a Muggle family. She showed wizard qualities when she was a child. She was regarded as a monster because she was not understood."

"There was a boy from a wizarding family near her home. The boy told her what wizarding was, and the two became good friends before entering Hogwarts."

"However, because at that time, there was a group of people who were creating a split among wizards, and the two of them were divided by this rift..."

Snape had just been selectively blind to the eyes of the wizard sister, and now he turned his head to look at the back of Jack's head, and felt that his heart was stabbed again.

He thought to himself, you just caught me and stroked it, right?

Jack continued to tell stories with passion and emotion. These stories were processed, but they were very detailed, as if the witnesses were slowly telling their own experiences.

The reporters and other listeners listened quietly, and no one spoke.

Everyone felt that something big was going to happen today.

Sure enough, Jack finally said: "So, should this wall that has caused countless tragedies continue to be preserved?"

The bar was terribly quiet at first, and then a roar like Seamus casting a spell broke out.

People were talking and exclaiming, and the sound made all ears buzz.

For many wizards, the International Statute of Secrecy is the cornerstone of the entire magical world and has become a part of their lives. Many of the work of the Ministry of Magic revolves around this law.

Now a Muggle parent of a wizard student jumped out and said that the International Statute of Secrecy is outdated, which is something no one dares to think about.

Soon someone discovered something was wrong. Logically, the Ministry of Magic should have come forward at this time, but no one was there.

The sharp-nosed reporters smelled a different smell. They were excited because of the big news, but they also had some doubts about the future.

Snape frowned. What Jack said would be solved by the Ministry of Magic, but he just kept catching himself and didn't mention Magg at all. This was a bit strange.

At the same time, at Farbaton Castle, Mos Jeff shouted: "Everyone, work harder. We may face a fierce attack. We must make those fools realize their incompetence and make our products more famous!"

Jack will live here next. Some people are worried that those stubborn wizards will attack the castle.

Mos Jeff is leading his colleagues to cast spells around and build a defense system, waiting for those people to come.

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