A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 413 The Terrible Curse

In Majiazhuang, Voldemort was reading the news about Jack in the Daily Prophet carefully, and he didn't say anything for a long time.

Barty Crouch Jr. couldn't sit still and said to Voldemort: "Master, we must punish the Muggle who spoke wildly!"

Lucius Malfoy also said: "Please give me this task, Master."

For them, wizards and Muggles can be said to be two species. Only noble wizards can use magic, and Muggle-born wizards are shameful magic thieves.

Now a Muggle is talking nonsense in the newspaper, which is intolerable.

Voldemort didn't answer, but thought quietly.

"Why?" Voldemort suddenly asked, "Why did the Ministry of Magic allow such a thing to happen?"

"The Ministry of Magic not only did not stop it, but condoned it, and even dominated it."

Barty Jr. and Lucius were silent. This is indeed a weird place.

It stands to reason that after the wizards attacked the Muggles, the Ministry of Magic needs to erase the relevant memories of the Muggles involved.

But this time, the Ministry of Magic not only did not erase Jack's memory, but even organized a press conference for Jack. Is there anything more ridiculous than this?

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal, and Voldemort has to be cautious.

"This is a trap." Voldemort concluded after careful consideration, "The Ministry of Magic is waiting for us to find that Muggle."

Barty Jr. and Lucius thought it made sense.

Last year, the Ministry of Magic didn't find half a person after the Death Eaters escaped from prison.

Now there is no other reason to make such a big fuss and make remarks that hit the heart of the Death Eaters except fishing.

Voldemort said: "Tell everyone not to approach that Muggle. Now is not the time to confront the Ministry of Magic head-on."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly felt dizzy without warning. This was the third time this week.

Voldemort got up and returned to the room. There was a big snake coiled on his bed.

The big snake coiled into a pillow after seeing Voldemort coming back.

Voldemort felt much more comfortable on the snake's cold body.

At the same time, in the Burrow, Harry fell down the stairs.

Fortunately, Arthur found out and cast a spell in time, and Harry fell on a soft air cushion.

Molly hurried over to help Harry up and asked with concern: "Oh, Harry, are you okay?"

Harry shook his head and said: "I'm fine, I just suddenly felt a little dizzy."

Ron, who was walking behind him, said: "Harry, this is the third time you've felt dizzy this week."

Hermione and Ginny were coming down from upstairs. Hermione said: "Harry may have low blood pressure and low blood sugar in the morning, so he is a little dizzy. Eat more breakfast and it will be fine."

The dentist is also a doctor. She has heard a little and thinks that Harry's dizziness should be like this.

Harry scratched his head and asked Hermione: "Does low blood sugar feel like Charles is singing in your head?"

Hermione was silent for a while, then said seriously: "If this is the case, I think you should go to St. Mungo's Hospital for a check-up."

Harry also felt that he should go to the hospital. If the situation gets worse in the future, Charles' singing will echo in his head all the time, which is really unbearable.

The Weasleys were a little puzzled. Is Charles' singing really that terrible?

Molly only heard that Harry's dizziness was caused by not eating enough, so she kept putting food on his plate at breakfast, just like Petunia and Dudley.

Fred and George murmured for a while, and said, "Ginny, Ron, Harry, Hermione, can you come to help today? We are too busy."

"We will pay you."

Charlie nodded and said, "Yes, the game consoles made by Fred and George are so popular."

Bill said while eating the cake, "I want wages too."

Bakalova thought for a while and said, "I can finish writing this morning, I will help in the afternoon."

Percy also said, "Someone in the Ministry asked me to buy two."

Molly originally complained about the fact that the fourth and fifth children did not work in the Ministry of Magic but did business, but she has let it go these days because they make too much money.

But she still had something to say: "Harry is not feeling well, he needs to go to St. Mungo's Hospital."

The fourth and fifth children thought the same thing. Harry almost fell down from the upstairs just now, so his health was more important.

Harry said: "It's okay, if I'm fine, I can go there in the afternoon."

Two hours later, in an intensive care unit in St. Mungo's Hospital, Harry was lying on the bed, looking at Dumbledore, then Lupin, then Fudge, and a large group of healers, pretending to be calm and asking: "Should this disease be named after me?"

He remembered that Charles had said before that when you go to the hospital for treatment, if the doctor sends you away after a few words after the examination, congratulations, this is a problem that is not worth mentioning.

If the doctor calls more doctors, including the most famous ones, congratulations, this disease has never been suffered by anyone before, and it will be named after you.

Just now, Lupin was communicating with St. Mungo's Hospital about the werewolf antidote test. When he saw Harry coming, he immediately notified Dumbledore through a special channel. Dumbledore was talking to Fudge and rushed over immediately after receiving the notification. Fudge also came.

The hospital's therapist lost confidence when he saw the two biggest bosses in the British magic society coming, and asked Harry to do further treatment.

"After our discussion, we have always believed..." The dean said slowly, "Mr. Potter has no other problems except that he ate too much breakfast. He is healthy enough to participate in the Quidditch World Cup."

At the same time, on the terrace of a cafe by the water in Lucerne, a famous tourist city in Switzerland, Charles and Gabrielle carefully studied the Swiss pastries on the table.

Charles came to France just after arranging the experiment at Moscow University.

It was just that Professor Delacour and his wife went to some corner of the world to spend their time together. Fleur would not be back for vacation for a few days after tutoring. Lady Angelina gave Gabrielle to Charles and went out to play with her old sisters, and also abducted Ruby.

Charles was originally going to Switzerland for business, but he only went to France on the way, so he could only take Gabrielle with him.

Gabrielle asked Charles while eating Lucerne gingerbread: "Why did you hide and practice terrible spells this morning?"

Charles was very upset. He just wanted to test the communication distance between Horcruxes, so he used the singing magic he learned from Marlene on the Ravenclaw crown.

He found an excuse to evade the topic and began to change the subject: "Shall we have cheese fondue tonight?"

Gabrielle agreed immediately.

At this time, a business man in a suit came over, and Charles waved at him.

Charles set up a foundation in Switzerland. This year is the World Cup in the United States, so he asked the foundation to make an investment and made a lot of money.

Soon after, a few more people came, looking like tourists.

At the beginning of the year, Jack asked someone to pull up a Phoenix Internet Technology Company and created an Internet navigation website called "hi123" as a practice.

This year, Charles wants to do something big, instant messaging software and blogs, first in European and American universities where there are many young people who love novelty, so that they can find a place to go online to collect crops after class, and then cooperate with capital consortiums after two years of success.

As for whether it can be achieved technically, he believes in the wisdom of coders.

According to Charles' plan, before the Internet bubble bursts, these industries will be sold to those capitalists who eat people without spitting out bones, and then run away.

Anyway, he has many ways to make money, and he doesn't need those two.

Charles handed the CD with the plan to the people of the Internet company and asked them to follow the plan step by step.

He signed the document again and asked the fund manager to transfer a large sum of money to the account of the Internet company.

Charles used singing magic when arranging the work, and the Muggles obeyed his orders without any questions.

It was already afternoon when they finished, and there was no dessert left on the table.

Charles said to Gabrielle: "I'm sorry, I had something to do today and couldn't go out to play. You must be bored waiting."

Gabrielle shook her head and said: "No, although I didn't understand what you said, I think it's very interesting."

Charles smiled and asked her: "Where else do you want to go to play?"

Gabrielle pointed to the snow-capped mountains in the distance and said: "How about we go camping in the mountains?"

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