A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 414 Going camping

A small wooden house emerged from the pine forest on the shore of an uninhabited lake in the Alps.

Charles rubbed his waist. He had seen people build wooden houses quickly before, but he didn't know how troublesome it was until he did it himself.

Gabrielle cheered and jumped for joy, eager to go in.

She had helped a lot just now, such as singing to Charles to boost his morale.

Charles took out an ancient magic lantern, cast a spell to light it, and handed it to Gabrielle, saying, "Go in and hang it up."

Gabrielle ran into the cabin happily holding the lamp.

The cabin was not big, more than two meters square, with pine walls and roof, and stone slabs as thick as a palm on the ground. There was a bed on each side of the door, a fire pit surrounded by stones in the middle, and a nail on the wall opposite the door.

Gabrielle steadied the short ladder next to her, climbed up, and hung the lamp on the wall, and the room was lit up.

Charles put the two sleeping bags on the two beds, looked at the sky outside, and it was time to prepare dinner.

The stove, charcoal, grill and ingredients were all bought from the supermarket, and the table and chairs were made of stone.

"Shall I grill the lamb chops?" Gabrielle looked at Charles with shining eyes, eager to try.

Charles replied: "Okay, okay, I'll cook the noodles."

"Have you grilled meat before?"

Gabrielle shook her head and said: "No, so I want to try."

Simple grilled lamb chops are not difficult, just marinate them for a while with seasonings, and turn them over frequently on the fire.

Charles taught her to mix salt, black pepper, minced garlic, rosemary and thyme evenly, apply olive oil on the lamb chops, then apply seasonings, marinate for half an hour, and then put them on the oven to grill, turning them over every minute or so.

Gabrielle sat by the oven, staring at the lamb chops seriously and nervously, and turned them over immediately when the time was up.

Charles boiled water next to him, added carrots and cucumbers, and then cooked the noodles together, and poured canned ketchup on them after scooping them out.

Gabrielle was hungry after a day of playing. She ate a lamb chop and a large plate of noodles, and finally burped.

The air in the Alps is fresh and there is no light pollution. After nightfall, the Milky Way and the stars are inlaid on the dark velvet curtain like gems.

Charles and Gabrielle lay on the grass by the lake, one talking nonsense about the stars and the other listening very seriously.

After a long time, Gabrielle asked, "Shall we go to the mountain to see the lambs tomorrow?"

There are many mountain sheep living in the Alps. They will climb up almost vertical cliffs. Gabrielle saw them for the first time on the way here today.

Charles replied, "Okay."

Gabrielle cheered and yawned.

Charles saw that she was sleepy, so he took her back to the cabin, arranged a group of stainless steel Shanghai dolls to guard the surroundings, and went to the supermarket in the nearby town to buy food for tomorrow.

The next morning, Gabrielle watched Charles make breakfast outside the house, and occasionally looked at the stone oven that was made last night.

She asked Charles, "Shall we go hunting?"

Charles shook his head and said, "No, this is a nature reserve. Hunting is not allowed, but fishing is allowed."

Gabrielle asked again, "What is a nature reserve?"

Charles explained to her, and she finally understood what was going on.

After they finished breakfast, Charles took out his broom and took Gabrielle to the place where the mountain goat was found yesterday.

Charles cast an invisibility spell, so he was not afraid of wild animals or other people seeing them.

On the way, they met a few wolves chasing a mountain goat.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Gabrielle shouted nervously, "Run faster!"

There was an almost right-angled cliff in front, and a few wolves drove the mountain goat down.

Gabrielle asked Charles, "Can you beat those wolves?"

Charles said seriously, "Yes, but no."

"We are guests in the mountains. We can only observe, not interfere with nature."

Gabrielle could only continue to cheer for the mountain goat.

The mountain goat ran to the bottom of the cliff, jumped up in two steps at the foot of the mountain where it was not steep, and then began to climb up.

The wolves were a step late and wanted to rush over to pull the ibex down, but the ibex had already climbed so high that the wolves could not reach it.

Gabrielle saw the ibex continue to climb up the cliff, while the wolves could only circle in vain below, and immediately cheered.

The two of them watched the ibex climb to the top of the cliff, eating a bunch of grass growing in the cracks of the rocks halfway, and then went to the place where they saw a large group of ibex yesterday.

However, the group of ibex ran away, and only a few hares were eating grass at the foot of the mountain.

"Can we go play with the rabbits?" Gabrielle pointed at the rabbits and asked Charles.

Charles was about to say yes, when a lynx rushed out from somewhere nearby, caught up with a hare, and bit it.

"Wow!" Gabrielle exclaimed, "The rabbit is going to become lunch!"

Then she asked, "How about we eat rabbit meat in the evening?"

Charles thought about it and remembered that there was rabbit meat for sale in the supermarket, so he agreed.

"Swans!" Gabrielle found something interesting again, "Hurry up, follow them!"

Several swans flew over their heads, and Charles immediately followed them, flying side by side with the one next to them.

Gabrielle reached out and touched the swan's wings, and shouted excitedly.

"Can swans be eaten?" Gabrielle asked again.

Charles replied: "Swans cannot be eaten, only geese bought in the market can be eaten."

Gabrielle said: "Then how about we eat rabbit today and roast goose tomorrow?"

Charles was naturally fine.

The swans landed just opposite the lake next to their cabin, and Charles followed suit and landed on the grass by the lake.

Gabrielle asked Charles for some bread and called the swans over by the water.

A few minutes later, Charles rescued Gabrielle from the swan's mouth.

"Shall we eat roast goose today and roast rabbit tomorrow?" Gabrielle asked.

Charles said, "Roast goose needs to be marinated overnight, so it's too late to eat it today. Let's eat roast pork elbow tomorrow, and I'll teach you how to make roast goose and roast rabbit, okay?"

He went to buy pork elbows while Gabrielle was sleeping last night, and marinated them when he came back. He also made an oven with stones on the nearby mountain. There was no refrigerator here, so it would be a waste if he didn't eat them.

Gabrielle said, "Okay, teach me how to make roast pork elbows!"

Charles naturally agreed.

Gabrielle immediately found something interesting again. There were many European spotted flycatchers, tree pipits, crossbills and other birds in the forest. She took Charles to find them by following the sound.

After playing tired in the afternoon, Charles took her back to the cabin and taught her that the pork elbow should be steamed first, and then holes should be pierced in the pork skin and vinegar should be brushed on it, so that the skin will become crispy after baking.

In the evening, Charles took Gabrielle to buy goose, rabbit meat and vegetables, and taught her how to match different spices and how to marinate meat.

Meanwhile, in France, Fleur returned home happily.

She completed all the content of the summer training ahead of time, and was able to leave school earlier than other classmates to go home for the summer vacation.

But Fleur saw that the house was dark and there was no one.

In the living room, there was a note under the flower pot of dancing grass. Gabrielle wrote to her parents, informing them of the whereabouts of her grandmother, and that she and Charles were going abroad for a few days, so they didn't have to worry.


She rushed back from Beauxbatons without having dinner, and now her stomach was growling with hunger.

After searching the house, there was only tea and coffee.

Fleur was silent for a long time.

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