A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 415 Stop!

"Stop! You can't do this!"

When Fleur saw Charles, she burst out of the woods with a sharp blast, drew her wand, and a flock of birds were frightened and flew into the sunset.

Gabrielle screamed with joy when she saw her sister coming.

The staple food tonight is baguette. I bought it yesterday. It is so strong now that Charles is about to break it.

Fleur rescued the French wand from Charles' hand, and a hammer as big as a casserole appeared on the top of the wand. When it hit Charles' head, many colorful stars popped out, sparkling.

She said to Charles very seriously: "Sprinkle some water on it, put it in the oven and bake it again, and it will be soft again when you take it out."

"Then I'll leave it to you." Charles asked, "Is it a holiday?"

Furong replied: "I just came back a few days ago."

Charles didn't ask any further questions. It was a foregone conclusion that the Triwizard Tournament would start next semester, and everyone would be opponents by then. It was better not to talk too much about some topics. It was more important to eat the roast goose.

He was not surprised that Fleur could find him. They both had the same set of necklaces so they could find each other.

Fleur was making a salad on the side, and Charles began to teach Gabrielle how to make mustard butter chicken legs:

Debone the chicken thighs and spread them out. Sprinkle some black pepper and salt. Heat olive oil in a pan and fry the skin side first until golden brown and then flip over. Without changing the oil after taking out the chicken legs, fry the diced bacon until the oil is released, then add chopped onions and minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add thyme and fry the real mushrooms bought in the supermarket. After frying, add some white wine, then add the concentrated stock bought in the supermarket and add water, light cream, and mustard. Stir evenly and sprinkle some black pepper and salt. Finally, add the chicken legs and bacon and cook for a few minutes. Sprinkle before taking them out. Chop the parsley.

During the meal, Fleur said to Charles: "I didn't expect that your paper on growing herbal medicine caused such a big disturbance."

Charles said: "I went directly to your house after returning from Moscow, and then came to Switzerland with Gabrielle. I don't know what happened."

Furong said: "After your paper was published, someone attacked your home and attempted to kidnap your grandfather."

Gabrielle exclaimed: "Is Charles' grandpa okay?"

Charles also exclaimed: "Is that man still alive?"

Fleur looked at Charles with a strange expression and replied: "Mr. Smith is fine. It is said that your family's alarm magic immediately notified the Aurors."

Charles said seriously: "That's good, you can ask who did it."

Gabrielle breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Fleur continued: "Mr Smith later made a speech in a British newspaper in which he severely attacked the International Statute of Secrecy."

Charles blinked, and his instinct told him that something was wrong.

He asked Furong again: "What does France think about this?"

Fleur said: "The newspapers don't have any opinions. They just report what happened in the UK and the reactions of other countries."

"The U.S. side seemed very angry, and the newspapers were harshly critical of Britain's actions."

Charles nodded.

The British and French ministries of magic have not dealt with each other for hundreds of years, and even if they don't object to each other's affairs, they still have to make some weird remarks.

It is estimated that the British approach this time has left France confused, so they simply took a look at the situation.

The reaction in the United States is also expected. People in this country are very divided and open-minded. There are even reports of beautiful teachers doing indecent things to students from time to time. There are conservatives as well. In an extremely conservative place, Charles and Gabe Lido is of marriageable age, and so is the wizarding community.

"Ignore them." Charles shook his head, "It's just in time for you to come back. Gabri will be returned to you. I originally planned to go to China."

Gabrielle asked curiously: "Where are you going to play?"

Judging from her eagerness to give it a try, she obviously wanted to follow.

Charles was a bit embarrassed. It was troublesome for both wizards and Muggles to go there, so he decided to go through the British Ministry of Magic. In addition, the old man was a shareholder of the air fryer company, so he got a visa.

Fleur said to her sister: "Charles is not like you. He spends all day playing."

Gabrielle whispered, "I know."

Charles said to Gabrielle: "I'm going to take care of things with the air fryer company. I'll see you soon."

It is already August, and the Triwizard Tournament will be held next semester. I wonder if Gabrielle will come to Hogwarts with Beauxbatons' "preschool class".

Gabrielle asked curiously: "Isn't that 'air fryer' a magic spell that destroys chicken?"

Charles didn't want to answer, so he changed the topic: "What do you want to eat tomorrow?"

Gabrielle asked, "Can I cook with those apples?"

When they went to play yesterday, they found several apple trees by a creek. They may have grown out of former tourists or passers-by who ate apples and threw their seeds there. The fruits were not big and were just half ripe.

Charles thought for a while and said, "Apples can be used to stew pork chops."

"Okay!" Gabrielle cheered, "Let's go apple picking tomorrow!"

The three of them finished their meal and chatted for a while. Gabrielle was sleepy after playing all day, so Fleur took her back to the cabin to rest.

There was a fence surrounding the bed on the right side of the door. Gabrielle blushed and explained seriously: "Charles has a bad sleeping state and would fall out of bed at night, so I helped him surround the bed."

Fleur didn't know how Charles was sleeping, but she knew her sister very well, so she just reached out and pinched her nose.

Gabrielle laughed awkwardly as she realized she had been exposed.

Fleur sent Gabrielle to bed, sniffed and smelled, and felt relieved that there was no smell of Charles here.

After Gabrielle fell asleep, Fleur walked out of the cabin and found Charles setting up a tent.

She asked, "What are you doing setting up a tent?"

Charles asked her strangely: "Are you going back now?"

Fleur said: "No."

Charles said: "There is only one bed in the house, so of course I set up a tent to sleep."

Fleur blushed and said, "It's too dangerous outside. I can sleep with Gabrielle."

Charles shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's okay if the railing is kicked down. I'm afraid the wall will be kicked down."

After all, Fleur is a big girl. Even if she lives with Gabrielle, she will be in a lot of trouble.

You should avoid suspicion when you should, otherwise you will not be able to pass Alchemy class in the future, which will be worse than Harry's Potions class, and there will be no one to help him speak.

Furong added, "Then I'll live in a tent."

Charles shook his head and said, "I don't want to become a textbook in alchemy class yet."

Fleur could only let him go, sat down on the dining chair nearby, found a topic and started chatting.

She asked, "I heard you paid Louis Mantz a good salary?"

Charles replied: "Yeah, we think he deserves the salary."

Fleur continued: "Mantz's girlfriend is a Spanish wizard, and her family comes from a family of officials from the Spanish Ministry of Magic. The two are a family marriage. Fortunately, they get along well."

"Now Manz has no intention of developing a career in the French Ministry of Magic. She wants to regret her marriage in Spain, so she ran to Iceland and became a painter."

Charles nodded and said, "That's it. No wonder he wants to buy a house in Hogsmeade."

Iceland is about eight or nine hundred kilometers away from Hogsmeade, and the distance from Hogsmeade to London is about the same, which is not too far for wizards.

Charles continued: "Do you remember Valentina? After graduating this year, she went to work in a place in the Arctic Circle, where the winter is more than 30 degrees below zero and the summer is more than 30 degrees above zero."

"That place has a very special magic set up. After people leave, they will forget what happened there and only remember it when they go back."

Fleur said: "She must have liked that job very much. I still remember the way she talked about her association in Wagadu."

Charles nodded and said, "Yeah, I think that place should be related to her hobbies."

He really wanted to see the magical high-altitude aircraft in Kodos Dorez, but when he went there at the beginning of the year, he wanted to visit but was declined, so he had to give up.

After the tent was set up, Charles stretched out his hand and asked, "I'm going to the town to buy food for tomorrow. Do you want to come with me?"

Fleur nodded, stretched out her hand to pull the outstretched paw, and Charles led her to apparate into the forest next to the town.

"You can apparate?!" Fleur suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Charles smiled slightly and whispered: "Please keep it a secret for me."

Fleur nodded immediately. This secret included Beauxbatons.

"Too many sweets!" Fleur slapped Charles on the back.

Charles said: "Playing in the mountains is very physically demanding. Gabrielle is still young and needs to replenish energy."

Seeing that he was talking a lot of reasons, Fu Rong could only shake her head.

"What snacks do you want to eat?" Charles asked her, "You shouldn't be trying to stay in shape, right?"

Fleur shook her head and said, "I don't like snacks."

"Really?" Charles said with a smile, "Then if I buy it, don't eat it."

He had already found out from Gabrielle what Fleur liked to eat, and they picked and bought it, deliberately asking for opinions before buying.

Fleur was so angry that she pinched his hand.

The next day, a group of people came to the place where the apple trees grew.

These apples were small, and only the south-facing half turned red. The two sisters picked a lot.

Apple stewed pork chops is very simple. First, fry the pork chops with black pepper until both sides are golden, then fry the chopped onions until fragrant, then put the apple slices on top, with the pork chops on top. Because the apples are not fully ripe, add some brown sugar, and finally add water and seasonings. Simmer for ten minutes.

After eating and drinking, tidying up and making sure all the fires are out, it's time to go back.

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