A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 416: The Cunning Rabbit's Lair

"As long as the production task is completed, the Aegean Sea in Greece, the Colosseum in Italy, the Eiffel Tower in France, the London Bridge in the UK, and the Red Square in Moscow are waiting for excellent workers and excellent managers!"

"If the task cannot be completed, then we can only go to India."

"You have never been to India, right? I have been there. It is a place where you will have diarrhea for a week after eating one meal a day."


In the meeting room of the headquarters of Ruby Kitchenware Joint Venture Co., Ltd. in Shunde, Charles saw a side of Vernon that he did not have in Privet Drive.

At this time, Vernon was full of vigor and energy, with a rosy face, like a mighty general.

He really had the capital to be proud.

Shunde initially became the world's white goods capital in 1991, but the operators who developed on the vents of the wind had extensive management. Many people relied on bank loans to build factories. Mercedes-Benz cars were already driven before the factories were built. By March 1993, more than 26% of enterprises were on the verge of bankruptcy, and the stagnant loans of enterprises accounted for 35% of the total loans.

The local government began reforms in June 1993. Vernon came to inspect in July, and in September he waved pounds to find OEM factories, and at the same time made it clear that he would invest in any factory with good technology. In December, Jack came with his own money and loans from some British capitalists, and bought absolute controlling rights of several factories.

Next was the time for Vernon to show his strength. Following Charles's advice and the influence of his own old capitalist empire, and with Jack's supervision, he reformed the entire company structure, simplified and straightened out internal relations, clarified responsibilities and powers, improved rewards and punishments, cleared unqualified personnel, and made the company a model demonstration company.

Jack had to sigh that some people are not incapable, but lack the stage to display their abilities.

In terms of products, Charles took out routines such as health, low oil, and environmental protection. The old man hired experts and scholars to endorse it. For a time, air fryers became a fashion item in Europe and the United States, with gratifying sales.

Later, Charles asked the company to research and produce automatic steamed bun machines, automatic cooking machines and other large canteens for factories and schools, as well as small household appliances such as soy milk machines and thermal electric kettles for home use.

Thanks to Vernon's efforts, these projects have achieved good results.

That's why Charles has the confidence to reward outstanding workers and managers to travel to Europe.

After Vernon finished his speech, he said to the leaders in the conference room: "Next, please invite our company's boss, Mr. Charles Smith, to speak."

The leaders have all met Jack Smith, the company's largest shareholder. Vernon said that Jack has only Charles as a grandson, and Jack is so old that Charles may become the boss in a few years.

A group of people saw that Charles was a little foreigner and thought he was sent by Jack to see the world, so they decided to coax the little boss.

Amid warm applause, the company's chief translator, Sister Cai, adjusted her voice, because Vernon's tone was harsh when he talked about India at the end, and she had to be harsh when translating, but using this tone to talk to the little boss was because she thought the income was too high.

Charles said with a smile in Mandarin with a news broadcast accent: "Hello, comrades, I am Charles Smith, and I am glad to meet you all."

The dozen people in the office were immediately in a mess.

Next, Charles first affirmed the company's achievements and performance, and made important instructions.

Charles emphasized that learning, publicizing and implementing the company's core spirit of "efficiency is money, quality is life" should be regarded as the top priority and primary task at present and in the future, combined with production, and a wave of learning, publicizing and implementing should be quickly launched, and the learning and implementation work should be covered to every employee in the company.

Charles pointed out that it is necessary to carry out extensive publicity and lectures to promote the company's core spirit to the hearts of the people. Combined with production work to carry out activities, when going deep into the grassroots, use the language that workers can understand, remember and use, and carry out lectures in a way that is popular with the workers, so that the masses can deeply understand the company's core spirit and strengthen their confidence and determination that "the company's fortune is my fortune".

Charles required that although the company's development momentum is strong now, it should not be relaxed, and it should be carried out with the energy of not being able to sit still, wait, or slow down to do a good job in new product research and development. New product development should go to the masses, start from solving the problems faced by the masses, aim to facilitate the lives of the masses, use new technologies to solve old problems, and deepen the technical upgrade of existing products. We should strengthen cooperation with universities and scientific research institutions, strengthen the deep integration of industry, academia and research led by the company, and seize the market opportunities with technology.

Charles finally said that the third scientific and technological revolution has been going on for half a century, and electronic technology has been developing with each passing day. In the next period of time, this technology that used to look high-end and upscale will quickly sink into daily life. We should seize the opportunity of the times with the spirit of seizing the day, strive hard and struggle without fear of difficulties, and walk at the forefront of the times.

The pens of the people in the conference room never stopped for a moment, and everyone was thinking, I seem to be working in a fake foreign-funded enterprise.

When their pens stopped, they found that Vernon had left the conference room at some point.

Charles asked the translator Sister Cai to distribute the carton of Swiss snacks she brought to everyone to make the atmosphere more relaxed.

Then he said: "Okay, now that Vernon is gone, everyone can tell me if you are dissatisfied with him."

Everyone in the conference room looked at me and I looked at you, and they couldn't make up their minds for a while.

Everyone knows that the Smith family lives next door to the Dursley family. If he sells himself, he will be bullied by Dursley. The county magistrate is better off managing it now.

However, the head of the sales department still stood up and expressed some dissatisfaction: "Mr. Dursley is a very capable person, but he seems to be biased against India and has rejected all orders from India. Otherwise, the company's performance would be better."

After she finished speaking, several people nodded, obviously supporting this statement.

Charles smiled and asked, "I heard that a large order from Japan was made last week. Vernon invited everyone to Guangzhou to eat sushi?"

Everyone couldn't understand why he brought this up. Sister Cai, as a translator, was not responsible for distribution and production. It was more convenient for her to say some meaningless words: "Yes, that day, Manager Dursley paid for the meal himself. It was our first time to eat Japanese food."

Charles asked seriously, "Do you think the white-cut chicken sushi is feasible?"

Many people in the conference room reacted the same way as when Furong saw Charles breaking the baguette that day. Fortunately, everyone was middle-aged and kept calm.

Someone said, "If I did that, I would be hung on the tree in front of the ancestral hall and beaten."

Charles nodded and said, "The way Indians do business is to first order a high price for boiled chicken sushi and pay a deposit."

"When you make the boiled chicken sushi, they will disappear and you can't contact them for three or four months or half a year."

"No one wants those boiled chicken sushi, so they can only be piled up in the warehouse and collect dust."

"At this time, another group of Indians will come to the door and express their willingness to help clear the boiled chicken sushi in the warehouse at a low price."

Everyone present soon understood After seeing this kind of trick, the head of the sales department said uncertainly: "They won't be so unreasonable."

Charles shrugged and said: "That's how they play. So when doing business with India, either don't do it or collect the full payment. At least the deposit can cover the cost."

"Don't expect to sue. Cross-border lawsuits are not easy to fight. People can easily drag the lawsuit for several years, and they may not win. It's better to invite everyone to go to Australia to see kangaroos."

After Charles finished speaking, he found that everyone was nodding. I don't know if they heard it clearly.

He was thinking, why not ask Vernon to find someone to give a lecture on international trade scams, not only for the company's people to learn, but also to invite foreign trade friends to listen.

Doing business is about human relationships. Spend some money and make friends. Maybe you can help each other in the future.

Charles chatted with them for a while, and then took a bus to Guangzhou Taotaoju for a meal.

The situation of the British wizarding society is unclear now. Charles has to prepare for running away with a bucket. This is undoubtedly a good place.

Even if you don't use it in the end, you won't panic if you are prepared.

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