The shop assistant stepped on the floor of the shop and rushed towards Reens at a speed like a bullet.

The advantage of short weapons lies in close combat, so he wanted to get close to Reens at the beginning, but was forced to retreat.

Seeing that the negotiation was fruitless, he could only rely on his own speed advantage to approach Reens at a high speed again.

Reens responded to the shop assistant's approach by swinging his sword.

The silver light generated by the reflection slashed towards the sprinting figure with a gesture of cutting off everything.

The shop assistant changed his action and dodged the long sword sideways.

But at the same time, due to the inertia of his body, his movements during the sprint showed some signs of pause.

Before he could adjust, another slash from Reens came at him.

Seeing this, he could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​getting close, dodge the attack, and then swim around Reens to attack.

The clerk jumped around Reens like a flexible rabbit.

He circled around Reens and would attack once he found Reens' blind spot.

"Ding ding ding..."

Reens moved in a small range, constantly resisting the dagger attacks from all around him, and occasionally slashed to respond to the opponent.

Although he was scratched from time to time and blood flowed, Reens' expression did not change at all, and he did not seem to be at a disadvantage.

In fact, Reens did not think he was at a disadvantage. On the contrary, he believed that his victory was doomed.

"Another guy with a good body but not so good skills."

Rians thought to himself.

Compared with Adonis, the opponent in front of him is faster, but his strength is much worse, basically the same as "ordinary people".

Of course, the ordinary people here refer to Reans himself.

Reans does not think that his strength is much higher than that of normal people, and he is still in the range of ordinary people.

The strength of the clerk is not higher than his, which means that he is also in the range of ordinary people.

And like Adonis, the young man in front of him has not reached the same level as the "sword style" in terms of skills.

There is still a more obvious stiffness in his body movements when swinging the weapon.

It's just that because of his very fast speed, this stiffness is almost fleeting and difficult to detect, as if it doesn't exist.

But through continuous fighting and precise observation, Reans still caught his flaw.

So, as time goes by, Reans is getting easier and easier to deal with the attacks around him, and the clerk is getting more and more thrilling to avoid Reans' attacks.

His clothes were constantly cut by Reans's long sword, and the rags kept falling off, making him look like a beggar's clothes.


A cold light flashed through at high speed.

Reans seized the moment when the clerk was stiff, pierced his right shoulder with a sword, and nailed him to the counter.


The clerk screamed like thunder, and it kept echoing in this small space.

Reans said nothing, drew out his long sword, stepped on the clerk's other arm, and forced him to let go of the dagger in his hand.


Reans's kick was not light, and the clerk felt the pain of broken bones, which made him scream again.

Then Reens put the bloody sword on the neck of the shop assistant and said calmly:

"Now, can I use your life to pay for the information?"


"Hehe...hehe, customer, cough cough...of course the customer is qualified."

"For a strong person like you, our store will naturally give you the greatest discount and service."

"Excuse me, what information do you want to know about the 'God of Absolute Fairness'?"

While panting, the shop assistant coughed a few times, and smiled at Reens while enduring the pain.

"Just tell me everything you know, and I will identify the information I need."

Reens said lightly.

"I wonder how the customer is studying history? Do you know about the war of gods more than a thousand years ago?"

Reens frowned and did not respond.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know. You just need to know that the 'God of Absolute Fairness' was one of the gods at that time."

"He is an ancient god, not an evil god, let alone an evil demon."

"His philosophy is to create a world where all races live in equality and people are equal in class."

"As for the power of the gods, a mortal like me naturally has no way of knowing, but if the gods intend to, killing us should be as easy as crushing

It's as simple as killing an ant. "

The clerk stopped talking here.

"That's it? This doesn't match the starting price of 100 gold coins. "

"Besides, you seem to be saying nice things...Okay, I understand your position. "

"From the beginning, you didn't want to tell me the information about the 'God of Absolute Fairness', right?"

"Okay...then I'll change the question."

"I hope you won't answer this question irrelevantly."

Rians said coldly to the clerk.

"How to cancel the 'slave contract' of the Glenbargen family?"

After realizing the identity of the clerk, Rians asked him, and expected him to give him a good answer.

When the clerk heard this question, he looked at Rians in surprise, and even temporarily ignored the pain in his body.

"I didn't expect that you, the customer, still have such ambitions. ”

“In fact, the way to cancel the ‘slave contract’ of the Glenbagen family is very simple, as long as you get the attention of the gods.”

“With the status of God, he will naturally not allow his followers to be bound by a mere ‘slave contract’.”

“However, it is not easy to become a true pastor of the church.”

“So… guests can consider other options.”

The clerk looked at Reans expectantly and said in a bewitching tone.

“Nothing else? Just this, my sword will not let you go.”

Reans did not care about the clerk’s bewitching and continued to ask.

The clerk was silent, but feeling the slight pain from his neck, he continued to speak.

“After becoming a transcendent, the ‘slave contract’ of the Glenbagen family can no longer bind you.”

“In addition, you either need a strong enough person to help you cancel the ‘slave contract’ in person, or you can beg the people of the Glenbagen family to help you cancel it. "

The shop assistant no longer had a smile on his face, and his tone was no longer polite. He spoke to Reans calmly.

"Superhumans... in the end it's still this. Do you have [Elemental Baptism Potion] here?" Reans asked the shop assistant sitting on the ground.

The shop assistant remained silent and did not respond.

"It seems that they don't have it or don't want to give it... Are those people outside here to deal with the trouble?"

"It's really like you said, you are a 'legitimate business'." Reans sighed as he looked at the armored guards who came late.

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