In the morning, the sun just came out, and the air was fresh after the rain.

Reens got up from the bed, picked up the sword, found a place, and started morning exercises.

After the black market trip in the copy last night, Reens took advantage of the middle of the night to explore the residence of the Glenbogen family.

Hard work pays off. With his superb "conversation skills", he finally got the general layout of the entire family residence from a maid of the Glenbogen family.

According to the maid, this place can be divided into four areas, namely the dark guard area and the servant area, the main area and the special area.

As the name suggests, the first two basically share public facilities such as the canteen and the bathhouse.

As for the main area, it is where the nobles, young masters and young ladies of the Glenbargen family live.

In short, it is the area where the family management lives.

Reens found Adonis and Heidi in that area.

However, the two of them always like to stick together, so Reens can't find a chance to attack.

Even when Reens wanted to sneak into the room and attack them while they were sleeping, Adonis's keen hearing detected it.

After all, Reens is not a professional thief, so he is still a little rusty in his techniques.

As for the special area, the maid is not very clear, after all, she doesn't work there.

I only heard that it is an area specially divided for the family's magicians, which is very mysterious.

Not many people know what the magicians there do every day?

The main area and the special area are guarded by guards.

Except for those who are allowed or servants who serve those two areas, they are not allowed to enter and leave there.

However, this is not a big deal for Reens, just kill the guards directly.

It even rained heavily in the second half of the night, which made it easier for Reans to deal with the corpses.

That night, in the dungeon.

The heavy rain reduced the number of pedestrians. The rain washed away the bright red blood and the pungent smell of blood, and the sound of the heavy rain covering the screams.

Reans was like entering a no-man's land, and the killing on the road was never discovered.

He walked through one area after another and explored one house after another.

It was not until he was blocked in that special area because he could not get in.

The houses there basically had magic barriers similar to the gates of the training camp, which he could not break at all. Without the "key", he naturally could not get in.

Reans realized that the special area was really special and important to the Glenbargen family.

It was very likely that the [Element Baptism Potion] he needed was in one of the houses over there, as well as his slave contract...


With some regrets, Reans left the dungeon.

He did not leave voluntarily, but was forced to leave the dungeon because his attack on the magic barrier was discovered.

"Riens, what are you doing?"

Seeing Riens dancing with a sword in slow motion in the dormitory, Harriman asked Ben with some doubt.

"Huh? Maybe practicing sword?"

Ben responded uncertainly.

He did not know why Riens did this, but he knew that there must be a deep meaning behind what Riens did.

"Yesterday afternoon, when we came back, we saw him doing this alone."

"When we left, he was still doing it... but his forehead was already sweating. I wonder why he felt tired with such slow movements?"

One of the other two roommates spoke up.

It is no wonder that he had such doubts, because if Riens was really so weak, he should have collapsed in training long ago.

It is impossible for him to persist until graduation and become a member of the Dark Guard with them.

"I'm just exercising. We won't be training after we leave the training camp."

"And I like to sleep, so I'll just do some exercise to avoid rusting my body."

Hearing others talking about their own things, Reans, who felt that he had exercised enough, stopped and turned around to explain to everyone with a smile.

However, he did not directly respond to the roommate's question.

"Only you have the leisure time. Ben and I are tired enough just hunting monsters outside the city."

"How about Reans, you go outside the city with us today?"

"The contribution points you can get from tasks outside the city are much higher than those inside the city."

"If we work hard, maybe we can redeem it next year.

Exchange for [Element Baptism Potion]. "

Harriman invited Reans.

"Instead of thinking about how to exchange for [Element Baptism Potion], it is better to think about how to survive the "Conscription". "

Before Reans could reply, the nameless passerby roommate said unhappily.


"What is it? The guide named Jonathan didn't seem to mention it."

Harriman looked at him and asked with a puzzled look.

Reans and Ben also turned to look at the roommate, wondering what it was.

"That was what we heard from the two senior dark guards when we went to the mission hall to accept the mission yesterday."

"To put it simply, 'Conscription' is almost a mandatory mission, but the target it selects is not the dark guards who failed the mission."

"Instead, it is a mission that a random part or even all dark guards complete together."

"And the mission that can make the family dispatch so many dark guards must not be a simple mission. ”

“So, every time there is a ‘recruitment’, a group of people will die.”

“The most important point is that the ‘recruitment’ is random, and no one knows when it will come? Will they be selected?”

“So you can only be prepared at all times... I suggest that you don’t think about the [Elemental Baptism Potion] for now.”

“If you have enough contribution points, you should buy yourself a better weapon first.”

“At the same time, prepare more potions, as well as magic props that can enhance strength or save lives.”

“When you are really selected, these may be life-saving things. "

The roommate who passed by patiently explained to Reans and the others, and gave them some advice at the end.

No wonder Jonathan emphasized that the mission was dangerous, but he didn't feel any danger when he actually came into contact with it.

They looked very free, not like the family's private soldiers at all.

In addition to the different nature of the mission, they were more like the profession of "adventurers".

The mission was chosen at will, and there was no big problem as long as it could be completed, and there were rewards, food and accommodation, and a special "store" was arranged for them to "consume".

Even, the family set up something for them to open up the upward channel.

Everything looked too good, not only Harriman was immersed in it, but even Reans himself was a little relaxed.

Forgot, with the training mode of the training camp, how could they be asked to be "adventurers"?

It turned out that everything was because they had been here too short and had not really come into contact with "dangerous" things.

Now they should be left alone, and help the family make some profits.

When the family needs it, it will be their time to devote themselves.

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