A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1021 1021 Because of this, it is even more sad

As if the sword suddenly burst into brilliant light, Richard knocked the weapon shot from behind the golden heroic spirit to the ground with just one swing of his sword.

However, only a few weapons were knocked down.

For a situation where more than dozens of Noble Phantasms were dumped, this was just a drop in the bucket. The golden hero thought that these numbers should be enough to kill him, and his eyes had already returned to the alien archers.

But——the archer with a demonic posture was facing the direction of Richard. Due to the mysterious cloth covering his face, his expression at this moment cannot be glimpsed.

The alien archers seemed to be observing themselves with some clear purpose. Richard's instinct as a heroic spirit immediately understood this.

However, there is currently no time to investigate that matter.

In less than a second, countless weapons were approaching and firing.

Richard swung the sword in his hand vigorously again, looked at the target and jumped into the only "gap" created by the weapon he had just knocked down.

Although he escaped all the attacks at the critical moment, other weapons inserted into the ground shattered the asphalt pavement, and these ground fragments swept up into the sky became a new disaster, falling towards where Richard stood. .

However, Richard's figure had disappeared from there.

"I see, that's how it is! When the sharp sword is inserted into the ground, it will become so miserable!"

Richard, who moved quickly, picked up a long sword-shaped weapon among the many Noble Phantasms inserted on the ground, and shouted loudly:

"Look at this beautiful appearance! Just holding it is like having thousands of troops! We are not just talking about the magic power contained in it. Look at the production skills, techniques, and creation! I know it very well , even if any of the decorations are removed, everything can still be expressed with a simple sense of completeness! If each of these weapons is a creation of the stars, wouldn't it be both the origin and the shape of fertile soil! Hey! You! These They are really great! Do all the weapons around you have this level of quality? You can throw them around without hesitation. What kind of great king are you? Ah! I will frankly pay tribute to you for this part! You are really great, I’m so envious!”

As soon as Richard dodged the attack that would have killed him if it hit him directly, he immediately showed admiration in his eyes like a child.

Even the many police officers who were watching from a distance and preparing to regroup were dumbfounded by his sudden use of words.

Then, Richard spoke to the golden hero in the next moment, saying something that anyone familiar with that hero would only think was seeking death. "Hey! These...since you have so many high-quality weapons, please give me a few!"


Inside the church.

"That guy...how can he still laugh in that situation?"

Snowfield's cathedral is located diagonally in front of the hospital.

In a corner of the hospital, a woman murmured breathlessly.

Then, the voice of a calm man came from behind her.

"Then what? Based on your sight, Miss, I think you are the master of that swordsman...can you confirm that?"

The man was the priest sent here by the Holy Church to serve as the supervisor of this Holy Grail War - Hanse.

The blond woman Ayaka Sajo who was peeking at the situation outside the window heard the priest's words, glanced at him, shook her head and replied: "I... am not the Master..."

"Oh? But I feel that your magic path is connected with him. Speaking of which, you will appear in this church, aren't you just here to seek asylum?"

"...No. The swordsman said that if you want to stay nearby, this is the safest place. I just came here as he said..."

Although her attitude was not cordial, Ayaka still expressed respect to the priest in her tone.

Hansa was not bored by this. Like Ayaka, he looked out the window to observe the situation on the main road and said:

"Really, I would also be troubled if this shelter was used as a watchtower or trench. But forget it, war is about making use of whatever you have. If it is a war between magicians, let alone Down."

Then, Hansa looked up slightly and sighed in annoyance.

"It looks like there is a heroic spirit standing on the roof. I really can't stand it. What do you think of this sacred church?"


"I thought you were just a flying insect, but turned out to be a beggar who is fearless?"

Did the heroic spirit standing on the roof of the church finally become interested in Richard at this moment? It was no longer just a sight, he even turned his head to look at Richard.

Seeing the heroic spirit looking down at him with eyes that were full of pity rather than anger, Richard was still not ashamed of what he just said and continued to speak. Richard still responded with his usual frivolous tone to the golden heroic spirit's speech.

"It's really rude to say 'give it to me'! If it's a price I can afford, please be sure to offer it to me! Seeing such a treasure, I can no longer restrain my surging mood! If possible, I I really want to run on the battlefield holding these treasures! Although I suffered a preemptive attack from you, which can already be regarded as us at war, these treasures are so precious, and I want to carry out my belief to the end no matter what the situation is! Please, you and I During the battle, these weapons allow me to use them 'freely', okay!"

"You've already tarnished my treasure like that, but you still dare to say such a joke, bastard!" The golden archer frowned slightly, and then said, "Having said that, you do have a good sense. After being abused by me, You can see through the exquisite craftsmanship of a gorgeous treasure before you are obsessed with it. In this case, I allow you to become the rust stain on my treasure and accept my praise gratefully!"

After the heroic spirit finished speaking, its actions had already ended. Dozens of weapons were shot out from the air again, pouring down on Richard who was in a two-sword style stance, holding a new sword and his own sword respectively.

Moreover, the offensive was more numerous and faster than the previous wave.

Richard rushed through the gaps between those weapons - just stepped on the rubble blasted up by the fired weapons, and used it as a platform to "run straight up" towards the sky.

"That's right, it's a joke that involves risking your life! Therefore, I have to ask for one more thing!"

Then, Richard turned his body around like a stuntman while launching solid and heavy continuous attacks.

"What I ask for is not rust that becomes a weapon."


"But it left some scars on your gorgeous armor."

Richard broke through the approaching "one-hit kill group" and changed direction in the air.

He didn't use anything as a platform, but changed direction completely in the air. In a state that must have put a strong burden on himself, Richard twisted his body further, and with the power of rotation, he extended his sword toward the golden hero.

The golden heroic spirit who saw his actions frowned and pulled out the sword in his hand.

"You! As a sword fighter, you actually control magic!

Avoiding the golden heroic spirit that was equivalent to a sneak attack, he jumped down to the roof some height away from the bell tower and glared at Richard who was holding his treasure in his hand.

It was not a scolding that had lost its calmness, but a tone that maintained his usual style and blamed Richard for his rude behavior.

"No, I didn't do that just now."

Judging that there was still no way to get the opponent to stand on the same battlefield as himself, Richard picked up the sword again and smiled provocatively at the opponent:

"It's just my followers who are 'joking' with you."


"...It's really fast."

Alcides, the alien archer who kept a distance from the situation over there and watched the changes, was completely contrary to his rough appearance. He was observing the new heroic spirits joining the battle with calm eyes.

In terms of physical flexibility, it may be on the same level as the Amazon cavalry on horseback.

You can't feel any divine energy about him, so it's clear that he is a purely human heroic spirit.

However, its speed exceeds human limits. The magic power surrounding him was even mixed with alien magic power that was neither human nor divine.

“It’s not strong enough to scare me.

However, in terms of pure speed, it may surpass me.

Depending on the contents of his Noble Phantasm, he may be someone who should be warned. "

Then Alcides remembered. The magic power flowing out of the swordsman's body vaguely resembled something in his memories.

"Those are...the ones who kidnapped my follower [Helaas], the group of water monsters..."

Just when Alcides pulled out the memory of when he escaped from the Argonaut from the depths of the spiritual base, his thinking was forcibly interrupted.

Because he saw that the police around him had reorganized their formation and exuded the momentum of preparing to attack again.

"Well...I apologize to you. Even though I am facing you enemies, I am looking at other enemies."

"...No matter what, you won't give in and leave?"

The words of one of the policemen made Alcides nod in response.

"Just as you have people you must protect, I also have things I must plunder. There is no need for us to understand each other. If there is someone who can compromise my intentions, then such vicious people will only be my enemies on the road. .”

Those who are hostile to me will be defeated.

Anyone who reconciles with me will be killed.

Although it sounded completely unreasonable, Alcides still told the police team his test words.

"What I am about to do is to massacre young children who have not yet understood the truth of the world. If I can complete it, you will have nothing to do with me. Are there any of you who cherish your own lives and are willing to face the death of young children? Save the person?"

The heroic spirit held the bow and questioned everyone.

The bowstring is not drawn tight, just held tightly.

Even so, one can still expect that when the bow is swung in the next moment, the result will be death.

It is not a matter of the quality of the Noble Phantasm possessed by the police force.

But the heroic spirit in front of him has already stood on a high place that transcends the differences between things.

Everyone in the police team had trembling feet. Even so, even though there was no hope, they still did not escape, and no one even looked away from Alcides.

It's not that they aren't afraid.

Some of them had tears in their eyes and teeth chattering.

If it was a normal mission, it would be common sense to retreat first.

But, they all understand.

Once you choose to retreat at this time, there will never be a next time.

Neither the heavily armored mobile teams fighting against the vicious criminals nor the national militia would come. Even if they come, they can't be more powerful opponents to the heroic spirits than they who possess the Noble Phantasm.

top notch.

It is precisely because they are the top pawns prepared by the police organization that they are here.

In the end, no one knows whether these evaluation titles are suggestions imposed by the director, or whether they are spiritual unity promoted by self-suggestion deeply rooted in their hearts.

They were able to be supported as the "Twenty-Eight Monsters" only by the director's guarantee - "You are justice."

An endorsement without evidence, just a simple statement.

But for those who believe it, the words can become a definite curse, or they can become a blessing, closely tied to actions and destiny.

Among these people, the one who was most deeply affected by his words was a young policeman who went to the battlefield even though he lost his right arm.


One of the executioners of the [Hypocritical Holy Grail War], or should we call it the mastermind, is Snowfield Police Chief Orlando.

As his subordinate and a member of the police force, John was once an ideal policeman for the citizens.

When he was still unsure whether he was sensible, he witnessed his mother's end through television.

Although John's father immediately turned off the TV to prevent his son from seeing his mother surrounded by flames - the flames at that moment were deeply imprinted in John's heart.

It is said that his mother is a policewoman who has made many achievements and received many commendations.

John still remembers that his father, who was usually indifferent, told his young self to stop crying and told him bedside stories about his mother to put him to sleep.

Now that I think about it, that might be a curse.

Those childhood experiences shaped John, and he has been following his mother with almost no memory ever since.

John's father is a magician - even when John became a policeman, his father did not tell him this.

John is the third son in the family, and the magician family business is inherited by the eldest son, which means that as far as the magician is concerned, John is only regarded as a backup for his elder brother. Moreover, it seems that this father even hid his identity from his mother. However, within the top management of the United States, some departments responsible for handling the magic field have grasped the father's identity.

Even though the United States is a powerful country, compared with the Templar Church and the Magic Association, the United States is always a few steps behind in dealing with the mystery.

In this situation, John was called to a police facility and his identity was suddenly revealed.

It seems that my father also allowed it. The government proposed a deal to his father, who was estranged from the clock tower, on the condition of financial support, so John was sold to the state.

Although he was confused, when John performed the magic himself, his doubts disappeared instantly and he had to accept this fact.

Because he was afraid.

Since this power actually exists, it means that many cases have been deceived so far.

Including the stalemate cases, there must be many cases involving magic.

Perhaps, several innocent people have been harmed by false intelligence and have been unjustly convicted.

Therefore, John can understand the concept that magic must be hidden.

However, he cannot understand the concept of even sacrificing others in order to conceal magic.

To a magician, this is a given. But John was raised as an ordinary person.

Just when he was angry at the arrogance and unreasonableness of the magic world - Orlando told him:

"The unreasonableness caused by heresy can only be supervised and banned with the same heresy."

John received a promotion from Orlando and became a member of the Direct Force. When he transferred to Snowfield, he also learned the shocking fact——

"This city is about to become a battlefield for magicians. Now that the country has taken action, this war will inevitably be unstoppable."

"Fighting the country is also a way, but that is a stupid method worse than no plan."

"In this case, what we should do is to deal with the war and continue to maintain order. We can only prove to magicians around the world that there are guards here to protect the boundary with the magic world."

"Remember. If we fail, the worst case scenario is that 800,000 citizens will die."

John didn't accept everything the director said. Is a country that would commit such cruel acts still a country? John also tried to fundamentally overthrow this plan and re-imagine it.

But the more John learned about the plan, the more he realized he couldn't do it on his own. Finally, he also believed that what the Director said was the most reasonable approach.

Our camp must control the development trend of the Holy Grail War and suppress all situations before the citizens are harmed.

If it could be done, John thought it would be a proof.

As long as there is the power to control the top familiar "heroic spirit", just existing here can greatly restrain the magician and prevent them from acting rashly.

However, John didn't figure it out.

It is impossible for a person like the magician to stop this with such common sense.

For these magicians who are willing to use their own lives as pawns as long as they want to reach the source, those "containments" with only powerful power are nothing more than superficial objects of observation.

John, who did not grow up as a magician, could not understand the cunning tricks used by the Magic Association and the Templar Church to extend their tentacles all over the world and become a mysterious manager in a true sense.

And, there was one more thing he didn't understand.

No matter how great a weapon you have, how you train your magic and body and mind - there are still powerful monsters in the world that can turn all of them back into nothingness.

John realized this at the moment when his right arm was taken away by a monster who called himself Jesta Catore, commonly known as the "Dead Apostle".

In a previous attack on the police station, John's right hand was "gnawed" by a vampire claiming to be a Death Apostle, and was completely lost.

However, because the warlock who supported them, Alexandre Dumas, gave John a new prosthetic leg, the director, although he felt entangled, agreed to let John return to the membership.

However, he was allowed to return to the team in the form of fully supporting the other "Twenty-Eight Monsters" and not standing on the front line——

However, the formation that could maintain the scale of the frontline and rearguard easily collapsed, and nearly thirty policemen each with their own Noble Phantasms were already in a state where half of them were injured and unable to move.

The same goes for the remaining members, who tried their best to form a formation.

Now that the heroic spirit of Master Flatt who cooperated with them has retreated, they are not in a good position to fight alone. What was even more unexpected was the participation of the Heroic Spirit, the Hero King Gilgamesh, who had received information in advance.

Although he was entering a battle with the newly appeared swordsman, the hero king's fighting method was truly unique and classic. It used overwhelming physical pressure to forcibly kill the opponent's life.

The practice of randomly projecting Noble Phantasms after hearing about it, once you see it with your own eyes, you can only be stunned and the scene will remain vividly in your memory.

John instantly thought that standing in front of the alien archers like this might be because he wanted to avoid the reality that the King of Heroes was so powerful. However, this would not change the fact how dangerous the heroic spirit in front of him was. This comparison was completely meaningless, so he gave up thinking.

"What I am about to do is to massacre young children who have not yet understood the truth of the world. If I can complete it, you will have nothing to do with me. Are there any of you who cherish your own lives and are willing to face the death of young children? Save the person?"

The archer in front of him asked this question in a serious tone.

Although I am not obligated to answer, but——

When he came back to his senses, John had already spoken:

"Even if there is, I will not laugh at that person or feel disappointed. However, this does not mean that you are allowed to pass here."

"Oh...so, you won't run away?"

"... If I think about the future calmly, of course I want to escape. After all, no matter how hard I struggle, I can't defeat you... But the price of calmness and the future is that if I have to pay no attention to saving young children, this way of living It scares me even more.

However, the alien archer who heard this answer glanced at John instantly and said these wonderful words:

"...How brave, son of man. I wouldn't call it reckless courage. 'That's why it's all the more sad.'"


John was confused, and the archer continued:

"It's nothing...it's just me talking to myself."

In an instant, the archers stood in front of John.

"Huh...?" Although it may be mistaken for instant movement, the reason he was able to achieve this was not the speed achieved by using muscle power, but the movement that took advantage of the opportunity.

This proves that the alien archer does not just rely on strong physical strength, he even has skills accumulated through training that is beyond the scope of ordinary people. However, John did not despair of this fact.

Because, without even having time to understand such a gap in combat power, the big bow hit John hard on the neck.

So, before John Wingard understood what was happening to him—or, before he proved that he could fight with the prosthetic leg Alexandre Dumas gave him—

The neck bones were shattered, and the whole person flew out, crashing into the glass door of the hospital entrance with a loud noise.


At the moment when a poor policeman was about to die, the battle between Richard and the golden archers on the roof of the church became more and more intense.

The golden heroic spirit, who never stopped attacking, looked calm.

However, he occasionally cast suspicious eyes on Richard, who kept dodging attacks, and asked him in a arrogant manner:

"Bastard, I give you permission to answer my question."

"It was a real honor."

The golden heroic spirit's attack has slowed down, but there is no carelessness or arrogance in Richard's eyes.

If you plan to take advantage of this moment to attack in one go, you can imagine that you will encounter a fatal counterattack. So Richard also stopped and listened to his opponent's words.

"You can tell by your dodge action. Have you ever encountered a similar situation?"

After listening, Richard shrugged and replied:

"Yes. I encountered a similar thing yesterday, but the way the other party attacked was upside down from yours."

"...How is that other person doing?"

"We get along well. Master... no, the contracted ones also get along well." Considering that Ayaka had denied that he was the Master, Richard changed his name, but it seemed meaningless to the golden heroic spirit. , showed no significant response.

However, Richard didn't notice that when he said the words "getting along well", the golden heroic spirit's eyelids trembled slightly.

However, Richard could not understand the sudden change in the atmosphere.

Before this moment, the hostility of the golden heroic spirit was all about "excluding rude people", but now that the hostility has faded, it is replaced by a different kind of inexplicable atmosphere.

That kind of atmosphere was something that Richard had had before his death, but he didn't notice it now.

"Really...that guy, as my good friend, is still too naive towards others."

Hearing the words spoken by the golden heroic spirit with a wry smile, Richard was confused by a nasty premonition.


"'My friend.' I seem to have heard of this development somewhere."

That was exactly one day ago.

When I met that heroic spirit in the vast forest and proposed an alliance——

"My only good friend has a difficult personality."

"Whenever I make friends or plan to cooperate with someone, he will say, 'Let me try whether you are qualified to cooperate with my friend,' and then make all kinds of demanding demands to drive the person away."


Richard noticed that the space around him was different from before, and began to twist and turn.

Ah, isn't this the development of "I'm finished"?

Richard, who was surrounded from all sides by the "skewed space" where the Noble Phantasm was launched, felt "death" all over his body.

To Richard like that, the golden hero said exactly the same words as the spearman he met in the forest:

"Let me try to see if you are qualified to cooperate with my friend."

"Hey, hey, even if I'm afraid that my friend will be snatched away, I won't..."

Richard stopped mid-joke.

He is not an intuitive person.

Observing the expression of the hero opposite him, Richard could understand that it was definitely not driven by pure desire for exclusivity or vulgar feelings like jealousy.

"No, just pretend I didn't say that. I was immature just now."

"Very well, no more words. I'll just compliment you. If you continue until the end, there's no need to test it. I'll chop off that head of yours and end everything right away."

Then, the golden hero continued to explain to Richard not as a king, a warrior, or a heroic spirit, but as a "arbiter":

"The situation has changed. Bastard, I agree with you. You are not a good-for-nothing, but a "seeker" who is suitable to accept the test I grant. If you can survive, I will regard you as his ally, and even more so My clear ‘enemy’. At that time, I will allow you to become a rust stain on my treasure as a ‘human’ again. You can be proud of this.”

Click. Click. Crack.

Many tiny noises echoed in the darkness of the man.

John faintly heard the sound of someone whispering among the sounds of hard objects colliding with each other.

Accompanying the human voice, the constantly reverberating metal sound sounds rough, but it also seems to be playing music, with an elegant feel.

"here it is……?"

John slowly raised his body.

Miraculously, there was no pain.

However, other than that, the feeling is also vague.

Only a smell slightly stimulated the heart. It was a mixture of the fragrance of fruit wine and the burnt aroma of butter, the kind of smell that would whet one's appetite.

Then, John realized that this was a restaurant.

The space is filled with warm orange light, but it does not come from the light bulb, but the color illuminated by the firelight of the candlestick. There was a huge long table floating in the light, and a man was sitting there, surrounded by stunning beauties who were talking and laughing. Occasionally, you could see them pouring wine into the man's glass.

"please ask me……"

When John was about to talk to the person sitting at the table, the man picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth elegantly, then slowly turned his head to look at John.

"Hey, you're awake."

"Eh...Dazhong...Mr. Warlock?"

The man's appearance is that of a heroic spirit familiar to John and other "Monsters of the Twenty-Eight", that is, Alexandre Dumas, the sorcerer who made a contract with the police chief.

However, his hair is combed back in an upright style, and his body looks slightly larger than when he was seen in the workshop.

"Excuse me, why am I here...and where are the others?"

At this point, John noticed.

Dumas was not looking at himself.


Although John wanted to touch the candlestick, his hand slipped through it.

Not only that, even the beautiful woman who came over with the dishes passed through John's body like a ghost. Seeing this scene, John realized the fact that "he did not exist here."

Although the period was short-lived, perhaps the magician's training worked.

John understood that this was not a simple dream, and that there might be some magical meaning here.

"This is a restaurant, so you don't need to be so wary of me. And it's quite high-end here, so please don't make a fuss. I'm not your companion, but I'm not an enemy either. Anyway, how about we talk first?"

At first glance, John thought Dumas was speaking to him.

However, his gaze was not directed towards himself, but towards someone standing diagonally behind him.

John hadn't calmed down from the chaos yet, but he was aware of it and slowly looked back behind him.

Then what he saw was a wounded man.

Part of the body was wrapped in bandages, and there were traces of blood in several places. However, whether it was the white color of the bandage or the reddish-brown color of the wet blood, these images immediately disappeared from John's mind.

Pitch black.

The man wore a coat so dark that it seemed to express the color of the man's soul.

His skin color was unhealthy pale, and his hair color was far from dark.

Under the coat, there are looming luxurious clothes like those worn by nobles. I wonder if he has been involved in any big trouble. There are burnt marks everywhere on the outside of the coat.

However, it is impossible not to think of the dark coat covering the man's body, the color of which represents his essence. While John was confused, the man in the dark coat didn't say a word, staring at Alexandre Dumas warily. Perhaps sensing his murderous intent, Alexandre Dumas shrugged and waved:

"Oh~ Pretend I didn't say it just now, I don't want to be killed. Let me say it categorically, I am not your enemy. If I were, you would have boarded the ship heading to Hades, right? No, considering those people you regard as ‘enemies’, if everything can end if they fall into Hades, you’re pretty lucky.”

Alexandre Dumas picked up the water bottle at hand, poured water into the glass, and continued:

"Come, drink a glass of water first. If you're afraid it's poisonous, I'll drink it for you first."

Then, the man in pitch black continued to remain alert and asked Alexandre Dumas:

"Who are you...do you...know 'me'...?"

"Well, let's call it acquaintance. Although we are not directly related, I know about you by coincidence. Including how you have accomplished your great deeds so far, and even what you will accomplish from now on, I know everything."

After hearing this, the dark man became more alert and stood up slowly.

Compared to the man's actions, Alexandre Dumas handed him a glass filled with water——

Then Dumas gestured with his chin toward the seat in front of the man, as if testing him.

"Sit down first. Standing like that all the time doesn't look like a dignified earl."


"Ah, or should I call you this?"

Then, Alexandre Dumas said a proper noun that not only represents the superficial side of the opponent, but also its core.

"'Edmond Dantès'. Well, a good name. A name like this would be enough to fill an article."

"However, The Count of Monte Cristo is a more suitable title for the novel."


The heart of the city.

"The ruling...is it?"

Facing the man standing on the same roof as himself, Richard picked up his sword again and asked him.

"I see. I originally thought your class was an archer, but that's not the case. Are you a Ruler?"

Based on the knowledge gained from the Holy Grail, Richard named a special class.

However, the golden heroic spirit sneered at this.

"Idiot. The judge in the Holy Grail War will only use the norms of the world as the criterion after all, and it is nothing more than a neutral scale. There is no neutrality in my judgment. All the roads I have traveled, and the things accumulated in my treasure house The treasures in the treasure are the scales that will judge you."

The heroic spirit exaggeratedly said "I am the rule", but Richard nodded with a smile on his face and replied: "You idiot? That's a good description."

Richard rested his sword on his shoulder, glanced down at the main road from the church roof, and sighed: "Speaking of which, I heard that the guards guarding this city came here to investigate the heroic spirits spreading mysterious diseases. Here, let’s see if there’s anything we can do to help. Sure enough, once we meet, the Holy Grail War will naturally turn into a martial arts show, right?”

"Stop pretending, bastard."

The golden heroic spirit said dissatisfiedly.

"I see you are worried when you say it. The one who enjoys this situation more than anyone else here is obviously you."


Richard responded with a bold smile, and then asked the golden heroic spirit:

"Speaking of which, that disease... your friends call it the "Black Curse". Isn't it just to find a way to deal with it that those guards will gather? How about not helping them? Forming an alliance with you is also a way. .”

Richard, who insists on calling the police officers "guards", recalls what the allied gunmen said - "If the curse is mixed with the sludge, something serious will happen" while waiting for the other party's reaction.

However, the golden heroic spirit did not take his eyes away from Richard. He still crossed his arms and said, "That rude death curse? If that thing appears in front of me, I will naturally destroy it. No matter what you want to do, the result will be Nothing will change. Although there are some hateful winds blowing, once the source of the curse is eliminated, everything will end.

"I see. Indeed, I have just arrived here and I haven't grasped the situation clearly yet. But it seems that I will have to do everything I can to face your 'judgment'."

Richard cracked his neck and asked about the current situation where he was.

"What is carried on the scale is not just life. It also includes my future, and my past - everything, right?"

"Stop being so nagging, you're not a fool who can't understand everything without asking one by one."

Looking at the golden heroic spirit who was talking unreasonably, Richard smiled bitterly and said: "I see, then I can accept it. In other words, this is already a battlefield where you must fight to survive."

Then—with the next sentence, Lionheart King took action.

"The covenant has been established. What we both said before is the cry for victory in the war - I am also going to 'begin the attack'."

As Richard took steps, the twisted space around him burst into light.

Then, as if all the stars that filled the night sky fell, countless "Noble Phantasms" fell onto the streets of Snowfield.

Richard jumped onto the roof of the building next to the church, and the "Judgment" kept approaching from all around.

Those attacks can be described as infinite continuous attacks, and even more powerful blows that never end.

Endless pursuit from all directions, until death.

However, Richard was not just a beast left to be slaughtered.

Even if he is not in his best condition, Richard is still a heroic spirit who appears as the "best" swordsman among the seven human classes.

Faced with the test of the golden heroic spirit who could not judge his intentions, Richard also began to unleash his power as a hero with the King's Spiritual Base.

Mixed with rapid and slow changes, the showers of Noble Phantasms continued to pour down.

Richard took advantage of the opening and jumped onto the roof.

The Noble Phantasm immediately approached.

Richard kicked one of the weapons away, twisted his body, and dodged the continuous attacks by a hair.

If used for acrobatic performances, it would be too lacking in elegance; but used for combat, it is really elegant and elegant.

Even one hit from these continuous attacks will cause fatal injuries to the body. Richard rushed towards its center, and with overwhelming speed, he began to "attack and invade" the realm of death as he had just declared.

Richard prepared the sword in his hand, twisted his body, and slashed toward the sky from bottom to top in one breath.

The light that overflowed from the trajectory of the sword swept away all the incoming blades, opening up a new path that could be penetrated personally. Having said that, it still doesn't change the situation where one wrong step will result in death on the spot.

As Richard walked rapidly through the realm of life and death, he kept mumbling words that were not for others to listen to but to encourage himself.

"Perhaps I have some shortcomings in being able to meet your conditions."

It's like a vow with myself.


"In terms of speed, I will beat you."


The top floor of the casino hotel "Crystal Hill".


She is the master of the Hero King Gilgamesh, and she is also a girl who bows to him as a servant from the bottom of her heart.

She is a miko who took several generations to "make" in order to complete her revenge.

Tini's tribe is not affiliated with the church. It is a land guardian tribe that inherits and continues its power from generation to generation.

This tribe was put under pressure by countless magicians and some powerful people from both inside and outside the magic world, and finally succumbed. In order to one day regain the land, and for the land that the clan has protected to this day, they did not hesitate to make "sacrifice" as the name suggests.

Magical markings are engraved on newly born children.

By using patterns that were somewhat different from those of Western magic, they used them as pathways for the spiritual veins of the land and the magic circuit itself, and forcibly connected them to become "catalysts" for magic.

Its purpose is a wish.

What it is, is a miracle.

It's a cry.

It is, a circuit.

It's the same sacrifice.

What it is - a string of curses boiled over thousands of lives.

The actions of magicians who manage the land are synonymous with making a covenant with the land.

That is called an oath, an extremely pure and flawless curse.

If the power of the land's spiritual veins is transferred to a place that you can't reach, you will die.

In return for being cursed, the magician can strengthen his power by assimilating his life with the spiritual veins of the land. Although he is not able to sing without chanting, he can continue to perform powerful magic with the highest efficiency.

These people forcibly expanded the magic circuit to the land and passed it on to their children.

Tiny was also born as a sacrifice for the next generation, and after suffering all kinds of pain, it was a device to pass on her genes and markings to the next generation of heirs.

Tiny has twelve brothers and nine sisters.

However, these brothers and sisters have all been "included by the land".

These sacrifices made in order to assimilate the magic circuits of the human body with the spiritual veins of the land, finally gave Tini the power to wield magic that surpassed her father's level.

Then, the next generation of descendants, whether they are sons or daughters, as long as they are qualified, will follow the same fate as their predecessors. but--

The Holy Grail War stands in the way of destiny.

This was the original purpose of the magicians to plunder the land from Tiny's ancestors.

And now, those usurpers are about to achieve their long-cherished wish.

The land guardian clan immediately recommended Tini and began to teach her the knowledge of the Holy Grail War and the magic used to fight.

Everything is for Tini to become the master of the Holy Grail War.

Moreover, it is true that they respect and love Tini like the patriarch.

Although there are some people who are dissatisfied with Tini and intend to rebel, after all, they are a minority within the clan.

At the same time, they also understand one thing.

This girl who should be respected and regarded as the leader of the clan is also a sacrifice who will use up her life to achieve great things - a catalyst that "must be completely exhausted" to break into the curse called "recapture the land".

However, Tiny is not just a poor puppet who only knows how to be instigated by her tribe.

She herself has also realized that she must completely exhaust her life to face this Holy Grail War. Even if it is not the will of the tribe, but thoughts controlled by the fate inherited from generation to generation.

Because Tiny has accepted since she was a child that she is alive now in order to "become the curse itself" and pay retribution to those usurper magicians.

But now, that Tini can only stare at the scene in front of her and imprint it in her mind.

The constellations of Noble Phantasms that keep falling like meteors.

Each weapon is wrapped with mana that is reminiscent of the mythical era, constantly cutting through the emotionless battlefield atmosphere.

Tiny is currently on the top floor of the Casino Hotel "Crystal Hill", using the magic of foresight to grasp the situation on the ground.

Looking down from the top floor may be possible only by using magic to enhance eyesight, but Tiny’s nature as a human, the crisis detection ability of a magician, and the racial instinct opened up by connecting the channel with the heroic spirit as a master , and again and again refused to behave condescendingly at his own heroic spirit, the Hero King Gilgamesh.

If she were an experienced magician, she would have watched condescendingly without hesitation.

Or maybe, that move might cause the King of Heroes to be unhappy, but that's another story.

Tini even felt that spying through a familiar was disrespectful, but because the King of Heroes had already tacitly agreed to let her observe from a distance during the battle with Enkidu, Tini judged that doing so was still within the bounds that could not be crossed. Inside.

"As expected of Lord Gilgamesh.

The other archer is indeed a formidable enemy, but that master's ability is definitely above him.

As for that poor swordsman, he can’t hold on any longer..."

While thinking about this, Tini took a breath.

In the scene seen through the vision technique - the swordsman is still alive.

And not to mention still alive, he is even beginning to gradually be able to cope with the King of Heroes' attacks?

"That heroic spirit... who is...?"


In the Holy Grail War, it is considered the most outstanding class.

According to the investigation conducted by Tiny's subordinates beforehand, from the relics brought to be used as catalysts, it can be inferred that the behind-the-scenes camp may want to summon King Arthur.

Moreover, intelligence has been obtained that a magician named Caoqiu, who is also in the behind-the-scenes camp, has brought relics closely related to the "First Emperor" from China. It is even impossible to predict what rank this heroic spirit will appear in. . If the person transporting the relic is a magician behind the scenes, then it cannot be easily snatched away.

Speaking of which, when Tini learned that the person with the "Catalyst of Gilgamesh" had set foot on this land, she made up her mind that the heroic spirit (heroic spirit) she should make a contract with was the one she should serve. The King - the Hero King who is said to be the source of all kings, there is no other choice.

As for the other archer, Alcides, and the cavalryman who claims to be the Queen of the Amazons?

Even after seeing such an unusual heroic spirit, Tini still firmly believed that the King of Heroes would win until the last moment.

The magic power felt from the connected magic pathways is so noble and arrogant that it makes everything want to serve him.

The only person who might become an enemy is, at most, the spearman whom the King of Heroes calls his "friend."

Tini thought to herself that if this was the case, it was destined that all opponents would be neatly eliminated during the period before the final moment of guidance.

The statement "Swordsmen are the best" is just a benchmark, information that has long since been banished from my mind.


"So fast……"

Tiny was forced to realize something.

Indeed, since it is praised as the most excellent class, it means that no matter what kind of swordsman he is, there must be a part that "breaks through" a certain category.

Is he King Arthur as she speculated? Or is he another completely different heroic spirit? Tini still doesn't know.

Even when observing the swordsman she saw through the far-sighted spell, Tini did not think that his spiritual power was enough to be on par with the King of Heroes or Alcides. She might be on par with the Queen of the Amazons who calls herself Hippolyta, but I feel like she is slightly stronger than her.

But at this moment, under the fierce attack of Gilgamesh's "Gate of Babylon", the swordsman is still alive.

It is not like Gilgamesh's friend Lancer, who all fights against each other, nor like Alcides, who is currently confronting the police team, withstanding the attacks of all the Noble Phantasms. The swordsman uses dodge to constantly evade. Open all Noble Phantasms Shower Rain.

Although he occasionally used the sword in his hand to knock off a few shining Noble Phantasms, that action was suppressed to the minimum necessary scene.

If she was just running away and dodging, Tini would still understand. But the most unusual thing was that Tini felt that the swordsman's behavior was not a passive escape, but a clear "active attack."

"How can it be……"

Seeing the swordsman slowly approaching Gilgamesh, sweat ran down Tini's cheeks.

"His speed...is still increasing...?"


The square behind the church.

Hiding behind the trees planted in the square, the boy Flatt saw the offensive and defensive battle going on above the church and the adjacent buildings, and couldn't help but sigh:

"It's amazing... Even though the golden man's attacks are cheating, the other man who is constantly dodging is not inferior to him! It's like you can use unlimited emergency evasion commands when playing an action game, and you still have to use cancel techniques. What’s the state!”

"Your examples...are quite vulgar..."

The person who complained and conveyed the words was the heroic spirit that had returned to the form of a watch——Bennet.

Bennett, the berserker who made a contract with Frater, suffered extraordinary damage after his Noble Phantasm, which could be regarded as half of his spiritual base, was taken away by Alcides.

Even if he is not a heroic spirit, but merely an incarnation of human malice, the fact that he was deprived of the power of his Noble Phantasm just now is equivalent to being touched at the root - his malice was swallowed up by another malice.

Therefore, he transformed into an inorganic object that only required a small amount of magic power to take shape.

All this seems like fate.

So... did Mr. Xuanhao let himself participate in the Holy Grail War knowing that such a situation would arise?

Bennett could clearly feel that although being taken away from his 'malice' or 'power' made him extremely weak, it didn't seem to be a completely bad thing.

On the other hand, precisely because the 'malice' was taken away, he is now closer to humans.

Becoming a real 'human' was originally his purpose of following Xuan Hao and coming to this world, and it was also for this reason that he wanted to get in touch with the Holy Grail.

Does the Holy Grail also have such power?

But isn't that the Holy Grail? It should be something quite sacred...how could it swallow 'malice'?

For a moment Bennett couldn't figure it out.

But now is not the time to think about things.

"Then it's time for us to take action, right?"

"But, Ben...Mr. Berserker, are you really okay?"

"Even if I say that I want to retreat, you are still going to find a reason to prevaricate me and run to help the police team alone? Although we have only known each other for a short time, I already have a general understanding of your actions." 』

"It's annoying...do I look like the kind of righteous partner?"

After hearing Flatt's confused words, the heroic spirit that had transformed into a watch spoke.

"You probably aren't. However, regardless of your teacher's concept of justice and evil, is he the type who "will do it to the end"? In this case, as his student, you should also imitate it. 』

"...It really gives me a headache. Mr. Bennett, have you read my mind?"

"As long as you are not a person with very poor intuition, anyone will understand you. However, although you are not a fool who would rush into an enemy camp without a plan, there is a high chance that the plan itself is extremely stupid. So, I have to be the one who can guide you. 』

"Don't worry! I also plan to go back alive! I have to show off your story to everyone!"

"Isn't there a better reason?"

Bennett enjoyed the playful conversation. But it's like a wounded person who keeps talking to others just to distract from the pain.

"never mind. I know you're better suited to support me than to fight. I will be fully prepared to assist you as a supporter. 』

"...It's true."

Flatt didn't deliberately ask Bennett: Are you no longer able to fight?

Because even from his perspective, Bennett was clearly weakened.

After the concept called the Noble Phantasm was taken away, Bennett's spiritual foundation is obviously unstable.

However, Flatt asked Bennett another question:

"...By defeating that man, can Mr. Berserker's spiritual power be restored?"

“You don’t need to ask me questions that you already know. Did you “see” it?』

"...Yes. As far as I can see, the spirit base has been completely integrated... How should I put it... It's like merging into a very disgusting, mud-like object..."

"Yes, even if I eliminate that one, 80% of that power will not come back to me. But that kind of thing is what I want to give up. Don't worry, I don't care. 』

After Bennett said this, Flatt said in frustration: "Having said that, your strength will indeed be greatly reduced. It seems that you need to be more careful in doing things in the future."

"So that's all you care about?" Unfortunately, I thought you were worried about me and was moved. 』

"I really care about you, believe me...but the current situation is powerful and important. Is this a fact?"

"Okay...I can't deny this, but...strength is not the key to victory or defeat, right?" Otherwise, the final winner of this so-called Holy Grail War will only be one person from the beginning. There is no need for these heroic spirits to even appear. 』

"Are you talking about...Mr. Xuanhao?" Frat was slightly surprised when he heard this.

Although he had thought about Mr. Xuanhao's power, hearing Bennett say it like this was a different feeling.

Bennett was not a weak heroic spirit. If he hadn't happened to be restrained by the guy just now, even if the opponent was a 'demigod', the outcome would still be uncertain.

"Isn't this the time to talk about this? 』

"Okay, okay~ It would be nice if the golden man could conflict with him and move to another place, but..."

"That golden archer is probably the one your teacher said you should never get close to." Now I understand what he meant. That guy is an equal disaster to everyone. Basically, we're left with covert action. 』

The two of them thought about whether there was any way to regain the situation in a short period of time and cover the police team.

Having said that, I really don’t have time to think properly.

After all, I don’t know when the archers and swordsmen who are fighting fiercely above will be hit here by stray bullets from the battle. They didn't think the police team could confront the heroic spirit for too long.

"How about I use another command spell to increase my speed and take away the girl in the hospital?

"According to the information obtained from the police chief, the girl is suffering from a mysterious disease that is eroding her brain. Therefore, I cannot agree with the practice of forcibly taking away girls without the assistance of the police. Although the risk of infecting others is not high, there is no guarantee that the girl's body will be able to hold on if she is taken away without police assistance. What's more, the church that she was originally expected to take her to is now showing that kind of virtue. 』

Seeing the golden archers standing on the roof of the church like door gods, Flatt said worriedly:

"Then, how about using a barrier or something to isolate us so that they can't see us? When I went to cemeteries and other places with the professor before, I learned many ways to hide our whereabouts!"

"If I do this, the archer who took away my power will burn the entire hospital to ashes. I think it should be easy for that heroic spirit to achieve that level... Wait a minute. 』


"It seems like someone is coming. 』

Bennett temporarily stopped the conversation and reminded Flatt to be alert to his surroundings.

Flatt focused his awareness on his surroundings and found that in front of the tree where they were hiding, a figure approached from nowhere. The moment he saw that figure, Flatt, who was logged in as a master among the participants of the ceremony, immediately understood that the other person, like Bennett, was an existence that manifested as a heroic spirit.

At the same time, he also learned that the opponent was not a heroic spirit in combat.

Then, Bennett immediately transformed into a huge wolf-like body and roared as if to intimidate the opponent:

"Stop there and don't move! Who are you!"

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