"Wow! Mr. Bennett has turned into Lou Xian!"

Flatt called out a certain noun to Bennett, but he didn't respond, instead staring at the man approaching him.

The other person had an antique-looking crew cut, but was dressed in elegant clothing that was clearly tailor-made.

Although there is no warrior atmosphere, it still exudes a different atmosphere from magicians and cavalry.

"Looking at that costume, you should be a Frenchman from one or two hundred years ago?" Bennett, who had transformed into a wolf, was speaking.

In response to Bennett's question, which was filled with the murderous intent and power of a beast, the man who stood still ten meters in front of him shrugged and said: "Hey, hey, no one has ever taught you not to judge a book by its appearance? I am I didn’t treat you like that. Even if you went on to say that you like eating Madeleines from Comercy, I probably wouldn’t be surprised.”

"Ah, that's delicious! Comercy's madeleine cake!"

Flatt remained vigilant and responded to the other party's unclear remarks.

The man seemed a little surprised by this response: "Oh? This is a good topic. So it's still famous? Comersi's baked snacks."

"That's right! A local friend of mine in France often gives it as souvenirs to professors and friends!"

"That's it~ I really want to taste it and see if it's different from when I was alive. Oh, but the conversation just now accidentally revealed that I am indeed from France as I appear. But. Forget it, compared to the taste of the madeleines, my affairs are not important at all."

The mysterious man and Flatt talked about the local government groups in France again, creating a lively atmosphere.

In the sky behind them, there were still Noble Phantasm meteors constantly falling from the sky. Bennett, who was standing aside in the form of a giant wolf, showed an uncomfortable look in his eyes and spoke to Flatt: "Hey, it's not time for you to talk about those things. .Who knows how long the police team can deal with that monster..."


"This boy is a little hard to figure out."

As the man raised his lips, the atmosphere also changed. He said: "While chatting with me about snacks, he secretly incorporated spells into my shadow. This is the behavior of a magician. However, even though the spell has been completed, he still continued to chat. Let’s talk about something interesting, this behavior doesn’t sound like a magician.”

After hearing what the man said, Bennett looked at Flatt in surprise.

Flatt felt confused and asked the man: "Huh? I compiled the spell because I was concerned that you would be in danger if you were an enemy. If you are not an enemy, not only would I waste my magic power, but it would also be harmful to you. Sorry, isn't it?"


After observing silently for a while, the man looked at Flatt and continued happily: "Boy... 'What are you from'?"

"Eh...? Oh, you're asking for my name! My name is Flat! Because my full name is ridiculously long, and I have to avoid becoming the target of a spell, I can't tell you everything rashly. But, I The name I usually call myself is Flat! Now I am the master of Mr. Berserker!"

"Well, that's not what I meant. But forget it. Also, the fact that I have my full name is something that I can't say lightly. Anyway, you all accidentally reported your name, so I won't report it myself. It’s not fair.”

After listening, Bennett asked suspiciously: "...Registration number? You are a heroic spirit after all, and you want to report your name to us who are also participants in the Holy Grail War?"

"For someone like you who seems to declare, 'I am Jack the Ripper~!' and reveals the Noble Phantasm, do you have the nerve to blame me? However, when you cause trouble in society, it seems to be after my death."

"...Is there a possibility that that is just a way for me to confuse people? In fact, I am not the real Jack the Ripper, just like now I can transform into a giant wolf."

"Is that so? But it doesn't matter. No matter whether my real name is exposed or not, it will not change my weaknesses. If my head is chopped off, I will die, if my heart is stabbed, I will die, if I drown, I will starve to death, if I don't eat enough, I will die. You will freeze to death, you will die of old age - you see, there are a lot of weaknesses. Tell me, a man who can't even prevent a simple curse, what weaknesses can he expose now? "

This heroic spirit seemed to have no hostility, but due to the current situation of his spiritual power, Bennett could not take it calmly, and he was in the position of protecting Flatt, so he still did not change his wary gaze.

"I don't understand. Since you have no intention of being an enemy to us, why did you come to contact us?"

"Hey, hey, our masters are all in alliance, right? 'Masters are in alliance, let alone the heroic spirits' - that's it."

"...I see, you have "that position". In that case, I will understand..."

Bennett and Frater once heard their alliance master, the chief of the Snowfield City Police, say: "Although I won't tell you the real name of my heroic spirit, but anyway, he only arranges rear support. There will be a chance to meet you.”

Although they formed a temporary common front, since they still had to fight for the Holy Grail in the end, of course they would not reveal their true names. It is not a good idea to let Heroic Spirits have pointless contact with each other.

Precisely because Bennett accepted it in this way, he had to think that it was an extremely unnatural situation for the other party's heroic spirit to appear in front of him——

"Having said that, I have a corresponding reason to register myself. In terms of combat, I have no obligation to guarantee that we can have a serious and good joint relationship, but after seeing the boy's behavior, I judged that I can best cooperate with the boy. The step is to frankly expose part of my true heart."

Because he knew very well that Bennett would give him such a suspicious look, the heroic spirit shrugged happily and gave his name at the same time.

"My name is Dumas. I became a sorcerer for some reason."

"Huh?" Flatt couldn't help but asked in reply.

The heroic spirit who called himself Dumas shrugged and asked: "Boy, have you heard of Alexandre Dumas?"


This time Frater made a more explicit exclamation, asking aloud: "Which...which Dumas?"

"Which one?"

"Is it the super-powerful general among Napoleon's men, Old Dumas? Or the writer son of that general, Alexandre Dumas who wrote "The Three Musketeers", "Les Mille et Un Fantmes" and other works? Could it be something more The son below, the young Dumas who wrote La Traviata?"

"It's the second Alexandre Dumas. Putting aside "The Three Musketeers", you even know the more niche works. However, compared to my works, Inuzi's works seem to be more well-known, which is great."

Warlock - Alexandre Dumas said with a self-deprecating smile.

Flatt shouted with twinkling eyes:

"What are you talking about? Of course I know your work! I have seen the movies, animations, and puppet shows of "The Three Musketeers"! No way! Are you really me?"

"The heroic spirit is like a copy. It's difficult for me to answer you if you ask me if I am the "original god". However, in the sense of asking me if I am Alexandre Dumas, the answer is Yes. However, I originally thought that my Books don't last for more than a hundred years. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but it means that no matter how many years pass, human nature will not change much. If you want to admire someone, it is better to choose my son. His Only in this way can we guarantee that the goods are genuine.”

"Don't be like this! Please don't talk as if your talents are fake! In the classroom where I stayed, although the classmates and seniors were all bookworms, they all owned several original copies published at that time! Okay! Amazing, amazing! Mr. Bennett, we have the power of a hundred people! Ah, I really want to talk to this person more and find out more information about him, but I have to rescue him first. Those policemen can do that. Let’s ask him to help!”

"Well... there is indeed no time. Since the master said that, I will believe him for the time being..."

After saying that, Bennett transformed into a watch again and tied it back to Flat's wrist.

Seeing this situation, Alexandre Dumas chuckled and said:

"I'm very grateful. However, it's too much to rely on me to handle this situation by myself. And if you have to turn it into a watch that doesn't have to move on your own, it means your spiritual power is quite bad, right?"

Alexandre Dumas looked towards the church in the middle, the intermittent flashes of light on the other side of the road.

At some point, the heroic spirits had moved the battlefield from the roof of the church. But they didn't know who was behind these bursts of flashes of light and the constant rumbling sounds.

"However, even so, if you still want me to help, I can assist you."


"Boy, you...although you don't look like a magician...but in order to achieve your goal, are you prepared to throw your life into the cauldron?"


"Don't worry, we will use the latest pressure cooker with a timer to cook it. It's not a witch's cauldron where the results are unstable after cooking."

Dumas said strange words while raising a fearless smile at Flatt and Bennett.

"The best part is, I'm the one in charge of conditioning."


"...What a chaotic bunch of guys...

Even though his face didn't show any emotion, Sigma still expressed his feelings a little dumbfounded.

The young man who was behind the scenes in this Holy Grail War was not only a mercenary who used magic, but also the person who was supposed to be the master of the spear.

However, after being possessed by a heroic spirit of the mysterious class "Watcher", in this state, in order to increase his chances of survival, he formed a temporary common front with swordsmen and stalkers.

Then, Sigma took action based on the information brought to him by the shadows of the "Watchers" and came to observe the unconscious girl in the hospital, the heroic spirits who had made a contract with her, and enemies from other camps targeting the girl.

Regarding the information he received from his heroic spirit, Sigma deceived the swordsman, the swordsman's master Sajo Ayaka, and the Diver by claiming that it was "information conveyed to him by higher-ups."

The heroic spirits of Sigmar are mysterious heroic spirits who have always controlled the current situation of the city in the form of a commanding view.

Not only does Sigma have no idea about the characteristics of the "Watcher" class, he even got involved in this Holy Grail War without any clear purpose of his own. Most people around him currently regard him as "Soldier A".

Rather, Francesca herself, who brought Sigma into this war, hopes that he will always exist as "Soldier A". This result is natural. However, the heroic spirits who have made a contract with Sigma are gradually changing him into a special being in this "Hypocritical Holy Grail War".

Having said that, it is impossible for Sigma to have combat abilities comparable to those of Heroic Spirits.

Although Sigma has been traveling around the world and accumulated strength as a mercenary using magic, it is really impossible to compare with extraordinary familiars such as heroic spirits. In addition, after witnessing the attack of the swordsman and the golden heroic spirit, Sigma realized how unfit to exist here.

"That man is the Hero King Gilgamesh, one of the first heroes."

The boy holding the snake staff - one of the "shadows" said so.

These shadows are both devices of the "Watchers" and systems that only convey information to Sigma.

Perhaps due to the direct connection to the brain, no one except Sigma can recognize their body shapes and voices. Although Sigma thought it would be easier to simply regard it as an illusion he saw, the information they conveyed was not only accurate, but there were even things that he couldn't understand with his own knowledge. At this point, Sigma had to rationally realize that those were really the powers of heroic spirits.

"I say categorically that you have no chance of winning now."

"Shadow", whose body shape changed from a boy with a snake staff to a boy with mechanical wings, said.

Regarding his speech, Sigma muttered in his heart: "You don't need to say it."

You can understand at a glance that the weapons that the heroic spirit shot from the empty space are not ordinary weapons.

It is not an opponent that can be dealt with simply by relying on magic or modern firearms.

Using shock bombs or flash bombs should distract the opponent for a moment, but facing the heroic spirit Gilgamesh, it is difficult to think that the situation will get better.

It would be nice to at least work perfectly with the swordsman, but they had just met him not long ago, and there was no tacit understanding between the two. In addition, his master, Sajo Ayaka, was not only not an official master, but was not even a magician.

In this case, there is only one person who can become a fighting force at this moment.

That person was the same heroic spirit as the swordsman and Gilgamesh—the stalker girl standing aside.

"What are you going to do?"

I can't think of a clear battle plan.

However, if we take no action and neither attack nor retreat, we will only sink into this quagmire of killing.

Then, acting in conjunction with the cards around you is the best policy. Sigma judged so.

Hearing this, the stalker said calmly: "I want to protect the young child. Do you know the location of her room?"

"Do you really want to go?... Maybe you will fight with the archer who turned into a demon and the golden Gatling gun."

"...I will not go to the hospital from the front. Although I am not willing to do so, the immature me must try my best to fight against them, and even if I try my best, it is still difficult to say whether I can reach the hospital. If it only concerns me , that’s no problem, but saving young children is the purpose, right?”

"That's the police's purpose, not yours."


The stalker girl didn't seem to understand the intention of Sigma's words, and she quietly expressed doubts.

Regarding her like that, Sigma said calmly:

"The other party is a little girl who has never met before, and the chance of becoming an enemy or a companion is not high. Rather, if that important target of protection and the heroic spirit who has made a contract with her regard us as enemies, we will be trapped in a dilemma. This is a head-on confrontation with that heroic spirit who has no need to fight. Thinking rationally, it will not do you any good to save that girl."

"...I see, you have no faith in your heart."

The stalker nodded as if he completely understood Sigma, looked directly at Sigma and said:

"Of course it's good for me. And for a good reason."

"Reasonable? The reason is..."

Why would you want to ask about that kind of thing? Sigma himself didn’t understand.

Perhaps he asked simply because he couldn't grasp the nature of stalkers getting involved in trouble on their own volition.

Stalker said in smooth words to Sigma who reacted like that: "It is the 'supreme good' that a young child with an immature heart can be saved."

Stalker said as he began to move silently.

As if to close the gap in this "main road that turned into a battlefield", the stalker must have planned to take a long way to approach the hospital.

Sigma chased after him while asking questions half to himself:

"...? I don't understand. Although she is a child, she is a stranger, right? And it is hard to say whether this child will follow the same path of faith as you in the future."

If it was to increase the number of followers of the same sect as his own, it would be understandable why the stalker did this.

But is that something you should save even at the risk of your own life?

"I'm not mature enough. If you are a devout person, you won't consider the benefits. Just like breathing, you just live in the world and follow the instructions of the great voice to choose the path you should take."

"...Although I don't really understand the so-called normal values...but in this situation, you still want to save the child, isn't it because of your pious faith?"

Upon hearing Sigma's words, the fanatics who reached the peak of their powers only looked at Sigma for a moment before shaking their heads in denial.

The emotions filling the stalker's eyes were anger and sorrow towards himself.

"I can't give up my anger towards those heretics. I can't feel tolerance. It's the same with the road I'm on now. As long as I still have the desire to save others, I'm despising fate - this is just arrogance, not faith. Pious. Because of this immaturity, I was not allowed to take the road to the mountains."


As the two of them passed through the main road without a trace, they got closer to the hospital.

The battle between the police team and the archers has begun, and another archer - Gilgamesh and the swordsman have also entered a state of war.

Regardless of the status of the stalkers, Sigma would definitely be killed if even one hit from the stray bullets released by those people during the fight.

Sigma was vigilant about the fighting situation of both sides, while using magic to silence and strengthen his body, so he could barely follow the stalker who was advancing cautiously.

The stalker calmly continued to describe Sigma in this state:

"But that kind of thing doesn't matter at all. My immaturity cannot be the reason for me not to save the child."

"...I understand, that's what it means."

Sigma lowered his head slightly at this time and said the word child. He was only a child once, it would be better to say that he is now, but he stepped onto the battlefield because he had no choice but to do so. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but murmured: "We...have no one to save us."

Suddenly——the stalker approaching the back door of the hospital stopped.

Sigma, aware of his blunder, looked away from the stalker with an expressionless expression.

The next moment, a voice sounded from behind Sigma. It was sent by one of the shadows - the old man who once said "call me captain".

"Alas~ Why did you say it... What the hell, are you an idiot? Are you crying "no one will save me" to the person who is planning to save others? Or are you jealous of sleeping in the hospital? Do you think it would be a happy ending to make a joke and stop and let that kid suffer the same misfortune as yourself?"

Sigma was completely unable to refute the mocking voices.

One reason is that responding to a voice that only you can hear will make the stalker suspicious.

The other is - because he has nothing to refute.

Sigma had no strong desire to pray for the Holy Grail, and no reason to survive this war.

He is just a mercenary who has been struggling so far for the reason of "no reason, I just don't want to die."

When Sigma lives up to the present moment with this kind of mentality, for him, it may actually be his strength - and it is definitely not something he can be proud of. Hearing the words of the stalker, Sigma recalled the past when he was young - the person sitting next door during the day became an "object" with no blood circulation and was disposed of that night, and he naturally revealed what he just said.


Why, no one came to save us?

Why can a girl in the hospital be saved? What is the difference between her and us?

If it were me before this moment, I should have been able to answer with "It's just good luck that gave me that kind of opportunity."

In this case, why did he say that just now? Sigma noticed that his existence was wavering.

This is a bad tendency.

It’s not a good thing for me as a magic user or as a mercenary.

The coming of death will start from those who are shaken in their hearts.

I have witnessed that scene many times in my past work.

"Sorry, I just made a mistake -

Sigma wanted to interrupt the conversation and regain his inner peace, but his words were interrupted by the stalker who turned around.

The stalker looked straight at Sigma and said, "I couldn't save you when you were young. It was because of my immaturity."


"Not being able to meet you and save you on the spot is proof of my immaturity."

Sigma felt that what Stalker said was unreasonable and replied: "You are a heroic spirit. Although I don't know when you died, our times and the places we live in are different. You cannot meet young people." Period me, right?”

"The difference in time and place, etc., are all trivial matters that are not worth mentioning. The fact that you and I are "in the same place like this" at this moment is proof."

From Sigma's perspective, what Stalker said was completely out of line.

If his faith were complete, he would have stood in front of young Sigma and saved him. Stalker's words are filled with this kind of certainty.

If I were a happy person now, I might be angry at Stalker's remarks.

Even if you are unfortunate, if it is the path you choose, you may still refute it.

I will refute the statement "I am very satisfied with my past. I don't remember asking for mercy from anyone, let alone asking you to save me."

However, there was no anger in my heart.

Because Sigma himself couldn't help but agree, agreeing with half of Stalker's statement.

Ah, so that’s it.

Did I... "ever wish someone would save me"?

If only someone had been there to save us, would everything have been different?

If only Francesca had destroyed the country earlier...if she had saved them before everyone died...

Or... to earlier times...

If I could save my mother...?

No, if I had saved my mother, I should not have been born at all.

Sigma lowered his head quietly as he remembered his birth process.

Once I save everything, my happiness, misfortune, and even the origin will become--no longer exist...

"...It's a very interesting idea. It seems that there has been such a comedy before."


Sigma's soliloquy made the stalker confused.

He didn't give any explanation, he just answered what the other party asked before he started to move.

"...the target of the police arrest...the ward where Nu Qiuchun lives is located on the uppermost floor and the rightmost room when you look at it from here."

After hearing this, the stalker nodded quietly and said: "Thank you, I will handle the rest myself."

"Wait a moment."


Sigma, who retained the stalker, remained expressionless. After thinking for a moment, he said:

"...I'll go with her. I'll be worried about protecting her, but maybe I can successfully prevent the infection and take her away."

According to the information conveyed by the watchers, "the pathogenic bacteria that invaded Manqiuchun are of a type that cannot be transmitted through the air."

But this does not mean that it will be the same in the future.

After all, there is a mysterious heroic spirit attached to her.

It is also possible to manipulate Chun's body to suddenly change the nature of the bacteria.

But on the other hand, if you can skillfully make that heroic spirit a friend, not only can you become a powerful partner, but you can also easily move Tsubaki to a safe place.

All that remains is to follow the original plan and have people related to the police deal with the heroic spirit and render it incapacitated. I can also submit a passable report to Fadius. This is what Sigma planned.

"You don't have to force yourself. If something happens, I will carry her away on my shoulders."

Do you think you won't follow to the end? Although the stalker said this, the black-haired young man quietly shook his head in denial and responded to her: "I'm afraid that girl's physical condition cannot withstand your movements. A body that has been in a comatose state for a long time, Just applying a strong load can cause the heart to stop. I've seen examples."

When I was a child, some of my compatriots died like this.

Instead of speaking of the memory, Sigma made a proposal.

"I should use the stretcher [stretcher] with wheels more than you are used to. After taking her out, I will tell the demonic archer about this. That way, the hospital should not be an attack for him. Target."

It would be too tragic if he protected Chun alone and the hospital was destroyed.

"Oh~ That's interesting. Who are you proposing that battle for now?"

The "Shadow", who looked like a boy holding a snake staff, asked Sigma, his tone seemed a little happy for some reason.

For whom?

"This matter has nothing to do with your mission. And there is no benefit in doing so, as you said. Obviously, how can you plan to assist her in her actions?"

"Shadow" spoke as if testing Sigma.

"...Oh, it's okay, I'm sorry. Even though I'm a shadow, I'm still affected by my personality in life. If I were to appear as a heroic spirit, I would have a different form... However, our "shadows" can be regarded as actions of individual consciousness. Performance. Just think that the remnants left in our shadow are teasing you and turn a deaf ear."

The snake staff boy explained this, but Sigma could not easily turn a deaf ear.

Because——Sigma himself “can’t explain” the reason why he decided to follow the stalker.

This is really a bad tendency.

Why don't I just leave the matter to her and retreat on my own?

Losing one's own spiritual direction is a fatal flaw for those who are mercenaries and use magic.

Sigma planned to tell Stalker that after reconsideration, he decided to leave.


"Thank you." Stalker lowered his head and said.

Her voice saved Sigma's heart.

"You're trying to do good. You deserve redemption more than a filthy man like me."


Sigma was a little speechless. The other party had thanked him like this. If he said "I still decide to go back" now, the relationship would have deteriorated to the point of no return.

This will hinder his mission success rate and his chances of survival.

After thinking about those things for a moment, Sigma did not respond to the stalker's words, but just followed her silently.

This night, the sounds of fierce battles between heroic spirits resounded.

As if they wanted to stay away from the noise for a while, the two walked around to the back door of the hospital. After confirming that no one was around, they entered the hospital's land.

Inside the ten-story hospital, magicians from the police force have laid out a human-repelling enchantment, and the ward floor where patients are staying has been laid out with Sandman spells.

The nurse on the night shift has temporarily fallen into a deep sleep, and it is also the time when inpatients naturally go to bed.

If the condition of a sleeping patient worsens, unnecessary victims may be produced, so the time for the magic to take effect has been set to a minimum.

Sigma, who learned this information from the watcher, thought that it would be okay to make some noise, so he tried to take the shortest distance from the back of the hospital.

Then, they quickly walked through the backyard of the hospital, but - when they were halfway there, the stalker grabbed the lapel of Sigma's equipment and pulled him aside in one breath.


What are you doing? - Faster than Sigma could ask the question, an object had fallen to where he was standing just now.

A large number of metal pieces inserted into the ground.

Those are all twisted weapons.

It is made up of many half-melted scalpels and scissors fused together to form a collection of spear-shaped blades.

Seeing the murder weapons falling down in large numbers, Sigma imagined that all the scalpels, scissors, bone saws and other tools in this hospital would be gathered here.

"That's right, kid. That guy can gather a large number of blades in the hospital in such a short period of time."

The shadow that turned into the captain smiled and said slightly away from Sigma: "Okay, the 'second test' is here. Boy, overcome this test and show me your growth."

Sigma did not regard them as opponents. He speculated on the flight trajectories of those bladed objects and looked in the direction in which they flew.


Where the blade came from, around the fifth floor of the hospital, there was a figure of a man standing perpendicular to the white wall.


A moment of horror. Sigma's magic circuit suddenly became unstable.

Although the magic power of the stalker nearby also became violent, but—

The magic contained in "that" standing on the wall as if defying gravity is even more terrifying than that of a stalker.

Or maybe it can be described not only as a feeling detected by magic power, but also as an instinct developed through long-term battles as a mercenary using magic.

——"That person" is dangerous.

——Although Shadow mentioned that there are "vampires" here, "that person" is a high-level existence even among vampires.

——Although it is not the "highest level" kind of existence, it is at a different level from ordinary monsters.

——“That person” is originally someone that humans cannot be enemies with.

Sigma only has one experience. He had fought something similar.

At that time, he teamed up with other famous magicians and magic users to defeat him with great difficulty, but - the "that" in front of him at this moment was a more dangerous existence than the things he had defeated before. As a person who uses magic, Sigma's accumulated survival instinct is constantly sounding the alarm.

The man said to Sigma, who was momentarily frozen, not because of fear, but because he was frightened by his magic power:

"...You made good judgment, kid."


Sigma was confused by this statement.

"The man" continued while clapping his hands slowly.

"If just now... you had done something like leaving her, who is so lovely, and retreating alone, I would have dug out your heart, crushed it into a pulp, mixed it with sand, and then spread it among the pigs. In the feed bin at the farm.”

The man landed on the ground with a smile on his face while declaring that for some reason only the pig farm would be damaged.

After bowing politely, he glared at Sigma, showed a selfless smile, and said with this weird expression: "But the judgment you are making now is also very bad, kid."

It was a complete reversal of what he had just said, and the man made an extremely irrational statement.

"I will never condone this kind of thing for a mere human being to move forward with my dear ones. Speaking of which, just because my dear stalker talks to a guy like you naturally, I will It’s ‘unbearable’.”

The man cracked his neck and opened his arms wide. With a fierce laugh and his own anger, he loudly advocated:

"I will make your body immortal, and then 'suck down' your magic circuits one by one. I will also poke out your eyeballs, crush your bones, peel off your flesh and blood, invade your brain, desecrate your heart, stir your lungs, and ravage your internal organs to the size of an inch. Ahhh! Ahhh! That’s right! Just chop the living body into billions of filaments and scatter them into the feed box of the chicken farm!"

As the man's tone gradually became confused, he arched his back and looked up at the night sky reflecting the light of the golden heroic spirit's Noble Phantasm - then he switched to a selfless smile and turned to look at the stalker.

"When the only person your heart can accept becomes like that, what kind of feelings will you have? Ahhh...oh...that's great! Beauty, you are really great! Just imagine that you are being The way my body is stained with tears makes me burst into tears!"

Seeing the man who was actually weeping tears of joy while talking—Jesta, the stalker had already taken action.

She erased her emotions, added the accumulated anger to her magic power, and jumped towards the monster that was her master.

At the same time, he injected most of the magic power from the temporary magic power that the swordsman lent him to replace the magic power of the monster into his own Noble Phantasm.

"Black and white entanglement——"



The King of Heroes in golden armor - "Judge" Gilgamesh is still standing on the roof of the church where he stood at the beginning.

There are several church roofs with Noble Phantasms inserted into them. Although they are gradually crumbling everywhere, perhaps it is because of the firmly laid barriers that the roofs can barely maintain their shape.

In the eyes of a third party, it seems to be a beautiful dance.

The appearance of the swordsman flying and dancing at an unusual speed between life and death couldn't help but attract the attention of Tini who was actually observing the scene, as well as everyone who used the vision technique.

The battle between kings and kings.

However, it was never a fair fight.

That scene looked like a king, waiting for an opportunity to attack the golden king sitting high up.

On the other hand, it can also be seen as a picture of a king in a high position punishing the king below.

However, this is why the swordsman attacks.

Since we are both kings, the advantages and disadvantages will change with the times.

This battle started for the reason of fighting for that advantage, the two people's offense and defense at this moment can be said to be fighting a battle - a "war" that is the smallest in the world and is only carried out between the king's spiritual bases.

However, one of the kings had countless treasures that were built by his people and collected by the king.

In contrast, the other king only has seven "supporters".

On the side of the arbiter, the golden king was not careless at all, and attacked the swordsman seriously.

However, in response to the attack of the king entwined with gold, the king who was known as "the heart of a lion" in the past still did not stop attacking, and accelerated his body even more, passing through the cracks of death.

Brilliant speed.

Usually, in the eyes of humans, battles between heroic spirits are mostly beyond the scope of human beings.

However, even taking this into consideration, the swordsman's speed still seems a bit abnormal.

As a heroic spirit's basic performance, it has its own speed.

The speed achieved by applying magical amplification processing. And the speed that can only be said to be due to some kind of "blessing" given by the Seat of Heroes related to his anecdotes.

After all of them were intertwined and combined, the swordsman, who possessed extraordinary speed even for a heroic spirit, jumped in all directions among the tall buildings that turned into a battlefield, and at the same time shortened the distance bit by bit in a circular trajectory.

The March of Lionheart, which has been carried out for a long time, is indeed as powerful as a storm sweeping across the land and sea.

——"Only a general with protection from the wind can finally stop him."

It is so praised for its unparalleled marching speed.

The Lionheart King, who has an anecdote that "always rushes to the battlefield at three times the normal marching speed", finally shortens the distance between him and the opponent to the point where his sword can touch the golden heroic spirit.

"Oh, do you want to stand in front of me even if it's disrespectful?"

It was finally time to start - the golden king spoke words that seemed to have this meaning, cast "King's Treasure [Gate of Babylon]", and flew behind him, intending to open a large distance again.

However, that situation gave the swordsman a great opportunity.

"——'The eternal and distant...sword of victory [Excalibur]'!"

The swordsman jumped towards the golden archers flying in the air, and with the radiant sword in his hand, he struck out a slash that turned into a huge band of light.


Then, Gilgamesh appeared in front of him with countless shields, and the light strips dispersed under their resistance.

"I didn't expect you to treat me with that fake imitation of the Star Relic. If I hadn't been making the ruling, this would have been enough folly to kill you tens of thousands of times, bastard!... Well."

When the spreading light spots disappeared and Gilgamesh let the countless floating shields dissipate, he discovered that the swordsman who had been in front had disappeared.

And he also felt that behind him who landed on the ground, there was a huge amount of magic coming from under the sloping roof of the church.

The golden archer narrowed his eyes and turned around to see the figure of the swordsman holding a sword. "——"The eternal and distant [Ex]...the sword of victory [calibur]''!"

Slashing from downwards to upwards, the second streak of light was shot out.

However, that blow was resisted by countless shields just like before. but--

The power is at a different level than the previous first strike. The shield that withstood the wave of attacks was pushed upwards, causing the golden king's body to float several meters up.


From the gap in the shield, the golden king confirmed that the swordsman's hand was holding the Noble Phantasm he shot.

"I told you I would borrow it from you, right?"

The swordsman held the long sword's precious weapon tightly, and at the same time, he got directly under the floating enemy, and directly let the sword wrap around with light.

The decorative sword that the swordsman originally held was shattered with that blow when he first liberated his true name.

However, the Noble Phantasm with the aura of the mythical age is still alive even after the true name was liberated for the second time, and it continues to possess the properties of a Noble Phantasm.

The swordsman struck out the third ribbon of light as if he was ejecting magic power.

The golden king spread his shield directly downwards to resist. Although he was able to resist the blow, his body was pushed higher into the sky.

Then, the swordsman struck the fourth light belt there.

The swordsman struck the fifth and sixth light slashes into the sky from the roof of the church one after another, giving his opponent no time to regroup.

What's even more frightening is that just as the interval between swings slowly shortens and the number of slashes exceeds twenty, the light blooms without interruption, showing a huge light belt that shoots out from the ground and runs through the night sky.

It is simply a declaration that this is not only an infinite combo, but also a powerful blow that will never end.


A few minutes ago in front of the hospital, in the parking lot.

Go back in time to a little earlier.

There is a parking lot between the hospital and the main road.

That place has a moderately spacious space, but due to the influence of the driving barrier, there are almost no cars parked here. There are no obstacles at all between here and the entrance of the hospital where John was knocked away.

As John was attacked, all remaining police officers took action together.

They each hold different "Noble Phantasms" in their hands.

These weapons, which had lost their mystery or magic power and had long been mere relics, became "imitation Noble Phantasms" after being written down with inheritance in the hands of sorcerers.

It can be said that their attacks have incorporated all the imaginable tactics - feint attacks, sneak attacks from blind spots and other tricks.

In fact, the cooperation between them can be said to be of an even higher level than when fighting the stalkers at the police station.

But - the archers who took away the Berserker's Noble Phantasm and acquired the power of the devil not only did not avoid them, but did not even use the weapons in their hands to defeat them.

Although his body withstood all the knives, arrows, and bullets that hit him, it didn't seem to be effective at all.

"Damn it...is this guy the same as that Death Apostle named Jesta...!"

One of the policemen said through gritted teeth.

The memory of the moment they were ravaged at the police station came to their minds.

Although they are facing a repeat of what they were then, every "Twenty-Eight Monster" has no option of escaping in their mind.

If we retreat here, the meaning of our existence will be lost as we, who are called "Justice".

Like John, they all have the words that came from the director's mouth that were close to hints living in their bodies. Having said that, they do not expect to sacrifice their lives and are constantly thinking about what to do to stop the monster in front of them.

While they were thinking, the archers transformed into aliens stepped forward. However, all the attacks that were aimed at his vital points were blocked by the cloth on his body. When he waited for an opportunity to attack his exposed arms or flanks, although it was different from hitting the cloth, it did feel like "the attack hit", but it was still not as good as "successfully delivering an effective blow." "field of.

Not only is there a piece of cloth that completely neutralizes attacks for self-defense, but does the exposed flesh also have unusual strength?

Moreover, although the police team has not yet correctly understood what happened, considering that he obtained demonic power, it is best to assume that his endurance and magic resistance have also been improved accordingly.

In this case, doesn't the enemy in front of you have no weaknesses at all?

Just when the word "give up" came to the mind of the police team, the alien archers were approaching step by step.

"...?Why don't you attack this guy in one go?"

One police officer asked, and the other police officers replied:

"Yeah, he can obviously defeat the likes of us in an instant..."

At this time, the woman who was calmly observing the situation from a distance—Bella Levitt, the director’s adjutant and one of the de facto core figures of the “Twenty-Eight Monsters” said:

"I think it's probably on alert, right?"

While she is a police officer, she is also a pure magician.

Although Bella was born as a younger sister in a family of magicians, due to her elder sister's weak magic circuit, as a younger sister, she inherited the magic seal and grew up under the care of her mother.

As the elder sister, Emilia worked as a doctor in Snowfield without knowing anything about the magic world.

Since Bella's family belongs to the side that bears the responsibility and must assist in the Holy Grail War, as she inherited the position of head of the family, she participated in this Holy Grail War while inheriting part of her mother's magic circuit.

Although the transplantation of all the seals has not been completed and she is still a half-baked heir, Bella, who is indispensable among the "Twenty-eight Monsters", can indeed be called the director's confidant.

The next action she took was to take out a small glass test tube that did not match modern equipment from the equipment belt at her waist.

She threw the glass test tube in front of the enemy archers and sniped at the test tube with the specially decorated revolver she held in her hand.

The bullet accurately penetrated the test tube - and in the next moment, a smoke screen spread over a wide area.

That wasn't just any smoke screen. The smoke is filled with magic power that changes randomly. It can be said to be a smoke screen used to interfere with the perception of magic power.

Of course, after seeing the thick smoke screen spreading that could obscure even the sight, the archer murmured in a low voice:

“…to do such a hateful thing.

Then, as if trying to avoid a smoke screen, the huge body jumped sideways and moved its position.

Bella's prediction was right.

The alien archer——Alcides was guarding other elements, not the police force.

It was the swordsman who suddenly appeared, and the hero king Gilgamesh who started fighting with him.

Although the two are fighting each other now, it is difficult to predict when they will point the finger at themselves.

Moreover, Alcides not only felt that there were spiritual bases of other heroic spirits on the swordsman's side, but the aura of the mysterious monster that had initially resisted his attack to destroy the hospital with a "water shield" had not yet disappeared.

This is not a duel that adheres to etiquette, but an endless melee in which one is unprepared and caught by surprise, and even the slightest flaw behind him cannot be seen.

Alcides, who knew this truth, could instantly slaughter the police teams scattered around him and attack him, but since he could not reveal any flaws, he could only proceed with caution.

This situation was created precisely because the police force has a certain level of strength. The things they have accumulated so far, and the consciousness of risking their lives, are by no means in vain.

There were twenty-five police officers present.

The rest are the director's bodyguards and the people collecting intelligence, who all stay at the police station. Although the advance team was asked to go to the target ward, due to the appearance of the hell devil dog controlled by the archers - the three-headed hell dog, no one has reached the ward yet.

"Should we send a few people to go around to Niu Qiuchun's ward?"

The policewoman holding the Bow's Noble Phantasm whispered, and Bella quietly expressed her opinion on this.

"If a few people go there, if the heroic spirit possessing Cao Qiuchun is hostile, they will be sacrificed in vain. If we want to go, I hope that a mad warrior who can handle the situation on his own will go, but he..."

The berserker's spirit base was severely damaged, and he might have left the battle line under Ferat's command spell.

"...If that heroic spirit understands that Jiuqiu Chun has become a target, she should take some action to protect her master. She has not left the hospital yet, which means that she may not be aware of the situation, or she may not want to protect her at all. Maybe she has absolute self-confidence and can completely protect her without moving Zaoqiu Chun. It’s one of these possibilities.”

If possible, I hope it is the last possibility. While Bella was thinking this, she took out a few more test tubes and threw them around.

I thought that the test tubes that were thrown into the sky by magic were intended to surround the scene in a wide range, but they were all immediately shattered by bullets, and the same smoke screen spread all over the surrounding area.

Bella originally planned to use this smoke screen to hinder the enemy and use this short time to give instructions on who to send as scouts to the ward, but——

"It's all in vain."

The alien archers flapped the demonic wings on their backs, and a wind full of strong magic blew around them.

The wind with ominous magic turned into several small tornadoes and began to capture the smoke screen as if trying to eat it.

"How to deal with such a monster..."

said one policeman, his cheeks twitching. Just when the policemen's faces were about to show a look of despair—

A figure rushed through the gap in the smoke screen.

"Stop! It's useless!"

Although they could not clearly see the face of the person in the storm and residual smoke, the police officers who noticed that the person was wearing the same uniform as ours shouted out words to stop him.

In fact, even Alcides believed that it was an unintentional attack.

No matter what kind of attack the police who are approaching you use, it will not work on you.

If the opponent ignores the protection of the Nemean Lion Skin, punching with fists may be effective. But to do that, if it doesn't contain a certain amount of magic power, it won't even be able to cause scratches.

Alcides knew very well that the only moment when he drew the bow would hinder his hands, and that would be a flaw that would expose other Heroic Spirits to opportunities.

Especially that King of Heroes. Even if he was fighting a swordsman, he might still be able to hit him with a killing blow. Or if the "stray bullet" hits the gap in the Nemean lion's skin, it may even cause a fatal injury. Or, if I had the twelve-life Noble Phantasm that I had left before it metamorphosed, I might be able to draw the bow with all my strength without minding it - but now is not a situation worth exposing that flaw.

That being the case, just like the brave policeman who broke his neck in the first place, let's get rid of him with one swing of his arm, that's the decision.

Alcides raised his arms high, waiting for the moment when the police hiding in the darkness and smoke approached him.

Then—at that moment, Alcides felt a huge amount of magic power swelling behind him.


——This magic power is... a swordsman?

It was the swordsman who was fighting with Gilgamesh. Did he hit some kind of Noble Phantasm?

Although he felt that the magic power was not hitting here, but hitting the sky, Alcides did not take his eyes away from this small threat approaching.

Is this kind of behavior really the result of being mentally prepared not to be careless even against a small enemy?


It was not that Alcides did not look away.

But "can't move away".

That is the result of the "eyesight" he possesses.

It's not instinctive.

It is the skills, experience accumulated so far, the five senses finally tempered, and everything that makes up his flesh and blood that dominates his soul and refuses to look away.

Now, the people present who should really be wary are not other heroic spirits.

But it was a policeman approaching.

Everything he accumulated told himself this.

The reason for this will be made clear immediately.

Behind Alcides, a beam of light penetrated the sky, illuminating the face of the approaching policeman.

At this time, the other party's face happened to be exposed from the gap in the smoke screen blown by the tornado. Seeing that face, Alcides groaned:

"What...?" There was no doubt that the face was the face of the man whose neck bone was broken by him earlier and sent flying to the entrance of the hospital.


The man let out an unspeakable roar and stamped hard on the ground.

The acceleration at that moment had exceeded his prediction.

Faster than the defensive arm reaching its position, the man's short body jumped towards Alcides with the momentum of a cannonball, and came to the top of the cloth——

He used a flying knee strike and hit the nose of the alien archer wrapped in cloth with all his strength.


the policemen exclaimed.

Based on the way he was beaten away, many policemen imagined the words "died on the spot."

Even though John has magic circuits, he doesn't have the magic imprint of a single pass.

It would be another thing if he had a magical seal that could perform magic and repair himself when he was near death. However, John, who did not possess the seal, was able to be saved, not to mention he showed up with powers that were completely different from those before. , no one could have imagined that such a thing would happen.

But John just showed up.

Moreover, it is entangled with magic power that surpasses ordinary magicians, and uses that magic power to strengthen the body and nerves several times.


——I see, is this man called John?

Alcides took the flying knee blow, and even though he was knocked backward——he still calmly memorized the information about his opponent in his mind, while flipping his body in the air and landing with his feet facing down.

However, those feet were swept away by John who came around behind him again at some point.


After speaking words of admiration, Alcides put one hand on the ground and used his free arm to catch John's approaching pursuit.

Flesh and bones creaked, and the shock coursed through Alcides' body.

John simply struck repeatedly with his bare hands, completely denying Alcides any space to hold his bow, and continued to strike. -What happened?

——He is completely different from before... No, should I say he has grown up?

Even as a magician, he has transcended the realm of ordinary people.

The experience accumulated during his lifetime told him that the policeman in front of him was full of strength, which was enough to match the physical strength of the enemy generals who had fought in the land of ancient Greece.

——Is it the power of the Noble Phantasm? Or did the warlock do something?

Although Alcides confirmed that this wave of attacks had caused damage to his body, he still did not feel a sense of crisis.

Compared to being beaten by the Queen of the Amazons with her Noble Phantasm, the pain felt like being beaten by a child.

But - he took the utmost caution towards the man in front of him.


Alcides thought while unloading his combo.

——"Why should I warn this man?"()

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