Chapter 1062 Raw Stone

Watching the young man's graceful movements and feeling the magic power circulating in his body in perfect harmony, Hippolyta was convinced of one thing.

All of the dozen or so young people who appeared in this room were like Tohsaka Rin, rough stones that had been polished to a level beyond what they should be at their age.

On the other hand, from other aspects, there is no common ground at all.

Therefore, Hippolyta raised this issue first before the contract and her own wishes.

"You don't look like a unified organization. What kind of group are you?"

It is precisely because of Hippolyta's status as queen and the experience of commanding many warriors that she is curious about how this wonderful group was formed.

After hearing this question, Tohsaka Rin thought for a moment and answered.

"How should I explain it to you? We are disciples from the same sect. I can't think of a better way to explain it."

Hippolyta confirmed the answer and spoke with admiration.

"I see, he must be a very good teacher. Just like Chiron, who was famous throughout the world in my time."

As soon as these words came out, the group of people looked at each other - a few of them nodded naturally, while most of the members shook their heads with an indescribable bitter smile.

"Well, maybe I think the teacher is the completely opposite type to the famous Chiron in mythology, right?"


Lord El-Melloi II.

If the magic power possessed by an individual is compared to a river or the sea, his level is that of a 'puddle', and he is such a magician.

He once participated in a magic ceremony held in the Far East. Although he was still a young trainee magician at that time, he survived the dispute.

If it were just a magic ceremony, the ceremony would have come to an end without any life-threatening accidents.

The problem is that the ceremony can be said to be a life-threatening magic duel. Although it is doubtful, the wishing machine will appear in Fuyuki. To put it more deeply, it is a very important ritual for the magic world that cannot reach its roots - it is said that this is the 'Holy Grail War'.

El-Melloi II, who survived that ritual as a boy, soon became the Lord of the Clock Tower.

Kenneth El-Melloi Archibalt, who was also a participant in the Holy Grail War and died in Fuyuki.

The young man who inherited Kenneth's status and all the debts of the Archibalt family arising from his death encountered many events and embarked on grand adventures - these are not things that should be said here. , nor something directly related to Snowfield's ceremony.

In Snowfield's Counterfeit Holy Grail War, the most important thing is that Kenneth, the former head of the family, lost everything in Fuyuki. Then came the students trained by the man who inherited the name of El-Melloi.

El-Melloi Classroom.

Students trained by El-Melloi II as a lecturer in modern magic.

Niji himself may have a weak sense of ‘nurturing’.

"Talented people become willful, and I just help them find a path" - he himself once complained that he once envied the talents of his students from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, El-Melloi Classroom is home to many talented and elite magicians.

Because El-Melloi II has the least power among the monarchs of the Clock Tower, and also due to the influence of factions and other factors, there are very few people who are completely subordinate to the classroom.

However, it is said that students who can stay in the classroom and graduate in the end can be promoted to the higher level of the Clock Tower magic level - the title of canon or color level. Even if they have not graduated from El-Melloi Classroom, they have studied under El-Melloi II, who later graduated from other disciplines, was also rated as a famous magician.

As a result, although there are currently only about fifty graduates from the so-called 'El-Melloi Classroom', in addition to hundreds or thousands of people from other disciplines, 'when that classroom sneezes, the whole clock The tower needs to shake'—with such an evaluation, all forces were strongly wary of what was going on in El-Melloi's classroom.

For Nisei himself, this was a rather troublesome comment, but he still reluctantly assumed the role of monarch, probably due to his personality as a magician.

The positions of Nishi's disciples also vary widely. Some of them seem to believe in Nishi crazily, while others hate him from the bottom of their hearts and even have murderous intentions. Some even talk about wanting to be his lover but betray Nishi nonchalantly. There are all kinds of people.

However, most students regard Ni as a mentor.

Not a teacher who doesn’t make mistakes.

Nor is he an omnipotent superman.

Far from being a saint and a gentleman, he is a weirdo who is trying to find a way to prosper with bad money while using bad money.

Because of this, ‘What are the shortcomings of Lord El-Melloi II? ’——If someone asked this question to the students in El-Melloi’s classroom, everyone would probably point out the shortcomings of that man with a wry smile.

Most of them understand, though.

The person I am now, whether good or bad, is all because of a teacher named El-Melloi II.

The term "puddle" to ridicule teachers is indeed one side of the truth——

That is a 'puddle' that is far more valuable than the sea or the river.

The 'puddle' reflects the silhouette of the peeping person, and the subtle fluctuations of the water body distort the image.

A life-changing 'puddle' with some kind of care.

This is truly a blessing for those who continue to grow as magicians.

It is also a curse that is extremely troublesome.


distant past

There are several ways to reach the spiritual temple.

Looking back from the end, it can be said that it is the same road.

It is not only the bell tower that blesses the end of destiny, but also the mountain spiritual field that is rumored to be the entrance to the underworld.

It is the embodiment of the concept that anyone who has gained life in this world will reach it. However, it is a place that is rejected by all people and cannot be entered without crossing the deep valley.

——The Temple of Azrael.

Among those who actually walk towards that mountain, there are extremely few who can actually reach the peak that is both the starting point and the end point.

No, no one in this world knows whether anyone has ever reached that place, and whether it really exists.

Because getting there means the end of life in this world.

Maybe someone will die because of the dangerous road.

But that's not the essence of the matter.

It is precisely because you can get there safely that you lose your life.

Because the reward given to those who arrive at the temple is literally the bell of blessing for fulfilling one’s destiny—in other words, the ringing of the evening bell, the light of the sword that leads one to rest.

There is only one person who has always existed in the temple.

I don’t know whether he is always alive or a ‘faceless man’ who is always dead.

It is the messenger of death who is the most respected and feared by the leaders of the assassins known as Hassan Sabah.

Curse wrist.

Drunk from cigarettes.


Shadow peeling.

Shock tube.

Hundreds of appearances.

These are the priests who have a second name in the Order of Assassination and have great achievements in assassination worthy of their name.

The 'Old Man of the Mountain' is the first generation and the only one who does not have the title of a successor leader of the sect. It can be said that it is both the starting point of the sect and the existence of its concept itself.

Even for the eighteen patriarchs who are his successors, it is a guiding star that they can never reach, a norm that they can never see, and an executioner that they can never escape.

The Hassan Sabahs of the past generations were not allowed to fall.

If people who approve of things that violate morality indulge in the happiness of being human, then justice will fall into selfish desires at that moment and turn into a denial of the doctrine itself.

Because this kind of thing cannot be allowed, the man of the mountain will appear where Hassan and others are with the sound of the evening bell.

Perhaps someone whose assassination career has become dusty due to aging and decay.

Or perhaps a depraved person addicted to desire.

In order to be like the end that will eventually come to all people, use the blade of end to lead them into the eternal darkness.

Anyone who assassinates the leader of the cult will seal everything he has into his name and dedicate it to the doctrine.

Regardless of the reason, when one cannot fulfill his oath, his life will come to an end.

Not just in the temple, no matter what the occasion, the mountain man will stand behind Hassan who has gone astray.

It seems that the place where this old man is located is the real 'Azrael's Temple'.

Therefore, even if the patriarchs of the Assassination Order have heard of the existence of the temple, almost no one has actually gone there. Even those who arrive at the temple will only be those who realize that their mission has ended and go to sacrifice their heads on their own.

However, in eternity there will always be examples of deviations from common sense.

In this example, the illusory figure is slightly different.

In the valley filled with thick fog despite being located in a dry area, there is a shadow moving forward like the sun.

That shadow is indeed a living person, but it is on the boundary between the real world and the underworld. It is wrapped around the body as if both sides are integrated with the general aura. The figure just kept going, going, going—

After overcoming many difficulties and trials, Shadow arrived at the holy temple.

The figure finally arrived at the guardian of the temple - the 'faceless man'.

Bathed in the aura of the 'old man' who seemed to be the embodiment of death, the figure just knelt down on the ground and told something——

Thus, this figure who was not the leader of the cult, or even an assassin, ended his life without even hearing the sound of the evening bell.

Then, time passes.

200 years, 500 years, or years enough to eliminate the shadow of the big tree.

The shadow of continuous destruction is deeply imprinted on the world.


few days ago.

"What is your wish for the Holy Grail, Shadow Assassin?"

In the Holy Grail War, which is between hypocrisy and reality, the Master who made a contract with the "Shadow" asked him a question.

It has been learned that this servant has been silent from the beginning.

However, the man who was the master of the 'Shadow' wanted to know as much as possible the nature of his servant - or its weakness, so he immediately questioned him after the contract was concluded.

In a normal Holy Grail War, most heroic spirits are summoned by the Holy Grail as a wish-making machine with some kind of wish.

The purpose of the 'Shadow' master is to understand the other party more efficiently by knowing the reason why the other party is here.

The 'shadow' that appears here as the assassin - the heroic spirit who calls himself Hassan Sabah - is an extremely alien existence even in the eyes of the Master who is familiar with the Holy Grail War.

After all, even I, as its master, cannot even grasp its physical abilities or magical power.

The way he spoke was as if he was testing the Master. If he responded incorrectly, he might kill himself as the Master.

Although there is a way to use a Command Seal to restrain its actions, if you use a Command Seal to restrain this heroic spirit, you have to be prepared to have everything taken away from you. Faldius always had a feeling of discomfort that made him think like this.

There was no room for error in the instructions given to him.

——This heroic spirit has no fear of self-destruction...and a second death.

From the moment the contract began, this was the only thing I understood.

Therefore, Faldius felt uncomfortable.

Since there is no fear of death and no nostalgia, why is this existence here?

Whether it is to use this heroic spirit or to prevent its rebellion, the information currently held is too little.

I don't know if the other party will see through the master's intention, but as the master, Faldius, even if faced with this situation, still chooses to ask the heroic spirit questions.

"Can you tell me? If your wishes conflict with mine, I have plans to give in."

Faced with such a sincere question from the Master, Shadow remained silent.

However, noise continued to appear on the monitor in front of Faldius, and in the gaps between the noise, only text like a subtitle appeared.

It's almost like I'm tired of even saying it.

‘A wish-making machine is not something I should have. ’


‘My path as a fallen body does not require this, so I exist here. ’

I don't know if he is deliberately avoiding the 'Holy Grail', but using the wishing machine, which can be said to be just a scene of the Holy Grail in this ceremony, the words full of mystery swayed in the noise.

Without waiting for the Master's words, the 'shadow' just left the words, and its aura melted into the darkness of the town.

‘The flow of wishing machines cannot illuminate my inner being, and they will never be able to touch this body that has turned into a shadow’.

Then, the shadow blended into the darkness of the Holy Grail War.

It was as if they were equally evaluating the shadows of the people illuminated by the Holy Grail.

Even when Shadow is summoned as a heroic spirit, his understanding of himself will not change.

The glow of the blade that beheaded him.

The 'individual' here is just the shadow of the 'Ong' illuminated by that light——

He is not the master of the mountain, but merely an existence that outlines his will as his shadow.


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