A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 1056 1056 The trigger has been pulled


Then, now.

The gods and beasts of Mesopotamia, and then in the forest of Snowfield City, which has turned into a demonic realm where monsters coexist, the 'shadow' just continues to lurk.

In order to confirm whether his mission is really coming to an end.

Or, if the world is destroyed like this - it is also his mission to return the Night of Eternal Calamity together with Humanity - he thought so.

However, the eyes of the 'shadow' reflected the figure of an assassin.

It is the figure of a seeker who is constantly struggling for the path he believes in, but has no answer.


Coleman Special Corrections Facility.

"...Is there any progress in cutting off communications?"

Inquiry to Faldius, reported by Aldra Hui as a subordinate.

"Yes, according to the previously formulated plan, the ordinary lines and military lines of the communication towers in the city will soon be cut off. In addition to communications using magic, even wireless communications are ready for full interference."

"Let's just explain the collapse of communication facilities due to typhoons to the media. After all, it would be too miserable for them to blame the gas company for every accident."

Facing Faldius who shrugged lightly, Aldra asked calmly.

"How to deal with the 'thorns' and 'badgers' spreading out in the lake and desert areas?"

"Just keep it as it is and let them continue to wait. They will be abandoned anyway, so we can't make them aware of this by randomly moving them around."

"And in this situation, there's almost nothing a clumsy magician or mercenary can do."


West of Snowfield City, Temple of Ishtar.

Seeing the remains of modern weapons falling around him, the nameless assassin let out a groan-like sound.

"The incarnation of the power of a foreign land... I didn't expect it to reach this level!"

Although the vampire monster he had been tracking was already in front of him, the assassin was completely unaware of the enemy for only a moment.

However, that enemy - Jesta Caltore, who was both a vampire and a summoner, also completely lost touch with the assassin who had been so persistent for a moment.

No, it should be said that his consciousness and feelings were forcibly drawn elsewhere. That's right.

The moment the woman who claimed to be a goddess appeared in the temple and used some kind of power, not to mention being taken away from her eyes, they even fell into the illusion that their own souls were being controlled.

The feeling around my feet disappeared, as if I was suddenly thrown into the gravityless darkness, and the only thing that existed was the temple in front of me. Her common sense is so covered, but even so she can still maintain her consciousness normally, presumably because of the strength of her mental power and belief.

Such overwhelming power - or the concept of 'beauty' - is overflowing from the majestic building in front of me, the 'Ishtar Temple'.

Praise, worship,

The sky is always beyond.

Be blasphemous, be blasphemous.

Words are meaningless in the face of real power and will simply disappear with the thunder.

Die by inquiry, live by ignorance.

Kuangbiao will confirm everything, and the sky will deny everything.

The sky covered with stars is the appearance of the goddess Ishtar.

The time of harvest is now coming.

The lifeblood bred from the earth will be returned to the celestial sphere, and the tears of the stars will nourish the grains, vegetables and fruits.

Praise the turbulent deep sea and devote yourself to the profound prairie fire.

The majesty pouring in from the distant stars will breed glory and destruction equally on the earth.

Our goddess Ishtar will become the last god and bless everything.

Allow everything, punish everything.

This is the love of the goddess, which is fertility.

The era that was promised is now coming.

Praise and worship.

Be blasphemous, be blasphemous——

Words like some kind of blessing echoed around the Ishtar Temple.

Those words came from the mouth of Hali, who was designated as the chief priest of the Temple of Ishtar, announcing the arrival of a new era.

It’s not that he told anyone, it’s as if Harley himself told it to his heart.

What she saw before her eyes was the wisdom of people who foolishly tried to resist the goddess - that is, various modern weapons, which were rendered powerless by Ishtar's charm and fell tragically to the ground.

Then——the figure of the goddess whom Harry served was in the sky above the temple.

Ishtar, who had descended using a 'vessel' named Filia, looked down at the entire land with a majestic stance, completely ignoring the Zesta and assassins who were standing aside.

"Oh well!"

Then, she told not only the two Jestas, but also the magicians and heroic spirits who participated in the Holy Grail War, as well as the residents of Snowfield City - no, that went beyond the realm of land or humans, to those who existed in the world. Everything on the planet's surface (Texture) sends an oracle.

"I give you permission to kneel down!"

Those are extremely arrogant words.

However, it is also a powerful voice.

That unreasonable sentence spread to the earth like an absolute and unchanging truth.


Abundance that fills the world simply by existing appears in the world.

It seems as if everything has been completed, or has been completed.

That kind of atmosphere filled the entire forest.

It is the goddess standing in the forest that creates this unique atmosphere of trance and optimism.

The temple dedicated to her increased its blessings and turned into a wind filled with a sense of finality and began to travel around the world.

What carries this wind is the huge mythical beast stagnant on the west side of the town - the Bull of Heaven.

This completed temple has now become a wedge for the new world to spread, and the singularity created in this forest seems to inevitably erode the world.

But resistance arose.

Perhaps it is the power of self-purification, or the dying struggle of the weak who are perishing and disappearing. That is resistance that has not yet come to an answer.

One of the fragments is now - in the lake and swamp area on the other side of Snowfield City's urban area, making a stupid scream.


North East Snowfield.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

The stupid screams are echoing in the lake area of ​​​​Snowfield City.

"Is it okay, Ayaka! If it doesn't work, we'll just walk there..."

"No, no, it doesn't matter, now... hurry up!"

The one who turned blue and screamed was Sajo Ayaka who was riding on horseback heading towards the north of the town.

She hugged the swordsman's waist tightly and rode the horse in this form, galloping at an unusual speed over the muddy land in the lake and swamp area.

Perhaps it was because of the power of the horse that the swordsman had borrowed from the spirit base he called his 'follower', Ayaka almost didn't feel the violent up and down shaking that he usually felt while riding a horse.

Ayaka simply screamed because of this ultra-high-speed movement that she had never experienced before, but even so, she did not ask to slow down at all.

Because even though she lacked knowledge about magic, she could still feel the abnormality surrounding the town.

Looking to the west, you can see a thick wall of clouds standing there that makes people think it is the end of the world, and the news is reporting on abnormal phenomena occurring in various places on the earth.

It was even said that a Servant with whom he had no contact so far came to visit, and his Master requested to fight together, etc.

If it were an ordinary magician, he would probably suspect that it was a trap. Of course, Ayaka could not have not considered this.

However, I am a complete outsider, and I cannot figure out a way to break the status quo behind closed doors.

If I asked the swordsman, he would probably come up with a countermeasure, but the swordsman also agreed to the request to fight together. Ayaka had no reason to object. What's more, the woman who came to meet the two, calling herself a cavalryman, did not give people a dangerous atmosphere. This was also very important.

It can be said that compared to the other heroic spirits seen in front of the hospital, or the monsters encountered in the dream world, this woman is far more trustworthy than them.

Of course, she couldn't completely trust others, so Ayaka still maintained the minimum level of vigilance.

While hugging the swordsman's waist, she quietly stared at the heroic spirit who claimed to be a cavalryman who was walking alongside him.

Compared to the swordsman's mount, which was running at an unusual speed, the woman's horse was no less impressive, and even kept pace with this side with ease.

Although the other party had already reported the spirit base of the cavalry, Ayaka only began to think about very basic things like 'because he is called a cavalry, he should be good at riding something.'

On the other hand, the swordsman also gave words of appreciation to the cavalry.

"That's amazing! Although I thought I was relatively good at equestrian skills, I really didn't expect that I could achieve such speed without stirrups and saddles!"

The cavalryman looked at the heroic spirit who praised him as straightforwardly as a young man with incredulous eyes, and replied.

"Such a frank compliment makes me a little bit embarrassed, but I still appreciate the compliment. Fighting with horses is the glory of my tribe."

The swordsman asked, facing the cavalryman who seemed to be more happy about his horse being praised than himself.

"Hey, are you really okay? Tell us the kind of clue that can easily reveal your true name."

"No problem. Although I have no intention of revealing my real name rashly, I have obtained permission from my master to reveal my real name. Besides...my real name has already been known by the 'enemy'."

"Enemy? Are you talking about the guy who called that super fierce typhoon here?"

After hearing what the swordsman said while looking to the west, the cavalryman denied.

"...That is not an 'enemy'. It is an 'obstacle' that should be removed through joint struggle."

Lowering his head slightly, the cavalryman continued.

"To my Master, the 'enemy'... is the shady organization that organized this Holy Grail War."

Although he was curious that she specifically used the word "my master" instead of "my" here, the swordsman did not pursue the question in particular.

Because his interest is not in other people's fights, but in the Holy Grail War that he should participate in.

"I see! Regardless of whether you will be my enemy or my friend in the future, I wish you good luck in martial arts!"

Hippolyta couldn't help but think as she faced the swordsman who spoke such words so earnestly with an innocent smile while running alongside him.

——This man... Although he seems to have no brains at all... I am afraid he is a general or a monarch somewhere.

——No, it’s because of that moment’s character, right?

Although this was their first conversation, Hippolyta had actually met the swordsman once before.

Although Hippolyta only watched the battle between the swordsman and the Golden King from a distance, there was no doubt that it was a fierce confrontation even if she lost.

Not a warrior, but a general with the eyes to fight while understanding everything around him.

Although it seems to take action immediately wherever it comes to mind, it is a fighting method that involves choosing the best path in an instant and leaping over it with those swift feet.

If he had a strategic eye that could grasp long-term strategies, or if he could be combined with a strategist who could replace this strategic eye, he would probably become a being who dominates a wide area.

——If he became an enemy, this man would undoubtedly be a formidable opponent.

He no longer pursues the Holy Grail.

There is no point in pursuing it.

The person who made a wish to the Holy Grail and conveyed his will has now appeared in this Holy Grail War in the form of dedicating his body to revenge.

——After all, do the swordsman and his master know?

——The summoned heroic spirit will be used as a sacrifice to fill the wishing machine.

At this time, Hippolyta turned her attention to the swordsman's master.

She looked to be a woman in her late teens or early twenties.

Hippolyta is trying to grasp what kind of existence the other party is.

——This breath...

——After all, is she really human...?

She hesitated to study further, but felt it was not necessary, so she moved her gaze back to the front.

Because soon they will cross the lake and swamp area and enter the interior of the valley.

——It would be more accurate for the Master to observe it than for me.

"It will be there soon. Let me say it again, we have no hostile intentions at the moment. Although this will change according to your purpose after the common struggle is over, at least...what!?"

She stopped mid-sentence, and Hippolyta looked in the direction of the town.

Because you can see the chimneys of the industrial district far ahead.

At its front, the aura of her 'enemy' swelled.

Compared with when they faced each other a few days ago, its abnormal aura has become more ominous now, and it carries an incomparable magical power.

I don’t know if he felt the same aura, but the swordsman also looked in the same direction and said.

"Hey, has this turned into something terrible!?"

It seemed as if the trigger had been pulled before the swordsmen and the others joined Hippolyta's master.

What became the prelude to this chaos was none other than—the archer’s Noble Phantasm that wanted to take revenge on the gods.

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