A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 136 129. The girl in the dragon’s palm

Chapter 136 129. The girl in the dragon’s palm

On the other side of the ocean, Kassel Academy.


The clock tower chimes,

It was not the hour, and everyone stopped. They looked at the clock tower, and then lowered their heads silently, their eyes full of regret.

They all understand what the bell means at this moment. Someone has left again. This is the death knell. Today, there will be one more photo in the Hall of Valor in Odin Square... If possible, they hope that there will never be more photos there.

The sky was getting dark, and a crescent moon hung behind the clock tower high above the college.

The white doves covered the night, like bats flying around the bell tower. The silver moonlight shone on the bell tower, giving people an eerie feeling, like the legendary vampire's castle.

It was dark and silent, with only the light on the top of the bell tower still on. The silver-haired old man was lying on the recliner and reading the report in his hand.

The old man was lying on his back, kicking the flip-flops on his feet toward the table.

The only electronic item on the table next to me was an old desktop computer.

The web page lit up on the screen was a forum, a forum named after his code name - Night Watch.

This is the official forum of Kassel College, and tonight’s forum is destined to be less peaceful.

The entire page is gray.

Because everyone knows someone died in the line of duty.

However, there are no posts on the forum about who died in the line of duty. There are only posts about two successful dragon slayings, and posts about S-class commissioners successfully defeating two next-generation species.

Fingel still knows how to do human things, and he probably knows that unnecessary sad things will only arouse people's sadness.

It started to rain outside the window, like tears from the sky.

An old man in a black suit held an umbrella and walked in the rain. He came to the lighthouse.

He was wearing mourning clothes because someone would leave at any time, just like today. He is always ready to bury the Dragon King, and he is also always ready to attend the funerals of his companions.

He climbed to the top of the lighthouse, pushed open an old door, and hung his umbrella on the door handle.

"You're still the same... free and easy."

Angers searched for the right words to describe the environment here, but it seemed that only free and easy could be used to describe it, although it was still a bit inappropriate.

There were empty bottles of whiskey piled on the floor, and posters of bikini girls on the walls. This old friend’s taste had not changed at all over the years, and even the covers of the CDs piled on the table were still the same as before, so it couldn’t be like Is he still a fashionable gentleman?

"Do you think everyone like you can pick up girls all over the world at public expense?"

The night watchman threw a bottle of whiskey to Ange.

"As I get older, I'm not as energetic as you, but it's always good to entertain your eyes."

"You didn't look old at all when you were having a pool party at the academy."

Angers never believed the nonsense this guy said. He couldn't tell which one of them was more romantic. At least he himself was not like the guy in front of him. His son looked older than his father. Bah, Ange was stunned for a moment. It was wrong to think so. It was as if he had no idea.

The night watchman threw aside the report in his hand and took a sip of whiskey. "I heard that your student killed two second-generation offspring in a row? They were the ones with dragon bodies."

"Ah, yes, I can collect more things in my garden. You should have read the report, right? Although the Japanese branch is not trustworthy, the second report was written by our own students."

Angers had a smile on his face, as if he had killed the two dragons himself.

"Oh, the report from the Japanese branch is outrageous. It said that even the complete body of the second-generation implant was not found. I think they want to keep it for themselves! The report written by the children in the college was also quite euphemistic. We didn't even know that the first-generation implant was broken. Where did his wings go? Judging from the wounds, they must have just been broken. The people from the execution department did not find the remains of the wings. They couldn't have been roasted and eaten, right? But one thing is certain, your student is really It’s amazing that you can win head-on against an opponent of that size.”

The night watchman asked, "Tell me in good conscience, can you do it? Hang a second-generation species weighing dozens of tons so that it has no power to resist?"

"Who knows?" Angers joked, "But doesn't it just have to be the right ending?"

"Is the ending really right? We lost an outstanding student." The night watchman sighed helplessly.

"The war of slaying dragons will always be accompanied by sacrifices." Angers was unmoved, "Shouldn't we have gotten used to it long ago?"

"Habit? Haha... This doesn't matter. Schneider asked me to ask you, are you really sure you can control such a guy?"

The night watchman's face was gloomy. This is probably the difference between him and Ange. He has a son, and he can't be like this Avenger and ignore everything. "If he loses control, who will stop him?"

"He won't lose control." Angers said with a confident smile.

"Why?" The night watchman frowned.

"This person cannot be the Dragon King. I know this best. I think you should also understand, right? Even the Dragon King cannot have such power in a human body." Angers' eyes were full of confidence. .

"Of course I know. This is what we are worried about. This guy may be more terrifying than the Dragon King." The night watchman looked serious.

"Then there is no problem." Angers drank all the wine in his hand, "As long as this knife can help us slay the dragon, so what if I sacrifice the knife in the end?"

The night watchman's eyes were a little unbelievable. He really didn't expect the man in front of him to be so incompetent. "He is harmless to humans? What if one day he wants to destroy the world?"

"I don't know." Angers shook his head, "But as long as you don't provoke him, I think it won't be a big problem. Big deal, I will stop him in the end..."

"It should be...not a big problem..." The night watchman's eyes widened. He now seriously doubted that Angers could control it at all.

In the dark environment, there were only dim lights flickering on the walls and the light from the old TV set on the floor.

There was 'Tom and Jerry' on that black and white TV.

Tom caught Jerry, Jerry escaped from Tom, Tom caught Jerry again, and Tom let Jerry go.

It always ends up that Jerry is playing tricks on Tom.

But Jerry never thought that this seemingly easy-to-trick cat would actually be easy to catch him. Tom is actually a very smart cat, so Jerry will be caught every time.

Every time Jerry was able to escape, it was because Tom would always let him go. They were not like natural enemies, but enemies. No one could live without the other. Jerry once saved Tom from falling into the water, and Tom would let Jerry go. It's the best feeling.

Maybe many years later, when Tom will be old, the owner will no longer like this cat that can't catch mice, and the new kittens will bully him, and they will throw his food out the door. And Tom no longer had the strength to run, so he would slowly go out and pick up the piece of dusty cheese, place it gently in front of the mouse hole covered with cobwebs in the corner, knock on the door, and wait for Jerry to come out.

The girl stared blankly at the pictures on the black and white TV. She was not interested and stretched out. She didn't understand what was so good about this kind of animation, but her brother seemed to like it, which made her embarrassed to change. tower.

She yawned and lay down helplessly, feeling warm. Her pretty face was pressed against the 'floor', which was reassuringly warm. It was the temperature of a family member.

The girl's eyes moved slightly, looking at the potato chips that suddenly floated next to her, with a pleasant smile on her face. It was a bag of potato chips carefully twisted with a heavy paw.

The place where the girl lay was not on the floor, but on the head of a huge dragon.

"Sister, don't be unhappy, eat potato chips."

The giant dragon made a deep sound, and it said the cutest words in the most awesome voice without any sense of violation.

The giant dragon's two huge golden pupils were looking at the girl above him like cross-bred eyes, with a little bit of supplication in his eyes.

He thought his sister was angry and refused to watch TV with him.

"I'm not unhappy."

The girl caressed its head, "It's just that I can't stand this...warm animation."

The brother's brain is not very easy to use, so he always likes to treat her as his sister, but in fact, there is really no need to distinguish between twins.

The dragon didn't quite understand the meaning of the girl's words, but silently touched the remote control with his paw to change the channel.

But the scene turned into a youth romance drama.

The boy is inviting the girl to ride the Ferris wheel.

Inexplicable memories appeared in the girl's mind.

The man forced the ice cream into her hands and stuffed her into the Ferris wheel...

Through the window of the Ferris wheel, they looked at the city filled with stars, and recalled the night sky in the past. Their thoughts seemed to be projected on this black and white TV, and emotions that should not exist grew in their hearts.

Ferris wheel, aquarium and cinema, do you really want to take me to the remaining two?


The ringtone of the mobile phone rang one after another, and the mobile phone placed on the dragon's head began to vibrate and gradually shifted.

The girl wanted to grab it, but the phone fell from the dragon's head.

After being caught by a huge paw, the dragon opened his palm and the phone fell in the middle of his palm. He didn't know what it was, but his sister seemed very anxious.

It spread its palm in front of its head, and the girl's petite figure fell on its palm.

It raised its head, its huge body unable to stretch in this small space.

Every move it made seemed like the earth was shaking, so it could only huddle here, staring at the girl in its palm tenderly, as if waiting for something.

The girl's eyes looked at the lit screen of the mobile phone with some hesitation.

There was only one person's number saved in her phone, and only one person had her number.

She was originally said to block her, but after thinking about it, she decided not to block her. It would be too lonely if she had a cell phone but no one called her.

To answer or not to answer?

Generally, if the caller does not answer the call after ringing for 45 seconds, the caller will receive a no-answer message.

She had hesitated for half a minute.

Would it be embarrassing if I answered the call? If not, would he call me again?

Finally, she picked up the phone.

"Hello? What are you doing? You haven't answered the phone for so long."

The typical straight man's statement made the girl frown.

"watch TV."

"I don't believe it unless you videotape me."

"I'm dead."

"No...actually, I have something to say..."

The male voice on the other end of the phone hesitated.

The girl raised her eyebrows, that's it? Do you want to confess over the phone? Please wake up, kid, do you want to mess with me?

On the deck, Xuanhao leaned against the edge of the ship, supporting his body with his right foot. He tapped his left foot on the deck, looking at the endless ocean, holding the phone in his hand, and the sea breeze caressed his face, with a smile on his face.

This was a huge transport ship, and the academy took great pains to pack the huge next-generation dragon body home. This thing was too heavy, and it was simply unrealistic to transport it by air unless it was dismembered.

But how could the secret party bear to dismember such a complete ancient dragon's remains, so they could only choose to transport it by water.

Treya had already left with the girl's body, and the task of escorting the ancient dragon's remains back to the academy naturally fell on the other three.

At this time, Su Qian and Chu Zihang looked at each other.

Chu Zihang looked at the man leaning against the fence and was talking on the phone with some confusion. What was classmate Xuan Hao doing? The sea breeze was a bit strong, and he couldn't hear clearly what Xuan Hao said. No, of course he knew that eavesdropping on someone else's phone call was a very rude thing, but he had never seen such an expression on this man's face, and he was very curious.

He asked Susie with doubtful eyes.

Susie's face was full of helplessness. Of course she understood what this meant. She could see the overflowing joy in the movements of the man leaning on the edge of the boat, and she could barely put the word "happy" behind his back.

Who else can make a man so happy except his passionate girlfriend?

"Falling in love." Su Qian explained to Chu Zihang simply and clearly.

"That's it." Chu Zihang said with an "I understand" expression.

No, you don't understand at all, Susie felt helpless. She knew that Chu Zihang must have understood the situation at hand. He always observed his surroundings carefully. He could judge all situations rationally, but he often ignored those that related to him.

"I'm a little curious." Chu Zihang suddenly said.

Su Qian raised her eyebrows. This was a good thing. Chu Zihang could be curious about love.

"What are you curious about?"

"What kind of person can make this person who doesn't care about anything care?"

Chu Zihang carefully recalled that he had not had much contact with Xuan Hao, but from his observations, he could feel that the man in front of him did not seem to be from the same world as them.

This feeling of isolation from the world is no longer just about Blood Mourning.

In the college, Chu Zihang only saw Xuanhao in one place, the dormitory.

He had a feeling that if no one called this man out, he would seal himself in the room forever.

"Chu Zihang, do you want to go back to China?"

At this time, Xuan Hao seemed to have finished the phone call and seemed to be in a good mood. He walked slowly to the two of them and spoke to Chu Zihang.

"No, I haven't completed my credits this year."

Chu Zihang's true answer stunned Xuan Hao.

He had forgotten that this guy was a perfect academic, unlike a worm like him who didn't even bother to attend class. Of course people have to put academics first.

"Besides, I will succeed as the president of the Lion Heart Club after I return." Chu Zihang seemed to think that the reason just now was a bit inappropriate, and added.

"Okay, excuse me."

Xuan Hao felt that he shouldn't have mentioned this. To him, the last sentence of Chu Zihang sounded like a real excuse. However, he had decided to take time to return to China. He would go back with or without Chu Zihang. I just thought it would be nice to have a companion on the road, so I mentioned it.

Calculating the time, it should be almost... He turned his head and looked at the distance of the sea. After he sent the trophy to the refrigerator, he took the time to go home and take a look.

Thanks to: Feng Bujue, the master of Broken Sword Lao, and 07025L for the reward

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