Chapter 137 130. Lu Mingfei

"Our hero is back, welcome."

Angers put a cup of freshly brewed West Lake Longjing on the table of the man in front of him with a smile.

This is his office. From here, you can clearly see the school gate, where the students are welcoming the warriors who have returned from slaying the dragon.

That was a man of genius who single-handedly killed two sub-species. The students all wanted to meet this S-class who had been staying at home since he came to the academy and made big troubles as soon as he came out. They were curious about what kind of person this guy was. .

You must know that in the history of the secret party, no one has ever been able to challenge the dragon alone and come back alive. Every awakening of the dragon clan means numerous sacrifices.

The ancestors of the secret party almost had to come out in full force to compete with those powerful dragons. Every victory was a tragic victory piled with life and blood. Like this time, only one person was sacrificed. It's ironic to say the least. If it was this S-class who went to investigate in the first place, maybe there wouldn't be any sacrifices? But the S-class was busy slaying dragons in Japan at the time, and as soon as it was solved, it went to Mount Ararat to slay dragons. It seemed to be quite diligent.

Members of the Lionheart Club are also waiting here. Lancelot is waiting here with everyone from the Lionheart Club, but there is no joy of victory on their faces at this time, because this is not their victory.

Although it is indeed exciting to successfully kill a second-generation species, as people of the Lion Heart Society, their president is dead, and they know that what really brings this victory is not because of the sacrifice of the president, but It's just because of the arrival of one person. Although that person is also a member of the Lion Heart Club, everyone knows that this person may just come to the Lion Heart Club for 'fun'. Even this rescue was the result of Treya begging him to come back.

The sound of the rails rubbing against each other was heard outside the school gate, and the black train came to a slow stop. Everyone was staring at the door, looking forward to the return of the 'hero'.

With a sound of frustration, the heavy car door opened, but to their disappointment, the 'dragon-slaying warrior' they were expecting did not get out of the car.

The leader was a young man with a stern face. He was holding a sword and walking in front. Behind him was a girl with a black ponytail, and then she disappeared. Only the two of them got off the car.

"Welcome back."

Lancelot led everyone from the Lionheart Society forward. He looked at the man and woman in front of him with complicated expressions. He had also brought people to see them off when they left, but there were three of them at that time.

Chu Zihang and Su Qian shook their heads slightly.

"It'll be nice to come back, thank you for your hard work..."

Lancelot led the Lionheart Club to clear the way.

"Where are Treya and...the president?"

"Treya took the president back to Japan." Susie said, "She sent the president home..."

"Let's go back to Norton Hall first..."

Chu Zihang walked in front. He didn't pay attention to the eyes of the students around him. He just wanted to do what he should do first.

In the mission report, the process of slaying the dragon has been blurred by Schneider who rushed to the scene. Naturally, Chu Zihang’s record of violently killing dragon wings was not included. This is not something worth showing off, but it will give Chu Zihang As a teacher, of course he wanted to avoid causing trouble, so Xuan Hao would not mind if he gave all the 'credit' to the S-class.

"Aren't you going to accept the honor that belongs to you? You are a hero who slays the dragon, and you have the right to accept their cheers."

Angers smiled and looked at the man sitting opposite him.

"Hero? Honor?"

Xuan Hao took a sip of tea, his eyes showing disdain, "It's best not to make such jokes in the future."

Is slaying a dragon considered a hero? Then the word 'hero' is too cheap, maybe for Angers it is really a 'hero'.

Slaying dragons and saving mankind seems great, but is this really the purpose of the Secret Party?

As for the so-called 'honor', he is even more disdainful. Can that thing be used as food?

He had known that coming back would be troublesome, so he took a step ahead.

"Haha," Ange smiled softly, "Speaking of which, this is the first time you have come to see me by yourself. Is there something important?"

"No," Xuan Hao put down the tea cup in his hand, "I just came to inform you that I am going back to China for a while."

"Oh? That's good."

To Xuan Hao's expectation, Ange accepted it so happily.

"It's spring now, the time for seedlings to grow." Angers was confused.

Xuan Hao couldn't understand what the old man was talking about. "Speak in human language."

"Haha, I mean, spring is a good time. Youth is restless and seedlings are growing. Our Kassel College should also prepare to welcome new blood." Angers looked at Xuan Hao with interest, "So you are going back to China now Just right."

"You mean recruiting students?" Xuan Hao frowned. Of course he understood what this guy meant and wanted him to go back to China to help recruit students. "No time."

"Don't refuse so quickly," Angers still had a smile on his face. "China is a country with a large population and countless talents. Kassel College does not want to give up such a high-quality source of students."

"Then you go and recruit them yourself!" Xuan Hao looked impatient.

"But," Angers was a little confused, "didn't you say that we are not allowed to act casually in China? You also said that any matters related to China must be notified to you first and get your permission."

Damn, you were careless. Only now did Xuan Hao remember that he had indeed said that. Wasn't this digging a hole for himself? So complicated.

"Don't I agree now?"

"No, no, no, how dare I go wild on your territory? It would be better for you to come in person. If someone from the college hurts China's flowers and plants, I can't afford to pay for it." Angers looked scared.

Pretend, keep pretending, Xuan Hao looked at the slender old man in front of him with his head full of black lines.

"Tell me your true purpose."

He glared at Angers. This guy couldn't be so boring. He must be planning something else if he made such a joke with him.

"Ah, I really just want you to help me recruit a student." Angers said.

"Lu Mingfei?" Xuan Hao raised his eyebrows lightly.


Ange's expression finally changed. He really didn't expect that the man in front of him could guess his purpose and accurately say the name. Could it be said that this guy was also paying attention?

"I really can't hide anything from you..." Ange sighed helplessly. Every time he thought he had the upper hand, this man would always slap him on the back of the head. "I want to ask Ask, is there anything else you don’t know?”

"Yes, I don't know when I will die."

Xuanhao stood up and prepared to leave.

"Okay, I'll take this task. I'm also very interested in this little guy."

"Oh, by the way," Ange seemed to have remembered something and stopped him, "We are going to send an investigation team to China to explore the traces of Baidi City..."

"Okay, I'm in a good mood now, sure, but don't disturb me."

Xuan Hao didn't look back, just waved his hand casually.

Ange looked at his leaving back and smiled again, but he couldn't see that Xuan Hao was also smiling, and he smiled disdainfully.

Of course Xuan Hao knew what they were going to investigate, and he even knew the results. However, if others liked to kill people thousands of miles away, why would he stop them?

The road is clear and dangerous.

For some reason, Lu Mingfei felt a chill on his back, and his body couldn't help but shiver.

Isn't it spring now? It shouldn't be so cold, Lu Mingfei was a little confused.

Yes, it's spring again, but something is different this year. Lu Mingfei is already a senior in high school and will be eighteen years old.

Whether it's age or academics, this year is a big hurdle. Of course, he doesn't know it, and so is his fate.

How does it feel to not have expectations for as long as you can remember?

Lu Mingfei couldn't explain it himself, but it seemed like he was a little angry but powerless, with a slight feeling of suffocation.

When he was twelve years old, that is, six years ago, he was sent to his aunt's house, but to be honest, he couldn't remember much of what happened before that. He only knew that he seemed to have parents, but the figures of his parents in his memory were still there. The mind is fuzzy and ambiguous, like a bubble that bursts when touched.

But from time to time, letters would come in, reminding him that he had parents, and his parents seemed to be quite powerful, and they were both knowledgeable archaeological experts. But why didn't he inherit this good gene at all?

The letters always said that they were very busy and working on projects. As for who the project was, he asked who would go? In short, each letter has nothing more than the same content, and he can now predict what the next letter will contain. It probably means, 'I'm sorry, my baby Mingfei, my parents are very busy, things have made new progress recently, and my plan to go home has been postponed again'.

What else could he say? Apart from wishing them success and making a great discovery that would shock the world, it seemed that he could do nothing.

At first he was quite proud. My parents are archaeologists, and he would brag to his classmates after school. But when his classmates were all picked up by their parents, he was left to walk home alone. , he realized that it didn't make any sense.

He envied those children whose parents came to pick him up, but those children were still envious of him!

"Lu Mingfei's family is very kind to him. He never cares about him and can go and play wherever he wants."

When he heard these words, he really wanted to slap them to death, but after thinking about it, forget it, it's just a fight with classmates, well, actually, he was just cowardly.

But fortunately, you still have something to rely on in your heart, right? If he hadn't received letters from his parents from time to time, he might have thought he had jumped out of a rock.

So should he be the unawakened Sun Wukong? To be honest, he did fantasize about his life, being like the Monkey King, but this was when he was dreaming. Over the years, he had long accepted the fact that he was an ordinary person.

Since middle school, he has understood that he is just an ordinary person. His grades, which were passable in the first place, became average or slightly below in high school. This made his aunt, who already disliked him, have an even worse attitude towards him. .

But this is his own problem. He knows that the greater the pressure of study, the lazier he becomes. Apart from playing StarCraft, he just stares at the roof in bed in a daze. In short, he just doesn't focus on studying.

He knew that he lacked outstanding talents, and his grades had always been passable but not outstanding. He could not attract the attention of teachers, and he probably would not be able to get into a prestigious university in the future.

As for literature... As I said just now, he didn't inherit his parents' talents, and he didn't even know how to talk to the "literary girl" he liked. It's really embarrassing that he is still the director of the literary club. If he had that talent, the first thing he would have to do is write his own story. It would be a "tragic epic" after all.

His talent in music... well, he is just a tone-deaf fool. He can only praise himself by saying, "Lu Mingfei, you are awesome" even if he can recognize musical notation. ’ He always hides in the corner when singing with his classmates. It’s not because he is a coward. He really can’t afford to embarrass this person. Why would he bring trouble to himself?

As for exercise, he feels that his physical strength is pretty good, at least much better than the average otaku. This is thanks to his aunt often letting him go out to run errands, but it is only pretty good and of no use.

Maybe he's pretty good at playing games. He's pretty confident about this. He can even use red dots to beat everyone in his friend list. Well, only one of his friends in his friend list is willing to play games with him. 'One, he still releases water from time to time.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Lu Mingfei's face unconsciously.

He himself has no idea how shocking his talent in gaming is. He can even be described as a monster. In the e-sports circle, he can reach the top of the world in minutes and stand out from the crowd. But what's the use? He was born in an era where playing games was regarded as not doing his job properly and he would never get ahead. If he knew about the development of the e-sports circle in the future, would he sigh with emotion, "I'm so lucky to be born at the wrong time."

Business acumen? Hey, Lu Mingfei sighed and patted his head, why he couldn't think about it so much. He had thought about his future, maybe he would be admitted to an ordinary university, and then see if he could find a job in sales or something like that after graduation. As long as he could make a living, he could live a stable life. That's all the ambition.

However, God has closed the door for you, sealed the windows uneasily, and even blocked the sewer for you.

Being a salesperson also requires talent. He is a dead kid and lacks the ability to communicate with others. Although he thought that his emotional intelligence was pretty good, at least he had not had any conflicts with anyone for many years, and he could barely figure out other people's thoughts, but he racked his brains and couldn't say anything nice, and finally jumped What came out were all bad words, and saying them would only make both parties feel embarrassed, otherwise he wouldn't have been single until now.

Just like now, he was staring at the computer screen in a daze. The avatar of the girl wearing a baseball cap was still gray and motionless. The other party was not online. He thought about it for a long time but did not dare to send a message.

Thanks to: Feng Bujue, the master of Pojian Lao, and Jian Danqin, who are crazy like Xi Xi for their reward.

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