A Fascinating Marriage with the Colonel

Chapter 61: Qin Yue, don't blame me!

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There were people coming and going in the banquet hall, and the melodious piano music flowed slowly during the period. Everyone smiled and stood there, chatting softly.

Qi Mingran, as Qi's parents, would inevitably have to entertain.

Tang Anru took his arm and walked around with him to get to know the powerful men.

After a while, many people knew that she was Qi Mingran's girlfriend and the most appreciated employee of the First Secretary of the Secretary of the First Military Industry Group. Soon, many ladies and ladies gathered around her and laughed.

"Tough work tonight, accompany me everywhere to entertain." Qi Mingran said to Tang Anru in a low voice, showing a touch of pity and spoils in his eyes.

He really pity Tang Anru.

However, I always can't forget Qin Wei, sometimes I can't help but compare them, and finally feel that Tang Anru is worthy of him, and won't lose Qi's face.

Tang Anru leaned lightly on his shoulder and said sweetly, "I'm fine, and I have nothing to do with you."

Qi Mingran hugged her to the rest area and said, "You rest here first, and I'll come to see you later."

"Okay." Tang Anru smiled softly and kissed Qi Mingran on the cheek.

Qi Mingran kissed her forehead and turned towards the crowd in the banquet hall.

Someone next smiled and said enviously: "An Ru, Mr. Qi is really good to you. I don't know how many women I envy."

"Yeah, An Ru, you are so beautiful and excellent, no wonder Mr. Qi spoils you so much." Another person also praised.

They are all senior employees of other departments of the military industry group. They usually deal with the secretarial department a lot, and once they went to Tang Anru, they were a little familiar.

Anyone with a good eye can see that Tang Anru is in the limelight of the secretary department, which is very appreciated by his boss, and his boyfriend is the chief president of the Qi Group, so these people have more or less careful thinking.

Who wouldn't say nice words, and don't want money anyway.

So a few people sitting on the side of the rest area laughed at Tang Anru and praised her from time to time for a sentence or two, and the atmosphere was unprecedentedly harmonious.

The assistant to the deputy minister sat next to Tang Anru, and seemed to inadvertently mention Qin Wei: "Unfortunately, the minister and the leader of the team value her so much, and did not expect to waste a lot of effort."

It sounds like he is arguing for the Minister and Lin Xian, but in fact it is a little gloating.

Tang Anru said softly, "Qin Yue is resting and she can't work because she can't do anything. I always wanted to see her, but she refused to see me or answer my call. I didn't know what to do. . "

Having said that, she smiled helplessly.

Prior to this, there were rumors in the secretary that Qin Yue had a car accident, and afterwards blamed Tang Anru for failing to hold her, resulting in a complete breakdown of this friendship.

At this moment, when she saw Tang Anru's worries, she had a slight grievance in her eyes, and someone immediately comforted her.

"Her car accident has nothing to do with you, don't blame yourself. According to me, even if there is no car accident, Qin Yun may not pass the assessment. The minister and the leader of the team value her again. The military industry group relies on strength to speak of."

"That's it." The assistant to the deputy minister smiled meaningfully and casually looked at his newly made nails. "An Ru, things are gathered together, people are divided into groups. You are getting better and better, your former friends are still lying in the mud. It is inevitable that you will be jealous, and it is normal to gradually get born. "

These words clearly devalue Qin Yue.

Tang Anru didn't seem to understand this meaning, so he did not justify Qin Yue.

Seeing this, others laughed and said, "That's true, it's like a pot with a lid. It looks beautiful like An Ru, and has strong ability. No wonder Mr. Qi is dead to you. . "

"Mr. Qi's look at An Ru just now drowned people." The other person also joked.

Tang Anru's cheeks were reddish, and she said shyly and sweetly: "Don't make fun of me, you and me are like other ordinary couples. You don't know, Qin Ye's boyfriend is very good to her ..."

"Is that the soldier bitch?" The assistant interrupted her with a slight disdain. "I heard that her boyfriend was a soldier. He was fierce and rude and brutal. Didn't you hear it at the last department meeting?"

Tang Anru quickly said, "It's not like this, his boyfriend may be more anxious."

Someone couldn't help but said, "An Ru, we know that you and Qin Hui are better, but that's what happened before. She doesn't care about you now, why do you want this face for her. What is her boyfriend Look, everyone heard her, where is it good for her? I'm afraid she is watching Mr. Qi spoils you, and she is unbalanced, so she will swell in front of you and fill you with fat. "

"Yeah, who hasn't had that vanity. Qin Hui boasted how good her boyfriend was and didn't look at herself. Hey, again, I don't believe her boyfriend with any pot. Where can I get better, it must be far worse than Mr. Qi. "

Tang Anru didn't say a word and sat there elegantly.

In the end, did Qin Yun show off her boyfriend in front of her, she neither admitted nor denied.

So everyone assumed that Qin Yun was unbalanced, and deliberately pretending to be in front of Tang Anru was extremely vain.

It was quite disdainful for a while, as if it was a shame to even work with Qin Yue.

At this moment, there was a sudden exclaimed sound from the entrance of the banquet hall, many people looked at it with their heads open, and even the powerful men who were originally high went towards the door.

Apparently there are big men coming!

I saw the crowd in the middle of the hall automatically separated. Grand Master Ling, commander in chief of the Lincheng Military Region, dressed in a straight military uniform, carried a black cane in her hand, and walked in cheerfully.

Even if the old man is old, the momentum of the high-ranking superiors is still shocking and daunting.

Ling Mohan was on the left side of the old man, and the two bars on his shoulders were flashing cold under the light.

Tall body, broken hair, cold face, a pair of black eyes hiding the sharp bloodthirsty light, no one dares to look at him easily!

Ling Mohan is the captain of the top ten special forces of country A. The military attaches great importance to it. Only the above big men know how many dangerous top secret tasks he has completed. Therefore, how important Ling Mohan is in the military. Know.

However, no one expected that Qin Hui could accompany the father to the right and attend the banquet with him!

Many people at the scene did not know Qin Yun, but many people also knew her, some because of Qi Mingran and some because of working relationships.

Across the rest area, Tang Anru and others also saw it.

Several of them looked at each other, shocked in concealment.

"Oh my God! Is that Qin Hui? What qualifications does she have to attend this banquet? Who are those two around her?" Someone muttered incredulously.

"Her, how could she ..." The assistant deputy minister stuttered a little, turning to look at Tang Anru, "An Ru, aren't you and Qin Jun good friends? When did she have such a great ability to hook up with these big men?"

Tang Anru pursed her thin lips and couldn't say a word.

She panicked the moment she saw Ling Mohan!

This man is not an ordinary soldier-in-law, so what exactly is his identity to allow so many people to fight him? When did Qin Yue know this kind of person?

Is he really Qin Yan's boyfriend?

For a moment, Tang Anru's face was a little ugly, and her hands dangled tightly on her skirt.

The assistant of the secretary quickly responded and said with a smile: "Qin Hui is also our colleague. We should all care about it in the past."

After speaking, I didn't look at Tang An any more, and went to Qin Yue side with champagne.

A few others looked at each other and also stood up and said to Tang Anru, "An Ru, let's go together. You and Qin Hui are good friends. Any misunderstanding is just fine, she will not blame you."

"Yeah, take the initiative and ask her to admit it. Don't miss this friendship because of some small mistakes."

Tang Anru reluctantly pulled up the corner of his mouth and said softly, "Go ahead first, I'll go to the bathroom."

These people immediately passed by Qin Yue, leaving Tang Anru alone in the sitting area.

There was a smirk suddenly.

Tang Anru raised her head suddenly and saw Su Xiaoya smilingly standing not far away, holding a glass of juice in her hand, and her round smile was full of irony. ,

"It's fun to talk to you. It's like singing." Su Xiaoya walked to Tang Anru intentionally. "I just heard everything just now."

Tang Anru stood up, trying to maintain a decent smile on his face, and said, "Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about."

"I really do!" Su Xiaoya said with a scornful look, looked up and down at Qin Yuan, and suddenly smiled grinningly, "Well, not as beautiful as my baby, no wonder your boyfriend left you Now. "

Tang Anru's face changed slightly, and she quickly searched for Qi Mingran's figure, and soon found the man who was still very sorry for her just now, standing in the crowd and staring closely at another woman.

And that woman is Qin Yun!

In the middle of the banquet hall, Qin Min was wearing a smoke-gray tube top gauze dress. The pattern on her chest was embellished with luxurious fine diamonds. A seductive rose flower was sticking to the left shoulder. The exposed shoulders were round and fair, and her skin was like white pearls. Delicate and touching.

She held Ling Mohan's arm, her plump red lips slightly lifted, like a rose that opened to the extreme.

An enchanting fire, an icy evil spirit, the two were surprisingly well matched.

Qi Mingran stood in the crowd, watching Qin Yue for a while, couldn't look away at all, and long ago forgot to say to Tang Anru just to go back and find her.

At this time Tang Anru was behind him, his face was a little pale, and his eyes were a little weird, and the hand holding the skirt was loosened, and then clenched again.

After repeating this a few times, Tang Anru's eyes fell on Qin Yue, staring at her tightly, and a thought flashed through his mind.

Qin Yue, don't blame me!

Tang Anru turned to the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, she came out of the bathroom, and her soft and charming face was filled with a smile again. Without a trace of embarrassment, she slowly walked towards Qin Yue.

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