A Fascinating Marriage with the Colonel

Chapter 62: Calculation of White Lotus

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The banquet hall resounded with melodious piano music. With the constant arrival of guests, the atmosphere of the banquet gradually became stronger.

Immediately after the appearance of Ling Mohan, he was invited by the host to speak on the stage.

As the leader of the First Military Industry Group of Country A, Ling Mohan rarely appeared in front of everyone.

The outside world only knows that there is such a hard-pressed military commander in charge of the military industry group, but rarely knows his personal information, and even some old employees do not know what he looks like.

So when the host invited Ling Mohan to go up, there was a burst of thunderous applause from the audience.

Those unmarried women who are powerful and powerful can't hide their inner admiration and follow his figure closely. If it wasn't for the identity of Miss Shijia, they would hate to stick it.

No way, Ling Mohan is like a walking hormone, exuding an extremely strong masculinity on his body, and his handsome and cruel face is even more abstinent and evil, which makes people feel excited at first sight.

If it wasn't for him being too cold and the ladies of the family again holding ladylike status, they would have rushed up.

Ling Mohan briefly spoke a few words on the stage, and the audience burst into warm applause. When he stepped down from the stage, a group of powerful men immediately went up to talk to him.

Qin Yue did not squeeze up when she saw this, and her body had just recovered, which was not suitable for entertainment in these scenes.

Attending the banquet this time, she just served Ling Mohan as a female companion, by the way, acting in front of the father, to make his elderly feel more at ease.

Qin Yue stood on the side, and many people around her secretly looked at her, secretly guessing her relationship with Ling Mohan, many of whom were envious and envious.

They seem to want to leave Qin Hui on purpose, and none of them came forward to talk to her, but it seemed that Qin Qian was standing alone, looking pitiful.

In fact, Qin Yun didn't even think so much, she was too lazy to entertain.

At this moment, a soft and sweet voice passed into the ear: "Qin Yue?"

Who is such a familiar voice besides Tang Anru?

Pretending not to hear, Qin Yun took the juice and walked to the other side.

"Qin Hui, it's you!" Tang Anru quickly walked in front of her, a surprised expression on her face, and a pair of delicate hands clutched her tightly, "I saw your back just now, I thought I was wrong I didn't expect you to come to the banquet. "

She was very happy, and those who didn't know thought how good Qin Yue and her were.

Qin Yue smiled slightly and said lightly: "It's a coincidence that I didn't expect to meet you."

The two people's attitudes are in sharp contrast, which curiously surrounds those who observe Qin Yue in secret.

They pretended to be chatting. In fact, they all listened to the movements with their ears raised. They could n’t wait to understand Qin Yue ’s background information at a glance. It ’s best to figure out what she and Ling Mohan are. She can actually be his female companion. !!

In the face of Qin Yue's indifferent attitude, Tang Anru showed a trace of forbearance and grievance, but still said happily, "We haven't talked together for a long time, and I finally encountered you tonight, I'm so happy. You have passed this time How are you? Are you okay? Are you still blaming me? "

The last sentence was carefully asked, coupled with Tang Anru's pure and pure face and soft tone, it was easy to make people lean to her side.

Qin Yue hooked his lips and smiled slightly: "Did you do something wrong? Why should I blame you."

Tang Anru was so surprised that it seemed that Qin Yue would not say so.

But the next second she smiled more happily: "I thought you didn't hold you in time when you blame my car accident. I didn't expect it to be careful. Qin Yun, are we still good friends?"

Qin Yue looked at her with a smile, but did not take this sentence, but said: "I just met Mr. Qi, he seems to be looking for you, will you not pass?"

After that, she glanced at the wrist tightly held by Tang Anru.

As if Tang Anru didn't understand Qin Yue's suggestion, she still held her hand and refused to relax, but her smile was reluctant: "Are you still dealing with Ming Ran? I thought you would forget his boyfriend ... ... Ah, sorry, I shouldn't have said such nonsense. "

She seemed to realize her mistaken words, and quickly picked up two glasses of champagne, handed them to Qin Hui, and said in disguise: "Let's have a drink together to celebrate our friendship for so many years, and we are still our best friends."

Qin Wei frowned slightly, not picking up the wine glass she handed over.

Someone around started to whisper and whispered to Tang Anru half-hidden and half-hidden, and his expression was rather disdainful.

"It turned out that she had a boyfriend and seduced Mr. Qi, wasn't she a primary three?"

"Miss Tang is so pitiful that she still considers her as a good friend. I'm afraid she doesn't know she's been green?"

These famous family ladies have a noble self-respect, and strict tutoring from an early age requires them to be ladylike, not allowed to post men casually, and moreover, they are not allowed to interact too closely with men with girlfriends.

Just now Qin Yun was standing together holding Ling Mohan in a radiant light, and they were secretly jealous, but it was only because of their poor expression.

Now I heard that Tang Anru said that Qin Hui had not forgotten Qi Mingran's ambiguous words, and then looked at Tang Anru's reluctant smile, and immediately thought that Qin Hui had no sense of shame, and a boyfriend was still seducing another's boyfriend!

"In my opinion, someone's boyfriend is not as good as Mr. Qi, so she deliberately posted it to Qi's house. She didn't look at herself and thought that her companion who became the commander of Ling was Phoenix." One of them was straightforward. , Unaccustomed to Qin Yue, deliberately raised the voice.

The other ladies of the family covered their mouths and laughed in whispers, all watching Qin Yue's jokes.

Tang Anru quickly said to Gui Qin, guiltily: "It's all my fault, saying something wrong has made you talk like this ..."

"Enough." Qin Yue dropped the two words coldly, turned and left.

If the Qin family owed it to the Tang family, Qin Hui would not tolerate Tang Anru counting himself again and again!

"Qin Yue!" Tang Anru was a little confused, and hurried to catch up with Qin Yue's arm.

"Don't touch me." Qin Yun could not bear it, and he shook his hand without turning back.

"Ah!" Tang Anru exclaimed, holding the glass of wine in his hand and pouring it all over his neck, and the golden liquid quickly soaked the gauze skirt on his chest.

This is a shame at the banquet.

However, at this time, no one felt that Tang Anru was shameful, but that Qin Hui was too rude and vicious!

Tang Anru still clutched Qin Yue's arm tightly, and his other hand was trying to cover the wet chest with a mist of water in his eyes. This fragile and soft appearance immediately aroused everyone's pity.

Soon a man took off his coat and put it on Tang Anru, and stopped Qin Zheng rightfully: "You should apologize to this lady!"

"Are you kidding me?" Qin Hui raised his red lips, and his pair of beautiful eyes looked at him coldly.

Even when angry, she laughed extremely well.

The man hesitated for a moment, and when he came back to think of accusing Qin Xu again, Tang Anru suddenly choked and said, "Qin Xu, I know ... I know you have not forgiven me, and I know you have never forgotten to be clear."

She tried hard to bear tears, her voice was fragile: "It's all my bad, I know you like Mingran, and I'm still with him. Since this time, you refuse to forgive me, I especially blame myself, but What should I do? I like him too! "

Tang Anru said as she shed tears, the crystal tears running across that soft and beautiful face were really distressing!

The smile on Qin Yuan's face disappeared, and she looked at her expressionlessly: "I said a long time ago that I had no interest in Qi Mingran! Now I say it again, I wish you and him forever, and never break up to harm others!"

There was an uproar around, and some people looked skeptical, apparently not convinced that Qin Yue would give up the opportunity to stick the eldest son of the giants down.

Tang Anru nibbled her pink lips and whispered softly, "You just have a hard mouth, and you still like him very much, you just refuse to admit it, otherwise why do you have such a good chat with him on WeChat?"

As soon as this word came out, many people talked quietly.

"It turned out to seduce someone else's boyfriend on WeChat."

"She has a boyfriend and is going to seduce Mr. Qi, which is too shameless."

"I heard from the employees of the Military Industry Group that she was slapped twice in public by another's wife, and was almost stripped of her clothes."

"Ah, it seems that she not only seduce Mr. Qi, but also to seduce someone else's husband. How could there be such a woman who does not know shame."

It is human nature to sympathize with the weak. Tang Anru is pale and stands there with tears in his eyes. The thin figure looks pitiful, as if he will faint in the next second.

Qin Yue looked like a copper wall and iron wall, no matter what others said, she couldn't knock her down.

Suddenly someone said, "Why do you let this kind of person come to the banquet? Security? Quickly kick her out, so you don't have to look upset."

"Yeah, I don't know how casual the banquet is, and any woman who is not indifferent can come in."

They had long forgotten that Qin Yue was Ling Mohan's female companion, and only wanted to kick her out.

Tang Anru stopped in front of Qin Yue and looked at her in a manner of protection: "Don't do this, this is something between me and Qin Yue ..."

"Where's the pheasant to play for himself!" A sudden scolding intruded, interrupting Tang Anru's words.

Tang Anru's face changed slightly.

I saw Su Xiaoya come angrily, pulled Tang Anru away from Qin Yun, and stared at Qin Yun: "Baby, I'm really mad at you! She didn't treat you as a girlfriend, you still Why bear her? "

Qin Yue smiled, glanced at the poor Tang Anru, shrugged, "Can I still beat her?"

Su Xiaoya stared at her, panting angrily.

Suddenly, she turned her eyes and looked at Tang Anru: "Aren't you saying that my baby seduce your boyfriend on WeChat? Well wow! Then let's show the evidence in public and take the opposite and avoid you. Pheasants frame my baby here! "

As soon as this came out, Tang Anru's face changed greatly, and his fingers clenched his suit jacket tightly.

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