A Foodie Journey That Starts With Food

Chapter 215 Black Spotted Purple Bamboo

"Ouch" not long after, Taylor came back, with a special bag on his back, something seemed to be moving in it, and it was bulging constantly.

"Ow~" Master, I found this little thing, they seem to be delicious.

"Uh" is really a foodie, Tianya thought she was going to do something, but it turned out that she went to capture the bamboo rat. But Tianya looked at the bamboo rats in Taylor's bag and nodded, first put them in the refrigerated space, waited for the bamboo forest in the starry sky shell world to develop to a certain extent, and then copied some bamboo rats into it. Although the bamboo rat is a scourge to the bamboo forest, the bamboo rat is also one of the three treasures of the bamboo forest, and it is a delicacy for humans.

But Tianya won't let bamboo rats in casually. Only a few bamboo rats caught by Taylor just now are suitable, because only they have the smell of wine, that is, the bamboo rats that belong to this wine bamboo forest, they are the best. Ordinary bamboo rats do not need it.

"Drunken bamboo rat, capture level 98!! Ultra-rare ingredients, evolved from ordinary bamboo rats of level 50 who constantly eat and adapt to the wine bamboo with high concentration of alcohol and wine aroma, and can reproduce freely. , or through natural selection.”

"Then what is the catch level of these wine bamboos?" Tianya was a little surprised to see that the catch level of bamboo rats was 770 and as high as 98.

"Ding, host, the capture level of wine bamboo is one hundred and fifty, not too bad, not too high.

"Oh, that's fine." Tianya nodded slightly when she heard that Jiuzhu was over a hundred levels.

"However, wine bamboo is also classified into grades. This is a normal wine bamboo, which is one hundred and fifty grades, but wine bamboo will be improved due to the increase in the level of fine wine in the body. Generally speaking, it is divided into green bamboo, red bamboo, and purple bamboo. , Black-spotted Purple Bamboo and the highest grade of golden-patterned Purple Bamboo!!"

"The average change of its capture level is 150, 300, 750, 1500 and the highest average is 3600. Among them, black-spotted purple bamboo and golden-patterned purple bamboo are brewed in the body. There are only three kinds of wine, one is white wine, one is fruit wine, and one is red wine. Their wine grades are also super high, and there are exclusive guardian beasts near these bamboos.

"Black-spotted purple bamboo and golden-patterned purple bamboo?" Tianya felt a hint of interest after hearing this, and then asked, "Can the system locate these two kinds of bamboo?"


"Oh, is there a black-spotted purple bamboo near here?" Tianya looked at the red-dot map and found that there was a black-spotted purple bamboo a few hundred meters away, and immediately brought a few pets over there. As for the hummingbird Tiankun it You can locate Tianya yourself, so don't worry.

"Wow, Brother Tianya, this bamboo is so tall!" Xiao Qianyou looked at the black-spotted purple bamboo in front of him and kept looking along the bamboo in shock.

"Yeah" Tianya was also a little shocked, because in the bamboo forest with an average of more than 300 meters, he did not find this purple bamboo with a height of 1,000 meters. It was really strange.

"Don't be surprised, the host, the golden-patterned purple bamboo of the black-spotted purple bamboo has the properties of delusion and confusion. The reason why the wine bamboo and bamboo forest can constantly change positions and generate illusions in the bamboo forest is because of the black-spotted purple bamboo and the golden patterned purple bamboo.

"So that's why they have their own illusion ability?" Tianya nodded, and then began to approach Zizhu. As for Xiao Qianyou, he was beside Taylor and Bangira, and he didn't let them come. The closer he got to the black-spotted Zizhu, Tianya felt a peculiar faint sense of spiritual force passing over, as if trying to enter his mind.

"Is this a spiritual invasion?" Tianya said with a slight smile.

"But the level is too low" But in fact Tianya doesn't know, this is not because the black-spotted purple bamboo is too low, but because the black-spotted purple bamboo has put away the mental power induction, so Tianya will feel a little low. This was Zizhu welcoming his capture, so he didn't resist. As for the remaining mental obstacles, it was a small part that Zizhu couldn't control.

"Shasha" Tianya stroked the bamboo poles of the purple bamboo, which were as high as a thousand meters and nearly three meters in diameter, and felt the joy of the black-spotted purple bamboo for a while.

"So that's the case, thank you for waiting." After absorbing the joy of Zizhu Zizhu, he realized that the spiritual power just now was Zizhu Zizhu intentionally, in order to let Tianya capture it, and Tianya also knew how to capture it. He took out the Bright Moon Knife, and somewhere at the bottom of the bamboo, he kept cutting the rhizomes like stacks of fibers, and finally, with a bang, they all broke.

"dong dong dong"

"Wow La La" I saw that the bamboo poles as high as a thousand meters began to crack, and each bamboo section was nearly ten meters high, but now it is naturally cut, and sections of bamboo fell from the sky and stuck to the ground. Like a stick of wood.

"Thank you for your hospitality!!" Tianya said to the position of the bamboo, then turned to look at the bamboo tubes in front of him.

"Let's see, there are thirty for white wine, thirty for red wine, and thirty for fruit wine, um, not bad." The bamboo of black-spotted purple bamboo is basically a section of ten meters. The small space outside, although not big, contained almost sixty tons of fine wine. Whether it is black-spotted purple bamboo or golden-patterned purple bamboo, they are all one thousand meters long, this is what the system told him. And they are all bamboo tubes of ten meters per section. The difference is that the black-spotted purple bamboo has three different wines, while the golden-patterned purple bamboo has only one kind. This is an evolutionary choice, but the wine of each golden-patterned purple bamboo is random, not Fixed white wine or red wine.

"Try a drink first?" Tianya picked up a bamboo tube of white wine, cut a small opening, and started pouring it into his mouth.

"Huh... cool!" The wine in these bamboos contains a high amount of bamboo fragrance. Unlike ordinary people who pour the wine into the bamboo and absorb the fragrance of the bamboo and the natural fermentation and sedimentation process, they are absorbed by the bamboo leaves on the top of the bamboo to absorb sunlight. , together with the nutrients absorbed by the underground photosynthesis, and then form a special sugar, the sugar is stored in the top ten sections, and then slowly fermented in the bamboo's own unique yeast to become the original fruit wine with high sugar content, After precipitation, the fruit wine becomes the red wine below. The alcohol of the red wine is filtered and filtered, and finally a high concentration of white wine is formed at the bottom.

It is also easy to distinguish the quality of these wines. The lower the bamboo joints, the higher the quality, and the less black spots, which proves that the alcohol concentration is also higher and the taste is stronger.

Tianya just drank the wine in the bottom bamboo tube. The wine inside was 90% high-concentration white wine, but it didn't hurt the stomach. The stomach warms the whole body.

"It's really good" Tianya put away all the bamboo tubes, even the ones on the top that didn't have wine, because they contained bamboo sugar, a kind of sugar that only wine bamboo can produce, with a strong bamboo fragrance.

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