A Foodie Journey That Starts With Food

Chapter 216 Relic Bamboo Leaf Green

"Keep going" Tianya took a few little guys and started walking around in the bamboo forest. As long as they encountered black-spotted purple bamboo or golden-patterned purple bamboo, they would lose weight. Because of Tianya's capture, they would evolve a black spot again. Purple bamboo came out, this is racial choice.

And there will be many black-spotted purple bamboos around the golden-patterned purple bamboos, which seem to be guarding the golden-patterned purple bamboos. But what makes Tianya feel strange is that until he left, he didn't see the so-called guardian beast.

"Host, in fact, the guardian beast has always been there, but you didn't look carefully."

"Huh?" Tianya frowned, because if the system said this, it means that this so-called guardian beast really exists, but he didn't find it? But it's impossible, if it's nearby, then the domineering and perception ability should also be able to Just found out. However, they have already caught more than one hundred golden-patterned purple bamboos and thousands of black-spotted purple bamboos, but they still haven't found anything. Don't they care about their own capture~ their food?

"Host, please look carefully!"

"Heart?" Tianya was stunned for a moment, because this means that they are not visible with the eyes? Or are they not in the same dimension? Thinking of this, Tianya's eyes turned silver, and he looked around.

"Sure enough, it's actually like this?" Tianya saw hundreds of two-headed snakes, three-headed snakes, and even a few five-headed snakes. They are basically turquoise, only the eyes are blood red. The body shape ranges from the 30-meter-long, bucket-like body of a two-headed snake, to a five-headed snake that is hundreds of meters long and nearly a thousand meters long, with a body the size of a house.

"This is Bamboo Leaf Green?" Tianya found that there were many snakes with a snake head, and they were watching Tianya from a distance. The reason why Tianya didn't find it was because they existed in the inner world channel.

"The host must first know that this is a variant of Zhuyeqing, called Relic Zhuyeqing, and their capture level ranges from level 90 with one head, level 500 with two heads, and then level 2,500 for the highest five-headed snake. The reason why they become relics is that if the snake gallbladder in their bodies is taken out, they will turn into golden stones like relics. This stone is a kind of top-grade monosodium glutamate, which is more suitable for a variety of meats than Melk's star chips. Vegetables are basically the all-purpose seasoning.

"Isn't this a bit cruel? And who discovered this ingredient?" Tianya felt a little bad, because although the ingredients were very high-end, it would be cruel to kill a snake because of this.

"Host, please rest assured, this kind of snake is very strange, even if you open the stomach to take out the snake gall with bare hands, they will not die, but will re-grow a snake gall in a short period of time, and this is the discovery of the gourmet god from the gourmet planet. capture process.”

"Will you grow a new snake gall?" Tianya was a little surprised, because isn't it the same as gem meat?

"Yes, but the gem meat is just a tumor-like thing of the Lijialu Mammoth, because this is what will absorb most of the nutrients in the Lijialu Mammoth, and the prototype of the relic snake gallbladder is the gallbladder of the relic bamboo leaf green, So it's fundamentally different."

"Really?" Tianya nodded, then looked at the numerous relics and bamboo leaves in the inner world passage.

"The World Opens Up"

"Acupuncture!!!" Tianya used the acupuncture gun to acupoint more than ten three-headed snakes, four four-headed snakes and one five-headed snake all at once.

The group of "sucking sucks" snakes were stunned when they saw Tianya's actions, and then saw that their compatriots were captured by this special human being in front of them, and they turned their heads and ran away.

"Enough." Tianya looked at a special ball in the starry sky shell world, which contained some relics, bamboo leaves and green, which Tianya temporarily put in. After all, the bamboo forest has not yet been completed, so it is not suitable to put them in for the time being. Tianya has acupuncture them, and they will not have any movement for a long time, and they will not be consumed.

'When the growth of the bamboo forest is stable, I will put you, the bamboo rat and the bamboo fungus in together. "Bamboo Sun Tianya of the Three Treasures of the Bamboo Forest has also found some, so he won't let it go.

"It's really good." I collected 1,200 purple bamboos, except that the thirty golden-patterned purple bamboos were white wine. The remaining seventy-five golden-patterned purple bamboos are all red wine. This may be the only thing Tianya feels a little bit bad about. After all, he still prefers white wine. Although red wine is good, it does not have the aroma of white wine.

"Well, in addition to the 2,700 pieces obtained from the golden-patterned purple bamboo, there are 30 pieces of the black-spotted purple bamboo each of the high-concentration white wine. Although not as much as red wine, it's not bad." Tianya looked at the burial at home in the starry sky shell world. In the bamboo tube in the wine cellar, he said with a smile, after all, Tianya built a wine cellar below the house to store wine, after all, in addition to a few special places when making wine before, it can also come in handy now.

...... ask for flowers......

"Brother Tianya, I want to drink it too." After leaving the wine bamboo forest, Xiao Qianyou saw Tianya drinking wine. The strong aroma of white wine suddenly attracted Xiao Qianyou's taste buds. Tianya heard Xiao Qianyou's words. Seeing that the little face was full of longing, Tianya patted his forehead, then thought of power control in the starry sky shell world, and took out a fruit wine bamboo tube growing on the top of the wine bamboo, and a bamboo candy growing on the top, both of them. The blend becomes a super low alcohol wine with very good sugar content, which is better than some blended wines. Then it was filled with a small gourd. The small gourd was only the size of Tianya's two fists, but it could hold about five cubic meters of liquid.

"Come, give it." Tianya took out the small gourd from the starry sky shell world and gave it to Xiao Qianyou who was sitting in front of him.

"Yeah." Seeing that Tianya's brother gave him something, Xiao Qianyou took it with a happy face and couldn't wait to take a sip. The strong fruity aroma and the taste of bamboo candy filled his entire taste buds, and then slowly drank it. , Just feel the whole stomach is warm and sweet.


"Well, this is wine, so you can't drink too much. You can only drink a little bit every time you eat, otherwise Qianyou will get drunk." Tianya is not lying, although the alcohol content is adjusted to about one degree by Tianya , But this kind of wine is easy for people to drink more, and because of the high sugar content, the digestion in the body will inhibit the decomposition of alcohol, and the sugar will be decomposed first, and then the alcohol, which will make the alcohol stay in the body for too long.

"Well, Qianyou got it." Xiao Qianyou was still very obedient, and nodded heavily to Tianya.

'Well, we're almost there too. "I felt like I started to have it. Tianya rode on Taylor's back, ran wildly through the bamboo forest all the way, and finally arrived at a special place after five minutes. This is a stronger feeling than when I saw the sketches of my heart.

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