A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1001 Weird

"That's your enemy. What does it have to do with me, Luo Hao?"

Luo Hao was not moved at all by the Black Prince's advice to surrender his status, and even seemed very impatient:

"Crush all the intruders to death. This is my reward for treating the enemies equally."

After saying so much, is it all in vain?

The Black Prince once dealt with Luo Hao. At that time, he had a deep understanding of Luo Hao's willfulness, but now the Black Prince found that he still underestimated Luo Hao.

This woman is not arrogant, but crazy!

Marquis Vauban laughed loudly: "Don't waste your energy, Black Prince, this witch doesn't understand what cooperation is at all, haha!"

The Black Prince covered his forehead and shook his head. Although he was also a member of the Godslayers, he still felt a deep sense of powerlessness towards the 'group' of Godslayers.

The Wolf King was not very surprised by Luo Hao's arrival, because he knew that Heather sent invitations to other God-killers. Rather, he would be surprised if Luo Hao didn't come.

"I'm not surprised that you're coming. But what about that junior who loves to play with swords?"

Both Black Prince and Luo Hao knew that the person the Wolf King was talking about was the King of Swords. Yes, that person likes to fight with strong men and join in the fun the most. He is a troublesome guy who is afraid of chaos in the world. Why didn't you see Salbatre Tony in such a big event that was rare in hundreds of years?

Heather didn't invite him? Impossible, Heather has forgotten that no one can forget the King of Swords. Whether as a stepping stone or in the OB audience, he is second to none.

Could it be that……

"I'm afraid that the King of Swords, like Hades, is also being targeted by this group of outsiders."

The Black Prince pointed at the huge Infinity Dragon Beast corpse next to him, and his tone was a little heavy:

"We have lost a compatriot and can no longer allow the other side to continue hunting."

Luo Hao frowned his beautiful eyebrows: "Wait a minute, I thought you said these steel monsters were called by the younger generation living in the west?"

She had heard the Black Prince mention the title 'Hades' when talking about this group of ambush soldiers, and she thought they were the followers sent by John Pluto Smith. After all, there are many forms of power in this world, and it is not surprising no matter what kind of power there is.

Even if Pluto John Pluto Smith did not have any powers related to steel or machinery before, how could he secretly kill some weird and disobedient god to obtain such powers?

The Black Prince shook his head: "The two have similar names, but they are definitely not the same person. I can guarantee this, because I saw that [Pluto] with my own eyes and tried my best to escape from him. And John Prue Thomas Smith...it's a pity that he has died in the hands of this [Pluto]."

Although he always shouted to fight and kill, Luo Haozhen still pursed his lips slightly when he heard the news of the death of a fellow God-Slayer.

After a long time, she suddenly said: "Before coming here, I fought with Heather."

"Huh?" The Wolf King immediately raised his head alertly, his dark green wolf eyes shining brightly.

Luo Hao showed no sign of the Wolf King's anger and just said to himself:

“I originally planned to go to Nikko Toshogu Shrine to untie Butima Wen so that the heroic god of China could see the light of day again, but Heather seemed to have the same idea as me.

The two of us met in the Xitian Palace inside Toshogu Shrine, and at the same time we presented the sacrifices we had prepared to break the seal of Butima On.

I have to admit that the methods of that fledgling young man are more sophisticated than I, Luo Hao, imagined. Not only did he destroy the sacrifices I prepared and the disciples I valued, he also took away the opportunity to fight the Monkey King.

Under the influence of Heather's sacrifice, the Monkey King has also undergone unknown changes. At least he is by no means the despicable monkey I once fought against, but a more majestic, noble and violent monkey king. "

Hearing this, the Wolf King and the Black Prince looked at each other, somewhat surprised.

Can the God of Disobedience mutate himself? Are you sure you're not being impersonated?

"Of course I'm not an imposter! That's the real Monkey King, a Monkey King who is even more powerful than the previous Monkey King!"

Luo Hao saw through the eye contact between the two and immediately shouted:

"The fight between Heather and the monkey king destroyed the entire Toshogu Palace, and then disappeared."

"Oh, I remembered it. Heather was actually fighting a monkey before, and that monkey was indeed a powerful enemy."

Vauban pointed in the direction of the United States: "They seem to be flying in that direction."

"The United States? That is the home of Pluto! Sure enough, Monkey King, the Monkey King, and Heather, the Prince of the Star Sea, noticed the evil over there, so they took action together!"

The Black Prince immediately became excited. This man and the monkey had super combat power. If they take action, they will surely be able to suppress Pluto.

So young... Seeing the appearance of the Black Prince, Luo Hao and Vauban curled their lips secretly at the same time. No matter which myth or legend, Sun Wukong is not a great hero who likes to punish evil spirits and help the poor and the weak, at least not before he was crushed under the Five Fingers Mountain.

The Monkey King is a monkey king, a demon, and a riser of anti-order. It is completely different from the battle and victory over the Buddha in the middle and later stages of the Journey to the West story.

As for Heather...it would be nice if that person didn't cause trouble for others. How could he take the initiative to do something thankless?

But one thing is that Vauban and Luo Hao have a very tacit understanding - the former did not mention the shameful aspect of being decapitated by a monkey, and the latter did not say that he was suppressed by Heather's little lover.

It's so embarrassing. How can you talk about such embarrassing things in front of old enemies and juniors?

At this moment, Vauban and Luo Hao suddenly raised their heads and looked towards the sky almost in unison. The Black Prince was half a beat slower than the two of them and also looked towards the sky.

What... is there?

Meanwhile, outside the atmosphere, Heather is ravaging the Decepticon space forces.

None of the Transformers present can withstand the sharp edge of the vicious knife. Each swing will take away the lives of several or even dozens of Transformers, turning this near-cosmic area into a space garbage dump, floating everywhere. Metal stumps and debris.

Sound Wave was chopped into dozens of pieces by Heather at the first opportunity, his head was burned into molten iron by the Burnt Fruit, and the fire source in his chest was directly exploded by [The Spear of Heavenly Father], which was considered a complete last-ditch attack.

The space gate dropped a total of fifteen waves of Transformers and stopped delivering them. It seemed that Pluto also gave up on Sound Wave and the group of Decepticon space troops, allowing Heather to slaughter them.

Heather had no idea of ​​mercy. If she didn't take advantage of the opportunity to reduce the opponent's combat power as much as possible, could she put it back and let Pluto get the information and strengthen them before attacking her? That would be stupid.

Clang! The vicious knife slashed an inescapable Decepticon in half from head to crotch. Heather finally stopped swinging the knife, put the vicious knife on her shoulder and looked around.

There were no actionable Decepticons left, and almost all of them had been killed by him.

As if affected by the earth's gravity, the metal debris closer to the earth began to ignite and fall downwards, forming a very spectacular meteor shower for a while.

Heather was enjoying the beautiful scenery of the meteor shower when she was suddenly startled.

He noticed something strange not far ahead. Some meteors and fire showers suddenly disappeared without a trace when they approached a blank area, as if they evaporated out of thin air.

Weird, what is there?

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