A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1002 The Last King

The place where Heather fought the Transformers army was higher than the clouds, beyond the atmosphere and reaching the realm of the universe.

If you look down, you will see that the Japanese islands below are as big as a map.

What could exist here?

Heather flew over curiously until she reached the surrounding area.

No matter whether he looked with his eyes or scanned it with his sight and circle, Heather found nothing. The area was just an empty area with nothing special about it.

But Heather was sure that she was right. Some meteors and fire fragments hit that area and then disappeared.

Interesting, was it cast under an 'invisibility' spell? Or is it some ability of Pluto?

Forget it, just cut it first and then talk about it.

After confirming that there were no Pluto's peeping little radio waves around, Heather immediately showed her absolute royal power, and the sword ignited with golden flames. It was a demon-breaking fire that was enough to destroy any false spells!

The golden cross sword slashed towards the empty area.

With a strange squeaking sound, the location where the golden flame struck was like a piece of tissue paper caught by the flame of a lighter, and began to roll up to both sides, revealing the true appearance inside.

A small island is floating quietly high in the sky.

The island looks similar to islands in the Pacific, with hills and flats, but there are no plants or signs of life on it. It is an island of only soil and rocks.

In the center of the island is an open space about the size of a football field, with a knife stuck in the middle.

This is a weird-looking scimitar. The length of the exposed blade is about one meter. The blade is light and thin, but it is heavily mottled and rusted.

Snap. Heather landed lightly on the island, and landed right near the knife.

Looking closer, the strangeness of this knife becomes more and more obvious.

Through the mottled rust on the blade, Heather could vaguely see the inscriptions and patterns carved on the blade. It was a story about the sea, the sky and the stars, and it was a great epic praising a hero.

There are three empty grooves in the jaw position of the knife, and the handle is a curved spine similar to some kind of beast or something.

Heather rubbed her chin and looked at the knife from left to right.

No matter how you look at it, this thing is definitely an extraordinary weapon, but Heather can't feel any magic or spell power fluctuations from this knife. This thing is like a completely dead thing.

An ownerless sword?

Heather looked around and felt guilty, but such a weird island was protected by such a clever spell and suspended at an extreme altitude of 500,000 meters above the ground. There was also such a weird island stuck in it. Knife... I can tell with my toes that this knife is definitely extraordinary!

It's a treasured sword with unknown potential. It's too much of a waste to leave it piled here. So let me, Heather, take care of it...

Thinking of this, Heather couldn't hold back the heat in her heart and couldn't help but extend her sinful hand towards the scimitar.

Just when his palm was about to touch the handle of the knife, a lazy voice suddenly came from his ears:

"You broke into someone else's house and wanted to steal someone else's treasure. Wouldn't your next sentence be 'I thought you didn't want this thing'?"

"I thought you didn't... huh? Play JOJO jokes with me?"

Heather turned her palm and touched her hair very smoothly and naturally, as if nothing happened just now:

"Now that you've spoken out, stop pretending to be a superior person and show up quickly! Otherwise, I'll blow up your ugly toilet where no grass grows and no birds poop!"

The voice became more and more lazy, with a hint of cunning: "Ugly? No one has ever said that my island is ugly. Admit it, little brother, your aesthetic standards are different from ordinary people."

Heather has always been the only one who has a bad mouth. How can he be the one with the bad mouth? The murderous knife he raised high is the best answer - I will demolish this island first, and then I will slowly talk nonsense to you.

"Tsk, tsk, I can't help but amuse myself. Are all the god-slayers of this era just stupid young people like you?"

Just like a simple sketch suddenly outlined in the air, an illusory hand appeared out of thin air, holding the top of the hilt of the scimitar that was stuck upside down on the ground.

The next moment, a strange scene appeared on this floating island!


The old site of the United States, the cradle of steel.

This steel city, which was expanded and transformed based on the city of Los Angeles, was mostly destroyed at this time.

There were billowing smoke and unextinguished flames everywhere, and crackling electric sparks came and went.

The mutilated corpses of Transformers were scattered all over the mountains and plains, piled up into hills one after another.

Pluto stood in the sea of ​​smoke and fire of the ruins, his trench coat fluttering with the air currents.

A figure quickly approached from the distance, only to slow down suddenly when it landed.

Astro Boy fell next to Pluto, ignoring the unnatural twisting of his right arm and the sparks of electricity at the break, and walked quickly towards Pluto: "Lord Pluto, that monkey..."

"It doesn't matter, he was accidentally transported out of the earth by me using the jump tunnel. Unfortunately, with the alertness and power fluctuations of the monkey at that time, the most I could do was send him to Mars."

Pluto looked at the Transformers wreckage around him and pinched his eyebrows:

"But the Great Sage Qitian cannot use it twice. You must be fully prepared when he comes back, Astro Boy."

"Based on the monkey's maximum speed, the shortest time it takes for him to return from Mars to Earth is only about fifteen minutes."

Astro Boy held the wound in his right arm with his hand and said calmly:

"Based on the joint calculation of ten supercomputers of the Cradle of Steel repeated 450,000 times, Gaiborga's winning rate against the alienated Monkey King is over 71%. This is a very impressive number, Lord Pluto."

"You can't activate Geboga yet. It's a winning weapon against outsiders like Heather."

Pluto naturally knows how powerful the mechanical god of war Gaboga he brought from the DNF world is. To put it bluntly, its pure combat power alone has reached the level of a sub-life tool.

You must know that life tools, which are very rare treasures in hundreds of millions of worlds, are also divided into levels. The ultimate mechanical war god like Gai Boga even surpasses some life tools in terms of pure attack power.

"Are you worried that Heather also has a life tool?" Astro Boy asked.

"Although the life tool 'Aladdin's Lamp' held by the little prince is incomplete and has been distorted and weakened, the body of Aladdin's Magic Lamp is still among the best among many life tools.

The unreasonable three wishes are very foul, and the wishing quota can also be restored through the little prince's own conceptual nourishment. The higher the compatibility between the little prince and Aladdin's magic lamp, the faster the wishing quota will be restored.

The little prince who possessed such a powerful treasure fell into the hands of Heather. The other party must also have a life tool or a sub-life tool level treasure. "

As Pluto spoke, he raised his hand to summon the space door.

Transformers walked out one by one, picking up and cleaning the corpses of their compatriots without any trouble, and began to repair the Cradle of Steel.

Hearing Pluto's words, Astro Boy did not refute, but he had his own thoughts in his heart.

In his opinion, Master Pluto was just playing around. Neither Heather nor the Monkey King could ever be his opponent.

This is not blind confidence, but a magnificent power that Astro Boy has witnessed with his own eyes, which is enough to subvert his three views of electronics!

Speaking of Heather, Astro Boy quickly reported: "Lord Pluto, the Space Force has lost contact. Soundwave..."

"Ah, I know. Soundwave and Skyrocket died heroically in the line of duty. Everyone in the Decepticon Space Force is very brave and extremely loyal. I am very happy about that."

Pluto sat on the Iron Throne that was partially missing and waved his hand:

"Don't worry about information leakage. There is no need to be secretive at this stage. Those God-killers can come if they want. Shockwave, how is the situation in Greece?"

As he spoke, Pluto put his fingers behind his ears and asked in a deep voice.

Soon, the mechanical sound of a shock wave without any emotion or ups and downs came to my ears——

[I just arrived at Rhodes Island in Greece half a minute ago and are searching for the target person. 】

"After capturing her and bringing her alive to the Cradle of Steel, I believe Heather will be very happy to see her beloved woman become our honored guest. As for the others, kill them all and bring back all their heads. "

【clear. 】

Pluto ended the call with Shockwave, then looked at Astro Boy aside, and comforted him in a gentle tone that was completely different from the harsh tone just now:

"Do you think I'm cruel?"

Astro Boy shook his head: "No, these people are the enemies of Lord Pluto, and they should be ruthless in dealing with their enemies."

"That's right, Astro Boy, just like I have always taught you. When dealing with friends and companions, you can show your humanity and tenderness without hesitation. But when dealing with enemies, you must be as hard, cold, and ruthless as steel. Even the slightest kindness to your enemies may cause your friends and companions to suffer great suffering and fall into the abyss of despair."

"I understand, Lord Hades."

"Good boy."

Pluto nodded with pleasure, and just leaned back on the back of the Iron King's seat, suddenly he was startled and then stood up suddenly.

"Lord Pluto?" Astro Boy looked at Pluto in confusion.

"Is there something..."

Pluto gave a thumbs up, and then raised his index finger uncertainly:

"One...no, two? How is that possible?"

Looking at the somewhat nervous Pluto, Astro Boy tilted his head in confusion.

Pluto raised his head and looked in the direction of the sky, showing a look of shock and surprise for the first time.

Not only Pluto, but all the top experts in the world had sensed it and looked up at the same position.

It is at the extreme altitude outside the atmosphere, a place where life should not exist.


At the extreme altitude of 500,000 meters above the ground, in the center of the nameless floating island.

Heather was stunned as she stared at the outline of a human figure that appeared in front of her like a simple sketch.

A man appeared in front of Heather out of thin air, holding a scimitar stuck upside down on the ground.

This is a man about 1.8 meters tall. From his appearance, it is impossible to tell his race, and even his age is blurred.

He was wearing a dark blue waterproof windbreaker with a stand-up collar, a captain's hat, a beard on his lips, seaweed-like black hair hanging over his shoulders, and gold earrings on both ears. There are seven various rings on the ten fingers of both hands, and the two thick and black eyebrows are very conspicuous.

As soon as she saw this man, Heather immediately had an absurd sense of sight, but if she looked carefully, she couldn't identify any familiarity at all.

The most important thing is that Heather can feel the unspeakable terrifying power from the other party. This is completely superior to Zeus, who had put her in a bitter battle before, and can be called the most powerful and unparalleled God of disobedience!

The man in front of him scratched the beard at the corner of his mouth and looked at Heather casually: "Since we are in front of our sworn enemy, shouldn't we name ourselves? Young Godslayer."

Heather didn't know that she had released a monster, and her expression became serious:

"...Heather. Before asking someone to tell you your family name, shouldn't you tell me your name first? God of disobedience?"


The man opposite was stunned for a moment, leaned forward and took a sniff, then covered his forehead and burst into laughter:

"It's true! Hahaha! This is so interesting! No, it should be said that it is too coincidental!"

Heather frowned, and then watched helplessly as the other party pulled out the strange, rusty scimitar and raised it upwards.

When the scimitar was pulled out by the man, the rust on the surface was swept away, and at the same time, the three empty grooves at the sword's jaw began to be filled with mist of different colors swirling around.

Immediately afterwards, the wanton laughter that swept away the decadence and showed arrogance resounded throughout the boundless and vast sky:

"I actually encountered a counterfeit that stole my power, and is also the old enemy of gods like us! It's interesting, it's so interesting!

Hey, the god-killer who calls himself Heather! Remember my name-"

Heather felt her feet begin to tremble violently, the endless bare island ground cracked inch by inch, and a large number of covered rocks disintegrated and dissipated. As the thick rock layers continue to peel off, the deepest layers of the island are exposed.

This is a very huge three-masted sailing ship!

The outer surface of the hull is painted in blue and black tones, and the sails are a brilliant gem-like blue. If you look closely, you can see the waves and currents rolling on the sails.

The bow of the ship resembles a huge male mermaid holding a trident, a conch horn hanging from his waist, and his beard and hair as wild as seaweed.

There was no one on the deck, but the cables could be seen crawling slowly, as if they had a life of their own.

At the same time, the vast starry sky above Heather's head began to rapidly shine with extremely bright cross stars, which flashed twenty-two times before stopping.

"When the starry sky shines with the cross stars twenty-two times in succession, the prince across the vast sea of ​​stars will come to this world and purify the Rakshasa king who is causing trouble in the world——"

The man laughed and swung his scimitar downwards and pointed it at Heather. Suddenly, countless cannons emerged from the void around the ship, and their black muzzles were all pointed at Heather.

"I am the Prince of the Star Sea!

I am the pirate king!

I am the Strongest Steel!

I am the king of the end!

I'm - Heather! "

PS: The two chapters are combined into one, which makes it more comfortable to read.

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