A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1047 S-level 15

It seems like yesterday that the British Association cadre meeting to discuss the ranking and code name of Heather heroes was held.

The same venue, the same participants, but the atmosphere was completely different from before.

The person presiding over the meeting was still Xiqi, a senior cadre of the Heroes Association. Facing the awkward silence in the conference room, he did not say "I told you so" nonsense that had no effect other than venting dissatisfaction. Instead, he clicked on the electronic screen. .

The improvised public opinion rise and fall chart immediately appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Next to it was a folder that could be opened by touching the screen, which contained the video record of the battle between Heather and the Deep Sea King that was widely circulated on the Internet.

Xiqi cleared his throat: "Colleagues, I believe you have not completely forgotten the content of the meeting five days ago. So let us continue..."

"Continue with what?"

Yamahara, the cadre who looked like a vigorous and bald old man, suddenly asked.

“Of course it’s about ‘Rain Tiger’ Heather’s advancement to S-class.”

Xiqi looked like it was natural:

"Didn't we hold an emergency cadre meeting just for this matter?"

"I still say the same thing - I don't agree!"

Shan Yuan slammed the table, stood up, and said loudly:

"How unbecoming it is for a newcomer to jump from B-level to S-level! How will we manage those unruly professional heroes in the future?

To manage professional heroes, you must abide by the rules and regulations, and use rankings and rewards to dangle them with kindness and power, so that they can be obedient! If you ask me, we should resist the pressure and demote him——"

"Shanhara, did you make a mistake?"

Zekinger, a senior cadre with mechanical prosthetic eyes, spoke coldly and interrupted Shan Yuan's talk:

“Professional heroes, especially strong ones like Heather, are not and should not be watchdogs tied to ‘ranking’ and ‘remuneration’.

They are heroes who spontaneously stand up and fight to protect mankind, and we are logisticians who do our best to support the heroes' activities. Strictly speaking, there is no superior-subordinate relationship between us. "

Chisler, a beautiful cadre wearing glasses, also laughed: "Shanhara, can't you see that you are still a jerk?"

The other cadres originally had a negative attitude towards the matter of Heather advancing to S-class for the same reason as Yamahara. But now seeing this trend, some smart people immediately turned their guns and started firing at Shan Yuan.

"Yamahara! What do you think of heroes!"

"Shameless, can you be considered a cadre of the British Association like this? I, Daran Ren, are at odds with you!"

"You want to benefit the A-level heroes you manage so you wantonly suppress potential newcomers, right? That's disgusting."

Now that the general trend of public opinion is constantly tilting towards Yuhu, the British Association urgently needs a new target for the people to vent their anger and divert their attention. If a video of this meeting is 'accidentally' taken and posted online, then Yamahara and the three A-level heroes he manages will be the best scapegoats.

Judge others by yourself, and all the cadres present believed that the senior managers of the British Association would definitely do this.

Shan Yuan seemed to realize that he had made a huge mistake, and his face turned pale. The trembling appearance of the rickety old man did not arouse the sympathy of his colleagues at all, but instead further aroused their ferocity.

The conference room was filled with accusations and ridicule of Yamahara for a while, as if the meeting five days ago was the result of Yamahara overpowering the others and setting Heather's ranking to B-level 2, while the other officials present were innocent people.

The beautiful cadre Qisler was sitting lazily turning her swivel chair back and forth with a sarcastic smile on her face. Do these guys want to use such a simple method to get rid of themselves? too naive.

Nowadays, many people in the association cadre group tend to act as 'agents' for professional heroes to make money. After all, some professional heroes are naturally able to attract a lot of popularity and advertising, and can also attract many plutocratic investments in exchange for the protection of professional heroes, and the commissions are comparable. Being a cadre makes a lot of money.

For this reason, veterans like Shan Yuan will use their own methods to PUA new heroes who are not experienced in the world, and let them gradually fall under their control and become obedient money-making tools and signs.

Unfortunately, this time Shan Yuan finally hit the wall.

That Heather is not a fuel saver. Chisler has been paying close attention to Heather since he entered the Heroes Association. She believes that Heather will be the next Sweetheart Mask. In short, he is a super potential stock with a very suitable appearance and temperament. Her appetite.

Chisler was originally planning to go straight to have a serious talk with Heather to see if he could bring this potential stock to his side. It would be better if he could go further to satisfy his craving.

Unexpectedly, just a few days after Heather joined the Hero Association, an attack by the sea tribe in J City occurred. Heather was so prominent in this incident that even the sexy prisoner of the S-class hero was compared to her. Chisler suddenly felt bad. .

Sure enough, at the cadre meeting held after the Hai Clan attack, a large group of cadres headed by Yamahara, like African hyenas smelling carrion, began to desperately block Heather's path to S-class.

In their opinion, keeping Heather in B-level is the best choice, which can provide them with enough opportunities to benevolent. S-level is not a level they can get involved with.

Yamahara even wants to drag the S-level heroes at the end of the rankings back to A-level so that they can control them.

But these people obviously underestimated Heather's ability. After the new ranking was announced, the other party immediately took advantage of Hell Fubuki and her Fubuki team, and formed a huge public pressure to oppose the Hero Association.

You must know that with Hell Fubuki's beauty and abilities, there are officials in the Hero Association who have been keeping an eye on her, not to mention the wealthy people from behind the scenes.

Fubuki has always been safe and sound. On the one hand, she is smart, alert and powerful enough. On the other hand, her sister is the second S-class, one of the four aces of the Hero Association, and the ultimate weapon of mankind, the trembling tornado.

Tatsumaki is a super girl-controller, and whoever dares to attack Fubuki will be doomed. This is not an unfounded statement. Among the sixty-seven chaebols when the Heroes Association was founded, there was the 'Tistaro Consortium.' The leader of that chaebol, Singer Tistaro, fell in love with the newly joined association. Fubuki and wanted to use her power to take her as his mistress.

As a result, one night, the landmark skyscraper of the Tistaro chaebol in City C was physically uprooted and thrown to the coastline northeast of City J. The leader of the chaebol, Singer Tistaro, died tragically in his private room on the top floor of the skyscraper. in the room.

The Heroes Association finally announced that it was weird forces that launched an attack on the Tistaro chaebol, and the rich man Singer was their primary target. Finally, Shivering Tornado rushed to the scene and eradicated all the ghost-level weirdos.

But what is the reality? No one dared to say or ask too much.

Hell Fubuki has since become a taboo in the association, and no one dares to provoke him. Fubuki is allowed to form the Fubuki Group, the most powerful private hero organization.

With this woman as a reinforcement, Heather's fan base among the people has increased sharply, and she has the right to speak against the British Association.

The cadre meeting held by the British Association is actually a signal - we admit that the rating of Heather is wrong and we are willing to correct it immediately.

At this time, you dare to jump out and try to pick peaches against everyone else's opinions. Shanyuan, Shanyuan, you are really stupid.

Thinking of this, Chisler looked at Shan Yuan, who was standing tremblingly, with a playful smile.

In the conference room, the siege on Shan Yuan not only did not stop but intensified.

Perhaps knowing what a stupid mistake he had made, Yamahara, who was trying to survive, became anxious and shouted: "Everyone be quiet!!"

The huge roar temporarily plunged the conference room into silence.

The cadres all closed their mouths and looked at Shan Yuan, wanting to see what other means this veteran cadre could use to survive.

"When judging whether a hero can advance, shouldn't we ask the committee's advisors?"

Shan Yuan took out his mobile phone and quickly dialed the number and then put the mobile phone on the smart desktop and connected it to the big screen.

In less than two seconds, the big screen turned into a dressing room. In the center of the picture sits a handsome man with short blue hair, surrounded by several busy makeup artists.

This person waved the makeup artists to leave the dressing room, and then looked at the screen coldly: "Everyone from the British Association, are you okay?"

"I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. Sweet Mask. I'm contacting you this time because I want you to determine whether a professional hero's promotion is legal."

Yamahara didn’t waste any time and went straight to the point:

"You should have heard of his name, 'Rain Tiger' Heather, currently ranked second in Class B."

Sweetheart Mask, who is ranked first in Class A, pondered for a while and nodded: "Yuhu...well, I heard something about him. It is indeed a bit low for such a talent to remain in Class B. You are here to hold a meeting Does the meeting want him to be promoted to level A?"

"No, my colleagues seem to think that Heather is enough to skip your A-level position and be promoted to S-level."

Shan Yuan showed confusion at the right time:

"I'm a little unsure, so I want to ask you, the committee advisor, for advice. Is it so easy to upgrade to S-class now?"

Xiqi suddenly felt a chill in his heart, Shan Yuan is really yours, and he actually dragged Sweetheart Mask into the battlefield. You know that he is most disgusted with [the weak advance]. This person upholds the idea that only powerful heroes can bloom the flowers of justice and beauty, while the weak can only be eliminated. At this time, do you want to put Sweetheart Mask on the opposite side of Heather and make the two of them confront each other?

On the huge electronic screen, Sweetheart Mask frowned slightly: "...S-level? Isn't that a little too greedy?"

Shan Yuan was still angry: "Who says it's not the case? A new hero just defeated a ghost-level monster, so he must be promoted to S-level. This is simply——"

"Please wait!"

At this time, Xiqi had to interrupt: "Can you listen to me for a few words?"

"It's you, Xiqi...please say it." For senior cadre Xiqi, Sweetheart Mask also gave him enough face.

"The proposal for Heather to advance to S-level is not just because of his record. The more consideration is his strength! Mr. Sweet Mask, you have enough strength to reach the middle of S-level. You should be able to see the power of Mr. Heather How strong he is. When he fought against the ghost-level weirdo Deep Sea King who defeated the sexy prisoner, he was like a tiger teasing the ball, without using his full strength at all."

Xiqi said loudly: "In addition, the recent public opinion is very unfavorable to the Heroes Association. Thousands of witnesses witnessed Heather's battle, and a large number of complaint calls almost overwhelmed the Heroes Association headquarters. Regardless of public opinion or the strength of the heroes, , I think Heather should be upgraded to S level."

Yamahara was anxious: "You are exaggerating Heather's strength and misleading the committee consultant's judgment!"

Xiqi slapped the table: "The video is not encrypted even on the Internet. As long as you watch the video, you will naturally understand the value of Heather's combat power. Shanyuan, you are the one who confuses the public, right?"

"Please stop for a moment, let me watch the video first."

Sweetheart Mask's voice calmed the two down a bit.

On the screen, Sweetheart Mask took out another mobile phone and clicked on the video, dragged the progress bar to the part where Heather officially started the battle with the Deep Sea King, and watched it quietly.

The conference room also fell into silence, with only some low-pitched whispers.

Xiqi and Shanyuan stood on both sides of the conference table, glaring at each other without giving in.

After about half a minute, Sweetheart Mask put down the phone, pondered for a few seconds and then looked at the screen:

"I've seen the video."

Yamahara hurriedly said: "How is it? Isn't it still far from S-level? No matter how strong he is, he can't be stronger than you, Mr. Sweet Mask, if you want me to say-"

"It's indeed enough to be promoted to S rank."

Sweetheart Mask's emotionless comments immediately hit the bottom of Yamahara's mood.

Are you crazy? You must know that powerful heroes are all competitors. If you are an A-level hero, do you need to create an S-level hero to overwhelm you? Are you sick?

Little did they know that Sweetheart Mask was also in a state of turmoil inside, and was far from as calm as he appeared on the surface.

He is a combat expert, so he can naturally see the value of Heather's combat ability.

Very strong! Far more than the metal bats, sexy prisoners, vests and other junk among S-class combat powers (Sweetie Mask's personal perspective). If Sweetheart Mask were to do it by himself, even if he tried his best, he would not be able to do better than Heather, let alone be as skillful as Heather.

Its strength can definitely reach the S-level level.

The reason why Sweetheart Mask has stayed at the first position of A-level is to prevent weak heroes from entering S-level, because S-level needs to shoulder greater responsibilities.

Now that he saw such a powerful Heather, he hesitated for a while and stopped thinking about it. If such a strong person is allowed to join the S-class, maybe it can make those S-class shameful people a little more motivated?

"Mr. Sweet Mask, what do you mean..."

Xiqi's voice interrupted Sweetheart Mask's thoughts. The latter looked at Shan Yuan who was full of panic through the screen, then passed by the cadres with different expressions, and finally looked at Xiqi:

"My personal opinion as a committee consultant is for your reference only. I think 'Rain Tiger' Heather is enough to be promoted to S level, and the specific ranking should be between 15 and 17. That's it, I still have concerts to hold , you can continue to discuss it."

Click! The screen goes black.

Glancing at the gloomy Shan Yuan, Xiqi took a deep breath and turned to look at the many cadres of the British Association:

"Then, I would like to propose that the ranking of 'Rain Tiger' Heather be raised to S-level 15. Colleagues, do you agree?"



The matter has reached this point, even if there are still people who want to object, it is impossible to speak out. The meeting ended perfectly with 25 votes in favor and 1 abstention.

An hour later, the official website of the Heroes Association refreshed a piece of news.

At the same time, an avatar appeared out of thin air in the dazzling golden ranking column belonging to the S class, and the rankings were also rearranged.

S-level 15th, [Yuhu] Heather!

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