A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1048 Sisters

Less than a month after joining the Hero Association, I jumped from 15th B-level to 2nd B-level, and then to S-level!

The people cheered because they believed that their unremitting efforts had awakened the Hero Association and allowed a hero to sweat to his heart's content on a stage that matched his strength.

The heroes were stunned. It’s not that there are no heroes who can leap through the Dragon Gate and become S-class, but those are all monsters among monsters. Could it be that the newly promoted ‘Rain Tiger’ Heather is also one of the monsters?

The official website clearly states that Mr. Heather's ranking should have been S-level 15th. He was previously ranked B-level 2nd because of the negligence of Yamahara, the former cadre of the Hero Association. Now the Hero Association has ranked the former cadre Shan Yuan was dismissed and will not be hired again for life.

While restoring Mr. Heather's reputation and ranking, the Heroes Association will compensate Mr. Heather and send high-level personnel to express the most sincere apology to Mr. Heather in person.

Here, the Heroes Association hopes that the general public will supervise any measures taken by the Heroes Association at any time. We will humbly accept criticism and quickly correct it, and promise to never make the same mistake again in the future.

Blah blah blah, in short, they are using fake public relations and a mountain of scapegoats to make up for the Hero Association's declining credibility in the eyes of the public.

Subsequently, the annual popular hero voting event on the official website of the Hero Association was held as usual.

I don’t know whether it’s because Heather’s appearance is really invincible, or whether Team Fubuki is working hard to gain popularity, or whether Yingxie secretly wants to make amends with Heather. In short, Heather, a super newcomer who joined the club less than a month ago, stood out among hundreds of professional heroes and finally won an astonishing third place.

By the way, the second place is KING who is ranked 7th in S-class, and the first place is Sweetheart Mask who is ranked 1st in A-class. Fubuki ranked 5th and Tatsumaki ranked 6th. They are worthy of being witch sisters.

In the center of J city, there is a signboard of "Xinyuanliu" on the door of Heather's rented apartment.

Inside the house, Fubuki had taken off her coat and was only wearing a slim-fitting long skirt that fully highlighted her figure. She was excitedly bragging to Heather about her and Fubuki's team's achievements. Heather was sitting at the table with her cheeks in her hands, looking at each other. While dealing with Fubuki, most of his attention was focused on the 'Popular Hero Selection Event' special program that was being played on the TV.

To be honest, he didn't expect Fubuki's team to be able to help him rise to S level so smoothly. He originally thought that he would have to stay in A level for a while, during which he would brutally torture a few ghost-level or dragon-level monsters and slap a few S's in the face. Super hero, and finally promoted to S level naturally.

Tsk, the Hero Association doesn’t play its cards according to the rules?

"...Hey! Heather! Are you listening to me?"

Turning around, Heather found Fubuki glaring at her righteously. Perhaps because she drank some celebratory wine, this woman's face was slightly red at this time.

"Yeah, eat potato chips." Heather handed over a bag of potato chips.

Fubuki angrily snatched the bag of potato chips, pinched a piece and put it into his mouth: "I overfulfilled the task you assigned me! Forget it if you don't praise me, but you are so perfunctory..."

"Yes, yes, it's all thanks to you and Team Fubuki. The Heroes Association has sent people here before. It's so generous. They actually paid five million in 'compensation'."

Heather shook a certificate: "I also gave it an [S-Class Hero Certification] in a serious manner."

"Show me quickly!" Fubuki hurriedly leaned over to get the golden certificate. She didn't care at all about the physical distance between herself and Heather. Their bodies were almost touching, and Heather could only lean back. At the same time, he handed the certificate to Fubuki.

It’s fake to get the certificate, but it’s real to be greedy for my body, right?

Fubuki carefully took the golden certificate and slowly opened it in a ceremonial manner. On it, written in calligraphy, congratulations to Heather for becoming an S-class hero, and hope that Heather can shoulder the great responsibility of protecting all mankind in the future. Such official language also has the official ranking of 15th place in S class printed at the end.

"There is actually gold foil... This is the certification that will only be issued to S-class."

Fubuki gently stroked the large gilded characters on the certificate, feeling a joy of success in her heart. This certificate also has her share of credit.

After stroking it lovingly for a while, Chui Xue reluctantly handed the certificate back to Heather: "I'll give it back to you. I also have a share of the credit for this certificate. You have to keep it safe."

"If you like it so much, I'll give it to you."

Heather was still watching TV and waving her hands without looking back.

Fubuki was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously held the certificate against her tall chest.

She is self-aware of her own strength and knows that she will never become S-class in this life. Of course, she also knows the significance of this S-class certification. This guy actually gave himself such a treasure?

Wait a moment! Could it be...a confession?

She fell into delusion, her face turned redder and redder, and she muttered something that she didn't know what she was talking about.

Snapped! Snapped! Heather snapped her fingers in front of Fubuki several times before she came back to her senses.

Heather handed over a glass of water: "Aren't you a little drunk? Drink some water to relieve yourself."

"Thank you." Fubuki quickly took a sip of water, trying to cool down her somewhat heated face.

"From now on, let the Fubuki Team operate and patrol J City and the surrounding K City and L City with high intensity. I won't care if I encounter tiger-level monsters. I'll leave the weaker ghost-level ones to you. If you can't handle it, The weirdo called me and informed me that I would arrive as soon as possible.

In this way, the speed at which you earn points and rewards will be greatly increased, and your reliable image in the eyes of the public will be indestructible. When your points reach a certain level, you can advance to A with Fubuki Team. "

"Huh? A promotion?"

Fubuki is still a little bit reluctant to let go of her 'B-level first place'. This is the first 'first place' she has won in her life.

Heather looked angrily: "Idiot, aren't you going to compete for the first place in the A-class? You know that I am competing for the first place in the S-class. You can't be pulled too far by me. Fight for the top spot." Let’s turn the Fubuki Team into a huge organization with A-class heroes as the mainstay.”

That's right, now the Fubuki Team no longer just relies on themselves, but has a powerful S-class hero as its backer! In this case, he and Fubuki Team might be able to move up, and even try to compete for the No. 1 spot in Class A in the near future.

Thinking of this, Fubuki turned his attention to the newly promoted S-class man in front of him, and a long-lost excitement rose in his chest: "I understand, Fubuki and I will work hard!"

We will never be a drag on you! Fubuki didn't say this, but kept it deep in his heart.

Heather smiled: "I admire strong and powerful women. Cheers to a glorious and beautiful future."


Two water glasses filled with water touched together and made a crisp sound.


"Have Fubuki and her play house group been quite active recently?"

In a luxurious apartment, two little feet were dangling on the table.

"...Don't you understand what I mean? Go and find out what caused Fubuki to suddenly cheer up!"

The feet that were swinging leisurely suddenly stopped and the toes curled up.

"I told you to go check it out, so go quickly! Don't talk nonsense!"

Uh-huh! The specially customized dark green mobile phone was thrown hard against the luxuriously decorated wall, but when it was about to collide, it suddenly stopped in mid-air, floating so lightly.

A slender and delicate hand slowly raised to catch the phone that flew back. Just as he put it to his ear and wanted to say a few words, he found that the person on the other end had hung up the phone.

"Damn Qisler! How dare you hang up on me first!"

The phone was casually thrown onto the sofa next to it, and the figure lying on the sofa floated up with it.

This is a delicate-looking girl with green curly hair hanging down her shoulders. She is wearing pajamas with cartoon bear head patterns.

She is said to be a girl, but she actually has a scaled-down supermodel figure, only her head is slightly larger.

S-level 2nd place, [Trembling Tornado].

With the S-class leader unable to escape from the world, Tatsumaki was praised by the Heroes Association as the ultimate weapon, a superpower who uses telekinesis as a weapon.

With a click of her finger, the door of the refrigerator in the corner of the living room opened automatically, and a bottle of ice milk flew out.

The TV remote control clicked and the TV turned on.

Compared to Fubuki's immature and rough skills, Tatsumaki's telekinesis was unparalleled and superb. It is not difficult for her to do anything as big as violently lifting an entire city from the ground, or as small as manipulating a thin thread to pass through the eye of a needle.

Dulu, Dulu, Dulu! Just as Tatsumaki was switching TV programs in boredom, his cell phone rang.

Click! The phone automatically floats up and press the public key.

"Kisler, have you found it?" Tatsumaki tilted his head, let the glass filled with ice milk fly over, and took a big sip from the straw.

[Of course, I have always done everything Tatsumaki-sama ordered me to do perfectly. According to statistics from the Hero Association, Fubuki's activity level has increased significantly in the past half month, and she has defeated a total of 2 ghost-level monsters and 6 tiger-level monsters. The other members of Fubuki's group were also very active and worked together to defeat 1 ghost-level monster and 4 tiger-level monsters. 】

"Hmph, Fubuki has finally cheered up. I thought she was planning to stay in the B-level circle forever."

[Tatsumaki-sama, you can just talk about this in private, but you must not say it outside. 】

"That's long-winded! I understand Fubuki's character. It's absolutely impossible for him to suddenly cheer up for no reason. What happened?"


"Say it!"

【Well...actually...Fubuki met a man. 】


[Yes, that man was handsome and unrestrained. Fubuki loved him deeply and even gave him the luxury car he spent a lot of money to buy. The two of them often appeared in pairs——]

Bang! !

The mobile phone was crushed into a ball of rubbish by telekinesis, and then exploded with sparks.

At this moment, Tatsumaki's expression became terrifying and ferocious.

Actually! How dare you defraud Fuxue for money and sex! ? Unforgivable! Unforgivable bah bah! ! !

Tatsumaki didn't bother to put on his slippers and flew directly to the bedroom to find his personal mobile phone that was being charged.

beep--! beep--! beep--!

The phone rang several times but there was no answer, which made Tatsumaki, who was sitting on the edge of the bed with his legs crossed, even more irritable, his little feet crossed constantly shaking.

Click! Finally got through.

"Fubuki! Why did you answer the phone so late!"

[Huh...sister...huh...are you okay...huh...]

"Huh? You're breathing so hard. Are you working out in the gym?"

【Uh-huh! Huh...huh...I'm running...stepping...]

"Don't exercise too much, it will hurt your body." Tatsumaki said in a softer tone: "I have something to ask you, you -"

At this time, a man's voice suddenly sounded on the other end of the phone: "Fubuki, I have to speed up, okay?"

Then Fubuki whispered urgently: "Don't, don't... I'm on the phone with my sister... ah!"


Tatsumaki's face instantly turned pale, he clutched his phone and screamed:

"Fubuki Fubuki! What are you doing! Are you really running!? Why is there a man next to you! What does "gagagaga" mean? Hello? Hello?"

There was a blind tone on the phone, and the person on the other end hung up the phone unilaterally.

There was silence in the bedroom, and then the terrifying power of telekinesis turned into a whirlpool and suddenly erupted!

Everything in the house seemed to have lost gravity and floated upward, and the specially reinforced walls began to crack and crack.

Tatsumaki's face was shrouded in boundless darkness at this moment, and only his eyes were shining with fierce light.

Kill kill kill kill kill kill!

The lights on the city streets flashed crazily, and the clouds overhead formed a huge vortex centered on the apartment building where the tornado was located.

At the same time, the Disaster Countermeasures Department at the Hero Association headquarters suddenly issued an alarm.

"A very large-scale energy reaction has been detected in City O! The vibration level is 6!"

"What's going on! Is it a weirdo?"

"I don't know. There is currently no witness information."

"Probe again and report again!"

The beautiful cadre Qisler, who was leaning against the door of the disaster response department, raised her eyebrows and whispered to herself:

"Oops, City O... isn't that the city of Little Tornado? Sure enough, the information I gave was a bit too exciting for that super girl. For the sake of the people, I'd better explain it."

She took out her cell phone and dialed Tatsumaki's personal cell phone number.


【……explain. 】

"Tatsumaki-sama, if you don't restrain yourself, O City will be destroyed by you."

[Where are Fubuki and that man? 】

"If you haven't destroyed your TV yet, turn on the disaster channel and you can see the two of them."

【Wha, what! It's even on TV! Shameless! 】

Tatsumaki immediately restrained the spread of telekinesis and flew to the living room to find the TV remote control.

The disaster channel is broadcasting a live broadcast of the weird attack in K City via helicopter.

[…As you can see, the two heroes are leading the huge thunder lion from the center of K City to the suburbs.

Just now, the Disaster Countermeasures Department of the Hero Association officially designated the disaster level of this thunder lion as 'Dragon'! 】

On the screen, a half-lion, half-human monster nearly thirty meters tall roared and chased outside the city. A small black dot floated far in front of it, moving extremely fast.

Tatsumaki came closer to the TV and his eyes widened: "That's... Fubuki!?"

Fubuki had several injuries on her body at this time, blood was dripping from her ankles, and she was being held in front of Heather by Heather. Although the latter was holding an adult woman, he was running very fast with amazing leg power.

Each time it jumped, it flew nearly a hundred meters, and its route accurately avoided residential areas.

Fubuki's face was covered with sweat, and he was trying hard to maintain the force field formed by telekinesis.

Tatsumaki could tell at a glance that it was her technique to reduce the weight of herself and the man, and increase his movement speed.

Bang! The floor-to-ceiling windows of the tornado living room were blown to pieces, and a figure suddenly flew high into the sky.

Fubuki, just wait, sister will be here soon!

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