A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1061 Want to learn?

In a small home-style dojo located on the outskirts of J City, a small dining table is placed in the center of the room.

There was a copper pot placed on the dining table. The soup base was dark red and bubbling like hot lava.

The fan overhead made a creaking sound and turned half-deadly, but the wind it blew out only made the smell in the room more intense.

Several faces were gathered in front of the copper pot, and the dark red color of hell reflected on their faces. The glistening look on their faces was either caused by hot sweat or fearful cold sweat.

"The so-called hot pot...does it mean this terrible thing?"

Saitama swallowed and looked up at Heather with difficulty.

"If you're scared, just say so. I don't blame you. After all, the invincible bald caped man is not without weaknesses."

Heather was also a little frightened. She seemed to have put too much spicy food in the bag, but she couldn't lose her momentum at this time!

"Yuhu, watch your words! The teacher is perfect, there is no way he is afraid of just spicy seasonings! Right, teacher?"

Genos, the devil's reformer, looked at Saitama with confidence while analyzing whether the soup was poisoned.

"Wait a minute, even if you are an S-class hero, I will never allow you to belittle my partner like this!"

Fubuki was furious, and even the pearl necklace on her chest was trembling.

"Uh, calm down, your saliva will splash into the soup pot."

Silver Fang Bangu came here at the invitation of Heather. He is one of the few people who knows Saitama's true strength, not an outsider.

"So, do you still want to eat?"

Tatsumaki held the chopsticks eagerly.

In line with the principle that hot pot is only lively when there are many people eating it, Heather asked Fubuki to call Tatsumaki who was going to go home for a rest, and then called Banggu herself to invite Banggu to her home for hot pot, which was considered a gathering of a small circle.

There is no Chinese cuisine in this world, but there are many similar dishes. Heather was not familiar with these seasonings and brands, so she bought three bags of 'Pingyongxin' brand hot pot spicy base packets based on online recommendations, and put them all in when making the soup base.

I can't beat Saitama, but I have to make up for it in other ways.

The top-quality beef that Heather specially asked Qi Shi to bring back for her has been cut into slices and put into the pot. Also put in are chicken slices, prawns, and fish fillets. The side dishes are vermicelli, spinach, enoki mushrooms, and shiitake mushrooms. , grilled tofu, cabbage and scallions.

The ingredients are all top quality, but the soup base leaves one feeling hopeless.

Fubuki had long ago excused herself from eating high-calorie foods like hot pot because she had to stay in shape and exercise restraint, thus escaping the fate of eating ingredients from hell directly.

Genos is a modified human. Except for his brain, which is original, the other parts are all mechanical prostheses made by Dr. Kuseno for him, and he does not need to eat.

This battle is a battle between Heather, Saitama, Tatsumaki and Bangu.

Looking up at the clock hanging on the wall, Heather picked up the chopsticks and said, "It's almost time, it's time to start."

He looked around at everyone: "Because we are both in the hero camp, we can't have a real fight. But as the saying goes, the dining table is the battlefield. I came out on top when fighting Boros, and I don't want to eat hot pot. I will lose to you.”

"Isn't it just spicier? No, no problem! This is the best beef, you must eat it." Saitama sweated on his forehead and picked up the chopsticks bravely.

Bang Gu also slowly picked up the chopsticks: "I haven't eaten meat for a long time. Although spicy food is not suitable for an old person like me, it shouldn't matter if you eat it once in a while, right?"

Clang! Clang! Clang! Tatsumaki didn't say anything, he just tapped his chopsticks back and forth against each other. She had consumed a lot of energy today and was already starving.

"Ah, it's cooked."

Six pairs of chopsticks appeared above the copper pot at the same time.

Wait...six pairs?

"Teacher, let me pick up the meat and cabbage for you!" Genos reached out with his chopsticks at the speed of a rocket and picked up the beef closest to him.

Snapped! Another pair of chopsticks stood directly in front of his chopsticks, and at the same time, the piece of meat flew up from the pot on its own.

"Hmph, how could I let you take the meat away? Heather, give the meat to you." Fubuki used telekinesis to twist the beef and put it into Heather's bowl.

The meat turned around halfway and flew into the tornado bowl.

"Fubuki, have you become more capable? How dare you use the telekinesis of your three-legged cat in front of my sister?"

Tatsumaki half drooped her eyelids, picked out the cabbage with her chopsticks, and the beef in the bowl automatically rolled up a ball of rice and flew into her mouth:

"Wait a minute and explain to me why you are still staying at this guy's house so late... Ooohhhhhhhhhh!!"

As soon as the beef and cabbage entered his mouth, Tatsumaki's face instantly turned red and he let out a sharp scream.

Plop! She leaned back and collapsed on the futon, and she fainted from the heat.

The dojo living room instantly became quiet.

Everyone's movements of picking up the meat and vegetables with chopsticks and bringing them to their mouths stopped motionless, as if they had pressed the pause button.

"Isn't it too exaggerated? Is this still hot pot?"

Cold sweat dripped down Saitama's forehead. This is no longer a question of whether it's spicy or not, right?

Heather glanced at the tornado, then at the cabbage soaked red in spicy oil on the chopsticks, and couldn't help but swallow hard.

It seems like there are too many soup base seasoning packets.

Fubuki is very confident in Heather. She feels that since Heather dares to take the initiative to put in such spicy condiments, she must be confident, and she must not lose her momentum at this time. My sister has already been defeated. Maybe this hotpot battle can overwhelm the Devil Cyborg and Silver Fang, allowing Heather to be promoted to S-Class 1 in a logical way.

Thinking of this, Fubuki quickly took off her chopsticks and kept adding vegetables to Heather's bowl: "Come on, eat quickly Heather. I'll give you more beef and your favorite cabbage."

Genos immediately took out his chopsticks to fight back and quickly put vegetables into Saitama's bowl: "Hell Fubuki, don't be too presumptuous. The cabbage belongs to the teacher, and half of the beef should be given to the teacher."

"Can your teacher eat so much? This is a spicy hot pot that only an S-class 1 can handle!" Fubuki was not as fast as Genos in taking out the chopsticks, so he could only use telekinesis to assist.

"Teacher likes spicy food the most. This level of spiciness is just appetizing to the teacher." Genos sped up the speed of taking out his chopsticks, and you could even hear the buzzing sound of the gears in his joints rotating at high speed.

"If you say so, Heather enjoys spicy food every day! When drinking water, she has to put two spoons of chili sauce in the cup!"

"Teacher, you can pick up the pot and drink all the spicy soup now! Teacher, please wait a moment, I will serve you the soup now."

Saitama and Heather broke out in cold sweat as they heard this.

Looking at the cabbage and beef piled high with spicy oil in the bowl, Saitama closed his eyes and started to eat the top-quality beef, not wanting to waste it.

After taking two bites, he started to sweat on his forehead. This time it was spicy.

The beef is better. Boiled cabbage in a spicy soup pot is super powerful. The spiciness is not at the same level as other dishes.

Heather was not feeling well either. Fubuki gave him either beef or cabbage, not even a glass of water. He could only bravely show off his skills.

The two sides were eating hot pot, and they were stunned to see the tragic momentum of fighting against a god-level monster.

Only Banggu was enjoying himself as his little transparent character, wrapping up all the grilled tofu in the hot pot. Young people are young people, and tofu is the soul dish in hot pot.

Tofu is much less spicy than cabbage. Although Banggu was sweating from the spiciness, it was not to the point where he couldn't eat it.

In the end, it only took a quarter of an hour to finish the hot pot meal.

There were a few bottles of ice-cold orange juice on the dining table. Heather, Saitama and Bongo were sitting on the futon chatting. Fubuki and Genos were washing dishes in the kitchen. Tatsumaki was lying in the corner of the dojo covered with a coat. Sleeping soundly on the futon cushion.

Saitama's mouth was a little swollen from the spicy food. He raised his neck and drank several sips of ice-cold orange juice. Then he breathed a sigh of relief: "Let me tell you, isn't it good to use high-grade beef to make ordinary hot pot?"

"I see you haven't eaten less." Heather brought a plate of fruit and put it on the table: "Mr. Bangu, eat the apple."

"Thank you."

The old man lived a very poor life. All his salary was used to maintain the daily operation of his Liushuiyan Broken Boxing Gym. He rarely ate meat or fruit.

"Heather-kun, can I call you that?" He took the apple and slowly peeled it with a fruit knife.


"Although it's a bit presumptuous, I would like to learn more about what 'Shin Genryu' is from you."

Bang Gu looked at Heather with his falcon-like eyes, full of curiosity:

"I'm really curious. What kind of magical martial arts can allow you to display powerful combat power comparable to [Dragon and above] level."

Saitama was picking up an apple and was about to chew it. After hearing Bang Gu's words, he echoed: "Yes, yes, I heard it too, Heather, you are very powerful. Is martial arts really so magical?"

"Well, suddenly it's really difficult for me to explain 'Shingen Liu' in a few words."

Heather sat cross-legged on the futon, thought for a moment, and then said:

"Let's put it this way, do you think there is such a thing as [qi] in the human body?"

"Angry?" Saitama exhaled: "This kind of thing?"

Bang Gu shook his head: "No, Heather should be talking about an 'energy' similar to electricity, heat, wind, etc. In fact, many martial arts schools believe that Qigong is an exercise technique that can be explained scientifically. , is this what Mr. Heather is talking about?”

"We at Shingenryu believe that [Qi] exists in everyone's body, but the 'how much' is different for each person. The real difficulty is how to draw Qi out of the body and use it flexibly. This is why Shingenryu was born. Martial Arts School.”

Heather is not talking nonsense. His heart is inherited from Izanabi in the Hunter World. The master of this school is Chairman Netero. Other famous figures in the school include Bisiki Kuruka and Yun. antiquity.

Shingen-ryu emphasizes inner cultivation, and most of the nen-powered people in this school are strong-willed and strong.

Bang Gu stroked the beard on his chin: "This is the first time I have heard this statement. According to Shingen Ryū, everyone is qualified to practice Shingen Ryū?"

"Of course not. As I said just now, how to draw Qi out of the body and use it flexibly is the biggest difficulty. Most people will not be able to detect the existence of Qi even if they spend their entire lives."

Heather spread her hands:

"Furthermore, there are three criteria for accepting disciples in Shingenryu: those who are ugly, those who are crazy, and those who are stupid must not be accepted. In addition, one must have the rare qualification to be able to detect Qi, and the criteria for accepting disciples can be said to be very strict."

At this time, Genos and Fubuki also quietly came over. The powerful secret of Yuhu Heise, who is the most powerful in the world, this is top-secret information that is hard to find!

"Aware of qi, it sounds like the kind of folk qigong technique used to defraud old men and women of money." Genos said it bluntly and did not know how to be euphemistic.

Fubuki immediately became unhappy: "Hey! Devil transforms human beings, how can you say that to Heather..."

"Indeed, you can't understand what 'qi' is just by talking about it."

As he spoke, Heather opened the five fingers of her right hand:

"What did you see?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"Palm!" Fubuki said first.

"Five fingers means five." Genos said immediately.

Bang Gu didn't speak, just stared at Heather. His body that was sitting on the futon suddenly lifted slightly, and he subconsciously assumed a fighting posture.

"Oh, Mr. Banggu is very keen. He deserves to be a master of martial arts."

Heather raised her eyebrows, not surprised.

"Bangu, what's wrong with you?" Genos looked at Bangu, the silver fang, in confusion.

Bang Gu had sweat dripping down his forehead at this time. He stared at Heather's right hand with its fingers spread out. He was silent for a while before saying:

"What on earth is that? I suddenly felt great malice coming from your hands."

"Malicious? No, no, no, this is [Qi]. Genos and Fubuki are not qualified. Although Mr. Bangu can slightly detect it, it is just what I released deliberately for you to feel."

Heather looked around at everyone:

"Unfortunately, none of you have the 'qualifications'."


At this time, Saitama suddenly spoke.

Heather turned to look at Saitama, and this time he finally showed a surprised expression:

"...As expected of you, Saitama. Did you 'see' it?"

Saitama shook his head honestly: "No, it was just that when you released that malice, you suddenly felt a number in your heart, so you read it out."

"Even so, it's awesome."

Heather applauded heartily.

Genos immediately asked: "What do you mean? Why did you hold out five fingers and say 'three' is the correct answer?"

"You can't say it. This is the secret of Fa Bu Chuan Liu Er. Anyone with qualifications can immediately understand what I mean. But people without qualifications will never be able to understand the meaning."

Heather shrugged:

"This is Shingenryu, which emphasizes fate and qualifications. It is not the kind of martial arts that can be practiced by the general public."

Saitama took a bite of the apple: "I've heard all about it. Not only can you use powerful moves, but you can also fly all over the sky. Before this, I didn't know that humans could actually fly."

"Oh, you mean 'Moon Step'? That is not the core technique of Shingen-ryu, but one of the six moves. There is no limit to this. As long as you are physically strong enough and have a little bit of understanding, you can learn it."

Heather blinked:

"Want to learn?"

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