A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1062 Martial God

"Moonstep? What a weird name."

Saitama touched his shiny bald forehead:

"Is this Moon Step a technique that allows you to fly in the sky with your human body?"

To be able to fly in the sky as a human being, one must either turn oneself into a mechanical transformation person like Genos, or possess extremely rare and powerful telekinesis like the Witch Sisters.

Even beings like God Wolf and Saitama who transcend human limits must follow the principle of "people should be down-to-earth." The special effects that seemed to be flying all over the sky in the original work were all scenes of them jumping.

But now, Heather has come up with a new proposal to use martial arts to fly out of thin air: "Yes, do you want to practice?"

Saitama suddenly became interested: "Huh? Is it okay?"

Banggu was a warrior. When he heard this, he stood up and prepared to leave. Just by listening to it, I knew that this would be an undisclosed secret that would change the overall pattern of martial arts. If I continued to listen to it, it would be a felony to steal other people's martial arts inheritance.

Unexpectedly, Heather stopped Bangu: "Mr. Bangu, you can also listen."

Fubuki and Genos? These two people don't care. They can listen to whatever they want. Both of them are strict-mouthed types.

Taking everyone to the garden outside, Heather moved her body and looked at the four people: "[Six Styles] are martial arts skills that can only be practiced when the basic physical fitness reaches a certain standard. In theory, it can allow humans to break through their limits and reach Superhuman level.”

He pointed at Saitama and Bangu: "Needless to say Saitama, if you can't practice it, no one in the world can. Mr. Bangu's physical function has declined seriously due to his old age, but there are several of the six postures. The style suits you quite well."

"Sorry to interrupt, I want to ask a question."

Genos suddenly raised his hand and asked: "Six moves, do you mean six moves? All moves have the magical effect of 'flying in the sky'?"

"Don't worry, I'm just about to show you."

He turned his head and looked around, and finally hooked his finger at Genos: "Genos, come and attack me...be careful not to destroy my yard."

Genos walked up to Heather obediently, opened his attack stance, and sprayed out scorching steam from the mechanical joints in his body:

"Then I'm not welcome, Yuhu."

laugh! The reactor on his chest suddenly burst out with intense energy, and the mechanical fist turned into fist shadows all over the sky and blasted towards Heather at a speed of twenty times per second!

[Machine gun punch]!

Facing the Iron Fist machine gun that could instantly kill tiger-level or even weaker ghost-level monsters, Heather just closed her eyes and relaxed.

His body was like a piece of tissue paper constantly fluttering in the storm, constantly avoiding Genos' punches at the most perfect angles and postures.

Genos fired hundreds of punches, but none of them hit Heather.

"[Paper Painting], release all your strength and evade the attack by yourself through the changes in airflow caused by the opponent's movements. I will not hide from now on, continue Genos."

Heather's body stopped swaying, and she straightened her stance and stood firmly on the spot, her eyes still closed.

Upon seeing this, Genos immediately twisted his body back to gather enough strength, and then punched Heather hard in the chest.

[Mechanical heavy bombardment]!

Fierce flames erupted from the back, shoulders and elbow joints. Genos's iron fist turned into a terrifying battering ram and hit Heather's chest hard as it continued to accelerate.

Boom——! !

Silent loud noises echoed in the wilderness, but nothing happened.

Heather's figure did not move backward at all, and her clothes showed no signs of damage.

Seeing this, Bang Gu quickly asked: "Genos-kun, how do you feel?"

Genos maintained his punching posture and frowned: "It feels like hitting a super-carbide wall, and even the impact force is completely removed."

"The [iron block] injects strength into a well-trained body, making it harder than steel. Even bullets and swords cannot break it."

Heather slowly exhaled a puff of arrow-like white smoke and opened her eyes: "Let's change people next. Mr. Bangu, come to play?"

"Then I would be disrespectful."

Bang Gu was delighted to see that he was hunting, so he no longer refused. He rushed forward in a few steps, and attacked Heather violently with both hands in the posture of Liusuiyan Shattering Fist.

His fingers were shaped like a mantis, poking at Heather's chest, throat and other vital points with precision. As a martial arts master, he can naturally use his moves freely without worrying about missing and hurting Heather.


Just when Bangu's 'Tooth Finger' was about to hit Heather, his figure suddenly disappeared from the place.

Bang Gu was stunned, teleporting? No, it’s an illusion caused by ultra-high-speed movement!

He noticed something moving behind him and immediately turned around to fight back, but missed again.

"[Shaving], stamp the ground continuously at high speed forty times with a specific force within 0.36 seconds, and use the explosive reaction force to move at high speed, thereby achieving a unique effect like teleporting in front of the enemy."

Heather's voice sounded from the roof. As soon as everyone looked up, his figure disappeared again and appeared in front of Bang Gu.

"Mr. Bangu, be careful."

Heather raised a finger and poked it at Bongu.

Banggu instantly felt the threat of numbness on his scalp, and subconsciously used the Liushuiyan Shattering Fist to set up a defensive formation around his body.

Swish, swish, swish! Clang, clang, clang! The two sides were fighting so fast that even Genos's electronic eye could hardly catch up with their movements.

Although he was just using force-relieving techniques to move Heather's fingers away, Banggu felt extremely strenuous, as if he was facing a hail of bullets.

"[Finger Gun], gather all the strength of the whole body on the index finger, and use the hardened finger to fire a blow with lightning flint. The fingertip has the attack power of a bullet and can easily penetrate the human body."

Heather explained easily while attacking:

"By the way, the attack power of the finger gun I am using now is equivalent to that of a 12.7MM anti-material sniper rifle. Mr. Bangu, you can completely ignore the fire suppression of the conventional human army."

With ease, Heather suddenly stopped her hand and took a few steps back to distance herself: "Saitama, can I ask you to be a target? Just jump high."


Saitama was watching with great interest, but when he heard Heather's name, he jumped up to a height of forty meters.

Heather also took off. There was a slight sound under his feet, and he kept changing directions in the air, jumping out of a lightning-shaped jumping trajectory, and finally staying in mid-air:

"[Moon Step], use strong foot force to step on the air to generate air-holding force. You can walk in the air like stepping on stairs. And then the last..."

Heather raised one foot back and kicked Saitama in the sky opposite!

A huge vacuum chop wave formed instantly and crossed the sky, hitting Saitama hard.

"Teacher!" Genos was startled below.

Snap! Saitama fell to the ground, nothing happened to him. When he was about to be attacked, he used his palm to neutralize the vacuum wave slash.

On the other side, Heather also landed lightly:

"[Arashi Kick] does not inflict damage by kicking the enemy. Instead, it uses super-fast and powerful kicks to create a vacuum to create a slashing attack on the opponent, which can easily split the target in half."

He spread his hands and said with a smile:

"This is the [Sixth Style], showing off one's embarrassment."

Bang Gu couldn't help but applaud: "What an unbridled creativity, and indeed worthy of the name of Superman!"

Through actual observation, he concluded that once all six postures are successfully practiced, an all-around martial artist with no blind spots will be created.

[Paper Painting] dodge attacks, use [Iron Block] to resist if you can't avoid it, [Shaving] is a high-speed movement skill and a means of getting close, [Finger Gun] gives terrible melee killing ability, [Moon Step] unlocks the ability of warriors in As for the mobility in the sky realm, [Lan Jiao] is a powerful long-range attack method.

Saitama was also very excited. He didn't need to use moves like Gun Iron Block Arashi Kick, but [Moon Step] really hit his strike zone. If you learn it, you will no longer have to run to fight monsters. You can also quickly rush to the nearest convenience store to buy discounted food.

He jumped up with a whoosh, swung his feet in the air a few times, then landed, jumped up again, and landed again.

When he jumped up for the third time, an explosion of air suddenly erupted from Saitama's feet, who was in mid-air.

"Huh? Ahhhhh-!"

Accompanied by screams, he flew quickly towards the distant sky, turning into a tiny black shadow and disappearing in an instant. It seems that the speed will not come back for a while.

"Have you learned this?"

Fubuki was so dumbfounded that he learned it after just a few jumps? She also tried jumping twice, but it had no additional effect except for letting the pearl necklace bounce down.

Banggu also wanted to try practicing. He was more interested in [Paper Drawing], [Shaving] and [Moon Step]. You know your own body well, and you still have a chance to learn a few moves with your leg strength, but there is really no way to learn [Iron Block], after all, time is not forgiving.

Heather clapped her hands: "Everyone, you can try and practice the demonstrated moves on your own. You don't need to be a disciple of Shingen Ryū. My only request is that you don't spread the word casually, because once the six moves fall into the hands of someone with ulterior motives, it will cause a big disaster. disaster."

Everyone nodded in agreement. If such magical martial arts were learned by weirdos or criminals, the people and low-ranking heroes would definitely suffer.

Banggu originally just came here to enjoy hot pot, but he didn't expect to get such a big harvest. Unable to repay the favor, he took the initiative to practice his [Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist] for Heather and invited Heather to his dojo. At that time, he would explain to Heather in detail the boxing technique that he had devoted all his efforts to develop and perfect so far. .

Heather gladly accepted the invitation. In fact, he was more interested in the [Explosive Heart Liberation Boxing] created by Bangu when he was young. This boxing method is the real violent style. Unfortunately, it was blocked by Bangu because it was too immature and too cruel.

After Genos sent an invitation to Heather on behalf of Saitama, he hurriedly chased in the direction where Saitama flew away.

Upon seeing this, Bang Gu also said goodbye and left, leaving Fubuki and Tatsumaki behind in the end.

Fubuki glanced at Tatsumaki, who was sleeping soundly in the room: "Then shall I take my sister and leave too?"

"Forget it, you two stay here for one night. This guy must be very angry when he wakes up. Don't tear down my house as soon as he wakes up."

Heather smiled: "Qi Shi is not at home anyway."

Fubuki's face suddenly turned red, and he muttered hesitantly: "Nanachi, what does it have to do with me that Nanami is not at home...and a man and a widower sleep in the same room...and in front of my sister... "

Heather's eyebrows drooped: "Tsk, what are you thinking about? I'll go back to the apartment in the city center for one night, and you two can rest in the dojo."

"Oh." Fubuki realized that he was overthinking.

"Be careful, don't let the tornado demolish the house. Otherwise Qishi will be really angry."

Heather reminded her again uneasily that Qi Shi was responsible for taking care of the entire dojo. If it was really destroyed by the tornado, he was afraid that when Qishi came back, a century-long duel between telekinesis and telekinesis would break out, and maybe several cities would be destroyed.

Fubuki nodded and asked curiously: "Speaking of which, where did Nanami go?"

Qizhi suddenly left the house during the battle with Boros and has not come back yet.

"I went out to travel with my friends. I won't be back for a day or two. I'll leave the dojo to you and I'll come back tomorrow. There are drinks and milk in the refrigerator, and all the ingredients are complete."

Heather waved her hands and yawned: "I'm going to catch up on my sleep after a tiring day."

After saying that, he jumped into the air and flew towards J City.

Fubuki stared at the direction Heather left for a long time, until he could no longer see his figure, then turned around and walked into the dojo with a slightly red face.


The invasion of aliens and the destruction of City A have been reported day after day as major historical events, and the world's most important topics and attention are focused here.

But within a few days, the reports gradually dwindled, and soon no one was talking about this vanished city.

Only a few huge stone tablets with names engraved on them record this major event.

Instead of being suppressed by public opinion due to the destruction of City A, the Heroes Association used the momentum of Heather's victory over Boros to generate publicity. Rich people and people who were extremely insecure invested money and donations, and even the Earth government was forced to delegate a large amount of power to the Heroes Association, handing over the entire land of City A to the Heroes Association.

It only took the Metal Knight seven days to rebuild the Heroes Association headquarters and further strengthen and expand the building, finally completing an extremely huge iron wall-like fortress complex.

The headquarters of the New Heroes Association, which occupies about 1/2 of the original area of ​​City A, is like an independent kingdom with iron walls.

Later, Metal Knight built a new road. The extremely strong roads extending from the headquarters of the British Association can lead to any city, and the destination can be reached in a very short time. In theory, it can greatly shorten the time heroes spend on the road when rushing to rescue various cities.

Taking this opportunity, the Hero Association has sent out invitations to all A-level and above professional heroes, and they have been given the right to move to the new Hero Association city and settle there for free.

Their external slogan is "Powerful heroes will settle here and make this steel city a truly invincible fortress".

This exaggerated gimmick attracts a large number of wealthy people to spend huge sums of money to buy real estate here and move in. After all, no one wants to become the next victim of City A.

Finally, there are new hero rankings and code name adjustments.

[Rain Tiger] Heather, formerly ranked 15th in S-class, has made the following adjustments after discussion at the Hero Association meeting due to her great achievements in protecting the earth from the destruction of the god-like monster Boros.

The ranking was greatly improved from S-level 15th, and Heather was given a new hero code name——

S-level 2nd place, [Martial God] Heather.

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