A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1065 Forced Reading

Like a frog stared at by a poisonous snake, KING felt an extremely strong sense of fear at this moment.

Bang! The tea cup fell to the floor, and the steaming tea spilled all over the floor.

KING collapsed on the ground, so frightened that he could hardly move.

In his eyes, with Heather as the center, fluctuations that could distort the spatial vision were constantly emitted to the surroundings. It was this strange fluctuation that brought him an extremely strong and huge threat.

"Then what is that??"

KING tremblingly pointed at the 'waves' radiating around Heather's body, unable to speak clearly.

Heather raised her eyebrows, no? Does this guy really have [qualifications]?

Indeed, KING is a very special character in the original work. Without any special abilities or actual combat abilities, his luck is really strong, and he is more like the protagonist of this world than Saitama.

After the monster association invasion, all S-class heroes were injured. Only KING and Saitama were not injured at all.

Moreover, can the heartbeat of an average human be loud enough to make others think it is the roar of some kind of engine? Whales are not so exaggerated either.

Could it be that...he is really a genius?

Heather tried to raise three fingers of her right hand towards KING: "What is this?"

KING just glanced at Heather's fingers, then turned his gaze to Heather's right shoulder, squinted his eyes as if he was short-sighted and couldn't see clearly, and said uncertainly:

"There seems to be something there...but I can't see clearly."

Can you really see it? If he heard about the test technique from Saitama, he would definitely say [three] or [five] instead of looking directly at his shoulders.

Heather dispersed the skull that was concentrated on her shoulders with her thoughts, and while stroking her chin, she looked at KING:

"...I can't believe that you are actually a qualified and lucky person."

"Lucky, lucky guy?"

"Of course. It can be said that you are a lucky person who cannot be found among hundreds of millions."

Heather laughed:

"You have both the qualifications to practice Shingen Ryū and the ability to appear in front of me for me to test for you. Isn't this lucky enough?

Be content, KING. If I were an ordinary person, I wouldn't take the trouble to conduct a 'test'. "

Heather was speaking from the bottom of his heart. He had secretly made up his mind long after leaving Final Fantasy World that he would never teach others telekinesis unless necessary. Even if it was Gus and Rickett, whom he was very optimistic about, Heather insisted not to do so. Teach them how to practice mindfulness.

Because Heather firmly believes that the ability to read will cause unprecedented disasters in a world without restraint and restraint. That is to say, the Final Fantasy world is bound by Gaia, the will of the world, so he can safely teach the system of telekinesis to Gaia and integrate it into the flow of life.

Until the time of the Death World, Qishi gave Heather a reassurance - unless Heather taught it herself, people in other worlds would not be able to learn the power system of other worlds such as telekinesis.

Not only the ability to read, but also the six postures.

Heather was a little confused at the time, but later she thought it was really the case. So far, those who have mastered Nen and the Six Styles in the non-Hunter and Pirate worlds have all been taught by themselves.

Sephiroth is an exception because he and Cloud are closely linked through Jenova cells. Heather taught Cloud the equivalent of teaching Sephiroth herself. Tsk, this evil obstacle that deceives the master and destroys the ancestors!

That's why Heather felt free to teach Taitora Sadatora and Orihime Inoue the ability to read and the Six Styles in the Shinigami World.

After testing, Heather can be sure that even if someone who has mastered the Six Postures and Nen skills is taught by herself and teaches others step by step, that person will not be able to learn the Six Postures and Nen skills.

It's almost as if Heather's teachings are a secret skill that is limited to character binding.

Even if the third person is forced to open his mind by the second person, he will not be able to open his own sperm hole. He will only be attacked by the mind energy once, and that's it.

"It seems that you have unconsciously solidified the practice methods of [Six Forms] and [Psychic Ability] as your special weapons.

It’s not that these people are qualified but don’t have your authorization so they can’t learn. It’s because they have your authorization that they are qualified to learn. This is a causal relationship that cannot be reversed. "

Qishi analyzed this:

"Looking at it this way, your weapon concept still has a lot of room for development."

Of course, it doesn't mean that Heather agrees to teach the six postures and nen skills, so the other party will definitely be able to learn them. Once authorized, then it depends on the qualifications. The human body structure in some worlds looks the same as that of the Hunter World, but there is no such thing as sperm pores in the body or the number of sperm pores and the amount of Qi are very small. Compared with the Hunter World, it is a "low-demon" or "no-demon" world. .

In this case, people with qualifications are extremely rare.

Heather had previously tested that Fubuki should be the heroine in the world of One Punch Man. She has no sperm holes or essence in her body at all, instead she has the innate extraordinary ability of telekinesis.

Banggu does have essence, but the number of essence holes is very small, which makes him practice martial arts with half the effort. Because most of the essence is not excessively lost but is stored in the body, his physical strength is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Saitama? Heather observed for a long time and came to the conclusion that he could not force Saitama to open his mind, because the output of his mind energy could not break Saitama's defense. What? Let Saitama learn to read independently? That would be too boring. The essence of Shingen-ryu lies in forced enlightenment.

Now, the best experimental subjects appeared in front of Heather, which rekindled his long-extinct "mentor desire".

what to do? Should I teach him or not? Perhaps another genius with telekinesis abilities comparable to Jack Sparrow, it would be fun to teach.

After struggling for a while, Heather made up her mind and smiled meaningfully:

"Let me ask you again, are you sure you want to join the Shingen Ryū and practice this unique [Martial Arts]?"

Although KING didn't know what Heather's treacherous smile meant, he finally found someone willing to teach him, and he might be the most powerful person in the world. How could he regret it after reaching this point?

He knelt on the ground and bowed down: "Please teach me, Teacher Heather!"

"Tsk, don't call me Teacher Heather, call me Master Tutor."

Heather took out a piece of A4 paper from the drawer next to her and handed it to KING:

"If you agree, please sign first."

KING took it and took a look and found that it read "Agreement Form for Apprenticeship of Shingenryu", which included the rules of Shingenryu that must be followed, the rights and obligations of apprentices and tutors, course arrangements and other precautions. What horrified KING the most was that there was actually an "apprentice who agreed to participate in the Shingenryu entrance ceremony (must attend) and was aware of the fatal and non-fatal dangers involved." ’

ah? Mortal danger? KING pointed to this item and looked at Heather tremblingly.

"You have to pay something to gain great strength quickly. Well, based on your qualifications, the probability of death is estimated to be 50%."

Heather was gearing up. She hadn’t done forced recitation for a long time, and she was a little rusty:

"Sign it when you're ready."

At this point, KING couldn't back down no matter how scared he was, and signed his name with trembling hands.

As soon as she finished signing, Heather neatly took away the consent form, hummed and happily folded the consent form back and forth twice and put it back in the drawer.

KING could neither sit nor stand. He could only kneel on the ground and asked carefully: "Master Mentor, what should I do now?"

"Without further ado, I will hold a 'forced entrance ceremony' for you now. Oh, it's the entrance ceremony written in the consent form."

Heather hooked her fingers: "Stand up and turn around with your back facing me."

KING obeyed Heather's instructions, stood up and turned around.

"The core element of Shingenryu is [Nenti Qi]. Everyone has Qi in their body, but most people are unable to use them."

Heather rubbed her hands and condensed soft thoughts in the palms of her hands:

"After a while, I will send my Qi into your body, which is a non-traditional forced opening. Although it is a bit rough, this can forcefully open your sperm holes and allow the Qi to flow freely in your body. "

"Huh? If there is compulsory enlightenment, is there a non-compulsory type of traditional practice? Teacher, I want to learn that!"

KING panicked all of a sudden. He listened and read forcibly! It sounds particularly dangerous when you hear it, and the instructor just said that the survival rate is only 50%!

"That's not possible. Forced chanting is a special teaching of Shingenryu. My master, me, and my disciple, who is also your senior brother, all experienced forced chanting. Okay, don't talk nonsense and shut up. Be careful. Bite your tongue! It’s about to begin!”

Heather put her hands on KING's back, her eyes focused.


KING was shocked and felt a strong impact on his body from the inside out.

The next moment, he felt a burst of heat all over his body, and a large amount of clearly visible Qi overflowed from his body surface, continuously spurting out like steam from the spout of a kettle.

"Hey...legs, why are your legs a little soft?"

Before KING had time to sigh, he felt his body become soft. Could it be that you were too tired from staying up late and playing games last night?

Heather crossed her arms and took two steps back, and said leisurely: "I forgot to tell you, this is the Qi in your body. If you just ignore it, all the Qi in your body will soon drain out, and you will not even be able to stand. If you can’t stand up, you may even die from exhaustion.”


KING panicked, why didn't you tell me earlier? Then what should I do? Do you use tape to cover all the places on your body where the air comes out?

"Don't worry, just do as I say. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in any position.

Think of Qi as blood circulating throughout the body, starting from the top of the head, passing through the right shoulder, hands, feet and then to the left side, and the cycle repeats. "

Heather had absolutely no worries about the other apprentices dying due to loss of strength, and looked at KING with amusement as his whole body was stiff and enveloped in the air waves.

He put his right hand on his waist, placed his thumb against a skull gold coin and pointed it at KING from a distance.

If there is an emergency, Heather can insert Aztec gold coins into KING's body to save his life.

In less than a minute, the air waves gushing from KING's body like the spout of a boiling kettle began to slow down, forming a harmonious resonance with his huge heartbeat.

"Oh? It took even my junior brother several minutes to complete this step. Are you really a genius?"

Heather raised her eyebrows and continued to guide:

"Next, imagine that the energy circulating in your body slows down, gradually stops, and floats around you to form a wall."

This time, KING completed this step faster, taking only half a minute.

Looking from a distance, you can see that KING's body is covered with a thin layer of thought energy, which ripples slightly as his heart beats.

What an outstanding talent and a great talent. Heather nodded with satisfaction and said, "Okay, open your eyes."

KING opened his eyes and found that his whole body was enveloped in a strange barrier.

He clenched his fist. He had never felt such a strong force in his body.

"This is Nian, isn't it wonderful?"

Heather said with a smile:

"The entrance ceremony was completed well. Try it. Can you control your anger and release it a little?"

KING tried to stretch out his hands and concentrate. Along with the strong beating of his heart, his thoughts gathered into a ball in his palm obediently.

"S-succeeded! Look, mentor!" KING shouted in surprise.

But soon, because he was no longer afraid, KING's heartbeat became less intense, and his ability to control his mental energy, which was once like an arm and a finger, suddenly dropped to a very low level.

The thought energy suddenly became chaotic and out of KING's control. He felt very uncomfortable and quickly looked at Heather: "Mentor?"

Heather whistled: "Cool, this is the first time I see an apprentice who died suddenly after completing the entrance ceremony. I'm afraid you are the No. 1 in the history of Xingenryu."

"Sudden death?"

KING's mood, which he had just calmed down, suddenly tightened, and his heart beat loudly. The previously chaotic and disobedient thoughts became smooth and obedient again.

Heather tilted her head. Good guy, is this using the heartbeat as a restraint? Perhaps because KING has been immersed in this strong heartbeat all year round, he subconsciously regards the heartbeat, the so-called "Emperor's Engine", as a means of comforting himself when facing strange people and dangers. Subconsciously, as long as the Imperial engine sounds, he is safe.

The psychological suggestion to myself is a bit strong, but it doesn't matter. Maybe you can use this to develop interesting telekinesis abilities.

"Let's take advantage of this momentum and take the next step."

Heather went to the kitchen to get a glass and filled it with more than half of the water. She put a leaf picked up from the yard on top and put it on the table:

"Come here, apprentice, put your palms on both sides of the cup, don't touch it directly."

Seeing that KING did as he was told, Heather's expression became serious:

"The next thing I want you to do is our Shingenryu's unique [Water View Style]. If successful, we will be able to identify which attribute of your mind energy is and train it accordingly."


"Yes, there are six categories of thought energy: [Enhancement System], [Release System], [Change System], [Operation System], [Embodiment System] and [Trait System]. How about it, don't they look alike? Is it the talent tree when playing games?”

Heather pointed to the cup:

"Now, release your breath into the cup."

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