A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1066 The opening of the martial arts conference

KING placed his hands around the cup, and while his Qi was still obedient, he concentrated his Qi directly into his palms.

Heather came closer and examined the cup carefully.

The cup was clearly not touched, but the water in the cup began to vibrate rhythmically.

The leaves covering the water were shaken slightly by the ripples.

Heather rubbed her chin, quite surprised:

"I thought you would be an enhancement type, but you are actually a trait type... You really can't tell a person's face, my apprentice."

"W-what is a trait...ugh! It feels so uncomfortable!"

At this time, KING's heartbeat frequency gradually returned to a stable state, and the thought energy output was no longer stable but became chaotic.

Snapped! Upon seeing this, Heather decisively shot KING to the forehead, knocking KING back to his original state from the entangled state of mind energy.

KING sat down on the ground with a thud, grinning and rubbing his red forehead.

"Now that I have confirmed the attributes of your mind energy, I will tell you about it."

Heather sat across from KING and used her fingers to draw a hexagon in the air with golden aura visible to the naked eye, with the word 'read' in the middle:

“[Manifestation System], transforming Qi into what you want is to materialize Qi.

[Change System], changes the nature and state of the Qi produced by itself, giving it infinite plasticity.

[Enhancement System], which enhances the power and defense of oneself or weapons, and also enhances the ability to heal wounds. It is considered the most suitable system for combat.

[Release System] allows the Qi to maintain its power after leaving the body, attack enemies from a distance, change the shape and structure of the Qi, and even create a powerful mind beast that only obeys your orders.

[Operation System]: Inject your own Qi into the target to control it. Of course, you can also control yourself to achieve the goal of strengthening your combat power.

[Trait system], thoughts that do not belong to the other five systems are classified into this category, highlighting a strange and unpredictable aspect. "

Heather briefly explained the attributes of the six major systems of thought energy in counter-clockwise order, and marked the percentages one by one starting from the materialization system - 100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 60%, 0%.

"Uh, tutor, what does this percentage value mean?"

KING listened with great interest, because he likes playing games very much and feels that the mind energy system of Xin Yuan Liu is very suitable for adapting into a game, and the ability to systematize is very mature.

Heather pointed at the hexagonal table and numerical values ​​floating in the air: "For example, I am in the materialization system, and these numerical values ​​represent the results that I can achieve by practicing each system."

KING is very quick in thinking about the game, pointing to 40% of the release system: "In other words, if it is the embodiment system, when practicing the release system, you can achieve at most 40% of the maximum effect of practicing the embodiment system, which is twice the result with half the effort. ?”

"That sums it up well, that's what it means."

"Then why is the trait system 0%?"

"Because the trait system is very special, you can't just learn it if you want to. The normal chance of taking the other five departments as well as the trait system is 0%. But it is not without exception. There is a certain possibility that the embodiment system and the operation system will be transformed into Trait system.”

Heather pointed to KING:

"You are the trait system. Don't be too happy. Although the name of the trait system sounds powerful, in fact, the abilities of most trait systems are biased towards auxiliary properties with weird effects. Even the embodiment system is not as good as facing the enemy head-on. Don’t talk about strengthening the system.”

"...I have a question, mentor."

KING raised his hand:

"You have been talking about [ability]. Since the properties of thought energy are divided into categories, do they have more specific ability characteristics? Not just a rough summary of 'strengthening attack and defense' and 'changing the nature of thought energy'? "

"Oh, you think very quickly."

Heather opened his hand, and with a burst of golden flames flashing, a gorgeous golden cross sword appeared in his hand:

"I am a manifestation type, and the ability I master is to summon preset powerful weapons. At the last moment of the battle with Boros, I used the natal weapon related to my life to kill him."

KING's eyes were completely attracted by the Jedi Kingship. Isn't this equivalent to the protagonist's graduation equipment in the game? He subconsciously wanted to reach out and touch it, but found that the cross sword turned into dots of fire and disappeared in the air.

"Don't touch other people's weapons, especially those of the materialization system. This is a blatant act of provocation."

Heather wiped away the hexagonal table floating in the air with a wave of her hand, and then wrote a line of words——

[Restrictions and Oaths].

KING looked confused.

"For the other five series of telekinesis abilities, you need to build a correct framework in advance and then gradually improve it, just like starting from cutting out the parts and grinding the water to build a Gundam model.

But the trait system is different. Once you officially start reading, the embryonic form of your reading ability has already begun to grow in your body, just like a statue that you bought and left unopened at home.

When you truly understand your own full power, your own mindfulness ability will emerge from the cocoon.

And what I want to tell you now is the technique that can further strengthen the ability of mind, [Restraint and Oath]. "

Heather tapped the air in front of her, and three ace playing cards appeared:

"[Restrictions] that set conditions for your telekinesis ability and then execute them, and [Oaths] that you swear to abide by. After setting the rules, swear in your heart, "No matter what happens, you must abide by this condition."

The stricter the rules, the greater the power! Just like in poker, the harder the card, the higher the score. If the general method of strengthening nen ability is an additive effect, then the nen ability that establishes constraints and oaths is a multiplicative effect, which can subtly enhance the nen ability several times. "

He dumped content on KING that could subvert ordinary people's views. Perhaps because he has played too many games, KING's acceptance of this content is the highest among all the apprentices he has taught, and he understands the rules of the telekinesis system very quickly.

After giving KING some time to digest, seeing him nodding thoughtfully, Heather said again:

"Next, you can rent a house in J City and report to me every day. I will teach you the four major practices of reading Qi in the order of [Tangle], [Jue], [Practice] and [Fa].

Being weak is not scary, what is scary is not wanting to make progress. I'm looking forward to the moment when your mindfulness abilities come to fruition. "

"Please teach me strictly, mentor!"

KING knelt on the ground, filled with gratitude and respect for Heather.

Next, KING really rented a cheap apartment in a secluded area near the edge of the city in J City, and came to the dojo every day to receive instruction.

He is progressing at a rapid rate, and if there is a real comparison, he should be learning at about the same speed as Jack Sparrow.

It only took Jack half a month to jump from confirming telekinesis attributes in the [Water View Style] to successfully cultivating telekinesis abilities, with the genius attribute being maxed out. KING is not bad either. He learns the four majors very quickly and even learned [Condensation] without any teacher.

During the study period, Fubuki, who often visited Heather's house and almost lived in Heather's house, also learned the secret of KING.

It turns out that the super strong KING who shocked the world and weeping ghosts and gods is just a real guy! Although Fubuki was surprised, she didn't mention it to anyone else, not even Tatsumaki and Fubuki's team. She was very strict.

The days passed day by day, and soon, the 22nd Martial Arts Conference was approaching.

The Martial Arts Competition, the full name of which is the Alien Fighting Martial Arts Competition, has been held for 22 years since the first time. It can be regarded as the largest and most authoritative fighting competition in the world.

The competition can be completed in one day, and the winner will receive a bonus of 30 million. All the famous martial arts schools around the world will participate in the competition, not only for the prize money, but also to make their own martial arts schools famous and show the power of their own martial arts schools to the world.

It can be said that this is the most effective advertising.

The venue is City C. There is a huge and luxurious building in the city center - the Fighting Dome. Since seven years ago, every martial arts conference has been held here, attracting countless spectators to enjoy the world's highest-level fighting event. This year's prime zone ticket price has even been as high as 30,000 yuan!

Because this year’s special judges not only include the martial arts master Silver Fang, but also invited [Martial God] Heather, who defeated a pseudo-god-level monster and saved the earth!

The original bonus of three million was actively donated by various large chaebols in the form of "advertising fees", and the amount increased to thirty million, which was a tenfold increase.

This makes fighters all over the world ready to take action.

As long as you win the championship, you will not only get a super high bonus of 30 million yuan, but also gain the favor of the Martial God. You may even be guided by the Martial God to become his disciple!

The eighteen places for the competition were all taken, so the martial arts conference officials had to hold an audition in advance to select the eighteen contestants.

In the original work, some relatively novice fighters were directly excluded from the auditions, and many fierce fighters in the fighting world were added.

It can be said that because of Heather, this fighting competition has received unprecedented attention.

Finally, the competition is about to begin.

The 75,000 seats in the Fighting Dome were packed, and the excited noise of the audience almost echoed into the sky. In the center of the fighting dome is a very huge stone fighting platform, one hundred meters long and one hundred meters wide.

There are four giant floating screens directly above the fighting stage, which are playing sponsor advertisements in a loop.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve kept you waiting for so long!!”

In the center of the fighting stage, the host with an airplane haircut and sunglasses was dressed in a smart suit and shouted impassionedly through the microphone:

"Today is the 22nd SUPER FIGHT! As you can see, the scale of this competition is far greater than before. We would like to thank all the viewers here!"

As he spoke, the host raised his arms to the stands, and warm cheers suddenly erupted from the stands.

“And our generous sponsors!”

The host pointed to the display screen above his head, and congratulatory messages from various sponsors immediately appeared on the screen.

"And all the top players who are about to enter!"

The host waved his hand towards the entrance channel, and countless fireworks exploded on both sides.

"Finally, we sincerely thank the special judges for attending this martial arts competition."

The host bowed respectfully to the high judging table, then held the microphone with both hands and shouted:

"Let us cheer for the Valkyrie and the Silver Fang!"

The fiery cheers that echoed throughout the Fighting Dome almost lifted the clouds in the sky!

Banggu sat on the judging table, waving gently to the audience with a stiff smile on his face. On the other hand, Heather's gentle smile was much more natural than when Sweetheart Mask held a concert. She is indeed an actor who has seen big scenes.

The host waited for the enthusiastic cheers to subside a little, and immediately shouted: "Now, please let the contestants enter in order!"

The person who walked into the scene was Lightning Max, who had participated in the invasion of the Deep Sea Tribe and bravely fought against the Deep Sea King.

He greeted the cheers from the stands on both sides with a high-spirited look on his face: "I am the champion!"

"The first person to appear is [Shanghai Style Karate] Max!

This man currently ranked 19th in the Pro Hero A-level and active under the name ‘Lightning MAX’, will he be able to perform amazing kicks in this tournament? "

Next up was a young fighter with a bell hair accessory. She sighed: "Why haven't you started the competition yet?"

"A little red among the green bushes, [Palm Bell Fist] Lingling!

Those lightning-like magical martial arts skills can be called art. Is she sighing because she is unrivaled in the female fighting world? "

Then came a tall man with a strong build and his whole body covered in bandages, leaving only his eyes, nose and mouth exposed.

"A warrior who is not afraid of pain, [Dili Yongmen] Bu Squirrel!

As long as he is in a fighting state, no matter how terrible his injuries are, he can't stop him from defeating the enemy. The more injured he becomes, the braver he becomes, and his strength is unlimited! "

"..." The cloth squirrel muttered a few words, but no one could hear what he was saying.

Then, a familiar-looking man wearing a costume embroidered with snake patterns walked out of the passage.

"I have participated in fighting tournaments six times. With a snake-like wrist, I will chase the enemy until I bite him to death!"

The man who is at the lowest level of A-class heroes! [Snake bite punch] Snake! "

"Is it necessary to say the word "lowest"?" Snake glared at the host helplessly.

“No one could have imagined that a lightning accident in his childhood would turn him into such a powerful warrior!

Super charged physique, [Thunder Fist] Paulden! "

"Overwhelm your enemies with endless combos, and one hit means you're doomed!

Humanoid engine! [Gatling Boxing] Bobojia! "

“I was raised by orangutans since I was a child. I use my passion and anger to run rampant, and my terrifying brute force is enough to overturn the entire fighting ring!

A powerful warrior who is neither a beast nor a human! [Primitive Ape Slapping Flow] Goria! "

“The pre-entry questionnaire revealed that he stood out for his disdain for all contestants’ keynote speeches!

What is the strength of this mysterious man with a arrogant smile on his face? [Chosen Bloodline Fighting Technique] Qiao Ze! "

"The fists are coated with strong and irritating spices, with the obvious intention of attacking the opponent's eyes!

Not violating the competition rules is the essence of martial arts competitions! 【Xiangxinquan】Cod! "

“The former powerful faction of Liushuiyan Shattering Fist has created its own style after leaving the martial arts!

If everything goes well, will he be able to gain a large number of disciples and even be favored by the God of War? [Buchong style boxing method] Buchong! "

"Aiming to be the strongest in the history of martial arts tournaments, a man who has won two championships in the past! All his opponents were ravaged one-sidedly, and the competition process was horrific!

Although his opponent was dying, he himself never used his full strength!

The man called a ghost! [Dark Hell Killing Technique] Exploding Mountains! "

Then there are [Street Fighting Style] Travers, [Tiger Tooth Wind Fist] Lotto, [Funeral Etiquette Kick Technique] Liu Zhi, [Flying Cross Fist] Namu, [Spinning Dinner Fist Technique] York Finn, and [Extreme Karate】Sakaki Ryuutora.

Finally, the last person came.

“Ladies and gentlemen, what follows is the long-lost legend of achieving four consecutive championships in the conference!

It is said that he is here for the high bonus this time. He is a powerful man who does not stick to his status and reputation! [Underworld Fist] Water Dragon! "

Shuilong, with a ponytail and a relaxed look on his face, walked out of the channel and accepted the warm cheers from the stands on both sides with a smile.

Then, he turned his gaze to the judging table and stared at Heather closely.

It won't be long before you sit on the stage and feel proud, enjoy this last moment of being superior!

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