A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1198 Can you play games with me?

Arriving with the fire department was Eddie Bullock, a hired reporter for the Daily Bugle.

"Annon?" Eddie was extremely surprised to see Heather surrounded by people.

He is a very capable reporter at the Daily Bugle, and even a mean person like John Jonah Jameson, Jr., editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle, has to admit Eddie's professionalism. Heather, on the other hand, is a talented young writer discovered by JJJJ, who can be regarded as the golden signature of the Daily Bugle’s stable traffic.

After going back and forth, Eddie and Heather met several times under the introduction of JJJJ. Their relationship could not be said to be very good or bad, at least they were acquaintances.

After briefly chatting with Heather to clarify the situation, Eddie immediately called JJJJ, and JJJJ also thought this was a great headline.

That little spider girl in tights was running around in the city all day long. Even Eddie had a hard time taking a frontal photo of her, let alone looking for dirty information about her. As a result, JJJJ could only sit back and watch the spider girl become more and more rampant. . The Daily Bugle needs a shot in the arm to quell the arrogance of these so-called superheroes.

So, the next day's Daily Bugle headline read - "Mortal Heroes!" 》

The cover photo is Eddie's careful work. In the picture, Heather looks a little tired, gray-faced, and seems a little at a loss when being surrounded by people.

The article was written by JJJJ himself. When a child is caught in a sea of ​​​​fire, the person who saves her is not a spider flying over the city all day long, but an ordinary, thin and ordinary student. Those tight-fitting clowns who love lynching should really learn what it means to be a real human being and what a true hymn of courage is.

Heather became famous in ways he never expected.

"Heather! I admire you so much! You actually got rid of the obstruction of more than 20 people, bravely rushed into the burning sea of ​​​​fire, and rescued a dozen children without any harm!"

Peter's spit almost hit Heather's face, and the latter had to hold her textbook in front of her:

"That's all JJJJ's exaggeration. I only saved one little girl, and no one deliberately tried to stop me."

"Oh my gosh, that's awesome. If it were me, I would probably be burned to death inside instead of saving people."

Peter was panting with excitement. He liked reading superhero comics, especially those street heroes who protected citizens and were kind and friendly. From the bottom of his heart, he felt that street heroes like this were the real heroes.

Doesn’t what Heather did represent the image and behavior of a hero?

Not only Peter, many students also set their sights on Heather. High school students are at the age where they like to focus on topical characters. In terms of topicality, Heather is indeed today's Midtown High School SUPER STAR.

Gwen was hidden among the crowd, glancing over Heather from time to time.

The beautiful black-haired girl Betty Brant next to her looked at Heather who was talking to Peter in the distance, and said with a smile: "To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that he is Asian, I would actually be quite interested in dating him. look."

"Oh Betty, my bassist, your topic is a bit over the line." Red-haired beauty Mary Jane teased: "So what if you are Asian? You just use this rhetoric because Anonen's face is not to your liking." .”

Glory Grant, who was a member of the band with Mary Jane, Betty, and Gwen, looked at Heather in the distance: "Although he looks average, he's pretty cool, isn't he? I mean, not every senior in high school is Having the courage to run into a fire and save a little girl. What do you think, Gwen?"

"...It's pretty cool." Gwen pursed her lips and nodded slightly.

"The Daily Bugle actually said that the ghost spider was hiding nearby and did not dare to save people, and watched Anonn bravely brave the sea of ​​​​fire alone. This editor-in-chief Jameson is just talking nonsense!"

Mary Jane is a huge fan of Ghost Spider and can't stand anyone making up the idol.

Gwen said to herself that this was not the first time that JJJJ disliked ghost spiders, but this time Gwen really couldn't refute it, because it was true that she did not arrive in time to save the little girl.

Because of this, Gwen's attitude towards Heather has also changed slightly. At least it is no longer the 'potato and carrot' look that other boys see in her eyes, but a more three-dimensional image of a classmate that she will pay attention to unconsciously.

Of course, some people don't like seeing others in the limelight.

After school, Peter and Heather walked in the streets and alleys. This was a very convenient shortcut home and it happened to lead to the neighborhood where Peter and Heather's home was, so it was the only way for them to pass.

In the alley, Peter was walking happily while talking to Heather. Suddenly, he was hit hard from behind, and his whole body fell forward and fell hard into a puddle on the ground.

"Your worm friend worked so hard to become a clown, what are you so excited about, Parker?"

Ned was holding a basketball in his hand, and behind him were a group of scoundrels pointing and laughing at Peter who was lying on the ground.

"Violence is nothing more than a cheap way of covering up your inner emptiness and low self-esteem, Ned Leeds."

Heather stood in front of Peter, looking at Ned coldly.

The smile on Ned's face gradually faded, and he walked up to Heather and looked at him fiercely: "You are a little too arrogant, transfer student."

"Teach him a lesson, Ned!" "Hit him!" "Push his head into a puddle!"

Those henchmen kept shouting and were furious.

It seemed that there was no way to escape today's beating. Heather looked at Ned and thought quickly about how to escape.

At this moment, a female voice suddenly came from behind everyone:

"Can you play games with me?"

I saw a short figure appearing behind everyone.

This is a young girl with long light green hair styled into twin tails. She has a pretty face and wears red and gold contact lenses. She wears a large coat on her upper body and exposes a pair of fleshy short legs. She was also carrying a plastic bag in her hand. It looked like she had just bought groceries for her mother from a supermarket convenience store and was about to go home.

"Get out of here, girl," Ned said impatiently.

"Wait a minute, Ned. Maybe this lady is lost and we can take her home?" Two losers licked their lips and walked towards the girl.

Heather rushed over and grabbed them without hesitation, turned to the girl and shouted: "Leave quickly! It's dangerous here... ugh!"

He received a heavy punch in the abdomen and was pushed to the ground by the scumbag student, while the other one ran towards the girl to prevent her from having a chance to escape.

Peter yelled and got up to stop them, but was held down by the others.

"Jason, Kyle, what are you doing? Stop right now!"

Veins popped up on Ned's forehead, and he felt like things were a little out of control. Of course I know the virtues of these guys, but I really didn’t expect them to be so courageous? Could it be that you were high before?

"Ned, we're just having fun, don't be a spoiler." One of them said with a smile.


A strange yet familiar voice suddenly sounded in the alley. The sound was not loud, but it made everyone freeze.

I saw that the scumbag who went to catch the girl was stiff, and his head was pressed tightly against the gleaming silver pistol. The girl they regarded as a piece of meat was now standing on tiptoes, holding up the gun he took out of the plastic bag. Gun, tilted his head and looked at everyone with innocent eyes,

“Since everyone is so enthusiastic, the game has officially begun.

In the first round of the game, guess if there are bullets in my gun? "

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