A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1199 Old Enemy

The scene became awkward and silent for a while.

No one would have thought that such a cute girl who looked like a little white rabbit would actually take out a pistol from a supermarket shopping bag at the slightest disagreement.

No one dared to move, whether it was Peter and Heather who were pinned in the puddle, or Ned and his group.

Especially the trash who had the cold gun pressed against his forehead, he didn't even dare to swallow his saliva. He could even smell the faint smell of gunpowder smoke from the muzzle of the gun. This girl had fired a gun not long ago!

"HUH... Doesn't anyone want to tell you the answer? The first winner will receive a huge~~~~ generous reward."

Rebecca made a lazy drawl and flipped the pistol safety off with a click of her thumb.

At this time, the scumbag next to him seemed to have figured out something and suddenly laughed: "Ha! Little white rabbit, are you using a toy gun to scare people? Your parents will not let a little cutie like you play with a real gun."

After saying that, he regained his composure and walked towards Rebecca: "Come on, let me tell you what a gun is -"

Bang! !

The scum trembled, then screamed, hugged his thighs and fell heavily to the ground, crying at the top of his lungs.

Rebecca's originally free left hand was seen taking out a second black pistol from the supermarket shopping bag. The muzzle of the gun was pointed at the scum rolling on the ground, with a faint smoke coming out.

"Wrong answer, Mr. Trash."

The gun is real! Everyone was so frightened that if an adult holding a gun could at least use language to communicate and persuade, then a child who is hostile to you holding a gun would probably be the most dangerous situation in the world.

But the little devil would not give them time to think about countermeasures. The muzzle of the gun in Rebecca's hand glanced at everyone present one by one, and she said slowly:

"Isn't there a correct answer yet? If no one speaks, I will randomly select a lucky audience?"

Finally, someone couldn't stand the pressure and shouted: "I, I know! There are bullets in the gun!"

Bang! !

The man also fell to the ground, holding his thighs and crying and screaming.

"Correct answer! The reward is a fresh bullet! Hahahahaha!"

Rebecca laughed happily, and then put the smoking muzzle against the forehead of the scum in front of her. The hot muzzle made a slight hissing sound when it came into contact with the flesh. The scum grinned in pain, but didn't dare to move.

"Okay, it's your turn. The second round of the game has begun. Do you think there is only one bullet in my gun?"

Rebecca's cheerful and crisp female voice, accompanied by the cries and screams that surrounded her, made everyone's hearts tremble.

What kind of little white rabbit is this? It’s clearly a Tyrannosaurus rex covered in white rabbit skin!

Seeing the trash in front of her shivering, afraid to speak, and even starting to foam at the corners of her mouth, Rebecca began to become impatient.

"3, 2, 1..."

Her finger was on the trigger and she was about to press it.

"Wait a moment."

At this time, Heather suddenly interrupted Rebecca's action of shooting.

He got up from the ground, patted the watery parts of his body, and then looked at Rebecca:

"I'll play this game with you."

It's not that he wants to save the lives of these garbage, but because Heather has seen similar cases. The criminals involved in the case are not very clear-headed and can even be said to be extremely impulsive. Once the murder begins, everyone present will probably be confused. To die. It's better to give yourself a chance to survive.

Rebecca looked Heather up and down and whistled. She kicked the scum in front of her to the ground and jumped towards Heather.

Until she came to Heather, Rebecca stood on her tiptoes, and her two faces were almost touching each other. She asked with a smile: "It's cool, bro... Do you want to go on a date? My jelly bubble milk is ice cold and delicious." Delicious."

"Uh..." The sudden change in attitude caught Heather off guard, and she didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Tsk, 'uh' is not the answer I want to hear. Make a decision quickly, or I'm going to shoot randomly."

With that said, Rebecca pointed the gun at the other people present.

[Miss Punk, it may be a little early for you to ask this kind of question at your age. 】

A slightly dull sound suddenly sounded in the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw a figure completely wrapped in red and gold metal armor, floating in the sky, looking down at the people in the alley.

【Iron Man】Tony Stark!

This man is the president of Stark Industries, an arms dealer, a patriot, an industrialist, an inventor, a super genius, and a playboy. Recently, he has added a new identity - the superhero [Iron Man].

Unlike street heroes like Ghost Spider, Iron Man rarely gets involved in trivial matters, instead focusing his attention on fighting transnational crime and events that are more important to him.

In his free time, he wears this steel suit and flies in the sky all day long. Most of the time he does it out of show-off mentality. Occasionally, he will mind his own business under the reminder of his smart butler Jarvis.

At this moment, it was in line with his ‘range’ of nosy.

The Iron Man in the sky uses an electronic program to completely lock Rebecca below and can knock away the pistol in her hand at any time.

"Jarvis, check the identity and family of this little lady. I want to see what kind of parents can give a pistol to such a little girl. I will recommend legislation to the Senate later. In the future, all parents will have to Take the qualification certificate first.”

[...Sir, there is no relevant information about her in the database. 】

"No information? Illegal immigrants? Expand database search to Mexico and Russia."

[Still no relevant information, sir. 】

Weird, could this girl be conjured out of thin air? No one can survive without big data these days.

Just when Iron Man was secretly thinking whether he should leave this little trouble to the local police station, an alarm signal suddenly flashed rapidly inside the steel mask.

Bang! Bang!

Iron Man only heard two gunshots, and then he felt his body losing control and falling downwards.

[Sir, the Mark 5's left thruster and right stabilizer were destroyed! ] Jarvis's urgent voice sounded in the spinning steel suit.

Boom! Iron Man hit the ground in the alley heavily, struggled to get up, and pointed his left hand blaster, which was still intact, forward, but found that the little girl had disappeared.

ran away?

"Jarvis, search for her whereabouts!"

Since Tony announced his identity as Iron Man, this is the first time he has suffered a loss at the hands of such a little thief. You must know that the steel suit can defend against sniper bullets, and ordinary-caliber pistols cannot do anything to him. What kind of weapon did that girl use? A pistol-shaped tank gun?

[Sir, the target has completely disappeared. According to calculations, her moving speed exceeds Mach 3 at least. 】

Okay, now we also have to add 'escape speed beyond human limits'.

In comics, superheroes always have an enemy.

Now, Tony feels that his old enemy may appear.

Thanks to Dark Gospel MAY for the reward of 1500 starting coins

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