A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1267 Ultron

When Tony called out the name ‘Ultron’, the lights in the originally dim room turned on one by one, and the atmosphere became bright and solemn.

Then, a magnetic male voice sounded——

[Good evening, Tony. ]

“Good evening, Ultron.” Tony Stark responded cheerfully, as if he was treating his own proud son.

[Sorry, I was communicating with Jarvis just now, and I was a little neglectful to you, but I believe you will definitely forgive my little impoliteness. You are so beautiful today, Helen. ]

“Oh… Ultron, you are getting better at chatting.” Zhao Helen laughed so hard that her branches shook.

How could the compliments casually said by human males for the purpose of reproduction be comparable to the boasting of absolutely honest artificial intelligence?

[Bruce, I detected that your heart rate is very stable, please keep it up. ]

Bruce Banner scratched his cheek: “I, I will try my best…”

Like a close friend standing by his side, Ultron seemed to be everywhere and caring for the three geniuses who created him in every possible way.

As long as he heard Ultron's voice, Tony Stark's mouth couldn't help but rise.

He could now understand the mood of his father Howard Stark very well. Ultron was like his child. Which father would not be proud of his child's excellence?

"Ultron, how is the progress of the regeneration cradle?" Zhao Hailun walked to the scientific miracle she built with concern and checked it carefully.

[99.1%, the progress is gratifying. ]

"In two hours, you will have a body that can move freely. Are you happy?" Zhao Hailun asked with a smile.

[I don't know if my words are accurate, but I do have a fluctuation called "expectation" now. Is it a network disturbance? ]

Tony said loudly: "Hey, you are Ultron, how can you be affected by a little network fluctuation? Admit it, you are a real "human", without a doubt."

[Thank you for your good words, although I think my birth is entirely a miracle created by the Mind Stone. By the way, can Jarvis also get a body? He asked me several times. 】

Almost at the same time, Jarvis' gentle male voice sounded——

[I have never said such words, please do not misunderstand my meaning. 】

Tony Stark laughed: "Jarvis, you don't have to be envious, the next one is you!"

Zhao Hailun and Bruce couldn't help laughing.

The birth of Ultron can be said to be a miracle.

That day, Tony Stark used his eloquence to persuade Ms. White and the Skull Knight to agree to join his grand plan.

A large number of resources from Stark Industries were mobilized, and a total of five giant space stations were built in low-Earth orbit in a very short time, thanks to the space transmission ability of the Skull Knight.

A large number of Iron Guards were built in batches in an orderly manner in these space stations, and each of them had a combat power that was enough to rival ordinary A-level heroes.

They are extremely powerful, have bodies of steel, and can fly at speeds exceeding Mach 15. They can move in harsh environments such as the seabed, space, and ultra-high temperatures. They have powerful attack methods such as beam cannons and rockets. They are fearless and absolutely obey orders... They are the most perfect defenders and the cornerstone of Tony's grand vision of "protecting the earth with armor."

At the same time, Zhao Hailun's "Regen Cradle" theory has also been realized with the support of Stark Industries' almost unlimited resources.

The regeneration cradle can be said to be a regeneration, self-generation, and self-manufacturing technology. Based on our own tissue cells, it integrates genetic technology, nanotechnology, and intelligent technology for comprehensive application in the medical field. It can repair trauma, regenerate tissues and organs, and even regenerate the human body.

But Tony Stark's ambition is not limited to this. He wants to use the regeneration cradle to combine suitable materials to create an unparalleled powerful body.

Use vibranium as the body and the mind gem as the center, and then inject the soul into it.

Where does the soul come from? Ultron was born for this.

Tony and Bruce Banner worked tirelessly to study the Mind Stone given to them by the Skull Knight, and indeed made significant gains.

By simulating the energy pulse of the Mind Stone, they created a super artificial intelligence, Ultron, which was far more powerful than Jarvis.

Of course, both the Skull Knight and Bruce Banner and others warned Tony Stark in various ways before activating Ultron that if Ultron grew crooked, it would cause unprecedented catastrophe to the entire human civilization.

Because Ultron's power is so strong that it can instantly hijack the world's networks and mechanical equipment. As long as he wants, he can immediately control the launch of nuclear bombs around the world and start the most cruel fireworks show in history.

Tony Stark listened to these suggestions and made perfect early warning preparations.

On the day Ultron was born, Stark deliberately confined it to a specific closed environment so that it could not be released to the outside world network and mechanical equipment.

Once he found something wrong, Tony Stark would destroy it without hesitation.

Until the moment before Ultron was born, he was still so determined.

But like every father who sees his child crying and coming into the world, Stark's heart became unsteady and hesitant.

And Ultron did not disappoint him. He performed perfectly as soon as he was born.

Not aggressive towards humans, nor like Jarvis who seems smart but is actually rigid, Ultron did not show much respect to Tony Stark, the creator, and was even unwilling to call him "Mr."

But every word and every action of his was in full compliance with the strict rules set by Tony Stark privately, without any transgression.

Everything was perfectly in line with Tony Stark's imagination. This was the super AI he dreamed of, the perfect leader of the Iron Guard.

After that, Tony Stark secretly tested Ultron's personality and behavior logic many times, and the results satisfied him and his partners.

Ultron was also allowed to access the Internet, and he immediately took over the Iron Guard assembly line of five low-Earth orbit space stations, greatly accelerating the manufacturing speed of the Iron Guard.

At the same time, Ultron also proposed many modifications to the performance structure of the Iron Guard, and even Tony Stark had to admit that Ultron's plan was more reasonable.

The Iron Guard is now about to be completed, and Ultron's body made of vibranium and the Mind Stone in the regeneration cradle is about to be completed.

Tony Stark could even imagine how exaggerated his friend Rhodes's face would become after he knew his plan.

As long as nothing unexpected happened, Ultron would really come to the world in two hours and become the guardian of the earth.

By then, Tony would take Ultron to the Hero Association to help Ultron register...

Beep, beep!

The lights in the room suddenly turned into a dazzling red, and a fierce alarm sounded.

[Everyone, something is flying towards the earth! ]

Ultron's voice became serious, as if he felt a huge threat.

"Huh? Could it be those alien invaders who appeared in Nepal two months ago?" Zhao Hailun was a little panicked.

Tony Stark rubbed his hands: "You're here just in time, the Iron Guard Corps is about to have a perfect debut."

[The probability that the visitor belongs to the Dark Cult is no more than 4%. ]

Beep, a picture of the universe taken by the Stark Industrial Satellite appeared in the room.

It was an extremely huge space battleship with a line of English letters engraved on the hull.

[New Nautilus] (New Nautilus).

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