A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1268 One Hour

"New Nautilus? When will there be a sequel to the universe of "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea"?"

Tony Stark's eyes widened. This thing was obviously not Earth technology, and he quickly told Jarvis:

"Jarvis, search for more details."

【receive. 】

Then Tony looked at the mechanical man in the regeneration cradle: "Ultron, we probably need your power. Jarvis can't control so many Iron Guards."

[It is understandable. After all, Mr. J was just a natural language user interface at the beginning and was not fully suitable for military weapon systems. Mr. J, do you mind if I say this? 】

Ultron's voice was teasing.

[A very fair evaluation, Ultron. 】

Jarvis's voice is still calm, and this is the biggest difference between it and Ultron - Jarvis does not have the most critical self-emotion of a creature.

Tony looked at Helen Zhao: "Helen, can you speed up the regeneration of the cradle?"

"It requires large-scale power supply and the cooperation of Ultron." Zhao Hailun nervously tapped the virtual keyboard on the regeneration cradle operating interface.

"You hear that, young man? Your appearance needs to be brought forward a little earlier."

As soon as Tony finished speaking, the lights in the room flickered rapidly, and power from all power stations in New York City began to be transported to Stark Tower.

Bruce Banner was a little nervous: "Tony, won't the Hero Association come to your door?"

If the power in New York City is diverted without authorization, if it affects the ongoing operations in any hospital or other important matters, the three people in Stark Tower may be on the list.

[Please be assured that I am not diverting any power needed from all the important events taking place in New York City. The construction plan of the Regeneration Cradle Ultron has been adjusted. The current progress is 99.3%, and the plan will be completed in 59 minutes. 】

The lights in the entire 'cradle room' suddenly became brighter, and the three of them could clearly hear the hum caused by the high-power current coming from the surrounding pipes and cables.

Tony touched his hand on the cold metal cover of the regeneration cradle and said seriously: "Ultron, I have a feeling that this enemy is very unusual. Do you still remember your original intention when you were born?"

【Bring eternal peace to this world. 】

"That's right, kid. There's never been a better time than now.

When the war begins, I ask you to use all your firepower! "

[Full firepower... of course. 】

After saying that, Ultron's voice fell silent, as if he was concentrating his computing power on mobilizing the deployment of the regeneration cradle and the low-Earth orbit space station.

Bruce Banner took off his glasses and rubbed his eyebrows: "Tony, have you noticed that the way Ultron speaks really looks like you."

"Like father, like son." Zhao Helen raised her eyebrows.

"I'll take it as a compliment. Okay, two great geniuses, we have to get an hour of Ultron's time."

Tony immediately began to direct: "Helen, you stay here at the Regeneration Cradle to ensure the perfect birth of Ultron's body. Bruce, you follow me."

"Go? Where?" Bruce Banner asked doubtfully.

"Hero Association."

Tony Stark picked up the suit jacket lying next to him and started to put it on.

"We need assistance."


In the dark and silent space of the universe, the huge battleship slowly moved forward.

In the bridge, Star-Lord looked at the big screen, filled with emotion: "Earth... I didn't expect that I would come back one day."

The little blue star on the screen is his home planet, the Earth.

Star-Lord's cheap sister Mantis clasped her hands together and exclaimed: "Is that Quill's home planet? It looks very warm and moist. By the way, why isn't this planet called Mercury?"

"Well, because another planet has taken over this name." Star-Lord was stunned for a moment and tried to explain.

"You mean, people on your planet name other planets first, and then name their own planet last?" Gamora asked suspiciously.

"Quirk," Drax said as he ate his snack.

"Sure enough, it's Quill's home planet, and the humans on it have the same personality, hahaha!" Rocket Raccoon laughed.

"I am Groot." The little tree Groot echoed.

Star-Lord was so irritated by what they said that he could only turn his head and look at the captain's throne on the high platform not far away: "Captain, what are we doing on Earth?"

Sitting in the captain's seat, Nemo was still wearing the waterproof windbreaker and captain's hat, and he was stroking his carefully trimmed beard slowly:

"Be patient, my crew. There is good on Earth and we must get it."

"Good thing?" Mantis Girl expressed confusion.

Captain Nemo picked up a wine bottle from his feet, shook it, poured the last two sips of wine into his mouth with a happy face, and then wiped his mouth and said:

"Thanos, that purple sweet potato spirit, got the Power Stone on Xandar and collected the other four stones.

Although I don’t want to admit it, the power of the Infinity Stones is indeed powerful enough. The new Nautilus cannot use its own firepower to effectively attack Thanos’ dark quadrant. All our previous attacks have been ineffective, as you have all seen.

So we need weapons that can fight Thanos. "

Gamora immediately guessed Nemo's intention: "Captain, are you saying there are infinity stones on Earth?"

"Of course, the Purple Sweet Potato Spirit should never have sent those trash to Earth to plunder gems, but the Guardian of the Earth snatched back an Infinity Stone.

We are here to 'borrow' this Infinity Stone. "

"In this case, Thanos will not be able to collect all six Infinity Stones. And the new Nautilus can also fight Thanos with the strengthening of the Infinity Stones... Captain, this is a good idea."

Star-Lord clapped his hands and praised Captain Nemo's ingenious plan, and then asked cautiously:

"Then do we have to attack the earth directly? I think we can negotiate with the earth first, and I will do it..."

"Why bother so much, just use force to deter. If you don't give, I will rob you, and if you dare to resist, I will fight you. This is my usual style."

Captain Nemo threw away the empty bottle and stretched:

"And we have to act fast. I guess the Purple Potato Spirit has monitored the whereabouts of the New Nautilus through his own methods, and he won't let us take the Infinity Stones like this."

Star-Lord's face turned pale: "Will Thanos, who holds five Infinity Stones, catch up with the Earth? What will happen to the Earth?"

Captain Nemo looked at Star-Lord with pity:

"Stupid question, do you think Thanos will let the Earth go by then?"

Star-Lord swallowed hard.

"We probably only have less than an hour, hurry up."

Captain Nemo gave the order, and the Guardians of the Galaxy immediately took action.

At the same time, in the depths of another extremely distant galaxy.

In the huge palace in the dark quadrant, the incomplete Thanos slumped on the throne, with the supergiant kneeling in front of him.

"My lord, the detector detected the appearance of the new Nautilus in the solar system. They are indeed going to take the Mind Stone."

After hearing the report from the Supergiant, a smile slowly appeared on Thanos' face: "They have repeatedly attacked the Dark Quadrant but always returned in vain, which finally made Nemo impatient.

Very good, the timing is just right. When they try their best to snatch the Mind Stone from the Earth's guardian, it will be the time for me to come to Earth.

Supergiant, present the Time Stone."

"Yes, my lord."

The Supergiant was still kneeling on the ground, with her right hand raised above her head.

A gem shining with green light floated quietly above her palm.

Just an hour ago, the Eye of Agamotto was successfully cracked, and the Supergiant took out the Time Stone from it.

Thanos moved his body to make himself sit up straighter, then looked down at the Supergiant below, with no emotion in his tone:

"Let's start, my child. Use your vitality as fuel to activate the Time Stone and use it to reverse my injuries."

The Supergiant said without hesitation: "Yes, according to my estimate, it will take about an hour to activate the power of the Time Stone. Please wait."

Looking at this subordinate who is extremely loyal to him, even a cold-blooded Thanos can't help but feel a little sorry:

"This is the 'death' I promised you. Are you satisfied?"

The Supergiant was originally an orphan. When she wanted to commit suicide, she was discovered by Thanos. Thanos said that as long as she worked for him, he would give the Supergiant the death she dreamed of. For this purpose, the Supergiant was very loyal to Thanos.

In response to Thanos' question, tears flowed from the corners of the Supergiant's eyes. After a moment of silence, he said softly:

"It is my lifelong honor to be able to serve you, master."

The next moment, green light filled the entire hall.

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