A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1296 Burning Hell

Flames flowed from the dark red sky, drawing scarlet lines in the dark dim light.

This is the Burning Hells, the devil's own paradise.

Originally, it should have been occupied by flying magma, solidified obsidian, countless charred bones and overwhelming demons, but at this moment, hell seemed a little... peaceful?

Large tracts of dense jungles dominated by dark and purple appeared in the hell that was supposed to be barren, turning the style here into a more bizarre shadow jungle.

Twisted and bizarre dark trees grew wildly, and the shadow thorns that filled the vision filled all the gaps in the jungle, dotted with large and small mushrooms shining with dark fluorescence.

The flames falling from the sky could not hurt these plants, but instead turned into nutrients to nourish them, and the dark jungle kept making creaking and twisting sounds.

Trample, tramp, tramp...

The footsteps echoed in the jungle. Wherever they went, twisted tree trunks and hideous thorns shrank to make way, and accidentally exposed part of the dried demon corpse buried in the roots.

There are also rivers in hell, that is the river of fire, the source of destruction, despair and fear.

At this moment, the river of fire, which should have endless flames and lava, turned into an ominous dark green, with rotten pus flowing in it.

When the semi-solid green river flows, bubbles will continue to explode on the water surface, emitting a disgusting smell.

The footsteps did not stop, and they came directly to a very grand palace ruins.

This was once the place where the spirits of the monarchs of hell gathered. In the center of the grand palace ruins that were difficult to see the end, there were seven thrones made of bones.

At this moment, this place has been occupied by a new owner.

A figure was under one of the thrones, muttering something.

"... So many experimental subjects! So many new samples! Gudelia, do you also think this place is too suitable for me?"

This is a white man in a white coat. He has short black hair combed back into a slicked-back style, but a lot of hair is hanging down and looks a little messy. Under the spotless medical white coat is a decent suit, and a pair of round-lens glasses are on the bridge of his nose.

It is worth noting that this person is holding a potted plant in his hand. The plant inside is a bit like succulent, delicate and cute. At this time, when he is walking back and forth, the leaves are slightly trembling, as if nodding.

Suddenly, the man in the white coat stopped, slowly turned his head and looked behind him, and his voice became slightly calmer from the previous nervousness:

"Who did I think it was... It turned out to be you, [Quetzalcoat]. Don't approach me quietly from behind next time. If Gudelia hadn't reminded me just now, I might have killed you."

A touch of cold light was put into the cuffs of the white coat, which looked like a scalpel.

The visitor snorted from deep in his nose: "You don't think that a small knife like that can hurt the scales of the snake god, do you, [Doctor]?"

The owner of the footsteps was a shirtless, burly man with a brownish-red complexion and messy short brown-black hair.

He had thick eyebrows, big eyes, a wide nose and thick lips, and a very clear and distinct facial contour, the kind of face that can leave a deep impression at first sight.

But compared to his face, what impressed others more was the tattoos that almost covered his naked body.

In addition to the Quetzalcoatl tattoo that dominated his chest, his shoulders, arms and abdomen were also occupied by various snake tattoos, leaving only the back empty.

"You've made a mess of the environment here. Frankly speaking, I don't like your style, I can even say I hate it."

Quetzalcoatl found a collapsed rock to sit down, and said bluntly: "Even if the target is a demon, I don't want to see blood sacrifice and living sacrifice happen again."

The doctor rolled his eyes and shook his head and echoed Quetzalcoatl's words in a babbling voice. After he finished speaking, he looked disgusted:

"Blah blah blah, you are so noble, why don't you go to the high-level heaven or the shelter? Since you have been assigned to the Burning Hell camp, you must have your "extraordinary qualities".

Please, I don't know how to occupy the moral high ground and point fingers at me on Earth. I have seen enough.

If you are not in the same camp with me now, do you think you still have the opportunity to speak nonsense here? "

Quetzalcoatl sat on the stone with legs apart, crossed his hands in front of his knees, and looked at the doctor calmly:

"I followed your rules, and you should follow my rules."

The doctor's face began to become ferocious, but he suddenly opened his eyes wide, looked at the potted plant in his hand as if listening to something, and then nodded repeatedly: "...Okay, okay, since Gudlia has advised so, let's all take a step back. "

He pushed the black shadow in front of him away, and the black shadow fell to the ground with a plop. It turned out to be a high-level demon that was skinned and disemboweled.

Just now, the doctor performed the autopsy with one hand while holding the potted plant in one hand.

Putting the potted plant beside him, the doctor took out a clean white cloth from somewhere and wiped his fingers with a smile: "You are not the most annoying one in this camp. At least Gudelia likes you. When the foreign war is over, I must deal with the most annoying one myself..."

"Are you talking about me?"

A low and slow voice suddenly came from above his head.

Hearing this voice, Quetzalcoatl keenly observed that the blue veins near the doctor's temple jumped.

"[Emperor Sophora japonica]."

Quetzalcoatl raised his head and greeted the figure sitting on the top of the skeletal throne.

"Good morning, Couatzal... Oh, maybe it's evening? Sorry, I'm not very sensitive to time."

The figure jumped down and landed on the ground.

Although the newcomer was slender, he was hunched over, wearing a robe made of branches and leaves, and his long hair was braided like branches and hung down from his head. His cheeks were sunken and he had dark circles under his eyes, which made him look malnourished.

Seeing the emperor locust fall, the doctor vigilantly grabbed the potted plant beside him and moved to the side.

Then the emperor locust turned his head to look at the doctor, showing a slow "kind" smile: "Good morning, doctor, and Gudelia."

Rather than saying hello to the doctor, it's better to say that his eyes were fixed on the potted plant in the doctor's hand.

Swish, the emperor locust licked his lips subconsciously.

"Get away! Don't get close to Gudelia!" The doctor couldn't help but scream.

Emperor Huai was shocked to realize that his posture was indecent, and hurriedly wiped the corner of his mouth:

"Sure enough, there is a different charm when you look at her up close. She is really a rare beauty! Father-in-law... Oh no, doctor, after the foreign war is over, we have a lot of common topics to discuss!"

"Bullshit! Get out! Get out!" The doctor held the potted plant tightly in his arms, his eyes were about to pop out with anger, and he did not have the bearing and demeanor of a medical researcher at all.

Before Quetzalcoatl could dissuade him, a thunderous roar came from afar-

"NTR breath detected! Pure love sanctions! The sky cross fist named pure love!"

A huge figure rushed towards this side like a meteorite. Both the doctor and Emperor Huai immediately avoided to the side, and the Quetzalcoatl also swam like a snake.

Boom! ! The earth shook!

A large pit with a diameter of ten meters was smashed into the ground, and dust and stones were splashed inside, and a huge figure stood up.

This is a burly giant who is three meters tall. His body is full of muscles and veins, and he is extremely fit.

His body is a well-trained body, and above his neck is a real bull head. Not only that, he also has a flowing side-parted blonde hair, plus he wears a floral shirt and beach pants, a big gold chain, and a wheat-colored skin, a standard yellow-haired template in butter.

"Where is the smell of the bull? Why did it disappear? Ha! I understand, the great Minotaur has once again eliminated the unfair NTR plot! Pure love is invincible!"

The minotaur posed in a bodybuilding pose with his arms bulging with muscles, and roared in victory.

The other three seemed to want to say something, but in the end they found it better to remain silent.

Quetzalcoatl tried to calm his tone: "[Pure Love God of War], what are you doing here?"

The Minotaur blinked, and then woke up as if from a dream. He clenched his right fist and smashed it into the palm of his left hand, exploding a fierce air wave: "Oh, I remember. [Great Doll] asked me to gather you over. He said--"

He pointed to the highest flesh and blood throne in the distance,

"The war is about to begin!"

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