A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1297 Great Doll

When everyone came to the flesh and blood throne located in the center of the ruins of the hall, no one spoke.

Because a melodious violin music echoed in the hall of hell.

The music was gentle and sad, as if it contained unspeakable but emotional sorrow and longing.

The four people present were all well-known figures among the outsiders, and they were all paranoid with serious mental problems, but at this moment no one interrupted the piano music.

They just looked up quietly at the flesh and blood throne towering above the ruins, and at the figure sitting on the throne.

Silence, not because of respect, but because of fear.

Even though there was nothing around, the four people could still feel as if countless pairs of cold and ruthless eyes were looking at them.

The throne made of flesh and blood and bones towered among the ruins, with countless dark petals and vines entwined on it. On the top of the throne, on the blood and bone chair that was too terrifying for humans, there was a person sitting.

That man could be described as "handsome", sitting elegantly leaning back on the chair, with his hands crossed in front of him.

He was wearing a black leather windbreaker, black leather boots and leather gloves, with long silver-gray hair falling from his shoulders.

The collar of the windbreaker was raised high and locked with a zipper, covering the man's face below the bridge of his nose. Even so, one could still see the ultimate "handsomeness" from the upper half of his face.

With silver-gray eyelashes drooping, the man was quietly listening to the violin sound coming from nowhere.

After a long time, the sound of the violin ended.

The man then opened his eyes and looked down with his blue-gray pupils:

"Sorry for the wait, everyone."

The voice was full of magnetism and slightly hoarse.

The four people below did not speak, but bowed slightly to show respect.

In front of them was one of the existences at the top of the pyramid among the wandering outsiders,

[Great Puppet]!

If the Great Doll stood on the opposite side of them, the four people would probably run as fast as they could. But if the big guy sat as the leader of the camp, it would be very reassuring.

"Great Doll, is the preparation phase finally over?"

Quetzalcoatl stepped forward and asked loudly.

This time in hell was torture for Quetzalcoatl. He only hoped to start the foreign war as soon as possible and end it all in the sacred battle.

The Great Doll did not speak, but raised his index finger to signal everyone to wait for a moment.

He opened his right hand, and a notebook suddenly appeared in his hand without any warning.

The cover of this notebook was painted with a crudely painted hotel stove, and the number of pages was roughly estimated to be about 60 pages.

The Great Doll held the cover of the notebook with his fingers and opened it, flipped a few pages at random, and then closed the notebook and threw it under the throne.

Pah! Quetzalcoatl caught it and opened the notebook, and the other three also came over.

On the first page, there was a quick portrait of a bald and bearded human male, and a lot of text was recorded in handwriting next to it.

Bron Kabuta, height 184cm, weight 96kg.

1-60 seconds, adding firewood to the stove of the Slaughterhouse Inn.

61-120 seconds, adding firewood to the stove of the Slaughterhouse Inn.

121-180 seconds, preparing food in the hotel kitchen.


541-600 seconds, cooking chili mutton soup in the hotel kitchen.

Quetzalcoatl turned another page.

This page drew a quick portrait of Leah, and also recorded her height, weight and activity trajectory within 600 seconds.

The third page, this time drew a portrait of "Santa Claus" Nicholas.

However, this time the description of Nicholas's 600-second movement trajectory was very brief, as if it was disturbed by something.

The fourth page and onwards were blank.

Quetzalcoatl turned to the last page to make sure nothing was missed, then looked up at the Great Doll: "Is Santa Claus the only one in the Sanctuary?"

"Someone discovered the coordinates of [Anabasis] and destroyed the host."

The Great Doll sat on the throne of flesh and bones and raised his hand to wave.

Gala... The four people immediately heard the sound of tracks rolling on the ground.

A robot three meters tall appeared in front of them.

The upper body of this robot is a strong robot-like body, and the lower body is a tank track. The surface is completely covered with blue iron sheets. The face has an iron mask like a knight's helmet and a battle axe on the top of the head, and there is an inverted triangle mark on the forehead.

Although they can see it visually, the four people know that this robot is only visible in image, and it is completely impossible to touch each other in normal state.

Because this is a unique ability from the JOJO series, a stand.

When the camp assembled, the Great Doll generously announced this stand named "Expedition" and its abilities to the four people.

Stand Name: Anabasis

Data: Destructive Power E, Speed ​​E, Range E, Precision E, Sustainability A, Growth A

Type: Searching Stand

Contrary to its fierce appearance, 'Anabasis' has almost no ability to cause harm. It can place an inverted triangle coordinate on any non-living object it can see within a 20-meter range centered on itself.

This coordinate cannot be sensed by any object other than the user, and cannot be destroyed by external forces. It will always exist unless the stand is damaged, canceled, the object it is placed on is destroyed, or the user dies.

When any life form weighing more than 30kg enters a spherical area with a range of 5 meters around the coordinate, the coordinate will automatically start recording every other life form, starting with the first life form that meets the conditions, such as the first, third, fifth, and so on, until 10 life forms are recorded.

All activities of the recorded life form in the next 600 seconds will be stored in the inverted triangle coordinate. When this coordinate is retrieved, it will become a notebook with a random cover, and the sketches, heights and weights of the 10 life forms and the recorded 600-second activities will be presented in the notebook in turn.

The stand-in body will sense when the coordinate starts recording and when 10 life forms are recorded. Only when the notebook is cancelled can the next coordinate be arranged.

Only one coordinate can exist at the same time.

The doctor held the potted plant and looked at Yuanzheng, frowning: "Didn't you say that Yuanzheng's coordinates cannot be destroyed by external forces, Great Doll?"

"In theory, that's right. But outsiders always do things beyond common sense. Isn't this the characteristic of outsiders like us, doctor?"

The Great Doll played with an arrow that quietly appeared in his hand, with a slight smile in his tone:

"This method of destroying coordinates with brute force reminds me of an old opponent.

I haven't seen him for a long time, the undefeated Cosmo."

The undefeated Cosmo! As soon as this name came out of the mouth of the Great Doll, the four people froze in shock, as if a basin of ice water was poured on their heads in the cold winter.

The already malnourished face of Emperor Huai looked even more gray: "You don't mean to say that Cosmo joined this foreign war and stood on the side of the shelter camp, right?"

"Then why fight, everyone just wait to die!" The doctor shouted, and the leaves of the succulent potted plant in his hand trembled, as if nodding.

The great puppet raised his hand slightly, and the four people who were originally noisy immediately quieted down.

"Don't worry, from what I know about Cosmo, he will take the initiative to declare war on other camps the moment he enters this world. In his dictionary, there are no words like retreat and waiting."

The great puppet said in a relaxed tone: "Until now, he has not broken the barrier between Hell and Sanctuary and rushed in, which shows that it is not Cosmo who destroyed the coordinates. It is someone else."

The doctor stopped talking, but just like everyone else, he locked his eyes on the arrow in the hand of the great puppet.

This is an arrow made of unknown materials. The surface material of the arrow head is golden, and a lifelike beetle is carved on the surface of the arrow.

As if it could sense the gazes of the crowd, the arrow head turned slightly by itself, aiming at the four people one by one, and then regained its calm.

The doctor's heart was burning, that was the secret circulated among the outsiders, the treasure among the treasures - the life tool!

The life tool in the hand of the great puppet is a strange item from the JOJO series,

the insect arrow.

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