A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1305 The Slaughterhouse Team is established

The Cow Slaughter Inn, an ordinary and even shabby tavern, is currently playing out a scene that would terrify both angels and demons.

Leah floated above the magic circle in front of the stove, her eyes wide open and her mouth wide open. A dense fog of scarlet and darkness kept pouring out of her eyes and mouth.

Each thick fog represents the pure power of Diavolo, the most feared demon in the Burning Hell. Even an angel or demon would scream in terror and turn away just by looking at this thick fog, let alone ordinary people. Ordinary mortals.

Of course, the mortals mentioned here do not include everyone in the Cow Slaughter Hotel team.

Based on the idea that forming a temporary team requires a loud name, Heather rejected boring and uninteresting names such as 'Jingle Bells' and 'Colorful Spectrum' one after another, and then very democratically selected the remaining members (weapon people) The name 'Cow Slaughter Hotel Team' was voted on.

At this moment, everyone was sitting or standing, watching the soul separation operation and commenting on it. Santa Claus and Spectrum integrated into the team very quickly, thanks to the fact that their views and ways of doing things are not much different from Heather's.

Only Deckard Cain was present and looked at Leah floating above the magic circle with a worried face, and from time to time he cast his gaze at Nanami who was performing surgery next to him.

The fear demon Diavolo is the most powerful and feared demon in the Burning Hell. His power has been deeply rooted in Leia's soul through her bloodline since she was born. Normal methods cannot expel it at all.

But Qishi is different. She represents the concept of 'skill', and anything that requires precision operation is not difficult for her.

It should be said that only Qi Shi can use the soul gem to completely separate the Fear Demon and Leah from the soul level in such an understatement.

The black mist symbolizing the power of the devil was constantly being stripped away from Leah's soul. Qishi held the soul gem in his left hand and waved the index finger of his right hand gently like a conductor, directing the stripped black mist to circle regularly.

Hotel owner Bronn was sitting tremblingly not far away. Kaidou and Nimofei said that Boss Bronn had secretly hidden good wine and were coercing him into handing over the wine.

Perhaps the two ferocious spirits were too scary. Boss Bron didn't even have time to look at Leah's weird look. He kept crying and said that he really didn't hide the wine, and that all the so-called good wine was in the wine cabinet.

"There are less than 20 minutes left. Honey, do you want to speed up?" Heather reminded.

Qishi glanced at Heather, and the slender palm holding the soul gem suddenly clenched tightly:

"The time is just right."

As the soul gem was held, orange light immediately overflowed from between her fingers.

There was no longer black mist floating out of Leah's eyes and mouth floating above the magic circle. All the black mist was driven by the orange light and gathered in mid-air, forming a slightly squirming black mass, as slow as a heart. Beating slowly.

Immediately afterwards, the heart of the fearful demon was absorbed by the orange light of the soul gem and disappeared without a trace.

When Deckard Cain saw Leah slowly falling onto the magic circle, he did not act rashly but turned to look at Heather. He knew very well who the leader of this group was:

"Mr. Heather, is Leah okay?"

Heather waved her hand: "Of course, of course, don't doubt the strength of my Qishi. This is just a small operation for her."

Deckard Cain seemed to be in a dream: "I really didn't expect that the power of the Fearful Demon God, which even the Archangel of Justice is helpless to do anything about, could be so simple..."

"The soul stone created by Tyrael is too weak, and even the soul of the Hell Demon cannot be completely sealed. But my soul gem is different. Once the heart of the Fear Demon God enters the soul gem, it cannot come out again."

Heather wasn't exaggerating.

Even among the six Infinity Stones known as the treasures of the universe, the Soul Stone is the most special one.

He has his own will and will choose his master. Not only can he control the souls of life, but he can also control the souls of the dead, and he can even provide extremely terrifying soul energy.

The most important thing is that inside this soul gem is a void soul world that can imprison any captured soul, such as the soul fragments of the Fear Demon God that are currently wailing and screaming and being sucked into the space.

In the center of the magic circle, Liya woke up leisurely: "Ah...where am I..."

"Leah, good boy, are you okay?" Deckard Kane hurried over and helped the girl up.

"I'm fine, uncle. Not only am I fine, I feel... better than ever before."

Leah looked at her hands in surprise. Although her appearance had not changed at all, the fragments of the demon soul that had been oppressing her no longer existed in her soul. The girl's soul was free and reborn, just like a bird reborn. It's as light as being free to spread your wings and fly.

Deckard Cain hurriedly told Leah what happened, and the latter was horrified. He was actually the vessel for the resurrection of the Fear Demon? I didn't expect my mother to be so vicious... Fortunately, Mr. Heather and the others helped.

Bang bang bang, Heather clapped her hands and motioned for everyone to look over.

"Everyone, there is not much time left, so I will just say a few words."

He looked at Boss Broon, Deckard Cain and Leah:

"Three of you, you are mortals in Sanctuary. Kane and Leah should have heard about heaven and hell.

Now I have some not-so-good news to tell you - the moment to decide the future fate of the Three Realms has arrived.

In just over ten minutes, the High Heaven, Burning Hell and Sanctuary will each gather their strongest people to form a team and fight in the Eternal Battlefield of Chaos.

Whoever wins will take all.

And now everyone present at the Cow Slaughter Inn is the team of the Sanctuary World.

If we lose, not only will we die, but even the Sanctuary World and all the creatures in it will be reduced to dust and ashes. ”

“Ah? Why did you suddenly announce such heavyweight news!” Leah felt that her little head was not enough.

Deckard Cain seemed calmer: “I have heard of the Eternal Battlefield of Chaos. It is a battlefield where angels and demons have been fighting for billions of years. To get there, you must borrow a passage from Hell or Heaven.

If what you said is true, Lord Heather, then it is obviously not enough for us to rush to the High Heaven in ten minutes. ”

“Oh, don’t worry about this, I have my own way. "

Heather waved her hand,

"Now, not only us warriors who are about to join the battle, but also the Sanctuary World must stand out as 'spectators' to witness all this, no matter who wins or loses.

The situation is urgent, I can only find you three. "

Boss Bronn trembled: "I am just an ordinary tavern owner? Why find me! I recommend the mayor of New Tristram to you, he is definitely more qualified than me to watch this war!"

Nemo twisted his mustache with his fingers and said with a smile: "Don't be modest, Boss Bronn, we have drunk so much of your wine, as compensation we must take you to the Eternal Battlefield for a tour.

Don't worry, just treat it as a trip, we will protect you well. "

Deckard Kane and Leah looked at each other and nodded: "Since Mr. Heather and you have a way to quickly reach the Eternal Battlefield, then we uncle and nephew will never back down, please let us be witnesses of this war. "

The uncle and nephew were both braver than each other. They had a hunch that this would be a huge war comparable to the 'Original Sin War' that would determine the future of the three realms.

"Very good, it seems that we have reached a consensus. Welcome everyone to join the Slaughtering Cow Hotel team... Overlord, let's get started."

Heather nodded to the Skeleton Knight.

The Skeleton Knight drew the Water Summoning Sword from his waist and suspended the Space Gem on the surface of the Water Summoning Sword.

The azure sapphire trembled violently for a few times, and with a bang, it automatically attracted to the sword jaw of the Water Summoning Sword, and the entire sword body suddenly burst out with the blue light of the Space Gem.

Swish! The Skeleton Knight swung his sword and swept across, and a huge and stable dark blue space tunnel suddenly formed in the hotel lobby.

"Then, please follow us to the Eternal Battlefield to meet the warriors from heaven and hell."

Led by Heather, a group of people stepped into the space tunnel one after another.

The battle is imminent.

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