A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1306: War Begins

The world of chaos is a "three no matter" zone that does not belong to heaven or hell, let alone the human world.

Darkness, dryness, dead silence, and boundless emptiness are the first impression that the Chaos World brings to every visitor.

Since the creation of the world, heaven and hell have been born. For hundreds of millions of years, angels and demons have been fighting tirelessly on this eternal battlefield, and the victory or defeat is inseparable.

Now, the armies of High Heaven and Burning Hell are once again gathering on the eternal battlefield.

The originally dim and boundless realm of chaos seemed to be divided into two distinct fronts.

On one side is the silver light shining from the sky. Countless angels are waiting with weapons in hand, gathering into a strictly disciplined formation.

On the other side is the dark red fire entrenched on the surface. The demons are roaring and entrenched in the magma and flames, exuding a violent and bloody atmosphere all the time.

In the infinite silver light of the sky, Miaoyi set up a pergola and looked down at the lower realm, and couldn't help but sigh: "The number of demons far exceeds that of angels. It is indeed a burning hell. The speed of demons being born is simply faster than mosquitoes breeding." "

"The opponent is not a newcomer who has never participated in a camp battle. He knows the tricks very well."

Storm Bird pursed his lips,

“The organizer wants us to bring the natives over, which means that we will most likely need to ensure that at least one native survives. This is a routine for camp wars.

I'm not sure where those guys are hiding a few demons. "

"It's useless. Even if you hide, you have to bring it to the eternal battlefield. If the entire eternal battlefield is crushed directly, those guys who are hiding will not survive. I am good at this, so don't rob me."

Miaoyi excitedly began to expand her chest and do warm-up exercises.

She was born into a high-caste family in India with a prominent status. A vicious kidnapping case she encountered when she was young led to her awakening of ideas. At the same time, she also developed a bad character like fighting and bullying the weak.

Higher up in the sky, the star painter was painting on a scroll spread out in the holy light. It must have been the spectacle of the confrontation between the armies of heaven and hell that inspired him.

Suddenly, Storm Bird felt a white cloud descending next to him, and Mercury Snake was sitting cross-legged on the cloud bed, looking with interest at the vast army of hell in the lower realm.

"Mr. Liquid?" Storm Bird rarely saw Mercury Snake with such enthusiasm.

"Haha, as expected... Hell is our biggest opponent this time."

Mercury Snake rubbed his stubble-covered chin and grinned:

"Who did I think he was? He turned out to be an old friend."

"...Mercury Snake."

In the center of the Hell's army, the great doll sat on a throne made of blood and bones, looking up at the infinite light shining in the sky.

The doctor standing aside looked a little nervous: "Is it really a mercury snake?"

Feathered Serpent was still naked with his arms folded in front of him: "With such a sense of oppression, there is no other option except for the top powerhouses of Helix."

"Do you want to fight? Now?" The pure love god of war spurted out blazing white steam from his nostrils, like the whistle of a steam train.

"Don't be impatient, everyone, be patient."

A golden pocket watch appeared out of thin air next to the great puppet, as if an invisible waiter respectfully handed the pocket watch to him.

"There is less than one minute left, give our compatriots in the shelter camp a little more time."

Mercury Snake yawned and sat cross-legged on the cloud bed with one hand on his chin, waiting for the one-hour admission time to end.

Soon, a minute passed, and no new forces appeared on this eternal battlefield occupied by the armies of heaven and hell.

"The shelter camp didn't come? It seems like there are no outsiders who can travel between planes among this group of unlucky ones."

Miaowing glanced back and forth on the battlefield, then laughed happily.

"But the organizer did not prompt the Sanctuary camp to be eliminated." The feathered serpent standing next to the Throne of Blood and Bone reminded the great puppet.

"It doesn't matter. Even if they have the ability to hide in a corner of the battlefield, they can't stop this foreign war from starting."

The great puppet sighed softly,

"The struggle is not what I want, it is just a means. Everyone, let's start."

As the voice of the great puppet fell, the dull drum sound of "dong dong dong" sounded from the demon army that covered the entire land.

The huge legion of hell began to attack the glorious angels.

"Only when the foreigner dies will the second phase begin. Let me kick off the second phase of the foreign war, hahaha!"

Miaoyi's laughter was like the cry of a phoenix. She suddenly opened her arms and swooped down like a bird.

"Warriors of the Supreme Heaven, follow me!"

Miaoyi gave an order, and countless angels silently raised their weapons and spread out their brilliant wings of light, pouring towards the earth like a wave of light.

Miaoyi's body shape changed rapidly on the way down, and he soon turned into a huge raptor with a wingspan of thirty meters.

Its whole body was covered with black feathers, except for one golden reverse feather on its chest. Its wide beak was filled with sharp teeth, and flames were entangled in its mouth.

‘Wonderful Wings’ Goruda Sharma, concept - [Bird]!

It transformed into Izu Shinten's wonderful winged bird and its beak widened, and the terrifying tar flames immediately spit out, turning into dozens of huge flame balls and smashing hard at the incoming demon legion.

Most of the demons who come here are elite troops. They were born in the river of fire, soaked in flames and magma all day long, and their resistance to flames is extremely high.

But as soon as those fireballs touched the demon vanguard in the front, these huge demons over 5 meters tall screamed and turned into burning charcoal.

Then Izuna Tian flapped his wings violently, and those demons who wanted to get close were cut into pieces by the vacuum wave.

"Wonderful wings!"

There was a loud laugh from below, and the Pure Love War God roared and strode forward, and the demon warriors who blocked him along the way were smashed to pieces.

"Fuck, Pure Love War God? How could this pervert run to the Hell Camp?" Izuna Tian was shocked when he saw the burly minotaur.

The fireballs and vacuum waves that were enough to destroy the powerful demon warriors hit the Pure Love War God, but they didn't even leave a white mark or burn red.

With a dull and huge roar, the Minotaur's body changed into a giant bull that was ten meters tall, green and hornless. It had only one foot and its body was covered with green scales.

As soon as it appeared, wind and rain were wrapped around its body. It opened its big mouth full of sharp teeth and roared like thunder.

The angels within a radius of 300 meters with Kuiniu as the center seemed to be cast a spell of immobilization. Then the wings of light on its shoulders exploded into light particles all over the sky. The angels who lost their wings screamed and fell down.

The demons took this opportunity to raise their halberds or spears and stabbed the angels who suddenly fell.

The concept of the ‘Pure Love God of War’ Minotaur - [Bull]!

Not only that, the ground around Kuiniu began to wriggle and roll, as if something was growing rapidly underground.

The next moment, a huge twisted thorn like an ocean broke through the surface of the ground, and like a python, it quickly reached into the sky and grabbed the angels who had not yet been affected by Kuiniu’s no-fly zone.

Miao Chi was unable to dodge and was wrapped by a large number of thick vines with thorns, and was forced to be pulled towards Kuiniu.

"Hey, [Emperor Sophora japonica] Plant of the concept 'plant', have you ever seen a scene like 'a long-lasting fire in the entire rainforest'? Let me show you."

In the sky, the Star Painter finally stopped painting. A scroll quietly appeared in his hand and was pulled open. On it was a vivid jungle fire scene.

The Star Painter casually dropped the scroll from the sky, and the scroll burned to ashes the moment it fell.

The twisted thorn tree sea that had just rushed out of the ground was suddenly attacked by a sudden fierce fire.

The flame stone was so fierce and sudden that the twisted tree sea could not resist it at all, and the entire area covered by the tree sea suddenly turned into a burning mountain fire.

"It's the 'Star Painter'! Don't give him the opportunity to continue painting!" A sharp scream came from the tree sea.

"Are you just testing me right from the start? You are so boring."

The Star Painter looked down at the sea of ​​fire from a high position and said coldly:

"If you still plan to hide your tricks, don't blame me for destroying you and the army of hell."

As he spoke, another scroll appeared in his hand,

"Have you seen the last afterglow of the stars when they shatter? Believe me, it is a beautiful and absolutely dangerous spectacle."

At this moment, a sigh sounded in the sea of ​​fire:

"What a two idiots... Let me do it."

The flames and charred ash turned into layers of scales, and countless huge scales piled up to form an unparalleled snake body.

A huge monster that could support the world slowly raised its body, and its huge snake pupils like the sun looked at the Star Painter in the sky.

'Quetzalcoatl' Ricardo Garcia, concept - [Snake]!

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