A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1307 Melee

A huge python that penetrates the sky and the earth appears in the raging sea of ​​fire.

The length of this snake cannot be easily measured. No matter how big it is, it seems to be larger than you estimate. It was entrenched on the earth shrouded in a sea of ​​fire, raising its upper body.

Its head resembles that of a python, with four spikes on the upper and lower ends of its eyes, and a string of spikes extending from the top of its forehead along its back to the end of its tail.

Its scales shine with illusory light, and even if they are constantly licked by flames, there will be no scorch marks.

The huge body, which was as huge as a giant tower reaching the sky, was originally coiled together. As the giant python slowly stretched its body, the sky, the earth and the sea of ​​​​fire began to tremble.

The orange snake eyes were like huge fog lamps. The dim light penetrated through the sea of ​​fire and smoke and reached directly to the angel army in the sky.

"The giant serpent that surrounds the world, the 'Earthly Serpent' Jormungand."

The artist standing high above the clouds wears a golden mask on his face and cannot see his expression.

"It just so happens that I have personally witnessed the stunning scenery at Ragnarok. Let me show it to you..."

A dark scroll appeared in his hand and unfolded.

What is drawn above is the scene of a burly man with thunder in his hair and beard, swinging his thunder hammer to hit the giant python in the sky.

"[The End of the World Paintings of Gods·Volume 5]..."

The scroll ignited in the hands of the artist, turning into tiny sparks of fire that dissipated in the sky.

"[Chapter of the Destruction of Evil Snakes]."

Thunder exploded out of thin air!

Terrifying lightnings connected in the sky, converging into a giant that reached the sky and the earth. Its beard and hair were all thunder. It held a magic hammer made of lightning in its hand and struck hard at Jörmungandr.

Boom! !

With the loud noise of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking, Jörmungandr withstood the blow with his strong body.

Then the giant python opened its mouth, and sprayed venom and black mist like a tide from its mouth toward the Thunder Giant and the Angel Legion in the sky.

All angels who came into contact with the poisonous mist and venom, without exception, screamed, twitched and shrank into a ball. The shining armor on their bodies and the wings of light on their backs withered and decayed.

The dark rot transformed by the angels rained down from the sky.

Even angels born from light cannot resist the terrifying venom of the earthly python.

The dark rot falling from the sky was caught in the black mist and venom breath, forming a terrifying septic vortex, which collided fiercely with the incoming thunder hammer.

In the hell camp, Di Huai's body stood on the pile of extinguished embers and looked at the giant snakes and giants fighting in the distance in surprise:

"I didn't expect that the Quetzalcoatl would be able to control a 'snake' of this level. You can't tell that this kid is still a newbie who has never experienced the world fifty times."

"Idiot, the so-called genius is the kind of freak who can quickly improve himself in other aspects without the need for the world to accumulate conceptual power."

The doctor held the potted plant with one hand, kneeled on one knee, put his right hand into a pool of pus, and slowly stirred:

"Don't just stand there stupidly, keep adding more ingredients to the battlefield."

"Okay, okay, who told you to have a good daughter? It's up to you."

Di Huai grinned, with a sneer on his severely malnourished face:

"The guys in the paradise camp thought that the thighs of the mercury snakes on the list would be able to sit back and relax...

You must know that this is a camp battle, and contribution is also a crucial part. "

The ground in front of Di Huai was broken open, and several thorns and vines protruded from the ground, connecting with Di Huai's ten fingers.

As his fingers jumped, the entire ground underneath was squirming violently.

A large number of huge twisted thorn vines sprang out from the ground, arched like living creatures, and flew into the sky with the demon warriors of the Hell Legion to fight with the Angel Legion.

As soon as the angels came into contact with the demon warriors, they discovered that they were treading not only thorns, but also large tracts of strange mushrooms.

The surface of these mushrooms and thorns is stained with dark green pus, which is the unknown sepsis prepared by the doctor.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The mushrooms exploded one after another, forming a series of dense mushroom explosions in mid-air.

Spores fell from the air and clung to the bodies of demons and angels.

Below, the doctor showed a sinister smile: "In the past, I had to personally cultivate the diseased plants, but now it is much easier... This is the only thing worth praising."

He stretched out his right hand and opened his five fingers, pointing them at the demons and angels who were fighting in the sky, and slowly closed them with force.

A demon warrior had just waved his battle ax to force the angel back when he suddenly coughed loudly.

Its flesh proliferated and deformed rapidly, with large amounts of flesh and cysts sprouting from its body surface. Its muscles became more ferocious and strong, and the demon itself completely lost its mind and rushed towards the angel crazily.

On the other side, the invisible angels also coughed, their wings of light became withered and discolored, and even the armor on their bodies began to dim.

Among the weak angels, even the wings of light on their shoulders were completely destroyed, and their hoods and helmets fell apart, revealing new faces of panicked men and women.

The originally invisible angels 'fallen' and took on physical form.

Then, they were killed by all kinds of horrific diseases and the sharp blades of demons.

"As long as you give me time, I can obtain information about the corresponding life form through dissection samples and develop the corresponding disease strain."

The doctor looked at the weird and twisted look in the sky, grinned and spread his arms:

"[Demon Glandular Abnormality] and [Light Spirit Flesh Disease], enjoy the gifts I bring you, hahaha!"

‘Doctor’ Modric, concept - [Disease].

Suddenly, a golden fire exploded in the sky.

Golden fire fell from the sky and hit the doctor's position hard.

The ground and the pool of pus were immediately blown to pieces. The holy fire burned away all evil spirits and formed a huge crater with a diameter of more than thirty meters on the surface.

In the center of the pit, an archangel covered in golden armor and with golden wings on his back pulled out a magnificent spear from the center of the pit, and burned all the incoming vines and thorns to ashes with one sweep.

Impaleus, the 'Archangel of Courage' from the Angris Council, is holding the heroic spear Solarion. It is said that this holy spear was forged in the core of a dying star, and its power is immeasurable. .

As the pinnacle of high-level heaven's combat power, Impaleus's combat power is no weaker than those of ordinary outsiders, especially now, he is more threatening.

"Miss Gudelia! My father-in-law!! Damn it, Impaleus was deceived by the mercury snake's 'dream' and became that guy's dream servant!"

Emperor Huai immediately launched plants to attack Impaleus one after another. At the same time, a large number of poisonous mushrooms continued to grow under the feet of the heroic archangel.

They are the tide of thorn bushes from the League of Legends' Twisted Dryad, and the poisonous mushrooms of misfortune collected from the Kumangu jungle by the Swift Scout.

Mushrooms exploded one after another, and the spores turned into thick fog and trapped Impaleus in it. Twisted thorns continued to entangle the archangel to prevent him from leaving. Huge carnivorous plants began to wake up around him and were ready to attack.

But at this moment, the thick fog transformed by the spores suddenly turned into a whirlwind and dispersed into the distance, and the strong wind turned into a sharp blade and chopped the sea of ​​thorns and trees into pieces.

"Di Huai, it seems that the first 'sacrifice' of this foreign war is you."

The sound of the storm bird sounded in the sky.

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