A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1355 Please survive as a human being

Seeing this, Heather knew she didn't need to look any further.

Isli of the North deserved his misfortune, he hit the muzzle of the gun.

Overlord Garcelik is not a personality created by Heather, but a copy of the Skeleton Knight that was completely copied by reading the memories of the berserker armor and water-calling sword.

Now that the former Skeleton Knight is dead, Heather's Skeleton Knight Garcelik can be regarded as his resurrected version, no different from the original version.

With Garcelik's character of hating the apostles, it was only natural for him to kill a human-eating monster like the Awakened on the spot.

Facing the water-calling sword that can split space and move at will at long distances, the life and death of that Isli of the North was determined the moment his men attacked Overlord and Rebecca.

There is no hope, just wait for death.

Hmm... Let’s see who’s progressing better next?

Okay, it’s Moxi!


The black-haired boy was sweating profusely as he walked with difficulty in the deep mountains and old forests.

"Damn it, it's a rare day off, why do I have to run into this inaccessible deep mountain forest?"

His name is Urameshi Yusuke, a healthy and lively high school student, and a spirit world detective who directly belongs to the ruler of the spirit world, Yama.

The specific reason why he became a detective in the spirit world is a long story. In short, Yusuke experienced unimaginable experiences such as being resurrected from the dead and fighting fierce battles with demons, and gradually became a mature detective in the spirit world.

A few days ago, Yusuke received a request from Yama, saying that Master Genhai, an acquaintance of Yama, was recruiting disciples for the first time, so Yama wanted Yusuke to be under internal surveillance as a 'volunteer who wanted to become a disciple' .

Of course, it is not to monitor Master Huan Hai, but to warn other monsters with malicious intentions.

There are many youkai who covet the power developed by Genkai, and there are also many youkai and wraiths who restrain their actions out of fear of Genkai's exorcism ability.

It is rumored that Master Huanhai realized that his death was approaching, so he wanted to pass on the secrets he had learned during his practice to future generations. This made the monsters extremely excited. If they could learn this ability to make the monsters feel a huge threat, they could do the same in reverse. Turn it into an extremely powerful weapon and use it to cause harm to the world.

The most important thing is that it is said that there is a monster named "Rando" who specializes in capturing the secrets of psychics and practitioners. He has captured ninety-nine people so far, and Genhai is the 100th person he has targeted.

It is the detective's duty to defend world peace. Anyway, that's what the little Yama said. He successfully lured Yusuke with "the front-row ticket to the Tokyo Dome with the world's alien fighting skills" and sent him to be an undercover agent.

"Huh... I'm so tired. According to the map, I only need to climb these stone steps... Wow!"

Climbing up the steps to the top of the mountain, a huge antique courtyard appeared in front of Yusuke. There was a sign next to the main door - "Selection Meeting for Disciples of Master Genhai".

"Selection meeting? It's not the Olympics... By the way, there should be a bathroom and toilet here, right? Don't fool me with a cheap cardboard bed!"

Yusuke muttered as he walked into the main entrance, and then found the huge courtyard filled with all kinds of weirdos.

The burly blond man who is not easy to mess with at first glance, the weird monk with a beard and sinister eyes, the Frankenstein with thick glasses... It can be said that besides normal people, all types of people can be seen here.

At this time, someone called Yusuke: "Urahan!"

Yusuke followed the sound and saw an ugly-looking airplane head with a big pony face.

This person's name is Kuwahara Kazuma, a high school student, Urameshi Yusuke's rival (self-proclaimed), and a good friend who shares life and death. In addition, he also has an identity - a psychic.

According to Kuwahara, his inspiration has become stronger and stronger recently, reaching the level of spiritual vision, spiritual hearing, and ghost pressure. He had no choice but to follow his elder sister's advice and come to Master Huan Hai for guidance.

"What on earth does your sister do? Why do you still know Genkai?" Urameshi Yusuke has met Kuwabara's sister, and he can only say that the siblings are completely different species. Compared with Kuwabara Kazuma, who has a strange appearance, his sister Shizuru Kuwahara is a cold-faced beauty who is super beautiful.

"My elder sister is also a psychic, and her level is much higher than mine. She said that Huan Hai is a first-rate user of spiritual waves. I can't be sure exactly, but she is very powerful."

While the two were talking, there was a commotion in the distance.

"The door is open! Silence! Master Huanhai is coming out!"

Everyone looked at the huge antique temple. The wooden door slowly opened, and then a figure walked out.

This is a graceful silver-haired beauty. The faint smile on her face seems to be able to heal all the trauma in the world and calm her soul.

For a moment, the scene fell into an eerie silence.

People never expected that Master Huan Hai, who had been famous in the world for decades, would be such a beautiful young woman.

Yusuke looked surprised: "Wow, is that Genkai? You really can't tell a person by appearance, and her temperament is completely different, but why does she remind me of my mother? Hey, Kuwahara, do you feel the same way... Hey! "

He was startled as soon as he turned his head, because Sang Yuan was looking at the "Illusion Sea" with dull eyes, covering his chest with his hands unconsciously, and murmured:

"I want to become a disciple...I want to become my disciple now...immediately!"

At this time, everyone in the square began to whisper, and the voices became louder and louder.

"Impossible. Master Huanhai already achieved great fame fifty years ago. How can he be so young!"

"Yes, it must be a fake!"

"She dared to impersonate Master Huanhai. She must be a demon. Capture her and torture her!"

Some hot-tempered or ill-intentioned fighters and psychics could no longer hold back and began to walk towards the silver-haired woman standing on the steps.

Kuwabara Kazuma was furious when he saw this. He immediately rolled up his sleeves and strode towards the gang angrily: "What do you bastards want to do!"

Yusuke sighed inwardly and followed Kuwabara towards the riot. Master Huanhai was an old friend of Xiao Yanwang and the target of his protection on this trip. He could not sit idly by.

The silver-haired beauty on the stage smiled unchanged, and her beautiful blue eyes like sapphires turned to the villains who were about to rush up, and a soft voice sounded:

"Your souls exude a rotten stench from the inside out, and you have done countless evil things.

In view of this... do you like toads?"

Toads, toads? As soon as Kuwahara Kazuma and Urameshi Yusuke squeezed over, they heard the silver-haired beauty's speech and didn't understand what it meant for a moment.

Quack! Quack!

The next moment, the sound of toads rang out.

The villains disappeared, and several toads appeared in the place where they were before, making quack sounds in confusion.

Swish! Urameshi Yusuke and Kuwahara Kazuma immediately stopped and stood stiffly in place.

Not only them, but all the psychics who could sense spiritual power and fighters who were sensitive to murderous auras at the scene noticed that something was wrong.

The huge threat was swirling in this huge courtyard like a vortex, and the center of the vortex was the silver-haired beauty.

The silver-haired beauty was still smiling, and she gently clasped her hands in front of her, and said with a smile:

"Ah~ I haven't introduced myself yet.

My name is Mo Xi, and I am a friend of Master Huanhai. I am in charge of the first selection of Master Huanhai's disciples.

All candidates, I declare the first selection officially open, and the content is--

Please survive as a human being."

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