A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1356: The Great Separation of the Demon Race

Survive as a human being?

Before everyone present could fully comprehend the meaning of Moshi's words, the intense light flashed and intensified, sweeping across the huge courtyard in an instant.

Some fighters and psychics began to wail, and thick smoke billowed out of their bodies.

"Wow wow wow! What happened?" Urameshi Yusuke and Kuwahara Kazuma were startled and slapped themselves, but found that no flames were burning.

Looking at the side, the contestants with thick smoke on their bodies had intense flames bursting out of their mouths, noses and ears, and they couldn't even wail. They could only fall to the ground helplessly, enveloped by the increasingly intense light.

Others were as if they were facing a great enemy, and thought they had fallen into a trap set by some demons and monsters.

Urameshi Yusuke had already grabbed his right wrist with his left hand, and raised his index finger to pose a shooting posture, aiming at the beautiful silver-haired woman on the steps from a distance.

At this moment, an old voice suddenly came from behind him: "If I were you, I wouldn't do such a stupid provocation."

"Wow! Who! Ghost?" Yusuke and Kuwahara were startled to find an old lady in strange clothes standing behind them.

She had her hands behind her back, was short and thin, and had a mischievous sneer on her face:

"They are martial artists and psychics disguised as monsters. These monsters used extremely cruel means to peel off the skins of these industry celebrities alive and then put them on themselves, trying to sneak into the selection meeting... How stupid."

"You mean... monsters?" Yusuke Urameshi could see clearly that the contestants wrapped in the flames were melting their skin and flesh at this moment, revealing not human flesh and blood skeletons but deformed and hideous monster bodies.

The demon covered his face and roared silently. The tough demon skin that made psychics and fighters unable to attack was completely unable to resist the burning of the brilliance. Their eyeballs were burned to a crisp, and fierce smoke and flames spewed out from their seven orifices, unable to be suppressed.

The old woman was right. These guys were all disguised demons.

So, could this old woman be...

"Yes, I am Huanhai, the target of your trip."

The old woman... No, it should be said that Master Huanhai looked at Yusuke and Kuwabara and nodded secretly.

The handsome boy was full of energy and was a rare qualified practitioner of spiritual wave. He had great potential in exerting the power of spiritual wave.

The disfigured horse-faced boy was a very rare high-level spiritual medium, very suitable for using super-high-level spiritual tools or practicing spiritual power application skills.

They were all extremely rare young talents.

Originally, according to my own idea, I would use 4 consecutive selections to select the disciple who was most suitable to inherit the secret of my spiritual light wave fist.

But Moshi's approach is undoubtedly more efficient. She claims that only one selection is needed to find the best choice.

After witnessing her strange power that strikes the depths of the soul, Huanhai has no doubts about it.

The weak wailing and crackling burning sounds that sounded from time to time around frightened everyone present.

Not only the demons, but also some normal humans gradually began to have burn marks on their bodies. They shouted desperately, trying to prove that they were not demons or ghosts, but the fire did not diminish at all.

Yusuke swallowed his saliva and looked at Huanhai: "Isn't this really a scam that you two have worked together, old woman... Ouch!"

He rubbed his head, and tears came out of his eyes in pain.

The opposite Huanhai landed lightly on the ground and retracted his fist:

"Watch your words, kid, call me Master Huanhai.

Moshi's realm is so high that even I can only look up to it. You little shrimps are not worth her painstakingly designing an ambush.

Look, her 'Huiguang Royal Palace' can not only burn the bodies of demons and evil spirits, but also burn the souls of mortals with holy fire.

The sins in the soul will be eliminated in the holy fire. If the sins are too great, then there will be a worry about life. But if the essence is a good child..."

As soon as the voice fell, Kuwahara posed in a bodybuilding pose in surprise, shouting: "Wow! Urameshi! I feel that my spiritual power has become much stronger! The hallucinations and auditory hallucinations that appeared from time to time before seem to be gone."

Not only Kuwahara, but Urameshi Yusuke himself can also feel the huge improvement in spiritual power.

If the previous self used at most one 'spiritual pill' a day, now he can barely use two.

Soon, few people around could stand still. The only ones who could stay were masters like Urameshi Yusuke and Kuwabara who had unlimited potential and strong strength.

Huanhai looked at the burning remains of the demon lying on the ground and snorted: "Sure enough, that Rantong couldn't hide in front of Moshi's Huiguang King's Palace, and became a charred corpse in vain."

Following Huanhai's sight, Urameshi Yusuke found that one of his targets, 'Rantong', was lying silently in the unextinguished fire, and was obviously dead.

The rest were bald ninjas, sloppy long-haired psychics, and burly fighters.

Moshi smiled and clapped his hands: "Ah, there are so many people left? Then I'll increase the power a little bit."

As soon as the voice fell, the light in the courtyard became more and more blazing.

Even Kuwabara and Yusuke couldn't help but kneel on one knee. They only felt a strong burning sensation coming from all directions. It's not a physical burning sensation, but a deeper, more mysterious feeling.

"It's the soul. Use your spiritual power to fight back, or you'll die."

Huanhai seemed to see the doubts of Yusuke and Kuwabara. The two silly boys had no strength to speak. All their spiritual power was used to resist the burning of the soul.

Yusuke didn't know what was going on with Kuwabara, but he only felt that the burning sensation in his soul was getting stronger and stronger.

His own spiritual power soon became exhausted, and Yusuke fell heavily to the ground unwillingly, but the burning of the light had no intention of stopping at all.

Even Huanhai next to him looked at Mo Xi with some doubts. Didn't they say that they just cleaned up the demons and evil people with bad intentions? This kid is a good seedling sent by the little king of hell, don't play too much.

Chi chi chi! Soon, Yusuke, who was lying on the ground, began to use flames and thick smoke from his seven orifices, just like the demons that were burned before.

Demon constitution? Huanhai immediately found the problem. Is this kid a demon? No, the little king of hell will not let a demon be a detective in the spirit world.

A detective in the spirit world must be a psychic, just like the last detective in the spirit world, Sensui, who must have great potential and be of human descent. The spirit world will conduct a comprehensive review of the humans selected as detectives in the spirit world to ensure that there will be no demon descent within three or even five generations.

But in this state, it is clear that demons will only appear when they are burned by Moshi's light. What on earth is this...

[The Great Separation of Demons]! Such words suddenly flashed through Huanhai's mind.

Before Huanhai could remind Moshi, a sudden change occurred!

The flames wrapped around Yusuke were suddenly dispersed, replaced by extremely fierce dark flames, which were the manifestation of the super demonic energy that only S-level demons at the top of all demons could possess.

Yusuke's hair became extremely long and wild, his nails became sharp and narrow like demons, and demonic patterns appeared on his skin. The baby face that originally showed clear stupidity was now full of mania and hostility.

Huanhai immediately retreated. This demonic energy was no longer at a level that he could handle. It was an S-level demon!

No matter who this guy was, it could not be Yusuke.

Which S-level demon was using the Great Separation of the Demon Clan to pass on his bloodline?

If left alone, an S-level demon alone could devour the entire human world. He had to join forces with Moshi.

But before Huanhai could make a move, the demon Yusuke arched his body, and the whole person turned into a phantom and suddenly bounced up from the spot, rushing towards Moshi at high speed.

Obviously, this big demon instantly figured out who was the biggest threat on the scene.

The sharp claws broke through the raging wind and grabbed Moshi's beautiful face fiercely.

And Moshi smiled without diminishing, gently raised his right index finger and pointed at the demon Yusuke who was rushing towards him,

"Ninety of the Broken Dao, [Black Coffin]."

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