A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1382 The inheritance of killing intent

"...So, you came back in despair? You didn't even see your girlfriend for the last time?"

Heather looked at Haido with disdain, and the latter pretended not to hear, sitting in front of the campfire holding a wine gourd and drinking.

That's right, the first one to come back was Kaido.

The final battle between this guy and Akuma was not the scene that Chunli and others saw. Instead, they both rushed into the universe and fought unscrupulously.

Kaidou transformed into a giant dragon man in an awakened posture, and the third perpetual motion mechanism in his body continuously provided domineering energy, which allowed him to squander his domineering energy without any scruples and perform various powerful moves with unparalleled power.

However, Akuma transforms into a mad Akuma due to his obsession with fighting. As long as the killing intent in his body does not stop with the fighting intent, the energy brought by the fluctuations of killing intent will almost never be cut off.

The battle between the two sides on the planet's orbit was unprecedented. There would never be such a thrilling showdown in this fighting world again.

The asteroid was shattered, and countless debris meteorites were easily pulled in by the gravitational hole formed by the 'Ashura Black Seal' by the mad ghost, and all were ignited with the fluctuation of his own murderous intention.

Countless flaming meteors caught in the scarlet murderous energy formed a magnificent and dazzling scarlet meteor shower, blocking all the way to the sea.

This move is a brand-new secret that Kuanghaogui realized when his fighting spirit increased after meeting Kaidou. Its name is [Collapse of Heaven and Destruction]!

Kaidou laughed wildly and swung his mace, swinging out a sky-wide maul shadow that could cover the sea of ​​stars and block the light of stars. Each of the maul shadows brought up huge black-scaled dragons, and the dragons roared and rushed towards the group of scarlet meteors.

[Great body and loving heart·Powerful Dragon King] (Manasvati)!

Dragon stars collide with meteor swarms, causing violent fluctuations that can disrupt planetary orbits.

In this torrential rain of stars, the figures of Kaidou and Kuangoguki collided violently, and the two sides launched a violent and extremely fast exchange of blows.

The mace struck Kuangoguki's shoulder, and the heavy fist wrapped in scarlet flames struck Kaidou's chest and abdomen hard.

Kaidou did not choose to use the power gem, but simply used his own power to launch a manic fighting intention from the depths of his soul against the strongest man in this comprehensive fighting world.

Finally, after Pluto was completely destroyed, the battle between the two sides came to an end.

There is no doubt that Kuanghaogui is powerful, but no matter how strong he is, he is only for this world, while Kaidou's strength is based on Heather's concept of weapons and his identity as a foreigner who travels all over the world.

Pity! I have never seen such a powerful person walking around the heavens as a foreigner!

Kaidou's regret was completely conveyed to the mad ghost in the swing of the mace. The crimson flames of this mad ghost covered in wounds gradually shrank and extinguished, and finally disappeared completely.

His appearance returned to the original Akuma posture. Then Akuma's lips moved and he said something.

Even though he was in space and couldn't transmit sound, Kaidou still heard these words clearly——

[This is the final blow, the dragon of foreign lands. 】

Kaidou smiled, and the ferocious dragon face returned to its normal human form.

[Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Yes, the final blow! 】

Both sides held their breath and concentrated, and then their figures suddenly accelerated at the same time, and every second was accurate!

The figure of Akuma turned into crimson thunder and shadow, sweeping the sky towards the seaway with his clones.

And Kaidou's mace bloomed with dark, overlord-colored domineering lightning, and the lightning formed huge dragon claws.

"[Instant Prison Kill]!"

"[The best Mahasattva]!"

Suddenly, Kaidou felt that he had been attacked by nearly a thousand attacks. The scarlet flames caused by each attack penetrated the domineering armor and tough flesh, and the pain reached deep into the bone marrow.

Nine hundred and ninety-nine attacks! With only one final blow left, Akuma can complete the [instant prison kill] of a thousand strikes in an instant.

But the last blow was delayed, and Akuma's raised palms were raised high into claws, frozen and motionless. Because Kaidou's mace had completely penetrated his chest. The violent overlord-colored Haki completely destroyed all the vitality of Akuma, and even the scarlet energy that fluctuated with murderous intent was completely blocked.

【……pretty! 】

Akuma coughed, and what he spurted out was not blood but scarlet murderous wave energy.

In this battle, he really burned everything he had. happy! Well worth the trip! It's a pity that I have glimpsed a further step in martial arts, but I can no longer move forward.

Click! Akuma used his last strength to grab the pitch-black mace that penetrated his chest in front of him. The ferocious devil-like face showed a cheerful smile, and the voice reached Kaidou's ears——

[The fluctuation of murderous intent will not be annihilated...]

After saying that, his body completely turned into countless scarlet light spots, dissipating among the stars in the universe.

After defeating a powerful enemy, Kaidou didn't feel any excitement. He only felt desolate and had the urge to drink wine.

He finally looked back in the direction of the earth, even though he couldn't see the blue planet at all, and murmured an apology to Chun Li in his heart.

Then, Kaidou activated the alien fire to escape from this world.

After entering the sea of ​​time and space, he did not continue to the next world, but teleported directly back to Heather's inner world.

"You scumbag! Chunli is sincere to you, but you just pick up your pants and run away?" Heather's tone was full of contempt: "It's a waste of this young lady's innocence! You scumbag!"

"My little lady, I feel that the sea route is completely up to you, my master." Nanami, who was squatting next to adding firewood to the bonfire, complained calmly.

Upon hearing this, Kaidou immediately shrugged his shoulders towards Heather and spread his hands, with an expression of 'Look, there is someone who understands' on his face.

Heather was so angry that she could only explain: "I had no choice! Tifa and Aerith couldn't leave me."

"Where's Miss Spider? You ran faster than Kaido when you left the Marvel world." Nanami tilted her head.

Heather stammered: "I rushed to resurrect you at that time, but it was too late..." The explanation became increasingly pale and empty.

Next to him, Kaidou Xin said that Miss Nanami must be able to handle the boss.

Heather explained for a long time but became more and more embarrassed when Nanami asked her more and more questions. She could only stiffly change the topic: "So, Akuma's murderous intention wave was sealed in the mace Narokawa?"

Kaidou nodded: "It's just a seed with murderous intent, but it won't be a problem for you and Miss Nanami."

Heather looked at Qishi again, who raised her slender white palm, and a scarlet energy turned into flames wrapped around her palm.

"It has double corrosion on the body and soul. It will be a powerful weapon for ordinary people, but it is also an incurable poison."

The seven entities experienced the scarlet flames, and suddenly clenched their fists, and the flames immediately exploded into countless scarlet spots falling down:

"Congratulations, my lazy master. As long as I have this energy and the pictures I spied from Kaidou, I can provide you with the most orthodox and complete Akuma version of the Murderous Intent Wave Fist.

This is number five on the list of move abilities you most want to acquire, which is really nice to see. "

Qishi clapped her little hands without any fluctuation in her tone, congratulating Heather.

Heather, who claims to be indifferent to emotion and anger, smiled so much that her gums were exposed: "Oh, Kaidou, you have made a great contribution this time. This thing is more precious than flames and crystals."

Kaidou breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, knowing that Chunli's incident was over.

At this time, Qishi turned his head slightly, and then said to Heather: "Master, Overlord and Lan are over."

Heather raised her hand and three figures suddenly appeared in front of the bonfire, namely the Skeleton Knight, Rebecca and Lan.

It seems that they have cleared the Great Sword World and Soul Eater World.

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