A foreigner's journey

Chapter 1383 Great Harvest

The mission of the Great Sword World——

[‘Destroy the Flower with a Dangerous Hand’——Kill the current NO.1 Great Sword. Difficulty rating C], completed.

['Time of reckoning' - destroy the 'organization'. Difficulty rating: A], completed.

['Dragon Slayer' - Kill any descendant of the dragon. Difficulty rating B], completed.

['Awakened Nightmare' - Kill 10/30/50 awakened ones. Difficulty rating: D/C/B], completed with the highest rating of ‘B’.

[‘Stare into the Abyss’—Kill any one of the Abyss. Difficulty rating B], completed.

Heather waved to Rebecca, who jumped into Heather's arms with a cry of joy, her little head moving back and forth.

"Is there nothing wrong, Overlord?" Heather looked at the Skeleton Knight while stroking Rebecca's head.

The Skeleton Knight shook his head slightly: "It was a very easy task, but the mood it brought was quite heavy. It was a world with no hope and future at all, and it was a cursed dark world."

"Oh man, you don't even know how bad that world is!"

Rebecca raised her head and shouted:

"There is absolutely no goodwill between people. The most human-like thing is actually a group of female monsters transplanted with the blood and flesh of monsters.

This bunch of stupid bitches rush to help humans expel the cannibal monsters, and then they are despised and even betrayed. This shabby employment environment is worse than my hometown! "

"Not even as good as hell? That's really bad enough. How does it compare with your world, Overlord?" Heather looked at the Skeleton Knight carefully. He didn't want his general to be disturbed by a low-level world. Every weapon man is Heather's most important family member, and their safety, preferences, and moods are higher than those of any outsiders here.

"My hometown is indeed shrouded in the claws of the God of the Abyss. But thanks to the efforts of you and Miss Nanami, that world will usher in a bright era that will last for a long time. Humans, fairies, dwarves...all hobbies Peace and beautiful life will get a precious respite, and the hand of the God of the Abyss will be completely cut off by you. It will take thousands or even tens of thousands of years to gather the five gods' hands again.

But that world of swords failed to gain a savior like you, and the foundations of that world were rotten.

The relationship between people is completely overflowing with suspicion and malice. I don’t even want to show the specific situation in my mind, so as not to spoil your interest.

In short, Rebecca and I killed all the so-called awakened ones and abyssal ones, uprooted the 'black organization' that controlled that continent to avoid future troubles, and crossed the sea to kill the descendants of dragons who were enemies of mankind. kill.

But even so, that world is still generating new malice. Human beings also completely distrust us and even fight against us, trying to seize our power and take it for themselves to realize their own ambitions.

It was a world without any goodwill or conscience. Finally, after Rebecca and I completed our mission, we voluntarily left the world and returned to you. "

Rebecca stayed in Heather's arms like an octopus and said angrily: "The guys in that world are really bad! Next time, brother, please lend me all the infinite stones. If you encounter this kind of thing again, I'm going to kill everyone in this garbage world right now... Ouch, it hurts!"

The slender little hands grabbed Rebecca's ears and pulled her out of Heather's arms. The pain made Rebecca burst into tears: "What are you doing! I haven't seen my brother for so long and you are not allowed to get close to me?"

"We've been close for long enough." Qishi pulled Rebecca aside with a straight face.

"Thank you for your hard work." Heather nodded towards the Skeleton Knight and Rebecca. No one would be happy in such a dark world.

Then Heather looked at Lan: "Baby, how are you doing over there?"

"Don't call me that." Lan crossed his arms in front of him and said with a cold face, "I'll send you the task list."

Immediately, the task list of the Soul Eater world appeared in front of Heather——

[‘Famous teacher or disciple? ’——Join the Death Martial Arts Academy as a student/teacher. Evaluation D/C], not completed.

[‘This is my weapon’ – Make a contract with the ‘craftsman’/make a contract with the ‘weapon’. Rating C/C], unfinished.

[‘get out of class is over! ’——Destroy the Death Martial Arts Expertise. Evaluation B], not completed.

[‘The gods are dead’ – kill an old ruler. Evaluation S], completed.

Good guy, you only completed one of the four co-authored tasks?

"It's better to be short than wasteful. What's the point of completing those three rubbish missions? It's better to just concentrate on completing the S-level mission."

After visiting the Soul Eater world, Lan's mouth became poisonous:

"Don't let me go to this boring world again."

"Uh...which old ruler did you kill?" Heather didn't know much about the Soul Eater anime.

"Death, he is the old ruler who represents the rules...it's very troublesome, just look at my memory."

Through Lan's memory, Heather finally understood the setting of this work.

There are a total of eight old rulers in the Soul Eater world, called the Eight Warriors. They are the real gods in the Soul Eater world, and each has its own name. The Old Dominators themselves are mad and can lead people to madness.

Three of the old rulers were swallowed by the ghost god Asura. The existing god of death named 'Rules', Aibang named 'Knowledge', EX named 'Wrath', Asura named 'Fear', and the god of death named 'Rules'. 'Power' of Hyrukon.

Among the eight warriors, the God of Death is revered because he is the source of all madness.

Yilan's personality would indeed pick the most powerful one to fight.

However, if you can complete the S-level mission, other small C-level and B-level missions are indeed dispensable.

At this time, Heather raised her eyebrows: "Oh, the big star is back."

As she spoke, Nemo's figure appeared in front of the bonfire.

He was wearing a beach suit and sunglasses, looking relaxed and comfortable.

"Hey~ BOSS, long time no see!"

Nemo stood at attention and saluted Heather with an unstandard military salute,

"Private First Class Nemo, reporting to you! Loyalty!"

Then, the task list of the Pacific Rim world also appeared in Heather's vision-

['Iron Fist PLUS Edition'-Drive any mecha hunter and kill level 3/4/5 monsters. The task evaluation will be comprehensively evaluated according to the number of kills and the level of the monsters killed. The evaluation level is from C to A], completed, evaluated as A.

['Genius Inventor'-Participate in the development of a mecha hunter. The task evaluation is comprehensively evaluated according to the R\u0026D participation. Evaluation level from C to A], completed, rated A.

[‘You are the destiny man that the pioneer said’ - drive any mecha hunter and kill the combined super monster. Rating A], completed.

[‘A small wormhole has a big dream’ - go to the pioneer world through the breakthrough point and destroy the pioneer civilization. Rating S], completed.

Three A-level, one S-level!

Everyone couldn't help but look at Nemo. I didn't expect that the laziest guy at ordinary times would do the best!

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