A foreigner's journey

Chapter 155 Snow and Saw (First update)

Originally, the Whirlwind Charge was a bit too big for humans or follower cats. It was much larger than a standard sword or blunderbuss, and was unqualified as a weapon.

However, after being separated into two halves, it is equivalent to two large swords. In addition, because it is made of cloud wood and light metal, the weight is not as exaggerated as imagined, and it can be used as a weapon.

At this time, every swing of the ultra-high-speed rotating hot saw will bring up violent hot wind, and all the snowballs affected will immediately melt or even evaporate. Even if there is a fish that slips through the net, it will be directly smashed by the huge car body.

Hachi used to be a senior cat car driver, and Sasaki was recognized as the strongest follower cat by the Neko Granny. Even though they are short in stature as Elu cats, they can barely wield a hot saw. What's more, they are still chewing strange power seeds in their mouths. This wonderful small fruit has the effect of stimulating and strengthening the power of living things in a short period of time. Now it is used as a stimulant by the two follower cats.


The hot saw was swung wildly again, and as the violent hot wind swept across, the thick snow mist covering the figure of the Snow Master was chopped into pieces, revealing the Snow Master inside.

I saw that this huge beast had accumulated a super-large snowball with a diameter of ten meters at some point. It struggled to push the super snowball, which was more than twice its size, towards the hunters.

The speed is getting faster and faster! faster and faster!

Instead of shrinking, the snowball got bigger and bigger, and at the same time, it rolled faster and faster.

At the same time, the Snow Lord himself lay down on the snow and began to slide at high speed, swinging his two long ears to both sides, and rushed towards the hunters like a scythe.

"Meow meow!"

Hachi and Sasaki immediately jumped together and struggled to knock the hot saws in their hands together. At the moment of the collision, there were metal devices on the edges of the two hot saws that bit each other and locked them. The two hot saws were tightly connected with a squeaking deformation sound. The ground reorganized into the shape of a cat car, and the high-speed rotating turbine saw also moved to both sides of the car body, but the turbine blades did not retract.

The moment the cat car with its ferocious appearance landed, the ultra-high-speed rotating wheels immediately drove the cat car and the two drivers to sprint forward. Not only did the snow and water disappear, but even the solid frozen soil disappeared. The violent turbine blades dug up the debris and splashed mud.

"[Lightning Running Method]!!"

The huge snowball was originally crushing the hunters with an unstoppable momentum, but half of it was cut off by the rapid whirlwind charge. The entire ice ball immediately disintegrated and collapsed during the roll, scattering into ice fragments.

The Snow Lord originally focused on Heather and Irshan, but when the whirlwind charge came from the side, he was unable to react in time. The violent turbine blades and the jagged edge made of the red pocket carapace rubbed against the right side of his body, and his flesh and blood flew away. At the same time, the sliding momentum was also destroyed.

Although the Snow Lord who rushed over crookedly did not have the threat of the ear knife, the impact was real, but Heather had no intention of running away.

He lowered his body, put the Water-Drowning Knife into the two-meter-long scabbard and placed it on his waist. His right hand hung on the handle of the knife in a drawing and slashing posture. Although his eyes were closed, he was using [circle] to quickly outline the heavy snow in his mind. The main route to rush over.

20 meters…

15 meters…

7 meters...

3 meters……

It's now!

Just when the Snow Master was about to hit Heather, the Submerged Knife slipped out of its scabbard silently. Heather used all her strength and thoughts to swing the sword in a horizontal direction with a completely invisible trajectory!

[Iai draws his sword and kills]!

The three stages of qi training red blades condensed infinitely and turned into a horizontal red line that spread infinitely from left to right. There was no explosion of Denglong's qi blade, nor the violent impact of the spinning qi blade, just a simple strike on the red line.

Time seemed to stand still, and blood stains appeared on the ferocious face of the white rabbit beast when it was about to pounce on Heather and continued to expand.

Bang! Bang!

As the red line crossed, the Snow Lord's head and right paw were quietly opened with deep gashes.

Relying on the lowered body when swinging the knife, Heather rolled on the spot and narrowly avoided the impact of the White Rabbit Beast, and there was a violent vibration and impact behind her.

The Snow Lord struggled in the snow and screamed. Its huge outer ear, which was as sharp as a steel knife, had been completely chopped into pieces. There were huge cuts from the right eye to the neck that were deep enough to show the bone. At this time, blood was constantly pouring out. , and the right claw was cut off at the wrist. The broken right claw spun and danced in the air and finally fell to the snow, constantly twitching slightly.

It looked miserable, but Heather wouldn't give it a chance to breathe.

Holding the drowning knife in front of her, Heather raised the knife and sprinted towards the struggling Snow Lord, [Air Blade Stab]!

The tip of the knife penetrated the Snow Lord's throat without any obstruction and then slashed upward to open the trachea. Heather also stepped on the Snow Lord's body and jumped up high, raising the drowning knife in her hand backwards.

"Eat my Denglong Sword!!"

The red-blade [Air Blade Kabuto] fell from the sky and drew a fierce sword light, followed by seven exploding air blades that exploded on the Snow Lord's neck, completely slicing the brutal beast's neck. Cut off.

The Snow Lord's dull head suddenly rolled twice on the ground, while the huge headless corpse twitched wildly for a while and then gradually stopped.

"...The crusade was successful."

Heather panted and sat down in the snow. This battle was not easy. Are you destined to have a relationship with [Two Monsters]? First there is Hongdou, and now there is a big snow master. Will the next one be the devil?

"Are you okay AIBO!?"

Ershan rushed over and rushed in front of Heather, slapping him hurriedly, fearing that a piece of him would be chewed off by the white rabbit beast.

"No...cough, stop patting me...I'm fine. If you pat me any more, I'm going to break my bones."

Heather finally managed to persuade Ershan, why is this girl getting stronger and stronger?

Seeing that Heather was fine, Elshan was relieved, and a look of admiration immediately appeared on her little face: "It's so awesome, AIBO! Did you develop that trick secretly? It's too much, you didn't tell me but practiced it yourself secretly! "

As she said that, Ershan shouted with her hands and gestured with Heather's previous move of "Iai Draws the Sword".

In fact, Heather secretly practiced this trick many times on weekdays, but rarely succeeded. This time, I don't know if it was the great pressure that prompted me to successfully use the Iai Draw Sword move. At least I had a practical sword skill.

The effect of [Iai Draw Sword] in the game "Monster Hunter World: Iceborne" is to completely resist a monster's attack and perform a powerful two-stage horizontal slash. It combines handsomeness and power, and is the favorite of Taito gang members. There is no single move, but due to the difficulty of timing, only masters can skillfully use this move in any battle situation.

But even if I teach her, I guess she won’t be able to learn it. I don’t know if it’s a character issue. Irsan is very quick to pick up the various tachi styles and hunting techniques in “MHXX”, but even if I teach her step by step, she still can’t learn “ Tai Sword techniques in MHW". On the contrary, I had a lot of skill with the Tai Sword in "MHW", but my all-conquering combat learning talent stalled out when I secretly learned from Irsan.

You can even learn the ability to read, so why can't you learn a few tachi hunting skills? Is it really a matter of incompatibility...

Heather stood up after resting for a while, and walked in the direction of the cat car with Ershan.

Those two stupid cats were too small to stop the cat car, so they were taken to who knows where.

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