A foreigner's journey

Chapter 156 Under the Snow Hills (Second Update)

When Heather and Irshan found the cat cart, they were already near the snow hills one kilometer away.

Hachi and Sasaki, who were in a state of embarrassment, each grabbed the handle of the cat cart and tried to pull the cat cart out of the snow hill.

With the participation of Heather and Elshan, it took a lot of effort to finally pull the cat cart out completely. According to Hachi and Sasaki, the Tornado Charge was completely uncontrollable after it re-formed into the saw-car form. It turned into a handle pendant and fluttered in the wind. They could only barely influence the direction of the car, and the brakes had completely failed. .

After charging all the way, the Cyclone Charger finally crashed into this huge snow hill. I don't know whether it was because it ran out of energy or the brakes returned to normal, and finally stopped.

Heather asked Ilshan to open a simple shield to block the howling snowstorm, then took out her toolbox and disassembled the energy bottle storage box of the cat car on the spot, and found that at least 7 of the 10 energy bottles inside had been completely scrapped and could not be used. After using it, the conduits used to conduct energy were also burnt.

The energy system still needs to be improved, but after all, valuable actual combat data has been obtained. It can be said responsibly that the cat cart has a bright future as a hunter weapon.

But is this thing considered a [car] or a [saw]?

The two men and two cats pushed the cat cart back to the previous battlefield. The Snow Lord's head had been buried in the blizzard, and the headless body had long been frozen solid. The bright red ice ballast on the ground was obscured by the blizzard so that only a few traces could be seen.

Several people started peeling off the Snow Lord's materials together. The huge outer ears that have not been chopped into pieces, the sharp claws covered with ice shells, the streamlined hard plastron, the fur that is extremely resistant to water and ice properties, the two exposed big teeth... Since the two follower cats theoretically cannot They were considered official members of the hunting team, so Heather and Irshan each collected materials four times according to the rules, and asked Hachi and Sasaki to come up and strip them once. The rest were left in place to return to nature.

This is also the ironclad rule of the Hunter Guild. Ordinary large monsters can be stripped three times, and powerful monsters can be stripped four times. If conditions permit, they can be transported back to the base or village and wait for the distribution of materials. If conditions are not met, the monster corpses can be left to nature.

Monster hunters are only allowed to hunt monsters to protect the safety of human gathering places or the future development of mankind. They are absolutely not allowed to wantonly destroy the balance of nature. Otherwise, [Guild Dark Night] will sanction hunters who violate the regulations, which is called 'assassination'.

Although Heather is not afraid of the so-called 'assassination', because of the education he received since childhood, he is still willing to abide by the [rules] if conditions permit.

After wrapping the collected materials in tarpaulin and tying them to the Cyclone Charge, Ilshan, whose face was red from the cold, sniffed: "Are you going back now, AIBO?"

"Wait a moment."

Heather walked towards a certain snow hill not far away, which was the secret place where Snow Master previously stored his food reserves.

Lying on the snow, she pushed hard to push aside the thick layer of snow to reveal the 'storage grain' underneath. Heather fell silent.

Ilshan and the two accompanying cats came over to look at it curiously, and couldn't help but scream in surprise.

I saw that the so-called 'food storage' underneath was actually a large number of human severed limbs, with signs of being chewed on them, and even the limbs of children.

"Is it the village that was attacked?" Ershan's eyes were red.

"Well..." Heather looked calm, stood up and patted the girl on the shoulder: "This white rabbit attacked the village and used the villagers as its own fat reserve for the winter. Okay, don't cry, at least we killed it Don’t let this guy have the chance to continue attacking other humans.”

Ershan lowered her head and raised her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes vigorously. Although Xiaohachi and Sasaki were frightened, they still tried their best to comfort Ershan with meows.

"Let's all help dig a hole to bury them, otherwise they will be picked up and eaten by other wild animals after the winter snow melts."

The two men and two cats used the Cyclone Charge's turbine blade tires as shovels to dig a large hole in the frozen frozen soil and put all the remains of the corpses into the hole to bury them again.

The figures of the two people and the cat gradually disappeared into the snowstorm, and their footprints of various sizes were quickly covered by snowflakes.

Only the howling cold wind seems to be telling the story witnessed.




"Another mutant? Are you sure?"

In the hunter's hut in Jieyun Village, the dragon girl Momo held the teacup in both hands with a surprised look on her face: "Is there something like [Hongdou]?"

Heather, who was sitting across the table, took out a piece of material wrapped in black cloth and pushed it on the table in front of Momo: "You are an expert, you will understand after taking a look."

Opening the black cloth, there was an extremely sharp and hard fragment of the white rabbit's outer ear.

Momo immediately took out the head-mounted magnifying glass and reagent backpack she carried with her and began to examine the materials on the spot.

Leaning back on the chair covered with fur blankets, Heather took a sip of hot tea from her teacup and then looked towards the backyard.

I saw Ershan sitting on the open space in the backyard with her hands on her knees, seemingly supervising Xiaohachi and Sasaki's exercise, but she was actually distracted.

Ershan has been in a bad mood ever since she defeated the White Rabbit Beast, the Lord of Snow, and she couldn't get motivated to do anything after she came back. Of course Heather could understand the reason. Seeing the remains of so many humans, especially children, being eaten by monsters at once was so impactful that the girl couldn't accept it for a while.

But there was no way, Heather was not the kind of caring brother, so she could only rely on face to comfort the girl. Soothing with words? It would be nice not to make Ershan angry, so I can only wait for the girl to figure it out on her own.

Um? Wait a minute... Heather narrowed her eyes and looked at Momo, who was carefully examining Daxue's main material at the table.

Isn't there a ready candidate? They are both women, they can definitely talk to each other!

After whispering a few words in front of Momo, Momo leaned back and looked at Heather in disgust, with an expression that looked at a scumbag, as if to say, "You want a young beauty to pick up girls for you?" You are still not human! 】

Heather raised her eyebrows and spread her hands innocently, her eyes seeming to say, "I didn't really want to pick her up, I just wanted to help her, you're thinking too much!" Stop talking nonsense and go quickly! 】

The two of them didn't speak, they just kept pushing the glasses on the bridge of their noses. The lenses flickered and reflected light like the lanterns of the Age of Navigation.

In the end, Momo was promised a few tufts of the Snow Lord's fur by Heather as a reward. She had short hands and walked to the backyard with her hands behind her back, and gently patted Ilshan on the shoulder.

"...Ah, Miss Momo!" Yilshan came back to her senses in a daze, and then she realized it was Momo and stood up quickly.

Having known Ershan for a month, the two girls have become very familiar with each other. Momo sat down next to Yiershan unceremoniously, then patted the ground to signal Yiershan to sit down: "I just wanted to see you in a daze, so I came over to talk to you. What's wrong, something went wrong during the mission? Is it Heather? Bullied you?"

Ershan shook her head vigorously: "No! AIBO has always taken good care of me!"

"So you're in love?" Momo was no longer as cold as she was when they first met, now she had a narrow-minded look on her face: "Don't choose Heather, you can't control that kid's bad character."

Ershan's little face turned red instantly and she waved her hands wildly, unable to speak clearly.

Unable to resist Momo's teasing, Yiershan quietly told Momo about her encounters during the mission and the confusion in her heart. Finally, she asked: "Miss Momo, you said... you said that I have such a fragile mentality. Isn’t it suitable to be a hunter?”

Momo pondered for a while, then asked instead of answering Ershan's question:

"Ilshan, do you know what a [Monster Hunter] is?"

PS: Monthly pass! Recommended vote! all I want!

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