A foreigner's journey

Chapter 18 The Day the Broken Sword Was Reforged

Six days later, Rhoda Kingdom's luxurious mansion.

"Is he still practicing in the guest room?"

Rhoda Kingdom took out a bottle of 1994 Srock wine from the ice bucket and poured herself a small half glass.

The butler standing aside said respectfully: "Yes, sir. Mr. Heather has been staying in the guest room for the past six days. He only eats one meal a day and only allows the servants to put the plates at the door."

"It seems that the practice of mindfulness is really difficult, especially for someone of the materialization type like him."

Rhoda Jindom sat on the soft sofa and took a sip of wine: "Tell me to go down and do my best to meet all Heather's needs without disturbing him."

"Yes, sir."

The butler bowed slightly, but his expression was a little hesitant.

Rhoda Jindom glanced at this old friend who had been with him for decades and shook his head: "Gall, given our relationship, do you still need to be hesitant? You want to ask why I value Heather so much. "

"Nothing can be hidden from you."

"Izanabi is a one-star hunter in the association, but with his strength and achievements, he could have been promoted to a two-star hunter long ago. Do you still remember the fire thirteen years ago? The gangs of telepaths hired by the enemies came one after another. , surrounded the old manor.”

Rhoda Jindom gently swayed the wine glass: "For the first time, all kinds of incredible telekinesis abilities are displayed in front of you and me. The troops and telepathic bodyguards hired at high prices can't resist the enemy's invasion. It was then that I realized that in the past, I hired The people with telekinesis abilities are half-empty and don’t even know the ‘nirvana’, and they almost lost their lives because of them!”

The housekeeper nodded, obviously feeling a little frightened when he recalled that night: "Thanks to Mr. Izenabi and Ms. Rostow that time, otherwise..."

"Since then I have become fascinated by the power of telepaths and the collection of telekinesis devices."

Roda Jindom fell into memories: "I am too old to practice telepathy, but I can use my money and status to win over more powerful telepathy users. So I donated heavily to the Hunter Association and cooperated with Yi The personal relationship between Zenabi and others has never been broken. Do you know how Izenabi introduced this Mr. Heather to me? Ha...a rare genius in the world!"

"Mr. Izenabi will never lie about his reading ability." The butler obviously has a good relationship with Izenabi.

"So, I decided to take a gamble."

Roda Jindom looked at the information sheet placed on the round table next to him: "An antique sword without any extraordinary abilities, even if it is my beloved collection, if it can be exchanged for the friendship of a newly rising strong man, what a difference it will make to this pair." For me, it’s a guaranteed profit without losing any money. Moreover, isn’t it interesting to be able to personally participate in the rise of a person with powerful telekinesis abilities?”

"Did you decide to give that 'absolute royal power' to Mr. Heather from the very beginning?"

"Giving? No, no, no, dear Gal, if you are holding something that means something to someone else, never let it become 'free'."

Roda Jindom shook his finger and chuckled:

"That will only make the 'relationship' between you and others cheap. Remember, you must hold the chips in your hands and make yourself valuable to others. Only in this way can you have a mutually beneficial relationship. Only by being valuable to others If you have value, others will regard you as an important friend. Take a step back, even if you really want to 'give' something, you have to choose the most appropriate time."

"This is the true meaning of 'friendship', my friend."


The main hall in the guest room was cleared, and there was no furniture in the entire room.

Heather sat cross-legged with her eyes closed, the broken ancient sword 'Absolute Kingship' lying in front of her. The thought energy that belongs to Heather is like a quietly flowing river, gently covering and analyzing this ancient sword.

Maybe it's because this ancient sword is genuine, or maybe because the telekinesis ability I want to build is too powerful in my imagination.

In short, Heather's development of telekinesis abilities was not particularly smooth.

Generally speaking, the most difficult part for people with the ability to manifest telekinesis - completely constructing a body - is not a difficult task for Heather. The difficulty lies in how to recreate the magical power of ‘absolute kingship’ in ancient mythology.

At the same time, Heather also had to complete the construction of her telekinesis system at the same time, which was extremely difficult.

The more powerful the ability, the more stringent conditions are required.

The infamous "Phantom Troupe", a thieves group composed of people with telekinesis abilities, whose leader [Crollo Rusilu]'s special telepathy ability is called "The Thief's Ultimate Intent".

This is a materialized book with a blood-red handprint on the cover. The effect of this book is that it can steal the telekinesis ability of others and use it for your own use, and the person whose telekinesis ability was stolen can no longer use that telekinesis ability.

Strong? It is very powerful, but the activation conditions are also extremely harsh.

If you want to successfully steal telekinesis ability, you must meet four conditions - 1. You must see the other party's telekinesis ability with your own eyes; 2. You must ask questions related to the other party's telekinesis ability and get the other person's personal answer; 3. The other party's hand must be covered On the handprint on the book cover; 4. The above three conditions must be completed within one hour.

That's not all, there are also requirements for using this ability - 1. To use the stolen telekinesis ability, you must materialize the book in your right hand and turn to the page of the telekinesis ability you want to use; 2. To use the stolen telekinesis ability, The telekinesis ability is automatically erased from the book when the person who stole it dies, and it can no longer be used.

The extremely stringent prerequisites brought about unparalleled powerful telekinesis ability, coupled with Chrollo's strong combat awareness and experience, making him invincible in a life-and-death fight.

The final telekinesis ability that Heather wanted to build was even stronger and a step further than Chrollo's 'Rogue's Ultimate Intention'.

Even though Heather's potential power (POP) and apparent power (AOP) far exceed those of ordinary people with telekinesis abilities, he is still stuck in the last step of building telekinesis abilities.

In fact, he's a bit tied up now. The ancient sword itself cannot withstand any more infusion of thought energy, and once it exceeds the critical value, it may be directly destroyed. This ancient sword belonged to Roda Jindom and was his cherished collection. Heather only borrowed it to learn about telekinesis, so how could he break it at will?

Climb! Climb! Climb! There was a slow knock on the door.

Heather rubbed her eyebrows and took a long breath: "...Please come in."

The door opened and Rhoda Jindom walked into the guest room. Seeing Heather looking a bit sad, he couldn't help but said with relief: "Although it's the old man's nagging, I still want to say - combine work and rest, Heather."

"I know, it's just..."

Heather shook her head: "I can feel that the infusion of mind energy has reached its limit. If it continues, it will really damage this ancient sword. It's time to end. In any case, I owe you a favor, Mr. Roda Jindom." , maybe I should look for a less powerful weapon and try again."

Roda Jindom touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "...If we don't consider the damage to the ancient sword itself and increase the infusion of mind energy, are you sure that you can cultivate the ability of mind?"

"There is only a 50% chance. If I don't cross that hurdle, even I don't know if I can succeed. Mr. Rodajindome, you are..."

"Heather, this 'absolute royal power' belongs to you from now on."

Rhoda Kingdom also made up his mind: "You can deal with it as you like. This is my investment in you. I believe you will never stop here."

When Roda Jindom said the words "It's yours", Heather was stunned because he found that the stagnant telekinesis ability construction suddenly began to loosen.

The final condition has been met!

Heather's spermatozoa were no longer suppressed, and the extremely violent thoughts burst out suddenly, like a giant bomb that exploded!

Even an ordinary person like Rhoda Jindom can feel the raging heat wave centered around Heather!

The whole mansion began to roar and tremble. The knives and forks that the servants had just placed on the dining table were clanging. The daggers and daggers hidden in the boots and waists of the bodyguards were also trembling. Every part of every gun was shaking. Creaking.

All the beings that could be called ‘weapons’ in the Rhoda Jindom Manor were cheering for the birth of the ruler.

Rhoda Jindom's personal security team was all composed of people with telekinesis abilities. They looked up in horror toward the guest rooms on the second floor of the mansion. In their field of vision, the entire manor was enveloped by this extremely violent telepathy. , the terrifying huge 'pillar of fire' rose into the sky, lighting up the night sky!

But soon, the 'Fire Pillar' twisted into a spiral shape and continued to shrink, continuing to compress and solidify.

In the guest room, Heather's mental energy around her body continued to gather and poured into the ancient sword in front of her in the form of flames. This broken ancient sword began to turn red under the 'calcination' of the mental energy, as if it was being used. High temperature smelting and recasting.

"Is he going to use powerful mental energy to directly infuse and recast this ancient sword?"

The scarf wrapped around Roda Jindom's neck suddenly opened an evil eyeball, staring at the scene in front of him. This is a telepathy device [Three-Eyed Demon Scarf] that can sense other people's telepathy. With this telepathy device, Roda Jindom can feel that Heather's telepathy has solidified to an incredible degree, like a brilliant flame burning. That ancient sword.

No wonder those who have telekinesis abilities can't find out what's wrong with this ancient sword. It needs to be awakened by telepathy that is both "quality" and "quantity"!

The rust on the surface of the ancient sword continues to peel off on its own, and the little bit of golden color that originally remained on the hilt continues to spread to the entire body of the ancient sword. The broken edges are repairing themselves, and the broken sword tip is reuniting.

Every crack on the huge emerald in the center of the cross sword hilt is slowly closing, as if time is going back, and even the missing part in the center of the gem is being filled.

The slender chain at the end of the sword hilt slowly wriggled, and the severed tail regrown and slowly wormed its way to Heather's wrist.

Everyone quickly evacuated to the manor lawn. The ordinary servants and guards were a little confused and thought it was an earthquake, but those with telekinesis abilities could not even look directly at the 'pillar of fire' composed of telepathy that penetrated the sky and the earth and illuminated the starry sky. arrive.

Heather's hands hung above the ancient sword, and her astonishing mental energy continued to transform the ancient sword 'Absolute Kingship' at a steady rate.

The casting process lasted for a full three hours. Just when Heather's mental energy began to weaken,

A brand new 'absolute kingship' appeared before his eyes.

This is a golden cross sword with simple patterns engraved on its surface. It is about 1.5 meters long and has a straight blade. There is a fluorescent emerald hexagonal gemstone in the center of the cross on the handle. There is a string of slender gems at the end of the hilt. Silver chains are connected to Heather's wrists, but this chain cannot be seen without using 'Condensation'.

At the same time, Heather's telekinesis ability was completely completed.

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