A foreigner's journey

Chapter 19 Catalog of Mythical Weapons

At this time, all the servants and bodyguards in the mansion had been driven away by the housekeeper, and there were only two people in the huge mansion, Rhoda Jindom and Heather.

Those hired telepaths watched in awe as the brilliant telepathy surrounding the mansion gradually extinguished, and they did not dare to approach at all.

In the guest room, the wool carpet covering the floor had long been torn apart by Heather's violent thoughts, but the impact range was perfectly controlled within 5 meters.

Rhoda Jindom, who was standing at the door, looked at the gorgeous golden cross sword in front of Heather, his eyes full of excitement and fanaticism:

"Heather, you succeeded?"

Heather slowly opened her eyes and grasped the hilt of the golden cross sword suspended in the air.

Buzz—! !

The magnificent golden thought energy is like a flame wrapped around the sword blade. This is the sword of the ancient god "Fire Protector Ancient Steel" who is in charge of fire and war in mythology. It is the legendary "Sword of Fire" and all extraordinary natural enemies. , [Absolute Kingship]!

Heather tilted her head, and the golden flame in her hand suddenly dissipated, along with the entire cross sword.

Before Rhoda Jindom could be surprised, the cross sword appeared in Heather's hand again.

Really successful? He actually used his own mind energy to refine the magical weapons in ancient mythology and turned them into his own embodied weapons!

Roda Jindom has seen a lot over the years, but he has never heard of such a terrifying telekinesis ability. At the same time, a sense of pride arose spontaneously. He witnessed with his own eyes the birth of a person with the strongest telekinesis ability that had never been seen before or since!

In Heather's mind, she also had a comprehensive understanding of the telekinesis ability she had constructed.

[Catalogue of Mythical Weapons].

With the ability to manifest thoughts, after meeting the conditions, you can use your own thoughts to refine extraordinary weapons and recast them into your own embodied weapons.

The target to be converted needs to meet the following conditions——

1. It must be a [weapon] recognized by Heather (as long as Heather thinks it falls within the concept of weapons).

2. This [weapon] must have extraordinary abilities.

3. This [weapon] has a corresponding legend (the spread range is at least 500 people or the legend is more than 500 years old).

4. The entity holding this [weapon] (must ensure at least 30% integrity).

5. Have ownership of this [weapon].

When prerequisites 1 to 4 are met, it can be forced to be recast, but the extraordinary effect of the weapon will be weakened or changed; if condition 5 is met at the same time, the ability in myths and legends can be perfectly reproduced.

The time it takes to recast is variable, and it requires a huge amount of mental energy to be consumed. Once the period is interrupted, the recasting will be considered a failure, and this [weapon] cannot be recast again.

Then there are the restrictions on use——

1. [Weapons] are divided by type. Only one weapon of each type can be registered.

2. Only one [weapon] can be embodied at the same time.

3. After materializing the weapon, Heather's own mental energy will continue to be consumed. Theoretically, there is no duration limit. However, when Heather cancels the manifestation of [Weapon], this [Weapon] will enter a cooling period, and the cooling time is equal to the manifestation time. Other types of [weapons] can be used during the cooldown period.

4. Using [Weapon]’s own extraordinary ability will further consume Heather’s mind energy, and the amount of consumption depends on the strength of the extraordinary ability.

5. After the [Weapon] materializes, its body cannot leave within 3 meters of Heather. Heather can cancel its manifestation at any time.

6. Under normal circumstances, the passive effect attached to the embodied [weapon] will not affect Heather herself, but Heather can also choose to let it work.

7. Every time a [weapon] is recast, no matter whether it is successful or not, the recasting system will enter a cooling period. The cooling time depends on the strength of one's own mental energy and the previous recasting [weapon]. The current cooling period is: 1799 hours and 58 minutes. 44 seconds.

Current weapon login——

[Sword] - Cross Sword [Absolute Kingship], the extraordinary ability is to 'break the effects of all extraordinary abilities such as curses, enchantments, mental energy shields, etc. when hitting, and greatly reduce the enemy's mental energy'. This ability has an effect on mental beasts. times. In addition, while holding this sword, it is immune to the effects of all poisons. The effects of fire and high temperature on the holder become weak, and the holder will not feel cold.

"In general, I just use my own mind energy to polish and recast the old shabby artifact, and then when the old shabby artifact feels good, it becomes my personal weapon?"

"No, it should be that I used my telekinesis to completely analyze and recast the artifact's remains. The artifact's remains became part of my telekinesis, similar to being digitized and archived to my telekinesis hard drive. I can retrieve this data at any time through Realize it and use it for your own use.”

"But the apparently stuck mental ability construct immediately became complete after obtaining the right of ownership of the 'Absolute King'. This shows that the key point lies in this 'right of ownership'. If only the first four conditions are met, it is very likely that even if it is forcibly Recasting the 'Absolute King' will only result in a half-baked artifact with the effect of reducing mental energy, and the effect will definitely not be as powerful as it is now."

"Although there are many restrictions, the telekinesis ability is really strong. Not to mention the extraordinary ability to fully revive mythical weapons, it can be calculated by category! If there is a [Sword], then there must be a [Knife]. ? Another [Gun], well, it has to be distinguished from the [Guns]... Arrangement for the [Hanhe Gentian]! Oops, which artifact should I mess with after the 75-day cooling period is over? What a happy worry!"


Rhoda Jindom stood at the door, looking at Heather and the golden cross sword in his hand, and cleared his throat slightly.

Heather turned around and said, "Ah, Mr. Roda Kingdom, do you want to take a look at this reborn 'Absolute King'?"

The old rich man could hardly stand it any longer. As soon as he heard the invitation, he immediately stepped forward to take a closer look at this magical weapon that came out of ancient mythology. But he did not take it directly. Touching the weapon of a person with the ability to manifest the system at will would be regarded as a provocative act.

The old man did not take credit for giving the sword to Heather, as that would only hurt the connection between him and Heather, a person with powerful telekinesis abilities.

But Heather didn't take it seriously. She turned the hilt of the sword upside down and handed it to the old man: "Take it and take a look. This is a very gentle sword for ordinary people. Just don't leave the 3-meter radius around me. Oh, please put it first Take off the telepathy devices on your body, otherwise they will all be destroyed the moment you get the sword."

The old man hurriedly took off the [Three-Eyed Demon Scarf] around his neck and hung it aside. Then he carefully untied the string of rosary beads on his right wrist and placed it on the table. Then he took the [Absolute Royal Power] with both hands with a sense of ceremony. ], his voice was a little high-pitched with excitement:

"You know? I have loved reading "The Triumph of Kandor" since I was a child. I always fantasized that I could gain absolute royal power to defeat all evil like Prince Kandor. Of course, I will stop having such dreams when I get older. However, the admiration for the [Absolute Kingship] in my heart has never faded."

He held the hilt of the sword and stroked the golden sword body tremblingly: "So, when I heard that [Absolute Kingship] was unearthed, I immediately rushed to Cajin Country and spent a huge sum of money to buy this sword. Thank you, Hai Se, you allowed me to witness the return of the legend with my own eyes, and the [Sword of Fire] finally returned to the world."

Heather smiled: "I want to thank you for trusting me, a nobody, and giving me such a precious and important treasure, Mr. Roda Kingdom..."

Before he finished speaking, the whole mansion suddenly shook violently, and then the alarm bell rang loudly!

Heather glanced at Rhoda Kingdom: "Do you still have guests here at this late hour?"

Roda Jindom squinted his eyes and looked out the window. There was a faint flicker of firelight in the night:

"No, it's a vicious dog that followed the scent."

Thanks to the slightly depressed Dusk for the 1,000 starting coins

Thank you for the 1000 starting coins rewarded by One Hundred Ways to Make Eggs

Thanks for the 500 starting coins for the reward of Salted Duck and Stewed Pear

Thanks to samtan98, am I getting fat, Maomata mq, Zero in on the starting point currency for tipping

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