A foreigner's journey

Chapter 214 Blue Wave Ball

Chopper had just finished suturing Sanji's wound and was applying medicine when he was escorted away by the guards who came in a hurry.

After many twists and turns, Chopper was brought to a long and narrow corridor, and then the jailers left.

I can smell Nami, just over the corridor! Chopper, who was originally worried about being executed, became slightly happy and walked forward along the corridor.

The further you walked, the more you could hear the sounds coming from the room at the end of the corridor. There were women's tired gasps and men's impatient scoldings.

It's Nami!

Chopper quickly pushed open the door, and what he saw was a golden giant wolf that almost occupied the entire huge empty room. Nami, who was almost naked, was sitting on the neck of the giant wolf, sweating heavily and trying hard to feed the giant wolf. The giant wolf massaged the scales on his cervical spine.

It's not so much a massage as it is a wiping of the scales.

"How... how can a man let such a delicate and lovely beauty do such a hard... drudgery... the scales are so hard!" Nami was so tired that she could hardly speak. If she was still in the beginning, A little restrained and shy, so she couldn't care less about the fact that she was leaking her love and enjoying the benefits, and just wanted to take a good rest.

"Try harder! Didn't you eat? I just let you be a personal maid and didn't let you sleep with me. It's already a mercy on my part."

Heather, who had transformed into the form of a thunder wolf dragon, was lying comfortably on the floor enjoying a beautiful massage service. Nami's welfare had nothing to do with him. It was entirely because she was sweating and too hot that she took off the fur cloak and threw it away. On the side. In the past, Heather was able to put some clothes on Nami, which was considered an act of benevolence. Since the other party didn't care about it, then the benefits would be in vain.


The sorrowful and angry child's voice interrupted the conversation between the two. Nami looked up in the direction of the door in surprise: "Chopper! That's great, come... What's wrong with you?"

Chopper, in his human-animal form, was petite and cute. He was looking at Nami and Heather with tears in his eyes, crying: "They are really abusing Nami! They don't give her clothes to wear! They also make Nami do hard labor! Wow! Woo!!!"

"Get dressed! I have clothes to wear!!"

Nami was ashamed and angry, pointing to the pitiful bit of fabric on her chest: "Although it's very little, it's really worn!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Can be called clothes? It's not even enough to make a mask!" Chopper wiped his tears: "These Beasts Pirates are really bad!"

"Hey, hey, hey, I can't pretend I didn't hear this."

The huge thunder wolf slowly stretched its body, almost completely filling the entire room. Its eyes with vague lightning flashing looked at the little reindeer below:

"I've heard about the name for a long time, Dr. Chopper."

Originally, Chopper was trembling with fear from the huge size and ferocious appearance of the Thunder Wolf Dragon, but when he heard the name [Dr], he couldn't help but beam with joy and dance: "Say, what are you talking about, bastard! I'll kill you!"

Because of some problems with the education he received since childhood, the way Chopper expresses happiness is different from normal people.

The giant wolf in front of her began to shrink in size, and Nami felt a slight weight on her body and then fell downwards. As soon as she screamed out, she was hugged by strong hands. Heather turned back to her human form and held Nami in front of her like a princess. Then she threw her onto the soft bed and stopped paying attention to her. All the efforts were put on Chopper.

"I have been paying attention to you for a long time, Dr. Chopper. In my opinion, the entire Straw Hat crew together is not as valuable as you alone."

Heather sat on the edge of the bed, crossed her legs, and spread her palms toward the table next to her: "Ah, there are fruits and ice cream over there, please feel free to do so."

Chopper, who had been starving for many days, looked at the fruit sweets and subconsciously licked his lips, but then he came back to his senses. The person in front of him was not a kind brother, but the notoriously evil [Thunder Disaster] Heather. The second most powerful person in the Beast Pirates.

"What do you want me to do?" Although Chopper is usually innocent and cute, it does not mean that he is stupid. The more polite and respectful the other party is to you now, the more it shows that the other party has plans for you. Could it be that he took a fancy to the power of his animal-type Renren fruit? Or is it that his medical skills have finally spread throughout the sea, and even the second-in-command of the Beast Pirates is envious?

Thinking of this, Chopper's little face, which had been serious for a few seconds, began to waver again.

Heather hooked her fingers back, motioning for Nami to come over and continue rubbing her shoulders, and then said to Chopper warmly:

"Dr. Chopper, I heard that you invented a strange drug called Rumble, right?"

Chopper nodded in confusion: "Yes, that's a drug I developed to better develop Devil Fruit. It can be used to disrupt the transformation wavelength of animal Devil Fruit. But I don't have it in my hands now, and it's all..."

"They were all taken away by the jailer? Look, is this the one?"

Heather opened her palm, and there was a golden pill in her palm.

This is Rumble, and its function is to disrupt the deformation wavelength of the animal-type Devil Fruit. Two years ago, Chopper could add seven transformation stages to himself by eating a blue ball for a limited time - 'weight enhancement' (beast form), 'mind enhancement' (human beast form), and 'horn enhancement' , 'Foot Strength Strengthening' (humanoid), 'Wrist Strength Strengthening', 'Fur Strengthening', 'Jump Strengthening'.

Because Chopper's true form is a reindeer that ate the Human Fruit, "human form" and "beast form" are opposites to him. In addition, because the blue wave ball is a strong medicine, if you take too much of the blue wave ball within six hours, it will cause your own devil fruit to go rampage and transform into a huge [monster] with terrifying combat power.

For those with animal-type abilities, this is the perfect strengthening medicine that can't be exchanged for a lot of money.

Chopper saw the blue wave ball and happily walked over to get it, but he immediately came back to his senses and shrank back timidly.

Nami casually rubbed Heather's shoulders, her thoughts changing rapidly. I see, Heather... No, the Beast Pirates' target is Chopper's [Blue Wave Ball]? A pill that can greatly enhance animal-type ability users and can be mass-produced will be a huge improvement in strength for the Beast Pirates, whose almost all members have animal-type ability users!

By then, I'm afraid even the navy won't be able to control the Beast Pirates, right?

Thinking of the horrific scene in the future where the whole world would be ravaged by giant beasts like the giant Brachiosaurus, Nami's face turned pale and she tried her best to give Chopper a look behind Heather.

Chopper understood Nami's eyes, and he didn't dare to raise his head to look at Heather and the blue ball in his hand.

Seeing Chopper's expression, Heather didn't take it seriously, but smiled: "...unwilling to hand over the formula for the blue wave ball? It doesn't matter, even if you directly gave it to me, I wouldn't use it. Dr. Joe Tomoe, I need you to assist our Beast Pirates in developing a new type of blue wave ball that is more suitable for users with SMILE artificial Devil Fruit abilities."

"No, I can't help you." Chopper shook his head firmly. He also thought of the horror after the Beast Pirates got the blue ball.

"Oh, don't reject it so simply, it will make me a little... unhappy. Miss Nami, can you help me persuade Dr. Chopper?"

Following Heather's smiling words, Nami, who was rubbing her shoulders behind him, suddenly felt a flash of fire in front of her eyes, and a golden and gorgeous cross sword was gently placed on her fair and delicate neck. Different from the coldness of ordinary swords, she could even feel the heat of the blade.

Not only Nami didn't dare to move, but even Chopper froze in fear.

The tip of the knife slowly crossed the peak in front of Nami and gently lifted her chin. Although Nami was extremely scared, she bit her lip and refused to speak. Although she is timid and useless, she will never be a drag on her companions!

"Haha, just kidding, don't be so nervous."

The cross sword suddenly turned into flames and disappeared in Heather's hands. He chuckled and said:

"Although I am a big villain in your eyes, using abuse of women as a means to achieve my own goals is too bad, and I have never been willing to do it. Dr. Chopper, why don't we make a deal? how?"

Chopper, who was so frightened by Heather's actions just now, that his eyes were full of tears, sniffed and said nothing.

"[Blackfoot] Sanji was seriously injured and dying by Jack. I can provide you with medicines, medical equipment, an operating room, and even anything you need, and you will also be upgraded from [Death Row] to [Outsiders in Need of Supervision] . A suitable living environment, sufficient food, and a limited activity area. Although it still needs to be strictly controlled and monitored by the Beast Pirates, you can at least live a lot more comfortably until the Straw Hats come to save you."

Heather pointed her finger at Chopper: "If you really cooperate with us to complete the research and development of the new blue wave ball, I can even take the initiative to release a member of the Straw Hat Pirates and escort him to leave Wano safely. If there is no Beast Pirates Without help, it will be very difficult for anyone to leave Wano and go to sea."

"...What if we don't agree? Will you really kill us?" Nami suddenly asked.

"Honey, you shouldn't have asked that question."

Heather lifted Nami's chin and grinned, revealing a mouth full of white teeth:

"If Dr. Chopper doesn't agree, then I will beat [Blackfoot] Sanji to the same state as he was before receiving Dr. Chopper's treatment, and then continue to imprison you in the Rabbit Bowl Prison, even the location of the cells will remain the same. Let's guess how long [Blackfoot] Sanji can last? Listening to his partner's increasingly weak breathing must be a pleasure, right?"

Although he still had a smiling expression this time, both Nami and Chopper could feel the increasingly manic murderous aura in Heather. He was serious!

Nami took two or three deep breaths, her chest rising and falling, and after a long time she said to Chopper: "...Promise him, Chopper."

"Huh? Nami? B-but..."

"Right now, saving Sanji-kun is the top priority. We have to believe in Luffy!"

Nami turned to look at Heather with a firm gaze: "Let's be honest, we can't guarantee that the new blue wave ball you want will be successfully developed. And our captain will definitely come to rescue us and bring all the beasts to the rescue. The entire pirate group will be blown away!"

Heather spread her hands and smiled:

"We'll see."

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