A foreigner's journey

Chapter 215 Untitled

Doflamingo did not come to the Rabbit Bowl Prison in Wano with Heather, but took a boat directly to Onigashima.

Just when he had just set foot on the ghost island, he suddenly discovered that there was a winding dragon shadow hundreds of meters long floating in the dark and thick clouds in the sky.

Kaido also returned to Onigashima from the open sea at this time and summoned Doflamingo.

Even though he tried his best, Doflamingo still failed to convince Kaido to make him the general of Wano.

Kaido bluntly said that the current general Black Carbon Orochi is still useful, and the next successor has already been determined, and there is no need for Flamingo.

Originally, Kaido was so angry that he planned to kill Doflamingo directly after hearing the news of [Caesar Curran's capture], [SMILE factory destroyed], and [JOKER's defeat]. But Jack brought back good news. He and Quinn not only captured the [Samurai] from twenty years ago in Zou, but also captured the Straw Hats and Caesar Coulant who came to their door!

The most important thing is that the red historical text has also been brought back.

The historical text, this key prop throughout the entire One Piece manga, is of extremely important value.

The historical text is an indestructible stone monument cast by the ancestors of the Kozuki clan in Wano 800 years ago.

There are two types of stone tablets. One is 26 pieces of historical text that record a blank 100 years of history, including 9 pieces of historical text that record important information. When the information on these 26 pieces of historical text is combined, a complete article that records the blank 100 years of history can be formed, which is the real historical text.

The other is the historical text of 4 red road signs that record the location information of Raffdrew. Each road sign records a location in the historical text. When all locations are known and the four points are connected on the map, the coordinates that appear in the center are the final island [Ravdru]. Legend has it that immeasurable treasures are buried there. Treasure - ONE PIECE!

Whoever can find ONE PIECE will be the next Pirate King!

Currently, only the Four Emperors are closest to the throne in this sea, but if you want to find ONE PIECE, the historical text of the red road sign is indispensable.

Kaido already has one piece in his hand, and with the current piece, half of the quantity has been collected.

In a good mood, Kaido forgives Doflamingo, but Doflamingo must join the Beast Pirates. Without the value of producing SMILE artificial Devil Fruit, all Doflamingo has left is the [Big Sign] level power.

Kaido had a premonition that an unprecedented war was coming. At this time, any improvement in combat power was very important and could not be lost.

The reason why Kaido went out this time was because the Beast Pirates' intelligence specialist, Apu, acted as a spy and pretended to win over Eustace Kidd (a bounty of 470 million), who is also a supernova. Killed the warrior Kira (a bounty of 200 million) and the magician Basil Hawkins (a bounty of 320 million), and secretly contacted Kaido using a phone bug to reveal their locations.

So, Kaido fell from the sky and appeared in front of these supernovas as the strongest creature in the world.

The outcome of the battle was determined from the start.

Apu rebelled on the spot and proudly revealed his true identity as the Intelligence Specialist of the Beasts Pirates. After divination through tarot cards, 'Magician' Hawkins discovered that his chances of success, whether it was victory or escape, were 0%. , only by surrendering immediately can there be any hope of survival, so he decisively surrendered to Kaido.

But Eustace Kidd refused to surrender and resisted with all his strength. As the deputy captain of the Kidd Pirates, Kira and the entire crew of the ship fought side by side with Kidd, facing the strongest creature on the sea. A challenge was launched.

As a result, Kaido single-handedly defeated the Kidd Pirates.

The fleet escorting the Kidd Pirates is expected to return to Wano soon. As long as they are tortured severely, these young boys will eventually succumb and become a powerful fighting force of the Beast Pirates.

After Doflamingo left the hall, Kaido picked up the wine gourd and raised his neck to take a big sip. He wiped the corners of his mouth and asked, "Loyalist, where is Heather?"

A girl with short hair in a kimono jumped from the corner to Kaido. She carries a huge fan with [Wind] written on her back, a big fluffy tail behind her, and a talisman with an abstract one-eye on her face. She is Kaido’s secretary, the ‘True Fighter’ king, and the SMILE artificial Devil Fruit flying squirrel form.

"Master Heather went to Rabbit Bowl Prison and said she wanted to meet the captured Straw Hats!"

The royalist picked up a record book and looked through it:

"Master Heather said that she will discuss something important with you when you come back. Do you need me to inform Master Heather?"

"No, let's wait until he has finished his own business."

Kaido's attitude towards Heather was as indulgent as ever: "Where is my stupid 'son'?"

"As soon as Master Yamato heard that Master Heather had returned from the sea, he locked himself in the house." The royalist chuckled: "Master Yamato is very afraid of Master Heather."

"That idiot... doesn't she understand what I mean by asking her to get closer to Heather?" When Yamato was mentioned, Kaido became angry and took two more sips of wine.

The emperor tilted his head: "Perhaps it is because he knows what you mean that Master Yamato avoids Master Heather."


Kaido sullenly took a sip of wine, and the balance in his heart tilted towards a certain side again.

It's time to make a decision!



"...In other words, you were forced under my hand?"

On the boat heading to Ghost Island, Heather looked at Doflamingo with disgust: "BABY5 can come, Dove, just forget it?"

Doflamingo, who came specially to pick up Heather by boat, was so angry that veins popped out on his forehead: "What do you mean? You think I'm weak?"

"It doesn't matter whether you are weak or not, the key is that the people under my command are all beautiful women! What do you think of joining me, a big man like you?"

Heather waved her hand, looking like "get out of here, get out of here".

"Hey... go talk to Kaido about this. This is his decision."

Doflamingo, wearing a pink feather coat, was leaning against the mast, still wearing domineering sunglasses on his face:

"He said that [big signboard] will not add any more positions, and the same goes for [Fei Liubao]. If I don't come under your command, then I will have to be a [real fight]. Hey Heather, you can't bear to look at you Are you going to be a good friend of [real fight]?"

"What's wrong with [True Fighter]? Do you look down on [True Fighter]? To be honest, your strength is actually enough to be in the [Big Signboard] position. Old man Kaido's unwillingness to accept you is really because of the type of fruit, right?"

"...That paranoid!"

"Are you talking about others? Isn't your Don Quixote family also a superman?"

Speaking of which, Heather discovered that each of the Yonko Pirates had a different style.

Kaido is obsessed with the animal type, BIGMOM is obsessed with the superhuman type related to food, the red-haired side are mostly normal people who have not eaten the fruit, and Blackbeard has been crazy about hunting powerful people with powerful abilities in the past two years and taking away their abilities.

I wonder if there will be a chance to fight the other Yonko before leaving this world?

Speaking of which, I have clearly reached the upper limit of two tasks, but the settlement of the first phase of the task has not been completed yet. Could it be that the Foreigner System has forgotten about me?

Just when Heather was thinking wildly, the huge horned skull shape of Ghost Island could be vaguely seen on the rolling sea in the distance.

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