A foreigner's journey

Chapter 262 Call it a day X Cream

XX City is a prosperous city close to the capital of the United States of Sahelta, Edfil. It has never been invaded by war and the people live and work in peace and contentment without any worries.

But today, at this moment, an unprecedented violent explosion exploded in the middle of the city!

Intense white light filled the entire street and could be clearly seen from miles away.

The early morning clouds were originally bright red reflected by the rising sun, but now they reflected blue-green light.

People several blocks away could only feel the ground shaking violently under their feet, streetlight bulbs were all blown to pieces, and the windows of surrounding houses and even vehicles were shattered, followed by a terrifying and huge sound wave!

People covered their eyes with their hands, and through their fingers they could faintly see billowing fire clouds rising into the sky in the direction of Jasmine Street in the center of the town.

The dark red flame cloud, as thick as butter, kept rolling and accelerating upwards, resembling the shape of a mushroom.

XX city was attacked!

People realized this in horror and began to run away.

Farther away, on the top floor of a tall building, several people stood on the edge of the building admiring the mushroom cloud of destruction.

The tall man with short blond hair slicked back put his hands in his pockets: "The tourist map of XX City is going to be edited and updated. I said Dooku, can't you lower the power?"

The man called Dooku is a short, long-haired man with an ugly face. The folds on his face are stacked together and squirming: "Don't be kidding Jordan, you have also seen the battle damage report of that night attack on the train. The bullets and rocket launchers made by the 'Artisan' can't penetrate that guy's mental defense. If we don't kill him in such a good situation, we will be in big trouble later."

"Anyway, destroying a neighborhood is too exaggerated. You have to know that I will write the final report! And I even used the 'idler's red card' for this. It's a big loss!" Jordan, the blond man, shook his head with a sullen look on his face. pain.

Beside them, the bald old man with two scars on his left eye grinned:

"I think Dooku did a good job. I met Gryffindor and his assistant through Missis. He is young and full of confidence in his thoughts. That is because he will achieve absolute victory in the battle. His self-confidence can be seen as an enhancement system. For an opponent whose individual combat power has been enhanced to the extreme, Dooku's 'Rainbow of Gravitation' should be used to deal with it. But Missis, this idiot, did not hesitate to lead the way. . Fortunately, everyone was banned in advance, otherwise he would have revealed all his trump cards."

"That's because your ability is very useful. He doesn't remember you at all, Santa Claus."

Jordan did not hesitate to praise the bald old man: "Are the [circles] all open? Are there any reactions?"



Dooku and Santa Claus shook their heads. There was obviously no sign of life in the center of the explosion.

Snapped! Jordan snapped his fingers and waved his hand gracefully:

"knock off!"



[Yes, Mr. President, this was completely a premeditated terrorist attack. 】

[The suspect is Gryffindor Zachary, the treasure hunter I mentioned to you before. The relevant information has been compiled and sent to your secretariat. 】

[Of course it has been solved. Please rest assured that S.S.A has dispatched the most elite three A+ level telekinesis users to ensure that the terrorists are killed without fail. 】

[Yes, thank you for your concern. It is an honor for the three of them. 】

[Yes, the United States of Sahelta is supreme. 】

[Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to pay attention to this matter. I wish you a good night, Mr. President. 】


The bald old man let out a sigh of relief as the receiver was put back on the phone.

The deputy handed over the handkerchief: "Is it difficult to deal with?"

"Even if Jordan used the 'idler's red card', 22 people were still dead and 137 injured. This was an extremely serious 'terrorist attack' for the United States of Sahelta. Naturally, the president had to speak in unison with the S.S.A."

The old man took the handkerchief and wiped the sweat on his head:

"Fortunately, Dooku was decisive enough and used the 'Gravitational Rainbow' in the maximum power mode to blow up the entire Jasmine neighborhood to smithereens. This not only prevented the target from escaping, but also gave him an excuse to frame the Guganyu Kingdom. Tomorrow morning at the latest, the President will We will personally hold a press conference to explain the matter."

"As expected of Director Munk, everything is according to your plan." The deputy flattered him.

The old man waved his hand: "It's everyone's credit. You've worked hard too. Go get some rest early."

"It's your hard work. Go slowly." The deputy bowed slightly.

Grabbing the suit jacket that was hung on the chair, the old man walked out of the S.S.A headquarters building at a leisurely pace. A special bulletproof government vehicle had been waiting for a long time.

There was light outside the window, but there was silence inside the car. The driver wore sunglasses even at night and drove the vehicle without saying a word.

Mangke, on the other hand, sat in the back row with his arms folded and his eyes closed to relax.

Twenty minutes later, Mangke opened his eyes due to the sudden feeling while parking the car.

Standing in front of the gate of my villa, I looked up at the night sky. The stars had been obscured by dense clouds, and the wind was a bit fast and mixed with water vapor.

"It's raining at this time? It's really rare..."

Director Munk shook his head, took out the key and opened the door.

The lights in the home are warm orange, which is the color Mang Ke specially asked his wife to choose. He is used to intrigues and incredibly dark inside stories. Only the warmth of home can make Mang Ke relax.

But there was only an orange-yellow light on the corridor as soon as you entered, and no light could be seen in the direction of the living room and stairs further inside.

Mang Ke raised his wrist and looked at it. Did you go to bed at 10 o'clock? That's all, don't wake them up.

Munk neatly stacked his expensive leather shoes on the shoe rack and hung his coat on the hanger at the door. Then he walked to the kitchen wearing slippers and loosening his tie.

I was so hungry that I remembered that there was still uneaten cheese, sauerkraut, sausage pizza and half a bowl of mashed potato salad in the refrigerator from yesterday. I hope my wife and little daughter didn't eat them all.

Opening the refrigerator door, the pizza and potted salad were completely covered with plastic wrap and lying quietly in the refrigerator.

Looking down, there is another food box wrapped in oil paper and wrapped in layers of plastic wrap, with a 'surprise' sticker on the surface.


Mangke raised his eyebrows. What surprises could an old couple have? Really... Mumbling, but feeling very sweet in his heart, Mangk began to unpack the food box.

The more I opened it, the more sweet smell came out of the package.

This taste is very familiar to Munk. It is his favorite Blue Mickey Cream. Amy knows herself very well. She is really lucky to have such a wife...

The hand that opened the package stopped.

What caught the eye was a half-part human hand lying quietly in the center of the oil paper. The surface of the skin was slightly wrinkled but appeared to be well-maintained. A large amount of Blue Miji cream was carefully applied to the broken part, and there was a diamond ring on the ring finger.

That was the wedding diamond ring that Munk put on his wife Amy when they got married.

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