A foreigner's journey

Chapter 263 Gift

Mang Ke's face turned pale, and his trembling fingers rested on the severed hand in the oil paper bag.

The skin was stiff and cold, but the touch gave back a feedback signal that Mang Ke was all too familiar with - this was the severed hand of his wife who had always been with him.

At this time, he found a note underneath his severed hand.

[There is a bigger surprise on the second floor]


Munk immediately took out a well-maintained pistol from the hidden corner of the cupboard and pressed the mini alarm specially designed for the S.S.A director he carried with him.

From the weight of the pistol when he held it, he could tell that there were at least 7 bullets left. Munk gently took off his slippers and hid his figure in the darkness while moving slowly and cautiously with the gun in his hand.

He was originally a senior intelligence agent of the S.S.A. Over the years, even though he became the director of the S.S.A. and held a high position, he has not lost any of the training he should have, and he is also extremely familiar with the routines of telekinesis users.

Since there is no accident in the darkness, you can temporarily rule out that the other party's ability is related to triggering the 'dark' condition, and then the 'sound'. Try to avoid making sounds to prevent the other party from judging your location based on the sound and launching a targeted attack.

In addition, it is best not to rely on walls. For ordinary people, walls may be a good shield and cover, but for people with telekinesis, walls are no different from paper.

The pistol and ammunition in his hand are all high-end goods made by "artisans". Even a B-level person with enhanced telekinesis ability cannot stop a bullet within 15 meters.

It is not his style to sit still and wait for death. A large number of reinforcements will arrive no later than 3 minutes after pressing the alarm. Before that, since the other party wants to play a game of cat and mouse, then he will play with him.

Step by step up the stairs, Munk reached the second floor with his pistol raised.

The master bedroom is empty.

Guest room, no one.

My little daughter’s bedroom…

Mang Ke hid in the darkness outside the door, only sticking out his right hand. He was observing his little daughter's bedroom through the reflection of the mirror on his wrist watch.

Although the lights are not turned on in the bedroom, which is full of trendy decoration, the scene in the bedroom can be seen through the moonlight because the curtains are opened.

The youngest daughter Maggie, who was only 14 years old, lay on the soft single bed and fell into a deep sleep. The moonlight shone on her slightly childish quilt and the poster of a muscular star on the bedside.

Also bathed in the moonlight were neatly stacked large and small gift boxes on the floor, each with a 'surprise' sticker on it.

A strange figure is sitting in front of the window. Because his back is to the moonlight, he can't see the person's face clearly. He can only barely make out that the person is sitting elegantly on his little daughter's computer chair with his legs crossed and his hands crossed. On her upturned knees, the chair faced the bedroom door.

The muzzle of the black hole was quietly aimed at the dark figure sitting in front of the window.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One of the three shots hit the forehead directly, and the other two shots hit both sides of the chest to avoid a narrow escape from cardiac ectopy.

The bullet penetrated the body without any hindrance, and then penetrated the glass window behind him.

Mangke stuck his head out to confirm that the black figure was indeed dead, and then slowly walked into the room holding a pistol.

He must quickly wake up his youngest daughter Maggie and leave here immediately to join the reinforcements. As long as there are corpses, the S.S.A will always have a way to follow the clues to find out who kidnapped his wife and which country the forces behind them belong to.

But as soon as he touched his little daughter's ankle, the sleeping 14-year-old girl disappeared like a dream, and the bed was empty.

Bubble dummy? Is the telepathy ability of ‘Hummingbird’ Missis a ‘false bubble’?

Mang Ke was horrified. He raised his pistol and pointed it at the corpse that was motionless even though the head was pierced. He tremblingly took out his cell phone and turned on the flashlight that came with it.

Sitting on the chair was his wife, Amy.

Her whole body was stiff, her tears, saliva, fear, and struggle merged onto her face, finally condensing into a twisted and desperate picture. Her forehead and chest were punched out by high-powered bullets. Because her clothes were padded with cloth, Mangke couldn't recognize the person next to her pillow for a moment. Outline.

The strangest thing is that his wife Amy’s right hand is intact.

Then whose hands are those in the refrigerator downstairs?

Where has my little daughter Maggie gone? ?

Mangke took a step back, making a splat sound as if he was stepping into a pool of sticky water.

Looking down, I saw that the floor had been covered in dark liquid at some point, and the source of the liquid was those neatly stacked gift boxes.


Mang Ke desperately stretched out his trembling hands toward the gift boxes, but he didn't dare to open them.

[The light of joy shines on the earth and holy angels create miracles...]

At this moment, a familiar cell phone ringtone suddenly came from the pocket of his wife Amy’s jacket. It was Amy’s cell phone!

I took out my phone and saw that the number displayed was unknown.


[Good evening~ Director Munk, do you like the ‘surprise’ I gave you? 】

"Who are you?"

[Tsk, tsk, tsk, what an old-fashioned reaction. In fact, you can ask more advanced questions, such as - 'Where is Maggie'? 】

"...Where is Maggie?"

[Self-deceptive question, look down at those gift boxes. If you are lucky, you can find Miss Maggie’s head when you open the first box~]

"Asshole!! Who are you! Why are you targeting my family! They are innocent! Come at me if you have anything!"

[Oh ho ho...'innocent'? 】

The voice coming from the mobile phone changed from joking to cold:

[Don’t you think these ways of dying are familiar? After Rhoda Kingdom's daughter and son-in-law were tortured in every possible way by you, one was quartered alive and the other was randomly shot to death in front of their daughter. Then you gave Rhoda Kingdom a pistol with only one bullet. He chose to commit suicide or give his granddaughter a happy life. Do you remember his choice? 】

"Are you trying to avenge Roda Jindom? I guarantee you that you will die ten thousand more painfully than him..."

Munk's angry roar stopped because he heard a familiar cry from his cell phone.

"You, what did you do to my son? Bastard! Let him go! Let Ike go!!" Mangke grabbed the phone and let out a sobbing cry.

[To answer my previous question, do you still remember Rhoda Kingdom’s choice at that time? 】

"... He, he chose to end his granddaughter's life and bear all this torture himself. Listen to me, you really don't have to do this. Rhoda Kingdom is dead. We can have a good talk..."

【Then what? Speak, tell the final fate of Rhoda Jindom. 】

"Please, please...let him go..." Mangke begged, but then he heard a miserable scream from his mobile phone, followed by the sound of an object hitting the ground. Listen to this sound, it's either an 'arm' or a 'calf'.

【explain. 】

Munk collapsed and screamed: "The bullets in that pistol are special! They are corrosive bullets made by craftsmen! Roda Kingdom watched his granddaughter slowly rotting in the screams, which was enough. Thirty minutes! Then they burned Rodakindom to death with a flamethrower! Those were orders from above, not my hands! Please let him go! My son knows nothing! He is innocent of!"

[Then, it’s your turn to choose. ‘Burn alive’ or ‘rot to death’, you choose one, and the other one belongs to your son. Come on, choose. 】

"Please don't do this...really, you really don't have to do this!"

Mangke prayed desperately, but there was still no sign of the expected reinforcements. Another sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came from the phone, and his son's screams echoed in his ears.

[We can play like this all night. Have you seen Mrs. Amy’s hands? As long as I want, I can cut off Mr. Ike's flesh and let him grow back at the same time. I call this game "Lingchi". Oh, by the way, don't wait for those reinforcements, they won't come. 】

"...You can't compete with the entire country! This is V5! This is the United States of Sahelta! You will not end well!" Munk roared at the end like a trapped animal in dire straits.

【……Yeah? Then you should have a good experience in hell. 】

The voice sounded behind Mang Ke. When he looked back, all he saw was the overwhelming blazing flames and a calm voice:

"Watch in hell as I completely destroy this country."

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